Book Read Free

Making Sense

Page 9

by Lila Rose

  I tilted my head to the side in confusion. “Sorry?” And in that time, I took in his clothes. He was wearing another suit, a dark gray one, only he didn’t have a tie. Instead, the top button was undone, tantalizing me with his tanned skin, and neck.

  “Nothing,” he clipped. “Do you have a coat? It’s getting cool outside.”

  Shaking my head to clear the Vice fog, I said, “Oh, right,” then spun back around. My feet tangled and I tripped, stumbling forward where I landed on the arm of the couch. Vice must have tried to stop my fall because I felt his heat on my bottom and hips.

  “Ah… Adalyn dear, not a good position for Drew to see you in.”

  Glancing over my shoulder, I saw Mom in the doorway and noticed Vice was right, as in right behind me, with his hands on my waist. And apparently, in the stumble, my dress had kicked up, so my panties were on show. Vice moved fast to place my dress back down, step back and helped me stand.

  “She was going to fall,” Vice explained. What would have helped was if his lips weren’t fighting a smile.

  Bloody heck, my face must have matched the color of my dress.

  “She’s always been clumsy. Hi, I’m Jenny, Adalyn’s mother, and you must be Vice.” Mom’s hand came out. Vice stepped forward and shook it.

  “I am. It’s nice to meet you, Jenny.”

  “Nana, I got all the mail.” Drew came bounding into the room and stopped still at the sight of Vice.

  Great. Just great.

  “Mom,” I bit out. “I thought you were going to be longer.”

  “And miss meeting your boss? Not a chance.”

  “Hey, Mr. Vice. What are you doing here?” Drew asked, passing the mail to his nana.

  Vice glanced at me with a frown.

  “Mr. Salvatore is picking me up for the business meeting I mentioned,” I explained.

  “Adalyn, I love that dress. Don’t you like it, Vice?” Mom just had to ask.

  “Yes. It’s very nice.” He leaned into me and added on a whisper, “So was your underwear.”

  I gasped, only to choke on it. Then once I recovered, I clapped my hands and said loudly, “Right! Time for bed for you, after you have a wash of course, and it’s time for us to go.” Walking to Drew, I pushed his cheeks together with both hands and shook his head. “Be good, or I’ll rip your legs off.”

  He chuckled, and there was a manly one added to it from behind me. “’Kay, Mom.” I kissed him, and he rolled his eyes. “Have a good night,” he said, and then moved around me to ask, “Hey, Mr. Vice, are you coming this Saturday?”

  “I’m sure—” I started.

  “Wouldn’t miss it, Drew.”

  “Cool!” Drew cried. Then he hugged me, hugged his nana, and to my surprise and my boss’s, he hugged Vice, who returned the gesture. Then with a pat on his head, Vice said, “You better get ready for bed, kid.”

  “Night.” He smiled up at Vice, and the whole scene had me holding my breath, while my heart swayed from side to side with how sweet it was. I glanced to see Mom with her hand over her heart and her eyes glistening.

  “Good night, Drew.”

  “Night,” Drew called to us with a wave before he ran off down the hall.


  I was at a loss for words. So when Vice looked from the hall to me, to my mom and then back to me, I cleared my throat. Then did it again. “Um. We’d better go.”

  “Yes.” Mom nodded. “Can’t be late for the business meeting.” She moved away from the door and swept her hand toward it. Stiffly, I started for it with Vice at my back. His hand to the small of my back made my breath catch. John had never done that. Once out the door, Mom called, “Have a good night.”

  Glancing back, I smiled and said, “Thanks, Mom.”

  “Good night, Jenny.”

  “Night, handsome.”

  Holy ship, my mom did not just call my boss handsome. From Vice’s chuckle, I was certain it was real, and I hadn’t heard things. At least he got a laugh from it.

  When we were both seated in his large car—I didn’t have a clue what sort, I wasn’t a car person, but it was big—I turned to him about to apologize for my mom, but he was already looking at me and frowning. So I asked, “What?”

  “You forgot a jacket.”

