Small-Scale Livestock Farming
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animal units (AU), 24
digestion, 64, 64–65, 65–66, 92
overview, 193, 193–94, 194
temperature ranges, normal, 88
Government, dealing with, 117–18
GP (grazing period), 172, 174, 180, 183
Grade animals, 44, 58
Grafting orphans, 54
Grain storage, 78
Grass-based farming. See also Animals; Biological planning; Butchering and processing; Farm planning; Financial planning; Holistic management model; Legalities; Livestock and the environment; Monitoring; Niche marketing
alternate grazing, 39
aluminum versus galvanized wire, 34, 35
animal agriculture, 3
asexual reproduction, 27
backgrounding livestock, 6
biocycle of grass, 160, 161, 162
breeding stock for, 162
clipping and growth, 28–29, 29, 30, 30, 31
corner posts for fences, 37, 38
cultivating, 31, 31–32
dicotyledons (two-leaved) plants, 27, 27
electric wire fences, 33, 34, 35
family farm history, 2–3
farmer’s share of consumer’s food dollar, 2, 3
farm fields to pasture conversion, 32, 205
farm numbers, change in, 3, 4
feeding grass, 27–28, 28
fence charger, 35, 35–36, 36
fencing, 33–38, 34, 35, 36, 37–38, 209
fertilizing, 28, 162–63
fiber posts for fences, 37
forage, grass as, 14, 26
frost seeding, 31, 31
grazing plan, 158–60, 170, 171
grounding electric fences, 36, 37
growth management, 28–29, 29, 30, 30
hydrophytic plants, 28
impedance of fence charger, 36
joules of fence charger, 36, 36
leader/follower grazing, 39, 40
list of grasses and legumes, 205
livestock, reasons for, 5, 14
mechanical clipping, 31
mesophytic plants, 28
mob grazing, 39, 40
monocotyledons (single-leaf) plants, 27, 27
multispecies grazing, 39–40
nitrogen fixation, 27
and parasite control, 86–87, 163
pH of soil, 28
plants, choosing, 32, 205
posts for fences, 36–37
profit philosophy of, 5, 150, 150, 210
rejuvenating old pastures, 29, 31, 31–32
reproduction of grass, 27, 27
resources, 206–9
rhizobium, 27
seedbed preparation, 32
sexual reproduction, 27
shorts of electric fencing, 37–38
small-scale farmers, 3–4, 3–5
specialized farms, 3
spermatocytes (seed-bearing) plants, 27
straight fences, how to run, 38
tautness of electric fences, 36
T-posts for fences, 37, 38
voltage of electric fence, 36
weeds as forage, 26
xerophytic plants, 28
Grass length (GL) of sward, 179–80
Grass Productivity (Voison), 29
Grazing. See Biological planning; Grass-based farming
Grazing (browsing), holistic management tool, 20–21, 20–22
Grazing period (GP), 172, 174, 180, 183
“Green and humane” niche, 105
Gross profit analysis, 139, 139, 151, 154
Ground cover, 186
Grounding electric fences, 36, 37
Group marketing, 103–4
Growth management, 28–29, 29, 30, 30
Gunthorpe, Greg and Lei, 46
Hair and coat health, 88
Handler problems, in training and handling, 54
Handling facilities, 75–77, 77
Handling safety for butchering, 134
Hand seeder, 31, 31
Hardware disease, 92–93
Hatfield, Doc and Connie, 114–15
Hay, 78, 78, 162–63
Hay equivalents (HE), 159, 165, 165, 166
Health and reproduction. See also Genetics, breeding, training
acupressure, 94
afterbirth, 96
alternative practices, 93–94
animals, overview, 189–200
antibiotics, 82–83, 84, 92, 93, 94
antibodies, 83, 85
antiseptic and sanitizing fluids, 91
artificial insemination (AI), 96
aspirin boluses, 91
bacteria, illness from, 82, 82–83
biological agents, illness from, 82–84, 83–83
bloat in ruminants, 66, 92
bolus for scours treatment, 91–92
bovine viral diarrhea (BVD), 83
and breath sounds, 88
breech births, 97
chemical agents, poisoning from, 81–82
colostrum, importance of, 71, 86, 88
delivery, 96–97, 97
and discharge from nose, mouth, ears, eyes, 88
eggs and ovulation, 94–95, 96
electrolytes, 90, 92
embryo, 96
and energy level, 86–88
enzymes in bodily fluids as defense, 85
estrus cycle, 95, 96
female reproduction, 94–95, 95, 96
fertilization, 96
field contamination from sprays, 82
gestation or incubation, 95, 96, 96
hair and coat observations, 88
hardware disease, 92–93
homeopathy, 94
hydration, 88
immune system, 85
infertility, 96
K-99 Escherichia coli, 90
magnets, 91, 93
male reproduction, 94, 95, 96
mastitis, 88, 93
multiple births, 95
natural defenses, 84–86, 85
needles and syringes, 91
newborns, 70, 70–71, 87, 90, 91, 96–97, 97
normal flora, 82, 85
nursing, 97
observing, 86–89, 88, 89
parasites, 84, 86–87, 163
pathogens, 82
pneumonia, 93
poisonous plants, 68–70, 69
problems, causes of, 81–84, 82–83
reproduction, 94–97, 95, 96, 97
resources, 206–9
respiratory disorders, 93
restraint of animals, 98
saprophytes, 82
scours (diarrhea), 88, 90–92
scrotum, 94
sexual reproduction, 94
somatic cell count (SCC), 93
sperm cells, 94, 96
stomach tubes, 91, 92
temperature ranges, normal, 88
testicles, 94
thermometers, 91
towels and blankets, 91
vaccinations, 83, 85, 85
veterinarians, when to call, 80–81, 89
veterinary supplies, 78–79, 91
viruses, illness from, 83, 83
