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The Bewitched Box Set

Page 93

by W. J. May

  I hand the monocle over to Jin. “Will, they remember what happened?”

  Jin shakes his head. “No, Mistress. The Crandy’s minds will be wiped clean.”

  “Good.” I hesitate for just a second. Part of me really enjoyed being free of the Crandys. Plus I’ll be down to only four wishes. But I know it’s the right thing to do. “I wish for the Crandys to go back to their old way of life on Long Island.”

  The room once again turns a vibrant shade of lavender. “As you wish, Mistress.”

  A flash of lavender light fills the administration office. Once again Ms. Crandy is back at her desk. She shifts through a stack of papers, blissfully ignorant of her life on Mars. The office women are gossiping as usual. They have no memory of Ms. Crandy ever being gone. Courtney is probably heading off to her next class like it’s just another day at Grover High. This wishing thing is kind of cool but it’s also scary. I better try not to let the power go to my head.

  With in seconds I hear the familiar high-pitched sound of Ms. Crandy’s voice. “Jin, can you come to my office.”

  For once her voice doesn’t make me cringe. I smile at Jin. “She’s all yours.”


  AP literature is going to be a blast. I haven’t even cracked one book. I look up at the whiteboard. Our first assignment makes my mouth go dry. Break Beowulf’s storyline into battle sections. Describe each battle’s importance to Beowulf’s emotional arc. I haven’t read one word. Panic sets in until I see a note at the bottom of the board. It’s open book. Yay! I plow through the book and scribble down my first answers. Then I realize the final battle is with a dragon. How cool! I might actually have to read that part.

  Thankfully the bell rings and I head over to government class. I’m actually glad to see Trinity. Helps to have a friendly face in a class as boring as this one—even if she might just be a fake friend.

  She gives me a high five. “Esme is in the house.”

  What’s she so happy about? I see another stack of papers on the teacher’s desk. “I can’t believe you’re excited about taking another test.”

  “Nope. I’m just still jazzed from my calculus class. Totally nailed the exam.”

  I smile. The way things are going with my crazy life with Jin I may never make it to my calculus class. Because of him I’ve already skipped it two days straight. “Wow, that’s awesome.”

  “I know it sounds geeky but I want to be a math teacher some day.”

  At first I have a hard time picturing a punker like Trinity being a math teacher. Yet, I have to admit I admire people who know what they want to do. For an overachiever, I’m totally clueless. Somehow despite my half-assed attitude about school, I’ve managed to get straight A’s since kindergarten. Still, nothing I’ve studied strikes me as something I’d want to do for a career. The only thing I find remotely interesting is Regency history. Who makes a living at that? I could be anything I want. I enjoyed the strange buzz I got from wearing the monocle. Magic has always fascinated me. I grew up watching magic shows on TV with Grandma. She never missed a show. Becoming a female version of David Copperfield might be totally awesome. Yet, I just can’t see wasting a precious wish on that.

  The teacher plops the test on my desk. I leaf through it and take a deep breath. The amount of BS I’m going to have to spew on these essay questions is going to drain any energy I have left. Sure enough, by the time I finish all the questions I can barely get out of my chair. I wave goodbye to Tiffany and practically have to drag myself to the administration office. Thanks to Jin it’s my new home away from home.

  My luck, I run into Kirk and Courtney making out by the gym. I laugh to myself. Maybe her time on Mars surrounded by hot guys made her horny. I pick up my speed but Courtney must have eyes in the back of her head. She breaks away from Kirk and heads straight for me. “I need to talk to you, now!”

  OMG! Did the brainwashing not work? Can she remember what happened on Mars?

  Courtney gets right up in my face. “I’ve had enough of your, I’m the principal’s daughter attitude.”

  Is that red dirt I see smeared on her purple sweater? No way.

  “Wow. Where do you get off? You’re the queen of attitude.”

  She points a finger at my nose. “I wouldn’t push it with me. I’m only playing nice because my mom is dating your dad.”

