Book Read Free

Bolt From the Blue

Page 3

by Tania Sparks

  He leans down further so our faces are no more than an inch apart. He whispers to me, “Are you okay doing this here? Someone could come around the corner at any time.”

  I grin at him, “May as well give them something to look at.”

  A growl emanates from deep in his chest as he quickly removes himself from the bike and then lifts me off too, placing me gently on the ground. We’re now both standing. Wasting no time, he reaches down and undoes the zip on my jeans then places his hands inside the waistband and pushes them down my legs. The warmth and roughness of his guitar-playing-calloused fingers flows over my thighs as my jeans are lowered to the ground. I step out of them and flick them to the side. He then does the same with my panties, discarding them onto the sand.

  I reach to him and undo his belt then unzip his jeans. My hand reaches inside and I stroke the length of him. I hear him groan, “Oh Jesus”. I continue to stroke, tightening my grip and moaning in pleasure at the feel of him in my hand. He feels smooth and as hard as steel. He grunts, “This is not going to last long if you carry on like that.” He grasps my wrist and removes my hand. He chuckles roguishly and rumbles, “My turn.”

  His hand glides down over my stomach and then progresses further until his fingertips are nestled amongst my folds. His focus is secured firmly on my eyes, watching every reaction he elicits. He quickly finds my clit and starts to caress in tiny circular motions. I already feel little sparks of pleasure flicking through my core. I groan, “Oh God, you are way too good at this.”

  He snickers as his fingers move lower to encircle my entrance. His fingers move with just the right amount of pressure and tempo. I can already feel an orgasm building deep within me. A finger slips inside and the pulses of gratification increase ten-fold as he pumps inside me, rubbing just the right spot to bring me closer to orgasm. A second finger slips inside as I grind unashamedly against his palm. His other arm is secured firmly around my back, holding me up. It’s just as well because my knees are weak and without that support I think I would collapse.

  He growls, “God you’re so wet, I really need to be inside you.” He removes his fingers and puts them between his lips, sucking them clean. “Fuckin’ delicious.” He growls. “Later I’m gonna need a proper taste, but right now I just need my cock inside that sweet pussy of yours.” Reaching into the back pocket of his jeans he removes a condom, rips it open and quickly rolls it onto his more-than-ready cock.

  He places his hands on my hips. His eyes are hooded with desire and they’re burning into mine. “Wrap your legs around my waist’,” he purrs. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around him. I feel his cock nudging at my pussy. All it would take is for me to sink down and impale myself on him, but he’s holding me up, keeping himself just out of reach.

  He nuzzles into my neck. His tongue licks a long line up my throat and then he sucks on my earlobe. “You ready?” he rumbles, “Because I think as soon as get inside you, it’s not going to take much for me to come. You’re so fuckin’ hot and wet and I’m dying here just imagining how you’re gonna to feel.”

  “I’m ready. This is going to be so darned fast.”

  He groans. “Yeah, it’s going to be fast but fuck it’s going to be good.”

  Still supporting my weight he glides me down as he sinks inside me, inch by delectable inch. He stretches me as we both moan in unison at the sensations coursing through our bodies.

  He starts to move, lifting me and lowering me, totally controlling the pace. “Oh my God.” I whimper. I can feel my orgasm rapidly building. My whole body is tingling and I’m struggling to keep my legs firmly secured around his waist.

  “Hold up.” He lifts me off him and lowers my feet to the ground. I scowl at him, why is he stopping? “You’re not stopping now.” I demand.

  He chuckles, “I’m not stopping sweetheart, just repositioning.” He settles himself onto the bike so he’s facing backwards then lowers himself down so it’s now him that’s lying down. “Jump on darlin’, how ‘bout you ride me.” He grins mischievously.

  I take a moment to peruse his amazing body which is now laid out in front of me. He’s incredible and hot as hell. His whole body looks like it’s made for fucking. Tingles flow over my skin and a slow ache is building in my core. I climb up onto him so I’m straddling his hips, using the footrests as leverage, I slowly lower myself over his erection. We both moan at the sensation, then I start to move, lowering myself up and down his entire length. I can feel every inch of him and my pussy starts to contract around him as the tension increases.

