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Skin Walkers Conn

Page 8

by Susan A Bliler

  “When will it end?”

  “When you make your move Commander.”

  Conn crossed the room and braced his arms on her desk, scowling down at her. “Are you telling me that if I fuck Aries, this’ll all just go away?”

  Jenny smiled and shook her head. “No. You’ve not been listening.” She motioned for Conn to take a seat and when he continued to frown down at her she sat back in her chair and folded her hands in her lap.

  Conn exhaled gruffly before stepping back and dropping into the proffered seat. Once he did, Jenny leaned forward and rested her arms on her desk.

  “It’s more than just sex Commander Drago. It was designed to be that way.”


  Jenny frowned at his impatient intrusion into her explanation. “Because,” she began, “if mere sex cured it then no Walker man would be compelled to claim his angel, bind her to him.” She waved her hand, “You’d all just be running around fucking like rabbits, pun not intended.”

  “So if sex won’t cure it, what will?”

  Jenny smiled then, dropping a hand to the double helix band around her throat as she tilted her head to eye him critically. “A binding.”

  Conn growled, “I’m not relinquishing my halo so stop speaking in fucking riddles and just tell me what’s wrong with me and how to fix it?”

  Jenny shook her head, “Honestly, it’s not that difficult to understand. You Walker men simply make it more difficult by always trying to find some non-existent loophole.” She stood then and crossed to sit on the front of the desk. “I’ll make this as clear for you as I possibly can.” She crossed her arms over her chest, “Your beasts have claimed Aries. She’s the one, your one. You can run, you can hide, you can fuck around, hell you can even fuck her. But you’ll not eat or sleep until you claim her as your angel and bind her to you for the rest of your life by relinquishing your halo.”

  “What if I don’t want her?”

  “Don’t you?” Jenny challenged before uncrossing her arms. “Look, your body’s slowed its metabolism to allow you time to come to terms with what it has already decided. You need to get on board, because while it has slowed it hasn’t stopped.” Concern crinkled her brow then. “You can’t go on like this forever Conn, your body will shut down.”

  Conn’s frown deepened, “How long?”

  “The worst I’ve ever seen was…” Jenny ducked her head, shame igniting her cheeks. “Bishop fought it for weeks. It nearly killed him.” Her voice dropped to a whisper, “It nearly killed both of us.”

  Conn was watching her closely. “Weeks? It’s only been days. I have time, find me a cure.”

  Jenny shook her head. “Bishop only lasted weeks because he didn’t know what was happening to him. I didn’t tell him. He visited the infirmary daily and I injected him with nutritional supplements to keep him going, but he never knew what was really happening to him, to us.”

  Conn shook his head, “Why?”

  “Because we didn’t want each other. I was trying to start a career and he was trying to advance his status here. We didn’t even know each other, we didn’t…” Jenny’s words died as she shook her head. “If you have any affinity towards Aries it’ll only make the symptoms worse.”


  “Yes. Friendship, respect, any appreciation for the type of person she is. It only works to solidify your bestial claiming. If you’re outright attracted to her…well, you may as well walk out of here right now and give her your halo.”

  Conn placed his elbows on his knees and allowed his head to hang low, “I’m not doing this Jenny.” He looked up then, his grey eyes imploring. “I can’t do this.” He stood then and strode to the door. “I suggest you find a cure in the next few weeks.”

  He was halted at the door by Jenny’s voice. “Conn, you need to know one more thing.”

  He turned to stare at her.

  “If you don’t claim her, bind her to you by choice.” Tears pooled in Jenny’s eyes, “That choice will be taken away from you”

  “What are you saying,” Conn’s face flushed in anger, “are you saying I’d…rape her?”

  Jenny didn’t answer at first, she simply blinked forcing her tears back as she dropped her head. “I’m saying that the beasts within will force you to claim what they want. Take what they want. It’s not the waiting in a dark alley to attack kind of rape, but if you’re alone with her and you haven’t…” Jenny stopped and lifted her eyes, “It’s like a man stranded at sea who eventually succumbs to drinking the salt water. His rational thought would tell him not to do it. Every fiber of his being would tell him that doing so would only make matters worse. But if he’s thirsty enough, been without long enough, nothing—not even his own will—would be able to keep him from doing it.”

