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The Bewitched Box Set

Page 89

by W. J. May

  “I don’t see anything.” I grab Dad’s second slice to distract him. “I’m still starving.” I stuff down the pizza and clamp my mouth shut. I gulp down my cup of Coke and get ready to lie again. Jin is now completely out in the open. His bowler hat might as well be a neon sign. What am I going to do?

  Dad stares into my face. “Esme, what’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  If only my genie were invisible. Instead he stands by the fence just waiting to be caught. I point to the opposite side of the yard. “What’s that? Do they have moose in Long Island?”

  Dad laughs. “Might be Dexter after all. He’s a black Great Dane. Could easily pass for a moose.”

  Jin bolts toward the front of the house. Dad keeps looking for the dog. By the time he turns around Jin’s gone.

  I give him a weak smile. Lying is exhausting. “Sorry, all the excitement from the fire has me seeing things.”

  “More like indigestion from inhaling three pieces of pizza in two minutes.”

  We both laugh. Then Dad points to my mouth. “The evidence is written all over your face.”

  I wipe the tomato sauce off with a napkin as I watch Jin vanish around the corner. “Thanks for lunch. I’m going to head back to my room and take a nap. Still got a mean case of jet lag.”

  He smiles. “I’ll cut you some slack this time.” Dad gets up and wipes the crumbs off his pleated trousers. “Just be sure to open all the windows to air out the house. It’s still smoky inside. I’ll call up the insurance company and see how quickly we can get the mess cleaned up.”

  “Sure thing.” I watch as he walks toward his GTO. Jin better be back inside the house. After all my lies, I don’t need my father catching him creeping across the front lawn. I wave as my dad speeds away and practically jog to the front door. Panic races through me as I move through the living room and see no signs of my pyromaniac genie. I suck in a breath and open the bedroom door. Jin is safely sitting by the window reading a magazine. He looks up at me with a sheepish grin. “Esme, I am so pleased to see you.”

  I plop down on the bed. “I’ve never had to lie so much in my life. I’m exhausted.”

  A furrow crosses his brow. “If you desire you can wish for the residence to be repaired.”

  “Tempting—but no. I don't want to waste a wish on a seventies nightmare of a house.”

  “Mistress, I know I put you in a difficult position and I apologize profusely. I shall accept any punishment you determine I require.”

  “You sure are trying to get me to waste my wishes. I blew two already. Not going to happen again. I only have eight left.”

  “Mistress, I have a question.” He stands up and hands me the magazine he’s been reading. Jin points to a large photo spread. “Why would a person of stature desire choose to live in such a domicile? ‘Tis perched so precariously on the cliff.”

  Who wouldn’t? I gaze at the pristine white interior of former reality star, Todd Sutter’s dream home. High on a cliff overlooking the beaches of Malibu, it’s the perfect refuge from the crazy world now that he’s governor of California. I run my finger along the long white leather sectional and up to the two-story stacked stone fireplace. Must be heaven to sit there with a roaring fire and stare out the vast windows at the waves breaking against the sand. I look at the bright orange drapes and paisley bedspread of my bedroom and sigh.

  “Wow, what an awesome place! I wish I lived in a dream home like that.”

  Before I can take back my words, the room fills with a lavender glow. The grass cloth walls recede and sleek modern furniture seems to pop out of the floor. A moving kaleidoscope of images flash before my eyes. The ocean—the stacked stone fireplace—endless walls of glass. Something pushes against my legs and I collapse onto a piece of white leather furniture.

  I jump up off the sectional. My hands fly to my face when I realize where I am. “This is Governor Sutter’s place!”

  * * *

  Chapter Four

  Lost & Found


  Waves crash rhythmically against the beach. My nostrils tickle from the thick sea air. I blink twice. OMG, I’m really in Malibu!

  He sits in a designer Barcelona chair on the huge balcony staring out at the sparkling Pacific Ocean. “I must say the vista is quite pleasing.”

  “Jin, what the heck have you done?”

  “Nothing you did not request, Mistress.”

