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Bolt From the Blue

Page 2

by Tania Sparks

  Fuck Eve, just call me okay. I’m freaking out here.

  This is not right. I throw a few things in an overnight bag and rush to get ready, sending Nikki a quick text to let him know I’m on my way. I call a taxi and head to the airport. I need to be there for her. If she’s not even answering my calls, she must be suffering. Once I get to the airport I rush inside and buy a ticket to New Jersey. I leave her one more message on her phone.

  Right, I’m hoping on a plane. I’ll be landing at just before ten. I’ll call you when I get there and you had better bloody well answer your god-damned phone Eve.

  I get on the plane. It’s the longest damned six hour flight ever. As soon as we land, I check my phone. There’s a message from Eve, thank god!

  She sounds completely deflated.

  Hey Trix, it’s me. I’ve checked into the Westin Jersey City and I’m in room 521. I’ll let the front desk know to expect you and give you a key. Please don’t tell anyone where I am. I’m devastated Trix and I really need you. Thanks so much for coming. I don’t know what I’d do without you. Bye.

  I try to call Eve again, but there’s no answer so I catch a taxi to her hotel. During the taxi ride I call Nikki and he tells me the full story of what happened between Ash and Eve. After a short drive I arrive at the hotel and collect my key from the front counter. I make my way up to the fifth floor and knock on the door to Eve’s room. There’s no answer, so I use my key to get in. I can’t see her inside but I can hear the shower is on in the bathroom. I yell out a few times but there’s no answer so I open the bathroom door and poke my head inside. I gasp in shock, Eve is sitting on the shower floor, her head is resting on her knees and she looks like hell. I screech, “What the hell! Holy shit Eve.”

  I quickly turn off the water that’s now icy cold. Eve is shivering and her fingers and lips are blue. I grab one of the fluffy white towels and wrap it around her. As I guide her towards the bed, she meekly whispers, “Hey Trix.”

  “Eve, what have you done to yourself? You look like shit. Are you okay?”

  Apparently she’s not okay, she’s a complete mess. I spend the next few hours trying to convince her that she needs to talk to Ash. I talk to Nikki and the other guys a number of times and I’m confident that Eve’s wrong in her assumptions that Ash cheated on her, but she won’t believe me.


  Over the next day or two I try to look after her but she’s letting herself fall into a deep depression. I’ve really had enough of her mopping around so I attempt to force her to get out of bed and get dressed. There’s no way I’m going to let her fall into a depressed sorry state like she did seven years ago.

  Unfortunately I need to go over to the guys hotel to pick up her suitcase that she left there in her rush to get away from Ash, so I head on over there in a taxi, hoping that she’ll take my warning and get showered and freshened up while I’m gone.

  As soon as I arrive at the guys hotel I dart into the ladies bathroom to make sure I’m presentable, in my rush to get out I didn’t even check to see that I looked okay. I look in the mirror and re-apply some pink lip gloss, some mascara and give my hair a quick brush. I like the way I have my hair at the moment. I change it frequently, but I think I might keep it like this for a while. It’s long, straight and blonde but I have colored the bottom half bright blue, it looks pretty cool. Once I’m sure I look okay, I text Nikki to let him know I’m in their hotel lobby.

  Hey Nikki, I’m in your hotel lobby, just need to pick up Eve’s suitcase that she left there.

  He texts back almost straight away, I’ll be down in a sec.

  After a couple of minutes the elevator dings and Nikki steps out. OMFG I haven’t seen him for about a week but he looks so damned lickable. He’s wearing a well-worn black t-shirt that shows off his full arm tattoos. He’s also wearing faded blue jeans and a cotton scarf draped around his neck. He’s as sexy as hell with his black hair flopping over his eyes, his lip ring, barbell through his eyebrow and gauges in his ears. Even though he’s indoors, he’s wearing his sunglasses and he has bare feet, obviously not giving a damn what the other hotel guests think.

  He confidently saunters closer to me with a big grin on his face. His eyes slowly rake over my body and he purrs, “Hey there party girl.”

  I mimic his actions and blatantly peruse his body, every single hard inch of it as I chuckle, “Hey there rock star.”