  If this is her idea of playing nice I hate to see what she does when she’s ticked. “Get out of my way. I need to pick up Jin.”

  “That’s what I want to talk to you about.”

  Here we go again. “I already told, you hands off.”

  “If I wanted him, I could have him.”

  “Dream on. You’re so not his type.”

  “Well, I know you aren’t either.”

  My face burns. “I don’t have time for your B.S.” I turn to walk away from her.

  She grabs my arm. “Not so fast. “I know Jin’s little secret.”


  Preview of Jin in Time Part Two


  * * *

  Chapter One

  Turn of Events

  A chill runs up my back as I stare into Courtney’s eyes. She has to be lying. “Oh yeah? What do you think you know about Jin?”

  “I know everything. My mom got the dirt from your dad.”

  What the heck is she talking about? He doesn’t know the truth—that Jin is a genie. “Really? So what’s the dirt?”

  “Jin wants to marry you.”

  Crap. Can’t believe Dad is such a blabbermouth. But Ms. Crandy is very good at using her feminine powers. “Yes, it’s true. So what?”

  “I know the reason he wants to marry you. He told me himself.”

  What the heck is Jin saying to Courtney? I need to tell him she can’t be trusted.

  “I’m sure he said it’s because he loves me.”

  “Oh, come on, please. Who do you think you’re fooling? He practically told me it’s to get a green card.”

  Talk about a bald-faced lie. Jin doesn’t even know what a green card is. “You can say whatever you want, Courtney. But I’d think twice about spreading that kind of rumor.”

  “Oh yeah? What are you going to do?”

  “Don’t push me. I have the power to make things very unpleasant for you and your mother.” If only she could remember their little stint living on Mars.

  “Ooo, I’m scared. I can’t help it if Jin likes to talk to me. I bet he’s living with you, too.”

  Crap, how could she know that? Is she following me home? She has to be guessing. “Don’t be ridiculous. He’s staying at the Sleepy Town Motel.”

  “That’s not what he told me.”

  Looks like I have two blabbermouths to deal with. “You’re taking advantage of how polite he is.”

  “You know he’s into me.”

  “Nice try changing the subject. You really should be scared of pushing me too far. I can see to it your mother loses her job. My dad will do anything for me.”

  “Dream on. You’re just jealous I have Jin wrapped around my finger.”

  I hate to admit that she’s really pushing my buttons. “Jin is only being nice to you because I told him to.” A total lie but I just can’t let her win.

  She gives me a crooked grin. “Right. You keep telling yourself that.” She glances at her watch. “Look, I’ve got to watch Kirk practice. Big game tonight. We’ll finish this later. I’m not done with you.”

  I’ve never been so happy to see someone leave. She’s making me regret reversing the wish big time. I kick myself for letting her get to me. What I really need to do is talk to Dad. Explain to him that Courtney is harassing me and he’s not helping things by telling her mom personal stuff. I speed walk over to the administration building, dying to get the big confab with Dad over with. I’ll talk to Jin tonight about steering clear of Courtney.

  As if he’s psychic, Jin greets me at the door. “Esme, so delighted to be graced by your presence. Your father has r
equested I deliver a message. He shall be at your residence later this evening as he was summoned to a gathering of the utmost importance.”

  Great. “Would you escort me home?”

  He gives me a smile and takes my arm. “Why certainly, my lady.”

  We stroll down the street like a proper couple. Grandma was right. My life has changed for the better. I have an ally for the first time since she died. If only he came with an instruction manual.

  “You mind if we stop off at the pizza place? I’m getting hungry.”

  He nods. “Of course, if that is what you desire. Although I would presume you would use your father’s absence as an opportunity to expand your gastronomic repertoire.”

  I laugh. “You’re right. I need to eat something healthy. You mind walking a few more blocks to the Salad Shack?”

  “I am all for improving your health. Especially with the added benefit of breathing the brisk autumn air.”

