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Making Sense

Page 8

by Lila Rose

  Great, the thought of a toilet had my mind conjuring up the thought of my visit to Molly’s bathroom while Vice was in it… naked.

  Running a hand over my face, and probably trailing makeup everywhere, I groaned and warned my brain to not go there. I wasn’t in the mood.

  At least the lack of sleep gave me the opportunity to create some beautiful pieces. Well, I thought they were, and when I uploaded them to Facebook, as well as Instagram saying they were coming soon to my e-store, they gained a lot of great feedback.

  Sitting on my seat, I rolled the chair up to the desk and blinked at the screen. Then blinked once more. And blinked again. Right, turning on the computer could help start the day. And coffee, lots and lots of coffee were in order probably for the rest of the day.

  Vice’s door opened with a swooshing sound, and my stomach turned. I thought if I stayed still long enough, he wouldn’t see me, but of course, luck hated me. I heard his intake of breath, and then he barked, “Adalyn, office now.”

  He’d never called me in there before. He always came out to order me about. Not that I minded since it was my job. So why was he calling me in? Had Drew and I embarrassed him in front of Monica?

  Slowly, I turned in my seat to see he’d already made his way back into his office. Taking a gulp of courage, I stood and walked toward the door, then inside.

  “Close the door,” he demanded to his computer screen.

  My pulse kicked into hyperdrive, but I did as he asked, and then went over to sit opposite him. Would it be worth apologizing? Then again, what would I apologize for? His ignoring me, while he tapped away on his keyboard, was starting to peeve me off. He’d called me in for a reason, and it wasn’t just to ogle him in his swanky suit. Another formfitting one. Goodness, even his hands looked good that morning while they typed away.

  Breathe, Adalyn, and stop looking at him. Look around the office. You’re not in there much. Oh look, a plant. I wonder if a woman gave him that. I can’t see Vice picking it out himself. Aw, I do like the painting on his wall. Actually… turning my head sideways… is that an abstract art of his penis? It’s long and thick like that, or could it be a sailboat? Heck, I don’t know Mozart from Da Vinci…. Wait, did they both make art? I really should have paid attention in art class or history at least.

  A scream burst from my mouth when a loud clap caused me to jump. Spinning my gaze to Vice, I saw his hands part, and he placed them on his desk. He was smirking, until he took me in.

  “You look terrible.” He winced when he realized what he said.

  “I didn’t get much sleep. What did you need? Am I fired?”

  His head jerked back. “Why would you think I’d fire you?”

  The way his eyes seared into my soul wasn’t good. I quickly looked away before I blurted something I shouldn’t. Instead, I shrugged and told the tall plant over his shoulder, “For coming into your office while you were busy. I didn’t know you were in here. I did knock. Then again, I should have just placed the file under your door or did it as you asked in the first place before I left.”


  I glanced at his chin and raised my brows. There was that tick again as he clenched his jaw.

  He sighed. “Sometimes I really don’t understand you. One second you’re hitting me, telling me off, and then the next you won’t look at me, and you’re muttering.”

  “Um, I guess I’m just hard to understand.”

  “That is true. Right then, straight to the point. You’re busy Wednesday night for—”

  “What?” I interrupted.

  “As I was saying—”

  “Why Wednesday?”

  “If you let me—”

  “Can’t it be any other night? Then again, I don’t work at nights, you know this.”

  “I need—”

  “I’m sure Kylie could help with whatever you—”

  “Enough!” he yelled, my eyes snapped up to his, and we glared at one another.

  I stood. My hands landed on his desk, and I leaned in to snap, “Do not yell at me, Mr. Salvatore.”

  He cursed and ran a hand over his face, then stood also. “Finally, it seems I just have to piss you off to get you to look at me and show me some fire back.”

  The man was a confusing, stunning jerk.

  “Yeah, well….” I had nothing because I didn’t understand why he would want to light a fire inside of me in the first place.