  He reached for the door but Jenny stopped him. “One more thing before you go. I think you should know that Remy was just here.”

  Conn ground his teeth together, “And I give a fuck why?”

  Jenny slowly stood, “He asked about Aries. Her health, her mating status. I think he’s interested in her.”

  “He hasn’t even met her!” Conn’s tone dripped with acid.

  Shrugging Jenny continued, “You know Remy. He doesn’t need to meet them to think they should be his. He’s showing no symptoms, but as you said, he hasn’t met her yet either.”

  “He’s not going to,” Conn barked angrily before stalking from the room and hoping to run into Remy sometime soon. Motherfucker!


  Conn spent the next morning trying to convince himself that he and his men needed to return to base, but for some reason he couldn’t bring himself to leave. The night had been a sleepless one that he’d spent wondering about Aries. Surely Monroe had moved her to a suite and not the cells as he’d threatened. Of course he wouldn’t keep her there. He’s mated to a human himself, he’d be more respectful then that.

  Unfortunately for Conn he knew the thought was misguided the instant he thought it. Regardless of his binding to a non- Walker woman, Monroe wouldn’t be lenient on Aries simply because she was human like Monroe’s Eden.

  Conn had showered and dressed in his typical black fatigues then lingered in his suite attempting, and failing miserably, to finish a single cup of coffee as he considered Monroe’s course of action where Aries was concerned.

  The two men, while not great friends, were similar in their analytical nature. Both recognized the need to deliver Aries to Mason had she been his sister. The problem is, she wasn’t. Now, she knew too much about the Walkers and their location. While she vowed silence, Monroe wouldn’t let her simply walk away. Compounding matters was the fact that she was being hunted, but it wasn’t by Monroe, Tyce, or any private party that Mason may have hired. That meant that Monroe would either have to keep her until he discovered who wanted her and why or, Conn ground his teeth together, Monroe would turn her over to the enemy that sought her and allow them to dispose of her; thereby, keeping Monroe’s hands clean of the deed.

  “Boss?” He allowed the mental nudge as York pushed to contact him through the mist. “We bugging out today? Boys want an ETD.”

  Spearing an angry hand through his hair, Conn cursed under his breath. He didn’t have an estimated time of departure because he didn’t plan on departing. He knew his platoon would expect to leave, but he couldn’t bring himself to go, and he didn’t have a logical explanation to give his men.

  He was trying to formulate a response when York broke through again. “King just got here he’s…” Silence ensued then there was confusion in York’s tone. “He’s looking for Aries!”

  Chapter 14

  “Aries has escaped.”

  “Well of course she has!” Conn gritted out angrily, frowning at Bishop before he turned to his men. “Fan out. You know her scent and her tactics. Find her before she gets off the estate.”

  “Yes Sir!” James, Shane, and York bit out in unison before disbanding in opposite directions.

nn turned to frown at Bishop. “How’d she escape?”

  “King was transporting her to a larger cell. He thought she was harmless, so he didn’t shackle her.” Bishop’s frown deepened, “He should have.”

  Conn didn’t hear Bishop’s last words. He was too busy trying to control his temper as rage exploded within him. He clamped his teeth tightly together to keep from grabbing the Sentry. “Monroe kept her locked in the cells?” Incredulity and anger laced his tone as he fought to keep his rage in check.

  Bishop nodded, “She’s a prisoner. Where else would he keep her?”

  No response came as Conn had already turned and run for the doors. He wanted to be the one to find Aries especially now that he knew Remy was on the premises and interested in her.

  StoneCrow’s holding cells were underground in a bunker beneath the barn and he raced for the structure. He’d have to start there to catch her scent.