  “Oh.” I glanced down. “I did.”

  “One moment.” He got out of the car, raced up the pathway and knocked on the front door. Mom opened it and nodded at something Vice said. She disappeared from sight only to return with my long, oversized fluffy jacket. One I wouldn’t have worn with the dress and one which was more for snowstorms instead of a chilly night. Vice made his way back, and Mom waved from the front porch, then gave me a thumbs-up.

  Rolling my eyes, I turned to Vice when he got back in, and stated, “It’s not that cold. She could have gotten me a shawl instead.”

  “No” was his only comment, and then he started the car, driving off.

  We drove for ten minutes in silence, which I thought would have been awkward, but wasn’t. I was happy to sit there around him, if I didn’t look at him, and listen to the soft music playing.

  “Tell me about your business.”

  “My store on eBay?”


  “Um, sure.” I could do that. “Since I was young, I liked to put together my own jewelry. Of course, back then I wasn’t so good at it, but over time I got better, and it’s something I love to do. It’s relaxing in a way, creating new pieces, and then it’s exciting when someone wants to buy something you’ve made with your bare hands.”

  Had I said too much? I didn’t mean to say that much. But once I started talking about it, I couldn’t stop.

  “And your store does well?”

  Nodding, I fiddled with my bag on my lap. “It does. I mean, it was slow to start out, but it’s getting there.”

  “How long has your store been open?”

  “Just over a year. John, my ex, thought it was just a hobby. He didn’t trust people would like my work. He didn’t want to look like a fool if it failed, so he asked I never told anyone about”—I used my hands for air quotes—“my hobby.”

  I was fascinated when I saw his hands tighten around the wheel.

  “You must be happy to prove him wrong?”

  “Oh, he doesn’t know I’ve started it. He left about two years ago, and that was when I began. Sometimes it’s hard to work, fulfill my jewelry making and be sure Drew has his mother there for him all the time. Which is also why we moved into Mom’s. She helps with the business, so now all I have to do is make it, and she does the rest.”

  “Your ex sounds like an ass.”

  Laughing, I wiped under my eyes, and said, “He is. He’s missing out on Drew.”

  “So really he’s worse than an ass. Your son is a good kid.”

  “Thanks,” I whispered. I couldn’t actually believe we were having a normal conversation without glaring or arguing or having me act weird. It was nice. Actually, I liked it a lot. “Um.” I flicked my gaze to him and then back out the front window.


  Looking to him, I asked, “How did you get into the adult film industry?”

  When he turned to me and smiled a smile that had my nipples perking up, I glanced away. He still answered, “I was a young boy with a dream.” I laughed at that. “Honestly, moving into the adult industry hadn’t crossed my mind until five years ago. Grayson and I had been complaining about how terrible porn movies were—”

  “Did you watch a lot?” Oh, my God. I couldn’t believe I’d just asked that. He chuckled at my shocked expression.

  “Actually, I’ve watched quite a few over the years. I came up with an idea of classy porn, with people who could actually act and storylines that were hotter than anything out there. It seemed to work out.”

  “How many businesses do you have?”

  “A few.” He smirked.

  “No wonder you’re always busy.”

  “I like to stay busy. I’m not one to
sit around and watch movies. Unless I had a special someone to do it with.”

  What about Monica or Debra? I wanted to ask, but it wasn’t my place to, so instead, I just nodded.

  A nervous laugh escaped my mouth when the thought of Vice and me cuddled up on a couch watching some lame movie popped into my head.

  “What are you thinking?” Of course he had to ask, and the growling tone he used had me wanting to spread my legs and ask him to sing my hoo-ha a song.

  “Nothing!” I blurted, and with a quick look, I caught his smile before looking away. “So, um, where is this dinner meeting?”

  “Here.” He gestured with his chin to the building he pulled up in front of.

  My eyes widened. I thought Vice’s building was big; I was mistaken. The one in front of me was the biggest I had ever seen. Only I was confused, because the place looked like a business, not a restaurant. What was Vice leading me into?



