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Skin Walkers Conn

Page 7

by Susan A Bliler

  He slammed the fridge door shut and paced to the hall before the scent hit him. Fuck! Had he not been so preoccupied when he’d first walked in, he would have noticed it right away.

  Rushing down the hall he threw open the door to Aries’ room. Her window was wide open, screen missing, with a small pile of snow forming on the carpet just beneath it. His eyes darted to her empty bed and he didn’t even try to control the fierce growl that escaped his lips.

  Chapter 12

  Instantly, Conn reverted back to mercenary mode. While he’d been out trying unsuccessfully to get sloshed, Aries had escaped.

  He crossed the room and peered out the window into the wintry darkness. He knew better than to question how she’d gotten down. If determined, Aries would have found a way. He cursed under his breath, slid the window closed, and turned to summon his men. He was halfway across Aries’ room when a faint familiar scent wafted gently to him.

  His steps stuttered then stalled completely in the hall. He crossed to his door and inched it open. There curled in a heap of blankets in the center of his bed was Aries.

  Silently he entered the room leaving the door open just a fraction to allow some light to pour in. He stood and simply stared at her for long moments. Her cheeks seemed slightly flushed and the familiar faint scent of her pain lingered in the room. A Walker that didn’t know her might miss it, but he wouldn’t. He knew her now, and he wanted to fix whatever it was that caused the scent to emanate from her slight frame.

  He lifted a black barrel chair from where it sat next to his dresser and carried it quietly placing it silently next to the bed. He took a seat, resting his elbows on his knees and leaned forward. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. The long white streak in the front of her hair reminded him of the thin white scar that marred his face. She could have easily covered it up, dyed it, hid it, but she didn’t. She was apparently willing to accept who she was, which left him wondering why she refused to admit she was a Walker. Clearly she didn’t know what she was but did she know how to use her abilities? Probably not, otherwise she’d have shifted when he and his men had been pursuing her in the jungle.

  Fuck she looks so peaceful. He’d give anything for a thirty-minute nap. The lines of his frame were as taught as a bow-string, and he felt ready to snap from the tension. He sat silently cursing himself for not asking Dr. Arkinson the important questions. Like, how long would it be before he would eat or sleep again, how could he expedite the process, and more importantly, was any of this going to adversely affect Aries.

  He knew very little about the delicate creature asleep in his bed, but he knew with all certainty that he wanted her protected. From whoever was tracking her, from Monroe and Mason, from other Walkers, hell even from himself.

  Anger tore through him then, that he should be so concerned with someone he’d only just met. I’m a merc, I don’t have time for this lovey-dovey bullshit!

  He stood then and paced to stare out his window. Surely, the other Walker’s that had been afflicted hadn’t tried to fight it. They weren’t as strong as he was, they didn’t have the will or capabilities to control the beasts within. But he did. He turned to frown down at Aries. He would.


  Aries woke in the morning and was instantly mortified to discover herself still in Conn’s bed. She’d come in late last night unable to sleep. She wanted answers about Walkers, and when she’d discovered the suite empty she’d opted to wait in his room for him until he’d returned. She’d never imagined she’d fall asleep in his bed. She slapped a hand over her eyes in humiliation, Shameless!

  Sitting up she shoved the hair back from her eyes and paled at the pain that greeted her. It was always strongest in the morning before she had the opportunity to tamp it down. She swallowed hard and threw up the mental barriers she’d learned to erect over the years that made it possible for her to not only function through the constant pain that hounded her, but to almost forget it was there entirely.

  She quickly surveyed the room and was more than a little relieved to find that Conn hadn’t returned. God only knew how she’d explain herself if he had.

  She crept out of the bed and snuck to the bedroom door, pulling it open a mere fraction to peek down the hall. The coast was clear. With any luck, she’d just crawl back into her own bed and Conn would never be the wiser.

  She was tiptoeing across the hall to her room when Conn’s voice stopped her. “Coffee’s on.”