  Once he gets close enough to me he crouches slightly, wraps his arms around my body and reaches behind me to squeeze my ass with both hands. He’s a good six inches taller than me, he lifts me up so we’re face-to-face. I raise his sunglasses off his eyes and move them to the top of his head. His eyes are burning into mine. He moves in closer so his lips are gently touching mine. He mumbles against my mouth, “It’s good to see you again.”

  “It’s good to see you too.” I slip my tongue out and lick along his lower lip then move in to nibble and suck on his lip ring. His tongue slowly encroaches into my mouth as he explores and licks. Pretty soon our pace quickens as we devour each other hungrily. After a couple of minutes he lowers me back down to the ground and our mouths reluctantly separate.

  I hit him playfully on the shoulder, “Hell, you’re such a distraction, I’m supposed to be picking up Eve’s suitcase, did you bring it down?”

  Nikki shrugs his shoulders haphazardly and grins, “No, I thought you could come up and get it.”

  “I can’t stay,” I warn. “Eve’s an absolute mess. I need to get back to her as quickly as I can.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I know, but I thought you might like to see how much Ash is suffering too. We really need to get those two to sort their shit out. It sounds like they’re both miserable and it’s all just a big misunderstanding. They really need to talk. Where is she?”

  “I promised Eve I wouldn’t tell anyone where she is. She’s my best friend, I have no intention of breaking her trust.”

  “Okay, I dig your loyalty, but at least if you come up and see Ash you can tell Eve about his state of mind at the moment and it might convince her to talk to him.”

  “Okay, let’s go up. I’m not staying though, just grabbing Eve’s suitcase. I’ll have a quick chat to Ash and I promise I’ll let Eve know how he’s doing.”

  We make our way up in the elevator. As soon as we get out on the penthouse floor I can hear banging, crashing and swearing. I look up to Nikki questioningly. He just shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly.

  He opens the door and we walk inside the suite. Holy crap! The whole place looks like it’s been trashed. This is going to cost them a fortune to pay the hotel for all the damage. As I glance around the room I can see Cody, Hansen and Scott. They look bewildered and completely out of their depth. I say hi to them and they quietly say hi back.

  Suddenly Ash comes crashing out of one of the bedrooms. Jesus Christ, he looks like shit. He doesn’t look like he’s changed his clothes in days, his eyes are red and they have dark circles under them. He looks disheveled and exhausted. He’s stomping around oblivious to me being here. Suddenly his eyes snap to mine and he strides towards me. He grasps hold of me by my upper arms and his fingers dig painfully into my flesh as he begs, “Trixie, is Angel with you? I really fucking need to see her. She won’t answer my calls. I’m fucking dying here. Please tell me she’s with you.”

  Nikki tries to wrench Ash’s hands from my arms as he growls, “Let go of her you stupid bastard, you’re hurting her.”

  Ash instantly loosens the grip on my arms and his hands fall to his sides. He whispers, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m just desperate here. Is she with you?”

  I feel so sorry for him. Eve is struggling and is miserable but Ash, well he’s something else, he’s crazy mad. I can feel the worry and anxiety radiating off him.

  “Sorry Ash, she’s not with me. She just sent me to get her suitcase.”

  Ash’s face turns hopeful. “So you know where she is?”

  I bite my bottom lip, I know he’s not going to
like my answer, “Yeah, I know where she is but she’s sworn me to secrecy, I’m not going to tell you.”

  I was right Ash doesn’t like my answer, he turns his back on me angrily. He walks towards a table lamp, and lifting his arm he swipes it roughly to the floor as he yells, “Fuck!” He turns back to me, “You’re really not going to tell me where she is?” he asks incredulously.

  “Sorry, I promised.”

  He stomps off towards the bedroom, goes inside and slams the door shut. There’s more crashing and smashing.

  I think I’ll leave them to it, Ash is out of control. I turn to Nikki, “I had better get going, where’s Eve’s suitcase?”

  Nikki walks over to the kitchen area, grabs Eve’s suitcase and wheels it towards me. I take it from him, “Thanks, I’ll be fine with it, you stay here and try to calm Ash down.”