worms and parasites, 84
yeast and fungi, illness from, 84
zygotes, 96
Hearing in animals, 52
Heifer Project International (HPI), 155, 208
Herbs to control parasites, 87
Herd effect, 24
Herd weight (HW), 24, 179–80
Heredity versus environment, 49
Holding pens, 76–77, 77
Holistic Management (Savory), 17
Holistic management model. See also Biological planning; Farm planning; Financial planning; Monitoring; Niche marketing
animal impact tool, 22–24, 23, 24
chemicals, avoiding, 25
ecosystem process, 9–13, 9–13, 13, 16, 16
equipment rental, 25
family goals, 19
fire tool, 20
future resources goal, 18
goals, 16, 16, 18–19
/> grazing (browsing) tool, 20–21, 20–22
guidelines, 16, 16, 25, 137–40, 139
herd effect, 24
labor as tool, 19
for livestock farmers, 8, 16
living organism tool, 24
managed grazing, 8–9, 21
management guidelines, 25
mind as tool, 19
money as tool, 19
overgrazing (overbrowsing), 21, 21
production goal, 18
quality-of-life goal, 18
resources, 206–9
rest tool, 20
stock density (SD), 24, 24, 183, 210
stocking rates, 21–22, 24, 24
technology tool, 24–25
testing guidelines, 25, 137–40, 139
tools, 16, 16, 19–25, 20–21, 23, 24
Holistic Resource Management (Savory), 25
Home delivery services, 109
Homeopathy, 94
Hoop houses, 79
“Hooved Locusts,” 8
animal units (AU), 24
digestion, 64, 64
genetics of color, 48, 49–50
overview, 195, 195–96, 196
Przewalski’s horse, 43, 43
reproductive information, 95, 96
temperature ranges, normal, 88
vision, 51, 51
HPI (Heifer Project International), 155, 208
Hubbard, Alan and Sharon, 184
Human Genome Project, 48–49
HW (herd weight), 24, 179–80
Hybrid vigor, 44
Hydration and health, 88
Hydrophytic plants, 28
IBP, 101
IF (intake factor), 165, 166–67, 178–80, 179
Image in niche marketing, 107
Immune system, 85
Impedance of fence charger, 36
Income budgeting, 148–49, 151, 152. See also Financial planning
Infertility, 96
Inflation, 147
Inspections, facilities, 73
Institute for Agricultural Biodiversity, 53
Intake factor (IF), 165, 166–67, 178–80, 179
Intensive grazing (managed grazing), 8–9, 21
Interest and payments calculation, 210
advertising on, 108
sites and organizations, 207–9
Inventory items, 151
Jones, Gil and Jenny (example farm)
balance sheet, 146
description, 142–43
drought (destocking) example, 181–83, 182–83
forage budget, 164, 164–65, 166
opportunity cost, 148
stock density example, 183
Joules of fence charger, 36, 36
Journal for records, 176–77
Joy of Cooking (Rombauer and Becker), 131
Judicial body (courts), 118
K-99 Escherichia coli, 90
Kansas State University, 184
Karstens, Connie, 106
Kay’s Home Farm Lean Meats, 108
Kelp meal, 63
Klawiter, Annie, 6
Kyotaru Co., 115
Labels for inspected meats, 120–21, 120–21
Labor, holistic management tool, 19
Labor criteria for matrix analysis, 113
Lamb carcass/cuts, 128, 129, 129
Lamb Shoppe, The, 106
Land, financial planning, 147–48
Land rich, cash poor, 146
Landscape planning, 158, 170, 172–75, 173, 175. See also Monitoring
Laura’s Lean Beef, 103, 105
Laws and regulations, 118–21, 120–21
Lazy Lady Farm, 67
Leader/follower grazing, 39, 40
“Lean” niche, 105
Lee, Linda, 98
advocates, 123, 126
Articles of Incorporation, 118
bed-and-breakfast scenario, 119
chicken and eggs, selling scenario, 121
Constitution, 118
custom slaughter plants, 119
direct-marketing beef scenario, 119–21, 120–21
executive branch, 118
factory farm, fighting, 124–25
government, dealing with, 117–18
on the hoof, selling beef, 119–20
judicial body (courts), 118
labels for inspected meats, 120–21, 120–21
laws and regulations, 118–21, 120–21
legislative body, 118
legislative intent (Congressional Statement of Findings), 123
liability, 126–27
library for preliminary research, 118, 119
licensing, 121
of niche marketing, 110
overview, 117–18
packaged meat, selling, 120–21, 120–21
reference, adopting laws by, 118–19
regulations, challenging, 123–26
resources, 206–9
Retail Food Handler’s License, 121
safe food-handling label, 120–21, 121
safety and liability, 127
USDA-approved meat label, 120
Legislative intent (Congressional Statement of Findings), 123
Lein, Todd, 6
Liabilities, financial planning, 145–46, 146
Liability, responsibility, 126–27
Licensing, 121
Lignins, 62
Limitations/concerns criteria for matrix analysis, 113
Little Wing Farm, 73, 74, 108, 120
Livestock and the environment. See also Animals; Butchering and processing; Facilities; Feeds and feeding; Genetics, breeding, training; Grass-based farming; Health and reproduction
animals, overview, 189–200
brittle environments, 12–13, 12–14, 13, 137
carbon cycle, 11, 12
community dynamics, 9
consumer levels in ecosystem, 10, 10
death and decay reality, 11
ecosystem processes, 9–13, 9–13, 13, 16, 16
energy cycle (food chain), 9–10, 9–10, 26
energy needs and forage supply, matching, 160–61, 161
grasses for, 14
managed grazing, 8–9, 21
mineral cycle, 11, 11
nature, working with, 8, 8–9