  After Vice parked in the underground parking garage, one that seemed scarier than the one I used every day at his building, he led me toward the elevators and pressed a button.

  “Name?” was snarled from the panel beside the elevator, causing me to jump. Vice’s hand came to my lower back, which didn’t help my nerves at all.

  “Vice Salvatore.”

  “Right, doors will open soon.”

  Why would the building have someone control the elevators? Vice must have seen my confusion and worked out what I was puzzled about because he explained, “It’s top security here. Grayson wouldn’t have it any other way once the children were born.”

  “This is Grayson and Kenzie’s place?”



  “Their security is manned mainly at night, but they do have some in the front entrance as well since this is also Jackson Media.”

  “Jackson Media?”

  Vice glanced at me, surprised to find me still confused. “Yes. Grayson Jackson, music producer. He has to be safe also for all his clients’ sake. Especially when there’s a guest floor where his artists sometimes stay.”

  “Grayson’s a music producer?”

  His lips twitched. “Yes.”

  The door opened, and Vice led me in, but I was still lost in my thoughts. I never knew Grayson was so famous. Should I bow in front of him? No, that was plain stupid. Oh, wow, I wondered who his artists were. They’d seemed so normal, all of them, and yet I had been sitting among the rich and famous that night in the restaurant.

  Shit on a stick. I’d split my dress in front of the rich and famous.

  They’ve seen my panties.

  “I can’t go in there.”

  “What, why?”

  “I made a fool out of myself last time.” Shifting to Vice, I leaned in and whispered, “They saw me fall… and my panties.”

  He chuckled. I slapped his stomach, and he took my hand. My body shivered, and my pulse kicked up. “Yes, we have to work on your coordination.”

  “That’s all you have to say?” I asked, my pitch higher, and then I melted when his thumb started to circle my wrist.

  “Relax. We’re here to have dinner, and they’re normal people like you and me. Shit, we forgot your jacket.”


  Hang on.

  Pulling my hand free, I turned fully to him with my hands on my hips. “Forget the jacket. You said this was a business dinner. I did get that right, right?” He didn’t answer, so I went on, “Why are we here? I canceled with Den for this?”

  “We’ll get to that, but, Adalyn—”

  “I was sure you said business dinner,” I mumbled to myself, searching the floor for answers.


  Glancing up, I asked, “Why would I have to come to a business dinner in the first place? And while I’m asking the question, why in God’s name did you name your sex stores after yourself?”

  A throat cleared. “Vice, Adalyn, so good to see you both.”


  Dropping my head, I sighed, and then raised my gaze and turned with a smile.

  “Hi, Grayson, Kenzie, and Mr. High.” I waved lamely.

  Grayson’s lips twitched. What was it with these men and their cute lips action? It drove me crazy when Vice did it to a point I wanted to kiss the twitch right off his face.

  “Hi, Adalyn. Thanks for joining us. I, um, ah, I asked Vice to bring you so I wouldn’t be bored when they talk business. Hope you don’t, um, mind. By the way, you look lovely.”

  If I didn’t already think Kenzie was really terrible at lying, then Mr. High’s words would have confirmed it, “What the fuck you talking about, Puddin’? Vice wanted her—”


  “Trent,” Vice clipped.

  “Drinks,” Grayson shouted.

  What in the world was going on?

  “Shit,” Mr. High muttered. “Yeah, son. I’ll take one of those drinks.” He followed Grayson to the bar, and I took the chance to step off the elevator and look around the room. It was amazing, big, beautiful, and fancy.

  As if she read my mind, Kenzie said, “This is the formal lounge, where Grayson puts on small gatherings.” While Vice made his way past us, heading toward the other men, Kenzie stepped up to my side and pointed to the left, and added, “That’s the children’s side, with two bedrooms. We cut the third room out to make a larger playroom for them. Don’t worry, the place is huge, but we have cameras everywhere linked to our iPads, so we know what the kids get up to. To the right is mine and Grayson’s bedroom, a living room, and another spare room. And in through that door is the kitchen and dining area.”

  “The place is amazing.”