  I’m sure he doesn't mean anything by it, but I suddenly feel guilty. Except for the visit to Mr. Sutter’s house and working at Weenie World, I’ve kept him cooped up in the house most of the time we have been together. I bet some of his other owners have taken him on adventures to complete their wishes. “Jin, I hope I’m not too boring.”

  “Most certainly not. You are a pleasure to be with.”

  I laugh. “I bet you say that to all your Masters.”

  “Absolutely not.” His shoulders stiffen. “As I explained, the magician is one Master I would rather forget.”

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to bring up a bad subject.”

  “Tis not your fault. You are young and still learning your way in the world.”

  Ouch. “I’m old enough to be your fiancée.”


  Jin opens the door for me and I stride into the Salad Shack. Feels good to have a fiancé even if he’s fake. I’ve been completely off guys since my breakup with my one and only boyfriend, Chris. At first it kind of bugged me that Jin was wearing his shirt. But now it’s a constant reminder that Chris did me a favor dumping me. It’s nice to be with a man, not a boy.

  I shift on my feet trying to decide what salad to get. Cobb or Caesar, Cobb or Caesar. The girl behind the counter totally ignores me and stares at Jin. “Hey, aren’t you the guy that almost burned down Weenie World?”

  Jin steps up to the counter. “See here, young lady. I did no such thing.”

  The cashier looks Jin up and down. “For such a hot guy you sound like a grandpa.”

  I stand in front of Jin hoping she’ll drop the subject. “Hey, I’m here to order. I’ll take a Caesar.”

  Jin tugs on my sleeve. “What does the famous emperor have to do with a salad?”

  The cashier rolls her eyes. “Cute, but dumb. That’ll be six-forty-five.”

  I pull a ten out of my purse and toss it at her. “He’s from England.”

  She picks up the bill. “I got that. But he sounds like he’s from Downton Abbey or something.”

  Suddenly bringing Jin along doesn't seem like such a great idea. Why do things have to get so complicated when he’s around? “Like that’s a bad thing? Old school British guys rock.”

  Jin throws back his shoulders. “I happen to come from Kensington-Upon-Thames. Quite a superior location.”

  I grab Jin’s hand. People are starting to stare. Bet they recognize Jin from the TV news just like the cashier. “Let’s wait over here.” I need to do something to distract him. “Hey, do you have your monocle? I’m curious what Kensington-Upon-Thames looks like.”

  A smile crosses his face. “Indeed I do. I always keep it close.” He pats his pocket. “It would be my great pleasure to show you.” He hands me the monocle. “Just concentrate on Kensington in the eighteen nineties. My home was on Hans Place, a lovely circular street. Number Sixteen.”

  I put on the monocle and concentrate on the address and the year. The couple nearby are staring at me but I ignore them. I’m dying to see what Jin’s former home looked like. At first the image is blurry, then it slowly comes into focus. The tree-lined street looks like something I’ve seen in a classic British painting. The brownstone buildings are five stories high with huge ornamental facades that dance down to the end of the block. A pretty woman in a pale green dress straightens her bustle before she steps into a carriage. Beautiful baskets of purple and red flowers hang from the gas lampposts. Hans Place is postcard perfect. “It’s stunning. I can see why you enjoyed living there.”

  “It was my former Master’s residence, of course. But it felt like my home too.”

  “Do you miss living in your time?”

  “A little. I feel a bit out of place in the modern world.”

  Of course he does. And I haven’t made things easier for him. I still haven’t bought him the urban dictionary. “I’m sorry. I should try to explain things more clearly.”

  “Mistress, no need to apologize. You are doing a wonderful job.”

  I smile and give him back the monocle. “Always the gentleman.”

  The cashier screams out, “Number twenty-two.”

  I walk up to the counter to get my salad. The girl holds out the bag. “Good luck with that one. Hope he doesn't burn down your house.”