  He rolled his eyes. “Sit down, Adalyn, and let me finish.”

  Grumbling under my breath, I sat back down and crossed my arms over my chest.

  He nodded and sat, then placed his hands on the desk. “Wednesday night you will accompany me to a business meeting. I haven’t asked much of you since you’ve started, but I need you to do this.”

  “But you know I was busy.”

  He snorted. “I’m sure you can reschedule.”

  I could. I knew Den would be fine with it, but still, a business meeting with Vice wasn’t a good idea for me. It would be at least an hour or two where I would have to sit in his presence, and then there was the possibility the extra time with him could cause my mild crush to grow into something more. That was a scary thought.

  Who was I kidding? I was screwed no matter. He was on my mind all the time, and for some stupid reason, I let the thought of him liking me back a little run away with me. I tried to deny it, to tell it to shut the hell up. However, I couldn’t help but notice the way his eyes traveled my body each day or even how he gave me the job so I could protect my child. And then there was the fact when in the bathroom that day, he didn’t yell at me to look away or get out. He’d been playful in a way…. So, so screwed, that was what I was, because thinking he had some type of feels for me was ridiculous or as Donkey from Shrek would say ridonkulous. Ah, Disney movies, I love them.

  Realizing Vice was waiting for an answer, I muttered, “Fine.”

  “Fine.” He smirked. His eyes twinkled in the light, and I was once again lost in them.

  “Right.” I nodded, not really knowing what I was saying.

  “Glad we have that sorted.”

  “We do.” Did we? What were we talking about again?



  “You may get back to work now.”

  Before he could see the blush rising from sitting there like an idiot staring into his eyes, I nodded and quickly exited the room, closing the door behind me.

  Great, the man once again got me to do what I didn’t want to do. How did he do that? Was he a Voodoo master?


  Damn infuriating woman. Since the first time I saw her, I wanted to know everything there was to know about her. She was a puzzle. How could one woman go from sweet, clumsy, and muttering one second to a bull-headed, stubborn, pain in my ass? And yet, I didn’t want it any other way. What she needed was a good spanking.

  A smile crept onto my face. Spanking reminded me of how she’d acted when I’d asked about the adult films at the sex shop. She’d acted crazy, but I was charmed by it.

  I even wanted to get to know Drew, and if my opinion was correct, he also wanted to get to know me. In fact, I had an idea Drew wanted me for his mother. Luckily enough, I also wanted that, but how to go about it was something, for once, I had no idea about. She seemed attracted to me. Hell, when she saw me naked she couldn’t keep her eyes off me, well, one part of me. But then there were those times when she wouldn’t look at me at all.


  Still, no matter, I liked a challenge, and I usually got what I wanted, and what I wanted was Adalyn Wallis.

  Picking up the desk phone, I called Grayson at work. “Jackson Media, this is Makenzie, how can I direct you?”

  “Hello, sweetheart.” I smiled. I adored Kenzie. She was sweet and perfect for Grayson.

  “Vice. What are you up to?”

  “Just need to speak to the man, please.”

  “Well, since you said please and didn’t bark down the line, I’
ll put you through.”

  I had to chuckle. I was abrupt always. Most times I couldn’t help it. I had many businesses to watch over, and yet the first time I met Kenzie, she put me in my place about my attitude over the phone. She was the only one I’d let speak to me that way, besides my former assistant and sister.

  “Vice. How’s the new assistant?”

  “A pain in my ass,” I grumbled.

  Grayson laughed long and loud. “I remember those days with Kenzie. What can I do to help?” Dylan, Grayson’s brother, had given Makenzie the job as Grayson’s assistant without his knowledge. It was fortunate how it all worked out. They were since married and had two children together. I never thought I would’ve seen the day Grayson was taken by a dark-headed beauty, but he was, and the time he gave her to get over her ex had been long and trying on his part. At least I didn’t have anything to stand in my way.