  It feels unbelievable, I’m in total control. Nikki’s hands are on my waist, his eyes are hooded and burn with lust. The cool sea air is swirling my hair around my face. “Fuck you’re beautiful.” Nikki mumbles. He then closes his eyes tightly as his body starts to tremble. Through gritted teeth he stammers, “Please tell me you’re nearly there.”

  I can hardly talk, but I manage to stutter, “Yeah, I’m there.”

  Our bodies explode together as ripples of pleasure pulsate through us. We gasp and pant wildly, barely able to catch our breath. My body feels boneless and I struggle to continue moving so Nikki takes control, gripping onto my hips firmly, his fingers pressing into my flesh, he lifts and lowers me in perfect synchronization as electricity throbs between us.

  Gradually as our orgasms start to abate, Nikki slows the tempo and then eventually stops. I collapse onto his chest and I’m left with a warm tingling sensation radiating from my core. Nikki’s arms are secured strongly around me, holding me in place, my head rests on his chest and his face is nuzzled in my hair.

  After a minute or two Nikki sits up, bringing me with him. I climb off him and we both get off the bike. “Holy shit. That was…”

  “…Amazing!” I finish his sentence for him.

  Neither of us can wipe the smiles off our faces. That really was incredible.

  Nikki removes and discards the condom then pulls up his jeans and does them up. Even though I’m half naked I’m barely able to move. He removes the cotton scarf from around his neck and gently wipes between my thighs. He throws the scarf onto the ground and mumbles, “Never really liked that scarf anyway”.

  He reaches down and picks up my panties. Tapping one of my ankles he indicates for me to step into them. He then does the same with my other ankle and pulls my panties up my legs. He then passes me my jeans which I pull on. We both collapse to the ground and lie down to recover. He reaches over and holds my hand as we listen to the waves crashing and the seagulls squawking. After a few minutes Nikki mutters, “Shall we get going back to the hotel?”

  “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.”

  We get up, hop on the bike and make our way back to the hotel. The vibration of the bike’s engine constantly reminding me of the mind-blowing orgasm I just experienced.

  Chapter 3

  Later that evening the whole band are sitting around in the suite chatting and socializing. Apparently when Ash flipped out thinking that he’d mucked things up with Eve, they had thought that the situation was so bad that they had cancelled their shows for the next few days. Ash and Eve are all sorted now, much quicker than anyone had anticipated, but everyone decided that as the shows had been cancelled, they’d keep them cancelled and re-schedule them for another time.

  Eve is draped over Ash. They’re obviously smitten with each other again. Eve looks over to me and asks, “You staying for long?”

  “Just a couple of days I think. Seems like such a waste to fly all the way over here and then head straight back.”

  Cody enquires, “You must have some awesome boss. You seem to have a pretty flexible work schedule.”

  Eve grins over at me, “Yeah, her boss is awesome.”

  Cody asks, “Which club is it you work at Trixie?”

  I reply hesitantly, “TBCs...”

  “No shit!” Cody exclaims. “That place is the one of the hottest places in LA at the moment. I hear it’s owned by a hot-as-hell blonde chick who runs a p
retty tight ship. Apparently she’s a real ball-breaker. Someone you wouldn’t want to fuck-over but would definitely want to fuck.”

  The guys all nod and grunt in agreement. I look across to Eve and she’s struggling to contain her laughter. We’ve both heard those rumors before.

  Cody continues, “Hey, I always wanted to know what does TBC stand for? It’s a bit of a running joke that the owner couldn’t think of a name so when she filled out the building code forms, under the name section, she just filled out TBC, as in ‘to be confirmed’ and the name just sort of stuck. Is that true?”

  I grunt and snap back, “No, that’s not true. That god-damned gossip drives me fucking mad.”

  “Well what does it stand for then?” he asks.

  I huff in frustration, I don’t really like telling people this, but I’ve sort of been backed into a corner, “It stand for Trixie’s Bar and Club, but TBCs sounds way cooler.”

  I hear a few gasps and a coughing sound as Nikki chokes on his beer, spitting it out all over the floor. “Holy fuck, you’re the foxy lady that owns TBCs?”

