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Kissed by a Carrington

Page 9

by Linda Hudson-Smith

  Kelly kissed Tilley’s cheek. “We’re building a friendship,” Kelly said softly. “He was kind enough to offer himself as my escort for this evening. Wish there was more to tell you, but there isn’t. No hot romance to speak about.”

  “Nothing wrong with friendships, but I think there’s more to it. I saw the way he looks at you. That gorgeous devil has more than just friendship on his mind.”

  Kelly giggled. “You are so headed in the wrong direction. Houston isn’t the committing type. He leads a carefree life, one that doesn’t include exclusive dating.”

  Tilley gave a low harrumph. “Tell me that a couple of months from now. Maybe I’ll believe it then. His lips are saying one thing, but his eyes say something else. It might only be lust, but he definitely has a thing for you.”

  Holding in her laughter, Kelly directed her attention toward the stage. “It looks like the program is about to begin.”

  Tilley reached up and patted Joseph’s shoulder. “Tune it down,” she whispered. “They’re about to start.”

  Houston laughed inwardly at how quickly Joseph obeyed. He had instantly grown mum. Tilley apparently yielded clout. Had she lectured Kelly on how to handle men and how to gain the upper hand? He was willing to bet the next season on it.

  The master of ceremonies, a tall, ruggedly handsome gentleman wearing traditional tux and tails, opened the festivities with an enthusiastic welcome. Had there been no microphone, his voice still would’ve boomed. He acknowledged distinguished visitors, then introduced Carolyn and Jared, and smiled at the honored couple.

  Kelly was surprised to see her parents already seated since she hadn’t seen them enter the room. But they had to have seen her, she thought. Yet the honorees hadn’t stopped by to say hello to their only child or to Tilley and Joseph.

  Why send invitations if they had no intentions of acknowledging them? Kelly burned internally, her stomach feeling like a raging fire pit.

  Tilley sensed Kelly’s despondency, felt her agony. She rubbed the back of the young woman’s hand to try and soothe her rattled nerves. Tilley knew the girl she loved like a daughter was still much too sensitive for her own good. The look on Kelly’s face revealed the pain she felt inside her heart. She’d always worn her heartache overtly.

  The Charlestons loved Kelly very much, but Tilley knew they weren’t the kind of parents who openly expressed their feelings. She suspected them of not knowing how to show love to their child despite deep feelings for her. Kelly had hung out with a few close girlfriends and a couple of cousins, but she was happier operating as a loner. That she spent a good bit of time alone saddened both Tilley and Joseph.

  As though Houston felt whatever Kelly was feeling, he took hold of her hand. “It’ll be all right. Hang on tight. I’m here for you,” he whispered. “You’re not alone.”

  Houston was there, lifting her spirit higher than it’d ever risen before. Kelly found deep comfort in his sincere remarks. She liked how her small hand didn’t feel totally lost in his much larger one. The warmth of his tenderness felt intimate to her.

  How did Houston know she felt alone? Kelly had to wonder.

  His comment had been said with conviction, as if he knew it to be a fact. Her facial expressions often gave her away, but she hadn’t known her inner turmoil was showing. Darkness no longer threatened to engulf her as she turned her attention back to the emcee, listening closely to everything said about her parents’ stellar careers.

  Kelly’s vulnerable appearance concerned Houston. The melancholy look in her eyes was heartrending. He tilted his head until it rested against Kelly’s, like it was the most natural thing to do. His fingers gently squeezing her hand ignited tranquility and security inside her. The slight tremors in her hand confirmed her vulnerable state for him.

  Scared to move a muscle for fear of separation, Kelly just sat there, staring up at the stage, though she could no longer tune in to what was said. The slight but steady pressure of his long fingers generated enough heat to melt her insides, stirring up her heart in ways she’d never dreamed of.

  The announcement that dinner was about to be served allowed Kelly to redirect her attention to something other than how good Houston made her feel.

  Crisp salads and hot rolls were served before the main entrée of chicken cordon bleu, fluffed sweet potatoes and steamed fresh green beans. Ice water and tea were at each place setting, accompanied by small plates of lemon wedges.