  He would have to point out that my big mouth brought us here. “Okay. It’s my fault. But we really should be back at my dad’s house.”

  Jin stands and adjusts his monocle. “This is your father’s residence.”


  “Is that not what you requested?”

  My legs grow shaky. “Yes, but...”

  “I thought you would be pleased. Ever since I met you, the one thing that has vexed you the most is your father’s rather pedestrian domicile.”

  Talk about words coming back to haunt you. “Right. Well, I’ve changed my mind. A woman can do that.”

  “Yes, Esme, it has been my experience that the female species tends to do that quite frequently.” He gives me a crooked smile. “Do you desire for me to reverse the wish?”

  I take in the multi-million dollar view. Maybe I should hang out for just a little bit. See what it feels like to be rich. “Ah... maybe later.”

  All the excitement is making me need to find a restroom ASAP. I wander past the living room to a small alcove. I bet this is the powder room. When I open the door a glass chandelier pops on. Spa music fills the air. I stand in front of a strange white oval shaped like a hatbox. All of the sudden a lid pops up. OMG it’s a toilet! My need to use the restroom vanishes as I run to get Jin.

  “I found something amazing. You need to see it.”

  Jin reluctantly turns his back on the view and follows behind me. I walk through the door and point to the toilet. “What do you think this is?”

  “I presume it is some sort of hatbox for extraordinarily large bonnets.”

  I stand in front of it and the lid pops up. “Look, it’s a toilet!”

  Jin steps back out of the room. “Mistress, your behavior is highly inappropriate for a lady.”

  “Gee, I thought you’d be interested in such an amazing piece of modern technology.”

  “You presumed wrong.”

  He walks back to the living room. I can tell he’s disappointed in me. Better find someplace safer to explore—the fridge. I wonder what the governor likes to eat? The inside glows from the bright LED lights. They highlight the fact that only two things sit on the shelf. A bottle of Dom Pérignon champagne and a gold tin. I pick up the tin. “O.M.G, it’s caviar! I’ve always wondered what it tastes like.”

  Jin reads the label. “Beluga, impressive. Seems the governor prefers only the very best. But in my opinion, fish eggs are an acquired taste no matter how exclusive the maker.”

  Hum... sounds like Jin ran in some fancy circles. “Well, why don’t I find out for myself? What should I put them on?”

  He walks over to the large bank of glossy white cabinets. After opening several cupboards he holds out a box of fancy crackers. “These will have to do. The governor appears to dine out frequently.”

  I open the tin and dip my fingers into the eggs. “Ooh...they’re squishy.”

  Jin eyes the Dom Pérignon. “Caviar is rather briny. I think you might desire a glass of champagne to balance out the flavors.”

  So I have a gourmet as a genie. I give him a wink. “Are you trying to get me drunk?”

  “Absolutely not.”

  “Okay, then I’ll take your culinary advice. Pop the cork!”

  I hide my excitement. Grandma never let me get near alcohol. My first taste would be something that cost hundreds a bottle. Jin pops the cork and I feel giddy. This must be what it’s like to live the high life. For the first time I know how powerful a wish could be—almost dangerous.

  Jin finds two champagne flutes.
He fills the glasses halfway then holds his glass high. “To Esme. A witty and charming Mistress.”

  So he thinks I’m charming. I have to admit his charm is having an effect on me too. I clink his glass. “To the most awesome genie ever!”


  “Yes. Amazing, wonderful, stupendous.”

  He smiles. “I do not think I deserve so many adjectives. This wish may have gone to your head.”

  I take a sip of champagne and the bubbles tickle my nose. Maybe I should defuse the bubbles with a bite of caviar. The overpowering taste of fish and salt floods my mouth. “Yuck. This stuff is awful. Why do rich people think eating fish eggs tastes good?”

  Jin smiles. “I cautioned you—caviar is an acquired taste. The wealthy have much more refined palettes. Personally, I find the flavor revolting.”