  “Thanks, we think so. Here, let me take your bag.” She pulled it from my shoulder and placed it on the side table by the door.

  “Where does Mr. High stay?” I asked.

  “Sweetheart, call me Trent. Mr. High is so formal. We ain’t that around here. And I stay on the guest floor. That place is bloody huge,” Trent explained as he made his way to us carrying a glass of champagne.

  Smiling, I took his offered glass, and replied, “Thanks, Trent. So where are the kids?”

  “In bed.” Makenzie picked up an iPad on the side table near the couch and tapped it. I snatched it out of her hands and cooed over the cute little bundles.

  “They’re adorable. How do you get anything done? I’d keep watching them sleep or play or eat.” I glanced up to see everyone watching me. “Um, I’m a mother, and I do love children.”

  Kenzie laughed. “I totally understand.”

  Trent snorted. “Just thank God you didn’t have two little girls. That’s stress right there.”

  “We weren’t that bad, Dad, and I’m telling Lori you said that.”

  Trent threw a hand out. “See, they always ganged up on me. Anyway, I wanna get back to Vice naming his shops after him. What’s it called, sweetheart?”

  My eyes met Vice’s, and I was sure a slight blush coated his cheeks. Then I told Trent. “Carnal Vice.”

  Trent threw his head back and roared with laughter. “Oh, shit. Wait until I tell the boys.”


  Kenzie leaned in and whispered, “He means the security guys. He goes down and plays cards with them all the time. Oh.” She gasped. “I better check the food.” She took off toward the kitchen, and I took one look at the remaining men, all who were good-looking in their own way, even Trent. So knowing I didn’t want to be left alone with so much testosterone, I stuttered out, “I-I’m, um, going, to ah, help, Kenzie.”

  “Adalyn,” Grayson called, I turned back. “Vice lost a bet.”

  My brows rose. “Sorry?”

  “We made a bet. He lost, so I got to name the stores for him.”

  My mouth dropped open. I was surprised Vice actually stuck to the bet. “What were you going to name them?” I asked my boss.

  He coughed on his sip of beer. Trent slapped his back. Vice laughed, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Let’s just say it was probably good Grayson made the bet. I’m never good at naming things.”

  “Come on, what would you have picked?” I smiled.

  He cursed, looked at the roof and then back to me. “Pleasure Center.” Both Grayson and Trent cracked up. I let a small giggle free and then covered my mouth.

  “Hmm, I think you’re right. It was lucky Grayson won that bet.” I grinned and then walked into the kitchen.

  A thought popped into my mind. If Vice and I had a child, we’d have to seek someone else to name them.

  “What’s that smile for?” Kenzie asked as I stepped up to the counter.

  “No reason.”

  She rose her brows but left it alone. “Do you like your new job?”

  “I do. It’s pretty easy. I used to do the bookkeeping for my ex-husband, so that helped a lot.”

  “Really? What does he do?”

  “He’s a graphic designer.”

  “I was married before I met Grayson. Actually, I was still married when I came to work for him. I left my husband because I couldn’t take his personal jabs any longer. They were sinking deep to a point I thought they could be true.”

  “At least you were strong enough to leave him.”

  She let out a huff. “It only took me six years. At least I found my happily ever after now.”

  Snorting, I asked as she potted around the kitchen, “Do they actually exist? And do you need a hand with anything?”

  “No, thanks, just sit, relax, and drink your drink. Also, to answer your first question, I do believe they do. Lori and I have both found ours, and I’m sure you will one day.”

  Shrugging, I said, “One can hope.”

  “It’s good to hope. Do you want a refill?” she asked.

  “Um, no, at least not yet. I’m a cheap date. I hardly drink so alcohol goes straight to my head.”

  She laughed. “That could be a good thing.”

  “Not when I’m around Vice it wouldn’t be,” I muttered to myself.

  “Pardon?” she asked.

  “Oh, um, I’m not sure it would be appropriate at a business dinner.”

  “Pfft, we’re here to have fun, too. Do you know, on my first business dinner I asked if I had a sign on my forehead that read I hadn’t had sex in a while?”


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