  Her head snapped to the end of the hall where his voice had come from, but he wasn’t standing there smirking at her as she’d expected. Instead she heard the clang of a pan. She inhaled and the scent of freshly brewed coffee was much more enticing then climbing back into bed, so she shrugged one shoulder and strode casually down the hall to the kitchen.

  In the kitchen, Conn was lining strips of bacon in a skillet. The toaster rattled on the counter behind him as two slices of toast shot up, and a pan of scrambled eggs sizzled next to the now hissing bacon.

  “Got your appetite back I see.”

  Conn didn’t look up when Aries entered and at her comment his brows drew tighter together.

  Aries dipped her head, trying to get a better look at his face, “Aw come on. You can’t still be fasting?”

  Conn reached up and retrieved a single coffee mug from the cupboard before turning and filling it with steaming fragrant coffee. “Believe me, it’s not self-induced.”

  Aries fingered the white streak at her temple, “It-it’s been days Conn.”

  He looked at her then, noticing how comfortable his name sounded on her lips. “I know. It’s alright. I’ll just…” He looked around the kitchen, not quite sure what it was he could do to bring back his appetite or to placate her on the matter. “I’ll try some toast a little later. In the mean time,” he crossed to the table and set the mug of coffee he held at the lone place setting, “you want cream?”

  Aries followed slowly, reluctantly taking her seat at the table. “If you’ve got it.”

  Conn turned to retrieve the cream and Aries shoved a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “You don’t need to go through all this trouble just for me. I could just have toast too.”

  Conn placed the creamer on the table near her elbow before returning to the kitchen to finish preparing her breakfast. He talked as he worked, “There’s no sense in you starving simply because I’ve lost my appetite.”

  “Maybe you are coming down with something?” Her statement earned her a grunt.

  “I don’t get sick.”

  Aries turned to eye him over her shoulder as he carried her plate to the table. “We all get sick.”

  “Yeah,” he responded setting down her plate. “Just eat.”

  Aries frowned up at him, but when the scent of cheesy eggs wafted up to her, she opted to take up her fork and enjoy the breakfast.

  She was halfway through her food when a knock sounded at the door.

  Conn, who’d been washing breakfast dishes, turned off the sink and strode to the door. Aries couldn’t see who it was, but noticed the frown deepen on Conn’s face before he stood aside and held the door open.

  Aries swallowed the food that was in her mouth before setting down her fork to stare up at the man she remembered as Mason.

  “Good morning Aries. I trust you had a restful evening.”

  Aries’ eyes slid from Mason to Conn. She could tell by Conn’s demeanor that he didn’t want the other man in his suite. When Aries opened her mouth to respond, Conn cut her off. “Aries, get dressed,” he commanded without taking his eyes from Mason.

  She opened her mouth to protest, but then closed it just as quickly. She was getting to know the tones he used, and this was one that brooked no refusal. She shoved away from the table and disappeared down the hall.

  In her room, Aries dressed quickly. She didn’t know where they’d come from, but a pair of jeans, socks, shoes, underwear, and t-shirt were sitting on the bed when she entered. The clothes were a pretty close fit and quite fashionabl
e, she doubted Conn had selected them.

  Once dressed, she left the room and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. Inside she found a toothbrush still in a cellophane wrapper sitting next to the sink. Assuming it was for her, she quickly unwrapped it and began brushing her teeth. When raised voices floated to her from down the hall, she turned the water off to listen.

  “I’m not playing these fucking games with him Mason.” Conn’s angry words could be heard clearly.

  Aries stopped brushing and inched closer to the door.

  “Look, you should know that Monroe’s contacted Tyce.”

  Aries flinched when she heard glass shatter in the other room. She quickly returned to the sink and turned it back on, brushing her teeth quickly before washing her face and finding a comb to run through her long satiny hair. She threaded her fingers through her locks before lacing her hair into a loose side braid. Then she exited the bathroom and rejoined Conn in the living room, only to discover that the party of two had grown.