  After eating, Kelly worked hard to concentrate on the onstage activities when her mother and father’s names were enthusiastically announced by the emcee, who resumed his duties at the podium. The gentleman gave a condensed but powerful bio on the successful surgeons before relating their extensive contributions to health services in the Houston communities.

  “I now present to you Doctors Carolyn and Jared Charleston!”

  Dressed in fashionable formal attire, the mid-fifties couple was striking. Carolyn had a slender figure and was slightly taller than Kelly’s five foot seven. Salt-and-pepper in color, the short, layered haircut was a good style for her. Well over six feet tall, Jared was handsome and debonair. His wavy hair also had gray mixed in.

  Carolyn and Jared held hands as they came onstage to give brief yet meaningful comments. The emcee shook Jared’s hand and warmly hugged Carolyn, then spoke words of encouragement and deep gratitude to each for their lifetime medical services.

  Jared looked out over the capacity-filled ballroom. He then acknowledged the awards committee and several of his colleagues. “Thank you for bestowing such a prestigious honor on us,” Jared Charleston said, his words ringing with deep sincerity. “We are so grateful to each of you. The countless roads we’ve traveled were not always paved, but ours has been an awesome journey, one that many of you made possible.”

  Carolyn took the microphone. “It is not every day you receive a lifetime achievement award from your constituents and the people you’ve served. We are honored and grateful that we’ve impacted others in such a positive way. The people of Houston, Texas, mean so much to us. We are glad to be of service. As long as there is breath in us, Jared and I will continue to find ways to serve the people and the communities we love so very much. We are blessed.”

  “Thanks to all of you all,” Jared and Carolyn said simultaneously.

  Once the loud applause died down, Jared pointed out into the audience. “We’d also like to thank our lovely daughter, Dr. Kelly Charleston, for sharing in this great celebration. Many of you have watched her grow up from a tiny tot to become an amazing young lady. We are so proud that she follows in our medical footsteps. We love her very much. Kelly, please stand and take a bow.”

  Stunned by her father’s praise, Kelly had mixed emotions over his comments. On wobbly legs, she stood and bowed from the waist. Her heart was racing and her palms felt sweaty. Her dad referring to her as amazing tugged hard on her heartstrings. Hearing him telling everyone present how proud he was of her had her fighting back tears. If only he could tell her these things in private, rather than in front of an audience. It would’ve had a greater impact. However, she believed his remarks had truly come from his heart.

  “Isn’t she beautiful?” Carolyn asked. “Keep your eyes on her. She’s also doing remarkable things in community service. Our Kelly is an orthopedic surgeon.”

  Although Kelly would’ve preferred the guillotine to enduring this sham of a family reunion, she smiled warmly. Her mother calling her beautiful had only occurred when she was a small child, but it made her feel good to hear it now. Her remarks about her involvement in the community touched her. Carolyn finally acknowledging her as an orthopedic surgeon caused her eyes to fill with tears.

  Kelly’s heart had begun to soften toward the two people she loved the most.

  “Thank you, Mom and Dad. Congratulations on your dedication and service to the communities you love! There’s no one more deserving of this prestigious award than you are!” She quickly reclaimed her seat and swiped away her tears.
br />   Kelly had meant every word of what she’d said about her parents’ professional accomplishments, but she wished she could say the same about their parenting roles.

  Houston squeezed Kelly’s fingers again. Knowing what a hard time she’d had in getting through her comments, he was proud of her. Her expressions had been somewhat revealing to him and her hands still trembled.

  Carolyn and Jared spoke to several of their colleagues and other guests before making their way over to Kelly’s table. The couple embraced Tilley and Joseph affectionately, fussing over the elderly couple they’d relied on so much in years past.

  The Roses basked in the loving attention from their past employers.

  Looking rather reserved, Carolyn stood back, watching as her husband greeted their only child. It disturbed her that Kelly didn’t look like she was happy to be there.

  Jared brought Kelly to her feet, hugging her tightly, kissing each of her temples. His smoky-gray eyes drank in his daughter’s lovely appearance. “I’m glad you came, love. I can’t tell you what it means to us to have you here.”