  Nikki puts his arms around my waist, “Okay, you take care. Have a chat to Eve, these two have to talk to each other, this shit is ridiculous.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I know. I’ll see what I can do. I had better skedaddle. Catch ya later rock star.”

  Nikki pulls me in tight against his solid torso. His hand softly grasps my chin as he lifts my face and crashes his mouth to mine. His hands move frenziedly all over my body as we kiss and nibble desperately at each other’s lips. My knees go weak and I squeeze him closer to me. I’m just about to jump up and wrap my legs around his hips when I realize I really need to stop. I had almost lost track of what I’m supposed to be doing, so I wiggle and pull back a bit to indicate that we need to slow down before this goes where it’s heading.

  His lips leave mine and he mumbles, “Don’t be a stranger baby. We need to catch up again while you’re in town. Keep in touch.”

  “Will do, see you later.”

  I grab Eve’s suitcase and wave goodbye to Cody, Hansen and Scott. As I make my way out of the suite Nikki gives me a playful smack on my ass. We grin stupidly at each other as I make my way out of the suite.

  I drive back across town to the hotel where Eve’s staying and make my way up to her room. I open the door and Eve is sitting on the bed, having just showered. She has a towel wrapped around her. At least she looks a little better now. I chuckle, “Thank god you’re up and showered. I thought I might have to throw you into the shower myself. At least that saves me one shitty job.”

  She softly smiles. It’s the first time I’ve seen even the slightest smile from her for the past few days. I pass her suitcase to her and she opens it up and throws on some jeans and a t-shirt.

  Hesitantly she asks, “How is he?”

  I answer her truthfully, “He’s really messed up. I thought you were bad, but he’s an absolute basket case.”

  Suddenly we can hear banging and yelling out in the corridor. As the noise gets closer I hear Ash screaming out, “Angel, Angel, where are you? I need to see you Angel, I know you’re in one of these rooms.”

  Eve looks at me nervously. Darn it, that silly bastard must have followed me.

  After a minute or two of deliberation Eve decides to open the door. I reassure her that she’s doing the right thing, those two really do need to talk it out.

  Eve opens the door and steps out of the room into the corridor and quietly calls out, “I’m here Ash.”

  The next thing I know Ash is on his knees in front of Eve. He’s begging for her to give him an opportunity to explain. He’s desperately promising that he didn’t cheat. I believe him and I guess Eve does too as she lowers down to her knees and they embrace each other affectionately. After a few minutes of whispered conversation between them, they both decide to go inside and talk. Thank fuck for that!

  I make my way out of the hotel room and wander down the corridor towards Nikki and the other guys who are waiting patiently at the end of the corridor. Eve gives me a nod to let me know she’ll be okay and her and Ash go into her room and close the door behind them. I’m so glad that they’ve decided to talk it out, they’ve both been miserable without each other.

  As I get closer to Nikki he holds out his hand to me, “Hey darlin’, I guess you’re coming with me. I don’t think those two will want to be disturbed for a while.”

  I snuggle into Nikki’s side, placing my arm around his waist. He places his arm over my shoulder and we walk towards the elevator and get inside. Scott, Cody and Hansen are with us. Once we get to the lobby level we all get out and make our way towards the exit.

  I turn to Nikki, “How the hell did Ash follow me so quickly?” I ask.

  Nikki chuckles, “The bastard sneaked out of the hotel suite when we weren’t looking and stole my Harley that was parked down by the concierge. The dimwit busboy thinks we all look the same and he gave him the keys when Ash asked for them. Luckily we noticed fairly quickly that he’d gone and we managed to jump in the limo and chase after him.”

  “So your bike’s here?” I question.

  “Shit, I guess it is!”

  We walk out of the front entrance of the hotel and Nikki’s bike is parked haphazardly up on the curb, engine still running. The stunned concierge is still trying to figure out who it belongs to. Nikki walks up to him. As soon as he spots Nikki he makes the same mistake as the bus boy back at the other hotel, thinking that Nikki’s the one that abandoned the bike. He starts to chastise him, “You can’t just leave your bike here like that Sir.”

  “Sorry ‘bout that,” Nikki mumbles as he slips him a large tip, which quickly quietens him down.

  Nikki lifts himself onto the bike and revs the engine dramatically. With a big grin on his face he gives me a head nod and says, “You jumping on party girl?”

