A World to Win
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Vorwärts, German-language newspaper published in Paris 1844–45, funded by opera composer Giacomo Meyerbeer; Karl Marx was among its contributors – 137–142, 154
Vorwärts, the official organ of German social democracy since 1876 – 120, 122, 124, 494, 496, 661
Vranicki, Predrag (1922–2002), Yugoslavian (Croatian) philosopher – 586, 718
Wada, Haruki, contemporary Japanese Marx researcher – 573, 578, 716
wages, iron law of, the idea that industrial workers’ wages are inexorably pushed downward to the minimum under which workers can neither live nor reproduce themselves – 24, 111, 121, 138–140, 152, 159f, 163, 208, 213, 226, 230, 234f, 255, 259–261, 277, 308, 320, 371, 384, 391f, 406, 409, 415f, 420f, 424, 428, 437, 444f, 447, 4601, 503, 535, 536, 542, 569f, 614, 653, 655f, 670, 696, 706
Wagner, Cosima (1837–1930), daughter of Marie d’Agoult and Franz Liszt, married to 1) Hans von Bülow and 2) Richard Wagner, founded the Bayreuth festival together with Wagner – 109, 655
Wagner, Richard (1813–83), German composer, conductor, and author – 108f, 255, 647, 650, 669
Wallace, Alfred Russel (1823–1913), British natural scientist – 639
Wallerstein, Immanuel (b. 1930), American sociologist – 635
Walras, Léon (1834–1910), Franco-Swiss political economist – 446, 521, 709
Wartofsky, Marx (1928–97), American philosopher – 89, 646f
weavers’ uprising in Silesia, 1844 – 120f, 203, 272, 631
Weber, Max (1864–1920), German sociologist, philosopher, political economist – 606
Weerth, Georg (1822–56), revolutionary poet, close to Marx – 203, 250, 270, 661, 668
Weill, A., moved in revolutionary circles in Paris at the same time as Marx – 116
Weitling, Wilhelm (1808–71), German socialist journalist, originally tailor – 115, 117, 118, 124, 197, 201, 245, 661
Weston, John, lumberjack, socialist of the Robert Owen school, member of the General Council of the International – 541, 543
von Westphalen, Caroline b. Heubel (1779–1856), Jenny Marx’s mother – 75, 644
von Westphalen, Edgar (1819–90), Jenny Marx’ younger brother, author and politician – 48f, 51, 202, 640
von Westphalen, Ferdinand (1799–1876), Prussian interior minister, Jenny Marx and Edgar von Westphalen’s half-brother – 52, 75, 287, 641
von Westphalen, Johann Ludwig (1770–1842), German lawyer and government civil servant, Karl Marx’s father-in-law – 41, 51f, 74, 641, 644
Weydemeyer, Joseph (1818–66), German officer, communist, journalist in the United States and lieutenant-colonel in the civil war there – 270, 291, 295, 336, 674, 686
Wheen, Francis (b. 1957), British journalist and author – 10, 45, 649, 659, 699
Whitehead, Alfred North (1861–1947), British philosopher and mathematician – 626
Wiedemann, Gustav (1826–99), German physicist – 476, 701
Wilhelm I (1797–1888), king of Prussia from 1861, emperor of the German Reich from 1871 – 249, 338, 550
Wilhelm II (1859–1941), emperor of the German Reich, 1888–1918 – 251, 591
Willich, August (1810–78), German and later American officer (general in the United States), communist – 325f, 336, 714
Wittfogel, Karl A. (1896–1988), German-American sociologist and Sinologist, formerly communist, later anti-communist – 385–387
Wolff, Wilhelm (‘Lupus’, 1809–64), private teacher, communist, very close to Marx – 202, 233, 250, 269, 397, 661
Wollstonecraft, Mary (1759–97), British author and philosopher, founder of feminism – 714
Wood, Allen (b. 1942), American moral philosopher – 9, 522, 709
Wood, Charles 1st viscount Halifax (1800–85), British politician – 316, 680
Wright, Erik Olin (b. 1947), American sociologist – 637, 699
Wurtz, Charles Adolph (1817–84), French chemist – 486
Wyttenbach, Johann Hugo (1767–1848), German high-school headmaster and librarian – 39f, 47f, 639f
Yanovskaya, Sofia Aleksandrovna (1896–1966), Russian mathematician and historian of mathematics – 471, 700
Young Hegelians, group of philosophers and theologians who interpreted Hegel’s philosophy in a politically and theologically radical direction; both Marx and Engels briefly belonged to the group – 59–62, 66, 73, 79–81, 92, 101, 112, 116, 124, 126, 162, 166, 171, 173, 186, 196, 216, 351, 642f
Zasulich, Vera (1849–1919), Russian revolutionary – 575f, 580, 717
Zelený, Jindřich (1922–97), Czech philosopher – 354f, 434, 685
Zeno of Elea (c. 490–c. 430 BCE), Greek philosopher and mathematician – 472
Zetkin, Clara (1857–1933), German social democrat, later communist, and feminist – 287, 622, 724
Žižek, Slavoj (b. 1949), Slovenian philosopher – 344f, 683
Žižka z Trocnova a Kalicha, Jan (1360–1424), Czech rebel leader, follower of Jan Hus’s attempt to reform the church and make Czechia (Bohemia) independent – 214
Zola, Émile (1840–1902), French author – 381
Zweiffel, (first name unknown), prosecutor in Cologne, 1848 – 256
von Zychlinski, Franz Zychlin (pseudonym Szeliga, 1816–1900), German officer, later general, with literary ambitions – 165