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Kissed by a Carrington

Page 10

by Linda Hudson-Smith

  Houston placed his hand over Kelly’s. “I know of a coffee shop where they play live jazz up until 2:00 a.m. Interested in stopping by for a cup of brew?”

  “Clayton’s Coffee House off the 45 South?”

  Houston grinned. “We do frequent some of the same haunts. Is that a yes?”

  “Most definitely.”

  The first sip of hot coffee warmed Kelly as it went down. “Clayton’s makes great coffee. It’s delicious and robust. I hear they create their own blends.”

  “It’s true. My parents are longtime friends of Madge and Jerome Clayton. My brothers and I went to the same schools as their son and daughter. What’s so interesting is that Michael and Michelle Clayton are twins.”

  Before Kelly could respond, a pen and paper was thrust into Houston’s hand. “May I please have your autograph?” the young woman asked. “No one’s going to believe I actually met you in the flesh, not without proof.”

  Houston smiled up at the lady. “Maybe the autograph will convince them.”

  “I’m sure it will,” she enthused excitedly. Without giving Houston a clue, she bent her head and kissed him gently on the cheek. “Keep scoring all those points. You sure have scored enough with me. I don’t miss a single televised game.”

  Houston noticed the line of adoring fans awaiting his attention as he lifted his head. Shrugging, he gave Kelly an amused look. He would never snub the people who supported him. He didn’t care whether they paid big bucks to come see him run up and down the hardwood or if they only watched his performances on television.

  Kelly looked as if she understood, but Houston wasn’t really sure. Whatever she felt about it, he had to do this. He was sure she’d never leave a patient unattended.

  For the next twenty minutes, Houston signed autographs and happily posed with those interested in a picture with him. Questions came from everywhere and he took time to answer the ones he could. “Will you come home with me tonight?” didn’t get any kind of response. Houston was good at dodging certain bullets and keeping folks in line. He did have boundaries and he didn’t mind enforcing them when fans got out of hand.

  As the last autograph was penned, he turned to face Kelly. “You see how crazy it can get for athletes? I hope you weren’t offended.”

  Kelly grinned. “Not in the least. You are in popular demand. It’d take a strong woman to compete with all the female adoration you get. The guys were thrilled to meet you, yet the ladies with the raging hormones were ready to take you home.”

  “You heard that, huh? I don’t encourage that kind of behavior. For the most part, my fans are respectful. But I do have to admit this was mild to what it’s usually like.”

  Kelly scowled. “If it gets worse than this, I feel for you, Austin and Dallas.”

  “Save the empathy. We handle things okay. I don’t know of anyone who doesn’t want to be shown appreciation for what they do. The Carrington triplets are no different.”

  Kelly nodded her understanding. “It makes sense. My patients also show their appreciation for me. I get more sweet gifts than you can imagine. Many are homemade in the form of cakes, pies, flower arrangements and knitted or crocheted items. I’m grateful for every loving gesture.”

  For the next several minutes, the couple sat in silence, savoring the taste of hot coffee. Kelly reflected back on the entire evening while Houston thought about where this relationship was headed. He was definitely navigating in uncharted waters.

  What made Kelly different from any other woman he’d come into contact with? What did she possess that made him want to see her again and again?

  Houston didn’t know the answers but he was interested in digging as deep as he had to in an attempt to unearth them. This woman really challenged his way of thinking. He couldn’t believe he’d suggested coming in and visiting for a while when they got back to her home. But he simply was not ready for this spectacular date to end.

  Houston’s heart had rejoiced when Kelly had welcomed his suggestion.

  Back at her house for another nightcap. Kelly came back into her family room, carrying a metal tray laden with napkins, a plate of oatmeal-raisin cookies, two teacups, a carafe of hot tea and condiments. Houston rushed over and took the heavy tray from her hands, setting it down on the thick woven mat she’d placed on the marble table before heading into her kitchen.

  Houston grinned as he sat back down. “That was quick. I missed you.”

  “Missed you, too. Sugar only, right?”

  “Right. You fix mine and I’ll fix yours. Two Splendas, right?”