  Looking dazed, Kelly just stood there. Then suddenly she made direct eye contact with her father. “I’m glad I was able to attend, too. I’m very proud of you both.”

  Houston wished he had a magic wand to cast over Kelly. The clear unhappiness she felt over the situation with her parents came through in spades. The resentment she felt was palpable, and she was totally estranged from them. According to what she’d told him, she saw her mom and dad on rare occasions, and only if they initiated contact. She never called them to extend any sort of social invite.

  Carolyn finally stepped forward, taking hold of her daughter’s hand. “Hello, Kelly. I’m so happy to see you. Your presence means a lot to Dad and me.”

  Unable to connect with her mother’s hazel gaze, Kelly looked down at the floor instead. She had to attempt to take control of the situation to try and alleviate the awkwardness. Forgiveness was crucial, but her heart still felt bruised.

  Finally, Kelly embraced her mother, trying desperately to put away the hard feelings. “Hello, Mom. You look remarkable! I’m really proud of your accomplishments. As I said to Daddy, I’m glad I could make it.”

  Kelly was acutely aware that she held her mother far more accountable for the frequent absences in her youth than she did her father. Mothers were born nurturers, though many males now filled that role. As much as she wanted to continue blaming her parents for how unwanted she felt back then, it was time for her to grow up and shelve past issues and stinging hurts. Kelly knew it was easier said than done.

  Everything was at a quiet standstill again. Then Jared spotted Houston.

  Jared’s eyes widened with disbelief. “I can’t believe it,” he said, taking a closer look. “Are my eyes deceiving me? Aren’t you Houston Carrington?”

  Extending his hand to Jared, Houston stood. “The one and only, sir. Congratulations on the achievement award!” Houston’s smile encompassed both parents.

  Jared looked back and forth between the younger couple. “Why haven’t we met your young man before now?” Jared asked. “You, of all people, young lady, know what a fanatic I am when it comes to the Cyclones and the Carringtons. This is a nice surprise.”

  Embarrassed by her father’s reaction, Kelly wished she could disappear into thin air. “Houston and I are friends. He offered to escort me here this evening and I accepted. I’m also under contract with the Cyclone organization as a team physician.”

  Jared was obviously astounded by Kelly’s news. Disappointment also flared in his eyes. “Why aren’t we aware of any of this, Kelly? Working with the Cyclone franchise is a huge accomplishment. When did all these wonderful blessings come your way?”

  Kelly shuffled her feet. “I only recently signed the contract. I planned to tell you once I landed the job, but my schedule got crazy. You both know how it is not to have enough hours in the day. So many things have a way of coming up unexpectedly. Before you know it, the day is gone.” Kelly’s remarks were sharp and to the point.

  Carolyn knew her daughter’s remarks were aimed at them. Her reference to the lack of time had been clear. It seemed as if Kelly wasn’t ever going to forgive past mistakes. “It looks like we’re not the only ones to be congratulated.” She hugged her daughter. “Congratulations.” Carolyn turned to Houston. “So nice to meet you, Mr. Carrington. I’ve heard and read a lot of positive things about you and your family.”

  Houston smiled broadly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, too, ma’am. And please, feel free to call me Houston.”

  “We’ll remember that,” Carolyn responded. “I hope we’ll get to spend some time with you and Kelly real soon. We’d love to have you two over one evening.”

  “Sounds like a good time to me,” Houston replied. “Thanks for the invite.”

  Kelly shot Houston a killer glance. If she had her way, this was the only social engagement they’d ever indulge in. A quiet evening for four was out of the question.

  Houston instantly analyzed the evil look Kelly had cast his way. She probably felt he had interfered in personal family matters, but that hadn’t been the case. It would’ve been rude not to respond at all. He quickly dismissed the idea of discussing the matter with her later. If she didn’t bring up the subject, neither would he. The atmosphere was already charged with enough TNT to blow the hotel to smithereens.

  Kelly felt horrible about how she’d scolded Houston with a wicked glance. None of this was on him. He looked as if a bout of sadness had paid him an unexpected visit. In her desire to smooth things over, she leaned closer to him, smiling softly. “Are you having as good a time as me?”