  I laugh. “Despite the yucky caviar, this place is wonderful.” Feeling the effects of the wish and the champagne, I walk out onto the balcony and breathe deep. I look out over the railing and take in the beauty of Malibu. “It’s tempting to stay here, but this is Mr. Sutter’s house not mine.” Then it hits me. “Hold on a sec. So if this is now my house, where is Governor Sutter living?”

  “Why, at your father’s residence of course.”

  I picture the famous governor of California stuck in a dated 70’s tract house on Long Island. “No way!”

  “Mistress, your astonishment surprises me. You wish for his house therefore he must reside in yours.”

  This wishing thing suddenly got a lot scarier. “So I basically stole his house?”

  “Mistress, that is a very contrary way of viewing things.”

  “So your answer is yes.”

  He nods.

  “And who is running the state of California right now?”

  “Why, your father of course.”

  My head spins. “California in the hands of Dad? This is wrong. Totally wrong.”

  “Why don’t you telephone him? I think you will find things are not as dire as you believe.”

  “Right, just call him up?”

  “His direct communication line is on your telephone.”

  How does Jin know that? Right, I forgot. He knows my destiny. My hand shakes as I pull out my cell and push Dad’s number. A voice I don’t recognize answers the phone. “Governor Warren’s line.”

  “Ah...this is Esme.”

  “Of course, I should have recognized your number. Hold on a moment.”

  My dad’s familiar voice comes on the line. “Esme, what’s wrong? You know I have that conference call with President Palmer.”

  Did he just say he’s going to be speaking with the president? My Dad?

  “I need to talk to you.”

  “I’m at the Capitol but I can take the chopper home if you really need me.”

  “Sorry. It wasn’t that important.” I’ve suddenly entered some weird twilight zone where everyone knows what’s going on but me.

  “Good. Got to run. See you tonight, Kitten.”

  His voice sounds much more authoritative but at least being the governor hasn’t changed him totally. I’m still his Kitten. Yet, this whole life in the fast lane thing gives me the creeps. “I want my old Dad back.”

  Jin takes off his hat and rubs his brow. “Am I to understand you no longer wish to be the governor’s daughter?”

  “Yes.” I take one more look out at the amazing view. It’s worth the millions Mr. Sutter paid. “I wish to return to my dad’s crappy house back in Long Island.”

  “You shall lose two more wishes.”

  “I don’t care.”

  The living room fills with mist. The stark white walls turn a pale lavender.

  “As you command, Mistress.”


  I breathe a sigh of relief. Back in my bedroom, gross shag carpet and all. I sacrificed two wishes and a day of my life, but it feels right to be back in my dad’s house. At this point, the fact that I only have six wishes left doesn’t scare me as much as what would happen the next time I wish for something. With my luck Jin will screw up and my next home will be a yurt. My dad knocks on the door.

  “Esme, time to get ready for school. I have an early meeting. Do you mind walking?”

  I open the door a crack, aware that Jin is standing right behind me. “Sure. No problem.”

  “Good. I’ll see you around campus.”

  I sure hope not. “Great.”

  Shutting the door, I turn to Jin. “Does my dad remember being the governor of California?”

  “No. Once the wish is rescinded, only you will remember it ever took place.”

  “Good. ‘Cause he sure would be mad to go from running one of the biggest states in the Union to a crappy high school.”

  Jin smiles. “I am certain his ego would be significantly deflated.”

  I look at the clock. “It’s getting late. I have to head to school, but what am I going to do with you?”

  “I promise to remain in your room.”

  I flash on the fiasco in the backyard. “Nope. Not going to happen. You’re coming with me.”

  “Dressed like this?” He tips his bowler hat to point out the obvious.

  He’s right. I could put him in some of Dad’s clothes but I don’t want to be seen with a dork. Yet, I might get lucky and find something that will work. “You’re right. I’m going to see what I can find in my father’s closet.”

  Jin follows me as I walk to Dad’s room. Jeez, I never remember Dad being such a pig. Clothes are scattered like confetti all over the chairs and the dresser. Jin’s eyes grow wide as he takes in Dad’s room. “It seems your father is desperately in need of a butler.”

  I laugh. “I’ll say. Too bad they don’t have them anymore.”