  Kelly laughed. “You got it.” This was one of many things he did that got to her.

  Houston and Kelly had only had one cup of coffee at Clayton’s. When they’d arrived at her home, he’d asked if he could come in for a cup of tea. She had paid close attention to how he’d taken his hot drink.

  The couple drank their tea while listening to an R & B CD featuring a variety of singing artists.

  “The cookies look tempting, Kelly, but I ate too much dessert at the hotel.” He slipped his arm around her. “Perhaps there’s something else sweet I can taste, without the worry of gaining weight.”

  Kelly giggled. “And what’s that?”

  Squeezing Kelly’s shoulders, Houston chuckled. “Let’s play a little show…and promise not to tell.”

  Kelly desperately wanted Houston to taste every part of her. She didn’t like self-imposed limitations, but she had to respect his or move on. They both had options. Going to bed after he left and wanting him like crazy had her reluctant to let him show her anything. If he ever did make love to her, she’d want to tell the world by hiring a pilot to write it boldly across the skies. She had already had an abundance of dreams of the two of them making wild, passionate love.

  His mouth came down on hers and her train of thought instantly went off the tracks.

  Houston’s kisses were getting hotter and hotter by the second, his tongue sweetly entwining with hers. It was sizzling up in her family room and she was sure her ears produced steam. She’d never had anyone kiss her this passionately. These kind of mouth-numbing kisses only happened in her fantasies.

  Kelly had never experienced anything as hot as his mouth devouring hers. Her lips already felt swollen. At this point, she didn’t care if they swelled to bursting. She didn’t even want to come up for air. This Carrington triplet, the last born, was killing her softly, doing his best to show her what he suggested they promise not to tell.

  Houston’s hands roving over her flesh felt as if they were incinerating Kelly’s skin right through her dress. This man definitely made it hard to think clearly and nearly impossible to remain in control. She didn’t have the strength or desire to resist him if he wanted all of her. If it was his desire to put her out of her misery, she wished he’d hurry up. Kelly’s entire body felt like an inferno. This was the furthest he’d taken intimacy. Was he just caught up in the heat of the moment? This was a pleasant and hotly delicious surprise for Kelly, but she feared it’d end before long.

  His breathing totally out of control, Houston held Kelly away from him, looking deeply into her sable-brown eyes. “Before this goes any further, before we do what we both seem to want desperately, you know who I am. You know my take on relationships. What I feel for you is deeper than I can adequately express, but commitment is still an issue for me. Can you accept me just as I am? I don’t want any regrets for either of us.”

  Staring at Houston like he was a perfect stranger, Kelly forcefully pushed him away from her. Jumping up from the sofa, she put a good bit of distance between them. The desire to slug him hard on the jaw had her hands twitching.

  How dare he set her body on fire, only to douse the flames with cold indecision?

  “Houston, you’d better up and disappear before I do something regrettable. You romance me, seduce me, then you pull back and make your little speech. Don’t you think it’s unfair to do that to me? You’ve been fanning the flames of my desire since our firs
t outing, but this time you’ve nearly taken it to full-blown foreplay. Please!”

  Wishing he could vanish without walking out Kelly’s front door, Houston ran agitated fingers through his hair. He could plainly see he’d hurt her. It hadn’t been his intent. Her eyes also revealed deep anger. Kelly was the last person he wanted to harm.

  Trembling with outrage, Kelly glared at Houston. To her, he seemed clueless about how badly he’d injured her feelings. “You know something, Houston. I won’t give you permission to run in and out of my life. There’ll be no series of dates, only to not hear from you for long periods. You can’t come knocking on my door again after casting me aside at will. I won’t accept disrespect from you or from any man.”

  Purely frustrated, Houston shook his head from side to side. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to continuously mess up with you.” He suddenly looked vulnerable, as if he might break down emotionally. “Have you ever been terrified of something you clearly don’t understand? Has fear ever gotten a stranglehold on you, making it impossible for you to free yourself? Have you ever wanted someone so bad it hurts?”