  Everyone’s staring at me waiting for me to answer. “I don’t know about the foxy lady thing. But yeah, TBCs is mine.”

  “Holy shit!” The guys all exclaim in unison as they nod their heads and look at me with some sort of weird admiration. I guess my reputation precedes me. I think I’m a tough but fair club owner. It’s a hard as hell business to be in but I’m proud of the hard-hitting image I’ve pounded out for myself in an industry that’s dominated by men.

  Eve can see that I’m looking uncomfortable so she tries to steer the conversation in another direction. She looks over to me and asks, “Who’s the duty manager while you’re away?”

  “Caleb. So I’m sure he’ll keep it all under control. You know him, he’s pretty good at keeping control of all things.” Eve and I snicker at my secret reference to Caleb’s obsession with control, especially his well-known sexy-as-hell control antics in the bedroom.

  I feel confident that the club will be well looked after while I’m away so I ask, “I presume it’s okay with everyone if I just hang around here with you guys for a couple of days.”

  Everyone responds with a “No problem.” I look across to Nikki and say, “Don’t worry rock star, I won’t cramp your style. I know where we stand. I won’t get all jealous if you hook up with groupies or whatever.”

  Nikki looks at me, frowns angrily and mumbles back, “Trix, I know we’re not, you know, together, but why the hell would I want to hook up with some random groupie when you’re here?”

  “Oh I don’t know, I just don’t want you to feel that you’re obligated to me at all. I’m here visiting Eve and I’m just going to hang-out and have some fun. I don’t want you to think I’m here just to see you.”

  As soon as I hear it coming out of my mouth I know it sounds really harsh.

  Hansen chuckles, “Fuck that stings.”

  As I look around the room the other guys all have raised eyebrows and cringes on their faces. I look at Nikki who just looks totally pissed.

  Me and Nikki are moving way too quickly. I can feel myself getting too attached and that shit needs to stop now. This thing between us has supposed to be just a hook-up, nothing serious, just fun.

  Nikki shakes his head, gets up and skulks off towards one of the bedrooms shutting the door behind him. Shit, what the hell! Now I’ve hurt his feelings?

  Eve frowns at me and shakes her head with a scolding look on her face. The rest of the guys look a bit shocked and are glancing between each other awkwardly.

  “What?” I screech. “This is ridiculous. Y’all are looking at me as if I’ve kicked a puppy or something.”

  I hear Cody mumble, “Only if the puppy’s got black floppy hair, big brown eyes and its name is Nikki.”

  I mutter under my breath, “Shit.”

  There are a few minutes of awkward near-silence then everyone starts to chat casually again. After about half an hour Nikki comes back in and slinks down into a seat on the opposite side of the room to me. He completely avoids looking at me at all. Hell, this is precisely the reason why we should keep it casual, now it’s just awkward.

  After a while Scott says his goodnights and heads off to his room. Hansen gets up and raises his chin to Cody. “Come on Sticks, let’s go out and find a club or something. I have a hankering for some loud music, whisky and loose women.”

  Cody gets up and claps his hands enthusiastically, “Sounds like a fucking brilliant idea. This shit’s getting a bit too heavy and domesticated for my taste.”

  Cody and Hansen head towards the door. Nikki jumps up and briefly glances at me, but avoids eye contact. He turns back to Cody and Hansen. “Hold on up guys, I’m comin’ too. I could do with a bit of fun.” All three of them head out the door.

  Alrighty then! I guess I’ve been well and truly put in my place. Eve looks at me with a ‘you-brought-this-on-yourself’ smirk as she shrugs her shoulders. Ash looks at me with pity.

  Before this gets really awkward I jump up and put on a fake smile. “Right, I might just head down to the bar for a while to have some fun of my own. Don’t you kids stay up waiting for me.” I quickly grab my handbag, touch up my make-up and hair in the large mirror by the front door and head out of the suite.

  I make my way down in the elevator to the basement level where the hotel bar is located. It’s pretty packed, the music is loud and the drinks are flowing. I make my way through the crowds of people and sit down on one of the stools at the bar. It’s less than a minute before some guy in a suit slinks up beside me. “Drinking alone?” he asks.