  Well, with the exception of the Den douche, which was why I fabricated a dinner meeting. I couldn’t have competition. So before they even had a chance to go on another date, which would lead to more, it was time I moved on with the catch and claim.

  “Glad you asked. Wednesday night if you’re busy, you’re now not. I need a fake meeting to bring Adalyn to.”

  He snorted. “Why?”

  “She was going on a date.”

  “Ah, I understand. Well, since I have new music for you to listen to, it won’t be so fake. Dinner, our place at seven. The children will be in bed by then, and we can relax a little more.” Grayson was a music producer and made all the background music for my adult films, only we’d been friends a lot longer than that.

  “Thanks for this. See you then,” I said, and then hung up. Next, I grabbed my cell and shot off a text to my sister. There was something that had been on my mind for a while, and I wanted to know.

  Me: Why did Adalyn act the way she did when I first met her?

  Molly: Because you were a jerk no doubt.

  Damn younger siblings.

  Me: Molly, tell me.

  Molly: I can’t. It breaks the girl code.


  Me: What would you say if I wanted to date your friend? Would you tell me then or order me to back off?

  Molly: OMG! You do?

  Me: Yes.

  Molly: I thought so. You wouldn’t just fire her and then find her another job that’s close to you for no reason. You’re not that kind.

  Sighing, I clenched my jaw. Me: MOLLY.

  Molly: Well, you’re not, but I think you would be amazing with Adalyn and good for her.

  “Just fucking tell me,” I muttered to myself.

  Me: Waiting???

  Molly: I really can’t. She’d kill me if she ever found out.

  Damn it, I really had to know, and I knew one way to get to my sister. Me: I’ll pay for your honeymoon.

  Molly: Holy shit, you don’t play fair.

  Me: You know I never have. For years I hadn’t known about Molly and her mother. My father had had a side family, and they were it. I knew he wasn’t faithful. I just didn’t realize it could lead to having a half-sister. Once I found out, after Grayson had someone follow him, I met with my dad after and demanded him to pick. He chose neither. Instead, he left with his veterinarian, his male veterinarian, and none of us had heard from him since.

  My mother had been fine with his choice. They’d drifted apart a lot in the years before, and she hadn’t been happy for a long time. Of course, I couldn’t leave his disappearance alone, so I approached Molly and her mother, and told them who I was. I never thought I would gain an annoying, but kind sister and a second mother. It was difficult over the years to keep in touch when I was building up my businesses, but we had somewhat, and I made sure all women in the family knew I would be there for them if they ever needed me.

  Molly: She acted the way she did because she gets nervous around attractive guys. Not that I think you’re good-looking, YUCK, but she does.

  Very interesting.

  Molly: If she finds out I told you, I’ll kill you.

  Me: Her nervousness changes, why?

  Molly: If you piss her off, she’ll ignore everything and tell you how it is.

  Me: So she likes me.

  Molly: Why do I feel like I’m back in elementary school? Yes, Vice, she likes you… well, no actually. I’m not sure if she likes you, but she thinks you’re hot. Then again, she could need glasses.

  Me: Smartass.

  Molly: And yet you still love me.

  Me: Unfortunately. Thanks for the information.

  Molly: Be careful with her. If you break her heart, I’ll cut off your head.

  Me: (Thumbs-up)

  Molly: Dork, you know there are things called emojis you can just send a thumbs-up.

  Me: And one day I will learn such a juvenile thing. For now, I have to work.

  Molly: Later, loser.

  Placing my phone on the desk, I leaned back in my chair and smiled. It was great to actually know, instead of thinking, Adalyn was attracted to me as I was her. Then again, it was hard not to notice in the bathroom. So all I had to do was get her to like me for me and not my body or looks.

  It could be tricky. So far, I was sure she thought me a jerk, but if I could add her attraction into the mix of things, I may figure out a way to get her to fall for me.

  Grayson had said once, that when he first saw Makenzie, he fell for her in seconds. He told me it would happen one day to me. Of course, I’d mocked him and rolled my eyes at the stupid suggestion.