  He was halfway to the barn when her fragrance hit him. It was faint, but it was there. He recognized the sweet yet exotic aroma of her fear mingled with adrenaline. Inhaling deeply he drank in the lilly and rainwater bouquet that was unique to her. Turning, he followed the scent, grateful that for once there were no chinook winds blowing in from the west.

  Her scent led toward the large gymnasium that had just been built. It was the furthest building from the main estate house. As he approached he saw RedKnife KillsPrettyEnemy eyeing an open window. He knew the lone Indigenous Walker was StoneCrow’s best tracker. When Conn approached, RedKnife looked at him and pointed wordlessly to the window before he turned and strode away.

  Relief swamped Conn that he wouldn’t have to confront RedKnife about bringing Aries in. He’d let Monroe play his game, but clearly the CEO wasn’t capable of keeping control of Aries. She’d have to come back under his supervision.

  Conn’s eyes transitioned slightly as he called to his men through the mist, “She’s in the gymnasium. Set up a perimeter.” After issuing the order he climbed quietly through the window and followed Aries’ scent through the darkened gymnasium.

  He hid in the shadow when he caught sight of her crouched down in a dark corner eyeing a set of double-doors. He’d passed the doors on his way in and knew they were chained from the outside, she would find no escape there. He watched as she contemplated her odds then moved for the doors.

  Silently Conn stalked toward the area she’d just vacated, knowing she’d have to come back once she discovered she was trapped.


  Aries inched toward the doors, barely breathing lest the noise give her away. Quietly she pushed on the door and it opened slowly. Her heart sang, but then was quickly silenced when the door only gave a few inches before she could see thick chains locking it from the outside.

  “Shit!” she whispered then quickly backtracked. She’d spent too much time in the area, and from what she knew of Walkers, they were excellent trackers. If she lingered in one spot too long, she was as good as caught.

  Scanning the dark gymnasium she was relieved to find it still empty. She turned to race back the way she came when she ran into something solid. She would have landed on her ass if it weren’t for the strong hands that grabbed her.

  Frowning up at Conn in her black ballet slippers and wispy black slip, Aries had a flash back to the first night they’d met in the jungle. She wore the exact same thing and stared at the exact same menacing eyes. Her expression softened for a moment before the anger returned. She tried to stalk past him, but his large hands clamped tighter on her arms.

  “Get your fucking hands off me.”

  Conn stared down at her refusing to loosen his grip.

  Aries lifted her arm and tucked her body under his arm in a practiced maneuver. She jerked up and Conn was forced to break his grip or be caught with his own arm in a compromised position.

  He spun quickly to find her standing facing him. He nearly laughed at the sight of her scowling up at him, her two slight hands balled into tiny fists.

  “I don’t want to fight you!” she challenged.

  His eyes dropped to her fists, “Could’ve fooled me.”

  “I will protect myself.”

  He dismissed her with a snort and reached out to grab her. When one small fist connected with the side of his jaw, his head snapped to the side and he didn’t move, more dazed by what she’d done than by the actual impact. He lifted a large hand to touch his chin surprised she’d been able to connect. “I’ll give you that one,” he growled. His hands reached for her again but she ducked under his arms leaving him facing a highly entertained York.

  His men slowly filtered into the gymnasium, one of them flicking on the lights.

  “You want me to grab her for ya boss?” York didn’t bother to conceal his amusement.

  “Stay outta this,” Conn growled spinning to pin her with a sneer. “Aries!”

  She kept her fists up under her chin as she smiled at him, “Let’s make this fair.”


  “If I can get out of this room,” her eyes flicked to the open doorway, “you let me go.”

  “Not happening,” Conn was advancing when her next words halted him.

  “What’s wrong? Afraid I’ll embarrass you in front of your men?”

  A deep rumble emitted from his chest. The lone word that left his lips was a low snarl that barely registered. “Done.”

  “Whoo hoo,” James slapped York on the shoulder as he extended his arms and forced his companions back. “I got fifty bucks on Aries.”

  Conn snarled and shot a glare at James.