  Thank god Jin didn't hear her. Surely that would start another verbal war. I spy a guy in a Grover High varsity jacket and it reminds me the big game is tonight. The game is sold out, but according to the buzz on campus, all the Panthers games are going to be televised this season. Not like I’m some big sports nut, but I’m curious to see if Kirk is the awesome quarterback Courtney says he is. Also I want to check out Courtney’s cheerleader skills. If she screws up, I’ll have some ammunition for our next run in, just in case I need it.

  I speed walk back to the house. Jin practically has to jog to keep up. Throwing open the front door, I head straight for the couch. I flick on the TV and scroll through trying to find the local channel. Darn. The game has already started, but it’s only the first down. I settle into the couch and balance my salad on my lap. Except for the announcer’s voice on the TV, the house is quiet. I hate to admit I actually miss Dad. The place feels a bit empty without him. Wonder why he’s not back from his meeting yet?

  Jin sits down next to me. “Esme, may I inquire as to what you are viewing on the electronic device?”

  I chomp down my mouthful of salad. “I’m going to watch a football game.”

  “I am confused. You have displayed no interest in athletic endeavors previously.”

  I can’t tell him the real reason I’m watching the game. “It’s a class assignment.”

  “May I venture a guess which course would require such an assignment?” He gives me a smile. “For your medieval literature course, perhaps?”

  Bits of salad rain from my mouth like confetti. “O.M.G. Jin. You killed that joke!”

  “How can one kill a joke? It is not a living entity. Can you explain the meaning to me?”

  I’m in no mood to be a dictionary again. “Jin. Can you let me finish my dinner first?”

  He nods. “Certainly. May I suggest that on your next excursion you could purchase the dictionary for me? Then I would not have to disturb you.”

  He sure knows how to make me feel like a heel. “Great idea. I’ll do that.” I wolf down the rest of my salad as I watch Kirk score a goal. “Damn. He really is good.” Guess they do make the perfect couple. A tinge of jealousy hits me. I’ll never get to have that with my genie.

  Jin frowns. “It is not very ladylike to swear. Why are you so enthralled with a mere sporting event? I do not believe it was an assignment for school.”

  Might as well admit the truth. “I’m just checking out Kirk and Courtney. Seeing if they really are as good as they say.”

  “Checking them out? What exactly does that mean?”

  Ugh. “I need to get you a slang dictionary, like yesterday.”

  “Where can I procure one for myself?” Jin sucks in a breath. “Sorry, Mistress. I will burden you
with my questions no longer.”

  I need to remember even genies can get their feelings hurt. “It’s okay. I know you’re just trying to help.”

  He nods. “I only want to understand you so I can serve you better, Mistress.”

  Amazing. Men usually don’t really try to understand women. Despite how he drives me crazy, I’m really lucky to be with Jin.

  I watch as Courtney does a somersault and ends up on top of two guys’ shoulders. Cheers roar out from the crowd. Darn. I’d been hoping she wasn’t any good. She dives off the guys’ shoulders and ends up in the arms of a burly muscle-bound type. Wonder what Kirk thinks of all this manhandling.

  Jin points to the screen. “Courtney possesses more grace than I thought. Her acrobatics are quite impressive.”

  I wonder if that is what Jin is impressed by, or that fact that her boobs are practically falling out of her top. I’m suddenly feeling very breast challenged. Maybe I should wish for bigger boobs. No, better yet, I should shrink Courtney’s.

  “Yes, I have to admit she’s pretty good.”

  “But she is not nearly as graceful and beautiful as you.”

  He sure knows what to say to a girl. Jin must sense my feelings of inadequacy. How am I supposed to not fall for a man like him? “Thanks. I know you’re just being nice.”

  Ever the gentleman, he gives me a smile and takes my empty bowl to the kitchen. Talk about thoughtful. I’d be the luckiest girl in the world to have Jin as a husband. Too bad he can’t stay with me forever. Maybe that’s why I’ve been dragging my feet on making wishes.


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