  Kelly was stunned by Houston’s questions. She gave it a minute of thought, unable to keep from including thoughts of her parents. It was all too clear, all too real. She’d had numerous fears in her lifetime. However, she’d always identified them and tried to face each one head-on. Getting through medical school had been a constant, nerve-racking battle. Kelly had eventually conquered one of the biggest trepidations of all time—unmitigated fear of failure. But she still hadn’t conquered the fear of being left alone.

  “I’ve had plenty of fears, Houston. But what does it have to do with us?”

  “Everything, Kelly.” Feeling totally out of his depth, Houston clenched and unclenched his fists. Talking about his fears wasn’t something he’d ever gotten deeply into—and never with a woman. His brothers knew he ran scared all the time and that commitment was his archenemy. Even as close as they were, he’d never let Austin and Dallas know how deep his fears ran.

  Sighing with discontent, Houston rested his head against the sofa’s back. “Would it help to know I’ve never involved myself with anyone like I have with you? Would you feel better if you knew I really care deeply for you, that I don’t see you as someone I can play with, disrespect…and then just toss aside? I don’t think of any woman that way. I have endless respect for females. I love spending time with you and I love how you make me feel inside and out. But this is brand-new for me, Kelly. I’m just plain scared. Scared of all a relationship entails. The openness, the vulnerability…and of falling in love only to have the road trip turn a loving relationship into constant arguments and distrust over the amount of time I’m away from home.”

  Houston’s comments did help Kelly, tremendously. His showing his vulnerable side was a total surprise to her. Well, maybe not. His sensitivity was one of the reasons she’d fallen for him. Although he hadn’t told her how much he cared for her, he had confessed to caring. The way he made her feel inside would keep her door open to him. The chief complaint about Houston was his failure to give her any future hope for them, yet she’d known that from the beginning. He had never handed out false hopes.

  Kelly sat back down next to Houston, resting her head on his broad shoulder. “I appreciate what you said. Thanks for saying you respect me and that you care. It means a lot.” She sighed hard. “We should call it a night. We’re both pretty worked up. A good night’s rest should help ease the fiery tension. Cool with you?”

  “I can live with it.” He took both her hands in his. “I’m really trying, Kelly. I need you to understand that. You’re too important for me not to try and get this right.”

  Kelly didn’t comment but his remarks deeply affected her. However, the meaning over Houston’s interest in trying puzzled her.

  What was he trying to get right? What had he meant by that?

  She wouldn’t think of asking him to define his statements. Until Houston actually said he wanted to work on having a romantic relationship with her, she shouldn’t try to read anything into his comments. She wasn’t looking for him to further explain his ideology. He’d already been quite clear about who he was and how he operated.

  Kelly prayed for irrefutable action from one Houston Carrington, actions she could interpret to mean he desired her, only her, just the same as she did him.

  Chapter 7

  Desiring to look his very best, Houston set out to dress up like the million-dollar man he was. He wanted Kelly to be proud of him in front of her colleagues and staff when he surprised her by showing up to take her out to lunch.

  Removing a lightweight tan suit and a chocolate-brown silk shirt from his closet, he matched it with a multicolored silk tie. After picking out a pair of brown Italian loafers from the built-in shoe rack in the walk-in closet, which held numerous other pairs of footwear in various styles, Houston set them beside the leather bench in front of his bed.

  Houston suddenly looked worried. When had it become so important for him to care about what Kelly thought of him and how she viewed him? No one had any idea how often she came to mind and how much space she occupied inside his head. His brothers would be stunned to know he’d let someone get into his blood this way.

  Something had to give. Or perhaps it was time for him to give in to his ever-growing feelings and his constant need for Kelly.

  Disappointed that Kelly wasn’t in her office, Houston rapidly made his way to the large eatery located only a couple of blocks from where she worked. Her receptionist had willingly volunteered to him her boss’s whereabouts. Kelly’s favorite diner specialized in down-home Southern cooked meals and was her boss’s favorite place to take lunch.

