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The Bewitched Box Set

Page 92

by W. J. May

  The paramedic answers for him. “He’s very lucky the grease didn’t splash on him or he’d be badly burned. Just had a little bit of smoke inhalation. We gave him some oxygen. He should be fine.”

  Thankfully, they didn’t check Jin out any closer.

  He gives me a weak grin. “This kind gentleman has come to my rescue.” He points to the oxygen tank. “With the aid of this contraption, I am feeling a good deal improved.”

  I watch Dad break through the reporters hovering around the front of the restaurant. He must be looking for Frank. Boy is he going to get an earful.

  I plop down on the curb next to him. “Okay. What did you do now?”

  “Mistress, the incendiary event truly was not my fault this time. The chef was trying to show me the art of precisely cooking the French fry potatoes, when his sleeve fell into the hot oil. Of course he became quite distressed so he shook his garment violently and the oil splattered hither and yon. The oil struck the flames that protruded out of the meat grilling device. Soon a fire exploded several feet high.”

  I look deep into his eyes. He’s not lying. At least Dad won’t kick him out of the house. Or maybe it’s wishful thinking. “It’s all right, Jin, I believe you. Hopefully my father will, too.”

  The smoke dies down and the reporters pack up their camera gear. The big headline “Weenie World burns to the ground” turns out to be greatly exaggerated. Dad comes out of the restaurant with Frank. He points at Jin and then shakes his head. If that cook threw Jin under the bus I’m going to be ticked.

  Dad hovers over him. “Sorry, Jin, but my friend says that you and Weenie World are not a good match. Seems the employees are not used to working with foreigners. I’ll have to find you another place to work.”

  Jin sighs. “I truly tried my very best, sir. I had no desire to cause an uncomfortable situation at the establishment.”

  I let out a sigh of relief. “Didn’t I say it wasn’t the job for Jin?”

  Dad nods. “I obviously should have listened to you. I’ll find him something at school. It’s much safer.”


  Waking up an hour early sure isn’t agreeing with me. I’m still groggy as I watch Dad gather the four office workers around my genie. Ms. Crandy stands front and center. Of course. “This is Jin. He’s going to help you with the paperwork in the office. Any filing jobs you can hand over to him.”

  Jin bows to the women. “Ladies, it will be my utmost pleasure to come to your aid in any way I can.”

  One of the women actually sighs when she hears his accent.

  A plump, gray-haired woman holds out her hand. “Nice to meet you, Jin. I’m Mrs. Goodman, the office manager. I’m so glad you can join our team.” She lets go of Jin’s hand and turns to my dad. “Thank you, Principal Warren. We can always use more help filing.”

  “Terrific. Now, Jin, if you have any questions please speak with Ms. Crandy. She is my go to person in the office.”

  Ugh. I want to throw up. She sure has won him over big time. I wonder if they’ll be married by spring.

  Ms. Crandy beams. “Thank you, Principal Warren. I will be more than happy to help him.”

  I bet she would. I follow Dad into the office. “Thanks for giving Jin a second chance.”

  He sits behind his formidable desk. “It’s what fathers do for their daughters. Now get to class.”

  I race down the hall to my AP government class. A smile and wave greet me as I step through the door—Trinity. I don’t want to be rude so I plop down next to her.

  She helps me take off my backpack. “Cool. So glad I don't have to suffer through this class alone.”

  I’m still getting almost a stalker vibe from her, but I smile back. “Likewise.”

  A tall man with a pointy chin shuffles papers on his desk. This teacher is more like what I’m used to. The exact opposite of the eye candy botany teacher. “Class, I thought I’d jumpstart things with a little quiz. Hope you did your pre-course reading.”

  I stare at Trinity. “What the F? Pre-course reading?”

  “Yeah. This teach is into academic punishment.”

  He strolls down the aisles and drops off the quiz. I scan the paper. Turns out his definition of a quiz is a ten page test. Jerk. “Wonderful, I haven't read a thing.”

  Trinity gives me a confident smile. “I have. Just copy my answers.”

  My grandmother would leap out of her grave and strangle me. “No, thanks. It’s multiple choice so I think I can pass it on my own.”

  The teacher clears his throat. “You will have an hour to complete the quiz and the six essay questions.”

  Trinity stares at my face. “You’re turning white. Are you okay?”

  “Terrific. How am I supposed to fake my way through essay questions?”

  “You’re an AP student, you can pull it off.”

  I nod, wishing I had her confidence. The clock ticks by as my pencil hovers over the test. All I can think about is Jin. What is he doing in the office? Will he burn it down too? I’m beginning to feel like a babysitter. When are the benefits of having a genie going to happen? I haven’t even had a moment to myself to think of the perfect wish.

  The clock ticks loudly. I have to focus and at least trying to pass the quiz. The first question already gives me a headache. How many Republicans and Democrats are there in the House of Representatives and the Senate respectively? Which branch of the government has been more effective this year? Once again I’m grateful the quiz is multiple choice. At least I stand a slim chance of guessing the right answer.

  I do my eeny-meeny-miny-moe method of completing the multiple-choice questions in no time. But the hour seems to go on forever when I have to BS my way through the essay questions. The bell rings and I toss the papers on the teacher’s desk. If I land a D I’ll be lucky. For the rest of the class, the teacher drones on and on about the state of politics in America. I agree they are pretty messed up but what am I supposed to do about it? I can't even vote.

  The final bell rings and I jump out of my seat wave goodbye to Trinity. I drag myself over to the administration office hoping I don’t face another disaster caused by Jin. All I want to do is go home and crash in my room. That sure isn’t likely with my genie around. Who knows what kind of trouble he could get into even doing something as simple as filing.