  “There are no butlers employed in this modern world?”

  “Well, not for people like my dad anyway.”

  He smiles. “You could wish for one. You still possess six wishes.”

  “Nice try.” I opened the closet door. Dad’s work suits were the only things hanging up. His casual clothes cover the floor. I dig around until I find a pair of jeans. I hold them up to Jin. “These might work.”

  Jin frowns. “I will not be seen in public wearing a pair of dungarees.”

  “What are you talking about? These are jeans. Everyone wears them.”

  His lips look like he sucked on a lemon. “Not I.”

  This sure isn’t working. “Alright. You can wear your pants.” Great, now I have to find something that works with brown tweed trousers. “Let me find you a shirt.”

  He straightens his high pointed starched collar. “What is wrong with the one I am wearing?”

  “You need to blend in, not look like you’re going to a costume party.”

  “I beg your pardon.”

  A light bulb goes off in my head. “My ex’s shirt.” I run back to my room and dig through my roller bag. When Chris dumped me I couldn’t resist taking his favorite shirt. I hold it up to my face and breathe in deeply. It still smells lemony like his favorite shampoo. I hate to admit I still ache for him.

  Jin stands to next me. “What is an ‘ex’? Must I wear something with such a ludicrous name?”

  I laugh and hand him the shirt. He takes off his bowler hat and walks into the closet. Jin comes out with a grimace on his face. “I do believe this garment is several sizes too small.”

  The navy and brown striped shirt hugs his body in all the right ways. With his tousled brown curls grazing his forehead, Jin and Chris are almost a perfect match. Strange, I haven’t noticed it before. “No, you look great. You just need to untuck the shirt and lose the monocle. Then you’ll be perfect.”

  He puts the monocle in his trouser pocket and tugs at the shirt. “Why would I do such a thing? How untidy.”

  I smile. “It’s the style.” He turns his back and reluctantly pulls the shirt out of the waistband. I catch a glimpse of his back muscles. My genie is ripped!

  Jin runs his fingers through his curly hair
and I realize I need to do something about his unruly mane. I dart to the bathroom and get my can of mousse. I spray a dollop in my hand and then reach up and put some in his hair. A spark runs up my arm.

  He pushes my hand away. “Mistress, remember the rules. We must not touch each other intimately.”

  “Oh, you’re just being silly. I’m only trying to fix your hair.” I can’t deny the building chemistry between us. Maybe he can feel it, too.

  He runs his fingers through his hair to blend in the mousse. It’s a little slicked back for my taste, but he doesn’t look bad. Jin stands in front of me fidgeting with the shirt. “I am extremely uncomfortable but I will do as you say, Esme.”

  “Good, because we need to jet!”

  As we speed along the street, I can’t help wonder if anyone can tell that Jin doesn’t belong in this time. With Chris’s shirt covering his trousers he almost passes for a cool guy. Yet he walks with his head held high. A man of confidence, not some high school boy. His manliness is not lost on the girls we pass. They stare at his handsome face and the muscles straining against the cotton fabric of the shirt. I get a tinge of jealousy. The same thing used to happen when I walked around my old school with Chris.

  To avoid any more gawkers I lead Jin through the backside of campus until we hit the library steps. “I can’t take you to my classes so I’m going to leave you at the library, okay?”

  “That would give me great pleasure. I can read more about your modern world.”

  “Great.” I open the large wood door and walk up to the librarian at the front desk.

  She smiles when she recognizes me. “What can I do for you?”

  “This is my cousin from England. Can you do me a favor and make sure he hangs out here? He just arrived in Long Island and doesn’t know his way around.”

  “Of course. Anything for Mr. Warren’s daughter.”

  “Thanks. I’ll pick him up as soon as I can.” I turn to leave. “Also, I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t tell my father. It’s a surprise.”

  She smiles. “Don’t worry, I can keep a secret.”

  I lead Jin over to a table by the stacks. The huge clock over the librarian’s desk ticks loudly reminding me I only have five minutes to get to class. “Jin, promise you’ll stay here and not talk to anyone, okay?”


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