  Thinking about the all-too-familiar reactions from the staff at Kelly’s office, Houston laughed. If he were an egotistical ham, he would’ve sucked up the schoolgirl giggling, the buzzing whispers and admiring glances. It didn’t matter how many times the power forward frequented a place or walked down a street, the wild, vocal reactions from those who recognized him as a professional basketball player were always the same.

  After straightening his tie, Houston smoothed a hand over his sable-brown curls. Strolling into the restaurant, he steeled himself for more of the same reactions like those of only minutes ago. The gestures were grand, but they also embarrassed him at times. Waving at folks who shouted out his name, he quickly made his way to the back of the diner. He was told Kelly had a favorite window booth in the rear.

  As Houston neared the area where Kelly was seated, he stopped dead in his tracks. The receptionist hadn’t told him Kelly was dining with someone, a striking male someone. He wished he had been informed, but there was a good possibility she hadn’t known about it. Dr. Charleston was a very private person. Whether to present himself or just walk away was the question of the day. Kelly hadn’t spotted him yet.

  Never one to shy away from anyone or anything, Houston proceeded toward the leather booth, his strides long and confident. As he reached his destination, Kelly suddenly looked up. The expression on her face was easy enough for Houston to read. He hoped she wouldn’t have to be rushed to the hospital for shock treatments.

  Without faltering, Houston slid into the booth next to Kelly, kissing her gently on the mouth. “So this is where you’re hiding out. Glad I found you.” Houston quickly introduced himself to her dining partner, extending his hand at the same time. For someone totally foreign to jealousy, Houston had a hard time keeping it at bay.

  “Lynton Washington, M.D,” the man said, taking hold of Houston’s hand in a firm shake. “Nice to meet you. You look familiar. Have we met somewhere before?”

  “I doubt it,” Kelly interjected, looking a bit dazed. “Houston is a member of the Texas Cyclones, our pro basketball team. He’s a superstar.” She hadn’t been able to keep out of her voice the pride she felt, but she saw how Houston wished she hadn’t gone there.

  Houston managed to smile at Kelly’s remarks, but he didn’t cons
ider himself anything akin to a superstar. A superskilled basketball player was more like it. He could definitely agree with that assessment. It was the fans who possessed the superstar, celebrity mentality, raising the popularity of sports figures to staggering heights.

  Acknowledgment flashed in Lynton’s eyes. “Houston Carrington, of course! Nice to meet you.” Lynton looked at Kelly. “You never told me he was a friend of yours. In fact, I’ve never heard you mention him, period.”

  Kelly thought she should ignore that sarcastic remark. “There are actually two more brothers who look just like Houston. Each of the Carringtons is a popular sports figure. Houston is a triplet. His brother Austin is the Texas Wranglers’ quarterback and Dallas plays pro baseball for the Texas Hurricanes.”

  “I know,” Lynton remarked. “I know all about the local heroes. What I didn’t know is that you make friends with the players you treat professionally.”

  Houston’s eyes narrowed. “Kelly and I are a little more than friends, Dr. Washington. We’re actually very close.”

  Kelly felt like slugging Houston again. The boy was seriously perpetrating—and he damn well knew it. How dare he delineate territorial rights on her without even knowing what her relationship was to Lynton?

  Houston Carrington was getting mighty nervy.

  “Do you and Kelly have some sort of history?” Houston had asked the question without compunction. “I’m afraid she hasn’t mentioned you, either.”

  Looking like she wanted to slide under the table and slither away, Kelly was mortified at both men’s rude, sarcastic comments.

  Lynton raised an eyebrow. “We have quite a history, a long one. We were in medical school at the same time, ran in the same crowds and loved the same extracurricular activities. We also had a pretty good personal relationship going for us….”

  “I noticed you said had,” Houston interrupted. “I take that to mean it’s over between you two.”

  Lynton sat back in his seat, stroking his chin thoughtfully. “If you’re as close to Kelly as you claim, you should know for sure,” Lynton responded in a matter-of-fact tone. “At any rate, Kelly and I will always be close.” Lynton got to his feet. “I was just leaving before you came in so please don’t think I’m running off on your account. I have another business appointment to make. Nice to make your acquaintance, Mr. Carrington.”


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