  I rake my eyes over him. He’s not bad looking, reasonably cute actually. He has blonde messy hair and blue eyes that sparkle with mischief. His tie is loosened and I can see that under his shirt he’ll have a body to die for. I grin at him seductively, “Alone?…no not anymore.” I pat the stool beside me.

  A big smile covers his face as he sits down next to me and raises his arm to get the bartender’s attention. “What would you like to drink sweetie?”

  I cringe at his term of endearment. Sweetie? Really? That’s what my Granddad calls me! I try to ignore my irritation. I know I’m just being pissy because I’m in a bad mood about what transpired between Nikki and me earlier. I need to put my game face on and have a bit of fun, try to forget Nikki for a few hours or so and it may as be with this guy.

  I order a glass of champagne and a shot of tequila. Suit guy orders the same for himself. Our drinks arrive quickly and I immediately slam the tequila and order another. I place a hundred on top of the bar and tell the bartender to keep them coming. I don’t want suit guy to think I’m just taking advantage of him for free drinks.

  We do the whole introduction thing. Apparently suit guy’s name is Ted and he’s here on business, some sort of sales rep. He lives in Seattle and flies back home tomorrow. Perfect – just the right sort of guy for a one-night hook up, no expectations, just a bit of fun between two consenting adults.

  We chat for the next couple of hours as we continue to drink. My head starts to spin and I’ve certainly got a bit of a buzz going on, but I’m pretty used to drinking large quantities of alcohol, so I’m not completely plastered.

  Slowly but surely Ted gets a bit more touchy-feely and he’s obviously hoping for some action. He’s constantly touching me, either my arm, hands or knee. But admittedly he’s being very gentlemanly about it, not over the top or aggressive at all. Normally I don’t have a problem with this, but for some reason I just don’t feel in the mood. Ted’s a nice enough guy, pretty good looking and has been very attentive. I’ve enjoyed his company. Under normal circumstances I would be all-in for a bit of fun. But I’m just not feeling it tonight. I excuse myself to the bathroom to freshen up.

  When I get back to the bar Ted looks at me expectantly, obviously hoping for an invitation back to my room or his. “Sorry Ted, I’m not feeling too well. It’s been really nice spending some time with you, but I think
I’m just going to head back to my room.”

  He looks a bit disappointed but asks hopefully, “You sure you don’t want me to come with you? I could give you a shoulder massage or a foot rub, that might make you feel a little better.”

  “Thanks anyway, but I think I’ll just retire for the night.”

  Ted is very chivalrous and rubs me affectionately on my shoulder. “Okay sweetie, maybe next time we’re both in town huh?” He hands me one of his business cards which I tuck into my handbag.

  I lean in and give him a kiss on the cheek, “Bye Ted. Thanks for the company.”

  He kisses me back on my cheek, “Bye sweetie.”

  I turn and head out of the bar, walking back towards the elevator. What the hell’s wrong with me? I had a nice guy, good looking, polite manners with a hot body and scorching eyes wanting to spend some time with me, and I turned him down! That’s darned depressing. I don’t think I’ve ever turned down such a tempting opportunity. I must be coming down with something, maybe I’m getting the flu? I think I’ll head back to my room and drown myself in the minibar.

  I get inside the elevator and press the button for the penthouse suite. It barely gets moving when the bell dings to let me know it’s going to be stopping at the next level. The doors slowly slide open as a cackle of giggling girls push their way inside. There’s five of them. All of them skimpily dressed and obviously intoxicated. I roll my eyes – no class bimbos.

  Unfortunately it’s too late before I realize that Cody, Hansen and Nikki are all walking in behind them as they push their way inside. The door closes shut behind them, locking us all inside the now cramped elevator. Shit! Shit! Shit!

  Cody and Hansen cheerfully say hi as the girls cling to them, smothering them with attention. Nikki stays silent, looking at me sadly. Could this be any more awkward? I can’t breathe and my eyes start to sting, I feel a lump forming in my throat. What the hell’s that all about! I don’t cry. What’s my problem?


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