  I grin back at him, “Sure thing rock star.” I swing my leg over the bike and snuggle up behind him. I wrap my arms around his waist and huddle in tight.

  Nikki revs the engine again and warns, “Hold on tight sweetheart.” I grip on tighter and we speed off out of the hotel driveway.

  Chapter 2

  We travel through the city and out into the countryside. After a short while we reach the coast and travel along the ocean road for a while. The cool air is blowing in my face so I snuggle into Nikki’s neck, placing a small kiss just below his ear. The bike is too noisy for me to hear, but I feel the vibration of Nikki groaning. My arms are wrapped around his body and heat is radiating from his back onto my front. I dance my hands across his chest, feeling every muscle and ridge. He groans again. He takes one hand off the handlebars and secures my hand tightly around his waist warning me that I should be holding on tight instead of inspecting his hard muscled chest with my fingers.

  We pull onto a gravel path that winds its way through the sand dunes towards the beach. After about fifty yards we see the ocean. The waves are crashing down onto the sand. It’s beautiful, isolated and completely deserted. The bike slows and eventually stops and Nikki turns off the engine. I wriggle myself off the bike and Nikki gets off too.

  He pulls me in close to him so our bodies are crushed against each other. His hands start to drift over my body, caressing my hips then he reaches around to lightly squeeze my ass. In a raspy voice he growls, “Hell Trix, I don’t know what it is, but I just can’t seem to be able to get enough of you. I constantly want to touch you. Every time I see you my whole body lights up like god-damned neon. You’re so fuckin’ sexy.”

  I can feel the evidence of his admission as his erection digs into my stomach. He grinds against me to prove his point. He lowers his head down and lightly nibbles on my bottom lip. His tongue joins in the action as our mouths glide against each other and our bodies move together suggestively.

  I know exactly what he means, as soon as I see him I feel tingles of excitement reverberate through my body. This boy’s dangerous, our physical chemistry is off the charts but I know that’s all it can be. There’s no way this could ever be anything more. He’s a god-damned rock star after all. An outrageously sexy one, but still a rock star. He probably has this effect on every girl he hooks up with. Besides, I don’t do the whole relationship
thing. This, whatever it is between us, is just fun, nothing more than the occasional hook-up...but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t feel amazingly good.

  He lifts me up and settles me onto the seat of his bike. Taking a step back, his brown eyes never leave mine as they burn with desire. He takes off his jacket and folds it up, placing it on the handle bars of the bike. “Lie down sweetheart,” he groans.

  He guides me to place one leg on the other side of the bike and encourages me to lie down. I’m now lying on my back, my head resting on his jacket on the handlebars, my feet resting on the footrests intended for the pillion passenger, leaving my legs wide open. It’s not exactly the most lady-like position but I soon forget about that as he straddles over the back of the bike. His gaze bores into me as his eyes slowly rake over my body.

  He places his hands on my knees and drifts them leisurely down my thighs, over my hips then up to cup my breasts, causing shivers of anticipation to flow over me. His hands are warm and firm as they caress and explore. His eyes are totally focused on me and he seems completely captivated as he concentrates on making me feel good. I’m mesmerized as I watch him worship me like he hasn’t seen me for months.

  He slips has hands under my top, lifting it up he glides his palms over my ribs and across the lace of my bra. He pulls the lace down on one side to expose a nipple which he rolls between his thumb and forefinger causing goose bumps to prickle along my skin. His other hand moves to my other breast. He pulls down my bra and cups both breasts in his hands, massaging and squeezing them together. He leans down, lowers his lips and gives each nipple an affectionate kiss. His tongue then erotically licks and circles both nipples that are squeezed so close they’re almost touching. He glances up so our gazes meet. “Holy hell, I don’t think I can help myself, I think I might just have to fuck you right here.”

  Jesus! His dirty mouth is such a turn on but if he thinks I’m not up for it, he’s sadly mistaken. I reach up, slip my hands under his t-shirt and run my fingers over his abs and defined chest. I feel his torso expand as a sharp intake of breath fills his lungs. I run my fingers along the ridges of his muscles, scraping my fingernails over his nipples.


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