  “Aries.” Monroe greeted when she crept into the sitting room. “You remember King, and Bishop.”

  She didn’t. Her eyes slid to Conn, who stood near the window scowling at Monroe.

  Aries cleared her throat. “Will I be traveling home today?”

  All eyes turned to Monroe and Aries could tell by their expressions that whatever news the CEO was about to relay wasn’t good.

  “Actually, there’s been a slight hiccup.” Monroe’s attempt at a smile failed.

  “W-what do you mean?” Aries couldn’t steel herself against the trepidation that slowly seeped into her.

  Monroe took a step closer to her and Aries instinctively backed away. She heard Conn growl from his place by the window, and whether he was growling at her or Monroe she wasn’t sure.

  “It’s come to my attention that highly classified Intel has been leaked to you.”

  Aries shook her head slowly.

  “Unfortunately, I am not in a position to ignore any such breach of security where the safety of my people is concerned.”

  Aries lifted her hands, palms out. “If this is about Walkers…”

  She could tell by Conn’s wince and Monroe’s smile that she’d just buried herself. “I don’t know anything Monroe. Conn hasn’t told me anything.” She rushed on, “And if he had,” she looked in turn to each Walker, “I-I wouldn’t tell anyone. I swear it.”

  The corner of Monroe’s mouth lifted in what appeared to be admonishment. “You’ll need to remain with us for just a bit longer.” He raised his hand and King and Bishop moved, staling toward Aries. She thought she saw Bishop brandish a pair of handcuffs before Conn shoved passed the two men and spun on them cutting off their path to Aries.

  “That’s not happening,” Conn growled.

  “I’m the commander here Conn,” Monroe cut in smoothly, “and what I say, goes.”

  “You might be the commander here,” Conn argued, “but you’re no commander of mine.”

  “Actually,” Monroe’s velvety tone held the slightest hint of humor, “I spoke with Tyce this morning. And while I may not be your commander, he certainly is. Funds have been deposited into his account for the successful retrieval and receipt of one Ms. Aries Bracken.”

  There was silence for several deafening moments before Monroe continued, “Which means your job here is finished. Tyce would like you and your men back at Apex within the next twenty-four. As for Ms. Bracken, she’ll remain here with us.”

  Aries felt Conn tense in front of her. She barely kept from curling her hands into his shirt to steady herself. She had no idea what was going on, but it sounded like she’d just been sold to Monroe. Worse, it appeared Conn was being forced to leave without her. She peeked around Conn to see King and Bishop slowly advancing.

  “The fucking handcuffs aren’t necessary!”

  Aries backed up then, her eyes sliding down the empty hall. She’d have only seconds to get to a window and find a way down. If she jumped, she might make it.

  “On the contrary,” Monroe replied to Conn’s challenge. “If she can escape the great and mighty Commander Conn Drago and his platoon of mercenaries, than I’d be a fool to take the risk, wouldn’t I?”

  The door opened then and four more large and imposing men entered the room silently.

  “Is that all you got?” Conn challenged.

  “Don’t make this hard Conn. We are taking her, and you are leaving.”

  “And what’s to stop me from calling my men and turning this into a proper dance?” The harsh rasp of Conn’s tone sent shivers down Aries’ spine. She barely recognized his voice for the anger threatening to overwhelm him.

  “Nothing at all. Save for the fact that if your men and mine get into it now, she’ll surely be injured in the fray. None of us want that.”

  Aries turned to eye the front door. The Walkers that had entered were now closer to the sitting room, so if she skirted the dining room table, she could be out the door before any of them had a chance to grab her. She took a slight step toward the door.

  “Please don’t Ms. Bracken.”

  She lifted her eyes to meet Monroe’s bored expression. “You’d never make it and there are children in the halls. It is a school day after all.

  How did he know I… Aries swallowed hard when Conn turned to look at her. He was angry, but she read more than anger in his expression. Defeat? No, resignation.