  “Oh shit!” James whispered drawing a laugh from York.

  “You’re on sucker!” Shane pulled a wad of cash from his pocket and held it in the air.

  The men barely had time to step back setting up a perimeter before Aries threw the first punch. Conn caught it and smiled at her before jerking and pulling her hard into his chest, but before he could clamp a hand around her to hold her in place, she dropped straight down and slid from his grasp. When she dropped, her slip caught on Conn’s belt and her bare thighs and panties flashed the trio of onlookers.

  James smiled broadly, “Holy shit! This is better than I thought!” He clapped his hands together and rubbed them excitedly.

  Conn turned to frown at him and growled low and deep while pulling back his upper lip in a derisive sneer.

  “Fuck!” James whispered dropping his eyes and taking a step back.

  When Conn turned his attention back to Aries it was only to catch a small foot in the stomach. The wind whooshed out of him and she took advantage of the opportunity when he dropped to a knee.

  Racing past, she stumbled and hit the ground when one of his hands snaked out and clamped on her ankle.

  He sucked in a breath, “I don’t think so beautiful.”

  Aries rolled to the opposite hip and pulled back with one leg, aiming at his bent knee. “Don’t. Call. Me. That.” She kicked and before Conn could react, his leg was kicked out from under him.

  On the ground, he kept a firm hold on her ankle even as his men cheered her on.

  “Come on Aries. Kick his ass!”

  “You got him girl!”

  Conn snarled as he spun her and pulled her under him. He used his weight to pin her to the floor and was adjusting his grip on her when she cried out in pain. Instantly he released her and pushed to his knees over her bracing his weight with his arms. “Aries!”

  She was curled into a fetal position, her face hidden by her fall of long hair as she hugged her elbow to her.

  His nostrils flared as he inhaled and scented her pain. She was injured.

  “Is she okay?” James, Shane, and York all stepped closer.

  “I don’t know,” Conn turned to frown at his men. “Somebody get help!”

  James and Shane dashed out of the room.

  Conn leaned over Aries, brushing the hair away from her face. Tears glistened on her cheeks and he cursed, “Fuck!” His expression twisted in concern, “I’m sorry.
I didn’t mean to…does it hurt?”

  Aries sucked in a shaky breath, “Yes.”

  Conn turned to his second-in-command. “York, find me some ice.”

  York disappeared to do Conn’s bidding and when Conn looked back to Aries she was gone. He heard the unmistakable sound of feet slapping on the gymnasium floor and he paled. He’d been taken.

  Chapter 15

  His eyes found her halfway across the gym, almost to the door. He shifted with an enraged growl and knew his cheetah would stop her from reaching her goal.

  Anger lent strength to his burst of speed and as his nails dug deep into the hardwood floor he both pulled and pushed to propel his lithe body forward. He crossed in front of her to block the exit seconds before she could escape.

  Knowing she wouldn’t be able to stop herself, Aries tried to slow but instead crashed into Conn as his cheetah jumped and wrapped his arms around her. He rolled with her to protect her from the impact of their fall.

  On the ground, Aries struggled under him pulling free and receding back into the gymnasium. “You’re a fucking cheater!”

  The cheetah growled before it dropped to the ground and the form shifted before her eyes. Fur receded and limbs elongated until a fully clothed and fully angry Conn stood before her. “I’m a cheater? You’re the one who feigned injury!”

  “That’s not cheating,” Aries challenged planting both hands on her hips, “that’s using my sex to my advantage.”

  Conn moved before she even realized his intention. He caught both her wrists and trapped them behind her back while he frowned down at her, his lips inches from hers. She struggled in his grip but only succeeded in lodging herself tighter against his body. A sound emitted from deep in his throat and caused her to still.

  She read the unmistakable lust in his eyes and looked away. She definitely didn’t want to play this game with him.

  With both her wrists caught behind her in his large hand, he used to the other to grab her jaw and force her eyes to meet his. “If you want to use your sex to your advantage, you’re going about it in entirely the wrong manner.”


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