  Only, he’d been right.

  Adalyn had stopped my heart at first sight, and everything she’d done since that day had drawn me to her even more. Warmed me to a point I could only see a future with her.

  It was time to win her over.



  Wednesday night I found myself pacing my bedroom and freaking out. I’d forgotten I’d thrown out my black dress, so I had all my clothes scattered all around my bedroom trying to find something suitable to wear. Only I didn’t have anything. What type of dinner meeting was it? Fancy? Casual? Semicasual? I didn’t even have Vice’s number to message him and ask. Although, having Vice’s number could be a bad thing. Especially if I ever got drunk. One night I drunk dialed my ex and told him everything I thought about his limp dick. It was just lucky he’d somehow managed to damage his phone the next morning, even before he’d heard my message.

  Me: SOS.

  Molly: What???

  Me: What do I wear to a business dinner?

  Molly: Jesus, I thought something had actually happened. Bitch. What business dinner?

  Me: I don’t know. Your brother just said I had to attend one tonight, and I didn’t think about clothes until now.

  Molly: Were you too freaked about being alone with my brother? Aw, so cute.


  Molly: Relax. What time is he picking you up?

  I nibbled my bottom lip, looked at my bedside clock, and gasped. Me: In half an hour.

  Molly: Fucking hell. At least tell me you’ve shaved, showered, done your hair and makeup????

  Me: Yes.

  Molly: Thank God. Okay, you remember that dress you wore six months ago and you refused to wear again?


  Molly: Stop shouting at me. It’ll be perfect!

  Pushing a button, I placed the phone to my ear and when she answered, I asked, “Are you out of your mind?”

  She laughed. “No. I loved that dress. If was perfect for your figure.”

  “My boobs nearly popped out half the night.”

  “So? It’ll keep the clients happy.”

  “I’m not even sure who this meeting is with. What happens if it’s some old-timer and I bend over, my boobs drop out for all to see, and I give him a heart attack?”

  “At least he’d die happy,” Clinton yelled in the background.

  He was obviously sitting next to her and listening in. “You two ar
e terrible.”

  “Wear it,” Molly ordered.


  “Wear it, Addy,” Clinton called.

  “You’re both crazy,” I told them before ending the call.

  Thank God, Mom and Drew were out of the house. I hadn’t wanted Drew to be around when Vice picked me up in case he got the wrong idea, so Mom had taken him to get ice cream. I also didn’t want them to see what a tizzy I was in over a business dinner. When I told Drew I had to cancel on Den, which Den was understanding about, Drew had been excited, especially when I added I had a business thing to go to instead of on a date with Den. Another reason why I wanted Drew out of the house because I hadn’t said the dinner would also be with my boss. All I’d said was it was with a colleague.

  I glanced at the dress Molly mentioned. I had once thought it to be too hookerish, so why was I actually thinking of wearing it? Okay, I was overexaggerating; the dress wasn’t too bad. The worst part about the dress was the dipping neckline; the rest was perfect. Still, I was on the verge of hyperventilating, and Vice would be arriving soon.

  Throwing caution to the wind, I grabbed the red dress and slipped it on. Grabbing one girl at a time, I lifted my boobs into place and gave them a jiggle. Nodding to myself, I admitted they did look amazing in the dress. I could only hope I wasn’t overdressed or Vice hated the way it flaunted my girls. I raced to add my own jewelry I poured my heart and soul into—a black beaded necklace, rings on nearly every finger, and a charm bracelet.

  When there was a knock at the front door, I yelped and glanced at the clock again. He was early. Quickly, I slipped on some black ballet flats, which were still dressy enough to wear, and grabbed my bag before bolting to the front door.

  My head was down and going through my bag to check I had everything when I opened the door. I heard a choke and looked up to see Vice’s eyes were fixed on my cleavage and he was scowling.

  He glanced up and asked, “Are you trying to kill me?”


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