  Happy over her change in mood, though doubtful about her comment of having a good time, Houston smiled back. “I’m really enjoying myself.”

  “Why don’t we all sit down and have a drink,” Jared suggested.

  Once everyone was seated, Kelly quickly struck up a conversation, hoping the others would soon join in. She felt totally responsible for this awkward situation and she desperately wanted to defuse it. Houston seemed pleased by the change in her attitude. The nod of approval from Mama Tilley let her know she had done the right thing. Joseph’s warm smile helped to boost Kelly’s confidence and lift her spirit.

  Houston loaded Jennifer Hudson’s disc into a slot on the CD changer. She was one of Kelly’s favorite female artists. As the R & B music floated into the car, he looked over at her. The smile she gave him let him know he’d pleased her.

  His hand found his way to her thigh, where he rested it as he drove on. He liked touching her and loved it when she laid hands on him. Her fingers and hands were very expressive. Her touch spoke to him in a language he enjoyed. Interpreting the meaning was a pleasurable task.

  Kelly felt as if the skin on her thigh was melting beneath the gown she wore. Houston’s hands never failed to heat her through and through. One look, one touch, one kiss from him could send her into orbit. His look was sensuous, his touch fiery and his kiss incomparable. But he was either unable or unwilling to commit to anyone. She knew he cared about her, but she wanted to receive more than care. Kelly hoped for his unconditional love, but she doubted it would ever happen.

  Just to be incorrigible, Kelly pressed in the number to the song Jennifer sang in Dreamgirls, the one originally recorded by Jennifer Holliday, “And I Am Telling You I’m Not Going.” It was her favorite cut.

  Ignoring Kelly’s orbs boring into him like a hot poker, Houston kept his eyes on the winding road. Even though he knew the song by heart, he still listened to every word Jennifer sang. The plain-as-English lyrics went without saying. He clearly received the message Kelly sent. How could he not?

  Houston applied gentle pressure to Kelly’s thigh. “I’ve never been good at denying the truth, even to spare someone’s feelings.” He briefly looked into her eyes, wishing he was in a position to pull her in close to him. “You already know me as well as anyone outside my family circle. I’ve been open
and honest with you from day one. We’ve discussed the person I am on the inside and out and why I’m that way.”

  Kelly nodded. “I’m aware of all that, Houston. You’re saying it to say what?”

  “Maybe I don’t have the right to ask you this, but here goes.” He reached over and traced her lips with his finger. “Can you give me a little time to figure this all out? I thought I’d already nailed down the lifestyle that best suited me—footloose and fancy free. That is, until you came into my life. I’m no longer sure what’s what anymore. I love being in your company and I want to continue seeing you.”

  To say Kelly appeared stunned wasn’t a strong enough depiction. She looked over at him, fighting off the urge to feel his forehead to try and gauge his temperature. “Is that really what you want me to do or is it just one of your fancy behind-the-back passes?”

  Houston had to laugh at her basketball jargon. “I’m not the quarterback in the family, but Austin would call it a forward pass. I believe that description fits best. Are you open to catch the pass?”

  Kelly hid her shock this time, yet she still wondered if he was ill. “I’ll do my best not to cause a turnover.”

  “Thank you.” Thinking he’d said enough for now, he took Kelly’s hand and laid it upon his thigh. “I’ll have you home in a few minutes.”

  Thinking of all the countless hours she’d spent alone, crying and wishing her parents loved her like she needed to be loved, Kelly made the decision to try to be more patient with Houston, no matter how much patience was required. She had to admit they’d been good for each other. Their friendship was growing, but Kelly couldn’t ignore her desire for much more. Whether she’d get it or not was anyone’s guess. Houston was always respectful to her and too darn sweet and charismatic for words. Frequent absences from him, should they occur, would hurt Kelly to her heart.

  Was Houston Carrington worth her effort and energy?

  Kelly was pretty sure he was all that and more. Perhaps Houston just didn’t know what his own worth was to a woman. She didn’t mind taking time to show him.


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