  She knew then that he had no intention of protecting her. He’d allow Monroe and his men to take her. While the realization sliced through her, she lifted her chin to frown up at Conn before extending both her wrists. She’d accept the cuffs and her fate. She didn’t need Conn, she didn’t need anyone. Stupid! Should have known better than to trust him!

  When Conn’s features softened and he opened his mouth to speak to her, she slid her eyes from his to Monroe’s. “If you’re expecting me to beg, you can forget it.”

  Monroe smiled at her then.

  “And as for the cuffs,” she spoke while King gently placed her wrists in shackles. “You’re wise to use them. I haven’t found a captor I haven’t escaped.” All eyes in the room were on her as she stood facing Monroe with her back to Conn. “And fair warning. When you slip up…and you will slip up.” She gritted her teeth in resentment, “I’ll fucking disappear!”

  Chapter 13

  The beasts that shared Conn’s soul howled in rage at his relinquishment of Aries. He couldn’t understand the reaction. He tried telling himself that he hadn’t claimed her, but the animal spirits within vehemently disagreed. He paced his suite long after Aries had walked out with Monroe and his minions. Fucking chumps!

  Even still he was fighting the urge to stalk to Monroe’s office and demand the return of the woman. But why? She wasn’t his, and he had no reason or right to take her. He stopped pacing the room then to rest his head against the wall. He was exhausted and hungry, but still he couldn’t eat or sleep. The lines of his body were taut with tension and his face was fraught with weariness. He’d struggled all during the sleepless night to keep down the few shots of liquor he’d had at the Crow’s Nest, and eventually ended up purging them sometime during the night. He needed food, needed rest, he needed….something. I can’t go on like this!

  The door to his room opened, and he knew it was York before the man entered. “Everything okay boss?”

  “No!” Conn snapped, shoving off the wall to resume pacing. “Monroe’s taken Aries.”

  York’s brows hiked in confusion, “Uh, I thought we were delivering her.”

  “We were! But she’s not the right woman.”

  York’s face contorted in concern. “The wrong woman? Shit! Are they still paying us or sending us back out?”

  “That’s not the fucking point,” Conn barked turning on his mercenary. “We ripped her from her home and drug her across the country and she’s not even involved in whatever it is Mason’s got going on. She’s innocent. A casualty of this fucking Walker existence, and now because I exposed her t
o our kind, she’ll be held until Monroe’s satisfied she can be trusted to never divulge that information.”

  “How will Monroe know if she can ever be trusted?”

  Conn stopped pacing to tilt his head back, his features grim. “He won’t.”

  “Why don’t we just take her back.”

  “Because,” Conn dropped his head and crossed the room to slap a vase that sat on a small table sending it crashing against the far wall. “Tyce has accepted payment.”

  York shrugged negligently, “Then the package is delivered, let’s get the hell outta here.”

  “She’s not a fucking package!”

  York’s eyes narrowed on his Commander as if seeing him for the first time. “Boss, I don’t mean to be outta line, but you look like shit. Are you feeling okay?”

  Conn raked an angry hand through his hair. “No.” He answered, working his jaw. “I’m starving, exhausted, and…” He didn’t finish the comment.

  York watched him curiously for several moments. “Maybe we should visit Doc Arkinson before we leave.

  Exasperated, Conn exhaled harshly before striding angrily past York and throwing the door open before disappearing from the suite.

  Dr. Jenny Arkinson, is exactly who I need to see!


  Chief of Surgery Jenny Arkinson, was greeted in her office by Commander Conn Drago.

  “Commander Drago,” Jenny greeted merrily before striding past with her mug of coffee and taking a seat at her desk, “what is it I can do for you this fine winter morning?”

  “Answers!” Conn demanded, eyeing the Doctor as she sipped at her coffee.

  Jenny set her mug down, “Ah, finally ready to come to terms with the affliction I see.”


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