  I pull open the office door and hear the distinct shrill sounds of Ms. Crandy’s laughter. “Oh, Jin, you’re so funny. I just love having you here in the office. Such a class act.”

  I turn the corner to find Jin pinned against the wall between Courtney and Ms. Crandy. The last thing I need is to run into those two. My blood boils. “Jin, it’s time to leave.”

  Courtney grips Jin’s arm. “Say it again. I just love your accent.”

  “Happy to oblige. You have reached the venerable establishment of Grover High School. How may I assist you?”

  “Love it!” Courtney glares at me. “He’s not going anywhere.”

  What is she up to? She already has her hunky quarterback boyfriend. “Do I have to tell Kirk you’re throwing him over for some British dude?”

  Ms. Crandy puffs out her ample chest. “Now, now, Esme. We were just complimenting Jin on what a great job he did today. A real asset to Grover High.”

  Jin tries to break free of Courtney’s clutches. “Why, thank you, Mrs. Crandy. It is my pleasure to assist you and Principal Warren in any way possible.”

  Courtney runs her hand up and down Jin’s arm. “I know exactly what kind of assistance I want.”

  The nerve. She has no idea who she’s messing with. “You’re unbelievable!”

  Ms. Crandy jumps in. “Calm down, Esme. Courtney is only joking around.”

  First, I have to deal with Ms. Crandy hitting on my dad. Now I have Courtney hitting on my fiancé. My neck burns as I try to fight the jealousy building inside me, but it’s no use. “Jin’s my boyfriend. Why don’t you just disappear?”

  Courtney ignores me and runs her fingers through Jin
’s hair.

  I throw back my shoulders. “Wait, I have a better idea.”

  Jin’s eyes bore into me, but I don’t care.

  “I wish the Crandys lived on Mars.”

  * * *

  Chapter Eight

  Mars Life


  The room turns lavender and in one big poof, Courtney and her mother are gone. “Jeez Jin, you know I’m just angry. I didn’t really mean they should actually live on Mars.”

  “Mistress, as soon as you say the word wish, I am compelled to execute what you desire.”

  Me and my big mouth. I need to get better at this wishing thing. So far I’m batting an F. I grab Jin and pull him into the conference room. “Crap. Now what?”

  “You can reverse the wish.”

  Part of me knows it’s the right thing to do, but the other thinks maybe some time living on Mars might bring Courtney to her senses. “I know I should, but I’m just so angry at them. My life would be so much better if they were gone.”

  Jin reaches over and holds my hand. “Esme, I know certain females can be exasperating beyond comprehension, but to live on Mars is quite the harsh punishment.”

  I know he’s right. I try to picture what their life would be on such a cruel planet. Could they even breathe? “Are they okay up there? I mean, there’s no oxygen on Mars.”

  “It is my duty as a genie to make sure that they are healthy unless you request otherwise.”

  I suddenly feel like a hit man. “Of course not.” Guilt wells up inside me. I push it down and let my curiosity take over. “I wonder what their life is like? Are they living inside a cave?”

  Jin smiles. “Would you like to peruse their new residence?”

  “How is that possible? You have a crystal ball or something?”

  “Not exactly. After granting a series of wishes the magician grew more and more powerful. Soon, Roderick possessed extraordinary abilities. He transformed my monocle into a looking glass. One of his rare acts of kindness. When you don the eyeglass, what you desire to observe will appear before your very eyes. Quite astonishing.”

  “No way!”

  He takes the monocle from his pocket and hands it to me. “Witness for yourself.”

  My hand shakes as I place the monocle against my nose and try to wedge it under my brow. The silk cord brushes against my cheek and I feel like I want to sneeze. To top it off I can’t see anything. “It’s not working.”

  “Mistress, you must focus your attention with all your might.”

  I squint to concentrate. Jin laughs. “One must have the aptitude to gaze through the glass to observe what they wish.”

  I open my eyes feeling like a complete idiot. “Give me a sec. I’m not used to this thing.”

  He gives me an encouraging smile. “Patience wins the race.”

  I concentrate as hard as I can until an image begins to appear. I let out a gasp. “O.M.G it’s them! Wow, they’re living in some kind of large clear bubble thing. But it’s not space age like in the sci-fi movies at all—probably because you’ve never seen any. Inside it looks like a scene from the Arabian Nights. Beautiful carpets and tufted velvet lounges. Totally exotic.”

  Jin seems a bit embarrassed. “Mistress, I could not quite comprehend what living on such a desolate planet should be. I envisioned the nomads of Arabia. Consequently, I ornamented the Crandy’s new residence in the manner of a sheik’s tent. Is it not to your satisfaction?”

  “I think the tent is beautiful. And the planet is too.” I take in the Crandy’s new home. Mars is more spectacular than the images I’ve seen on TV. The rocky surface shades from red, to orange, to brown. They flow together like the layers in a sand garden. The tent sits near the edge of a large canyon. Could be a twin of the Grand Canyon. Thanks to Jin, the Crandys have a billion dollar view.

  Ms. Crandy and Courtney are lounging on a pair of emerald green chaises, wearing glitzy jeweled robes. I guess they don’t mind being stuck on some barren planet.

  “Do Courtney and her mom realize where they are? They look so happy.”

  “No. I thought it better they believe they have always resided on the red planet.”

  Jin is being way too nice. I watch as they down handfuls of grapes. Courtney snaps her fingers and two shirtless guys wearing gold harem pants join them. They’re ripped. That explains the huge grins on the Crandys’ faces.

  “Adding the eye candy was a nice touch.”

  His brow furrows. “Eye candy? I did not place confections on their eyes.”

  “I mean the men. Good idea to add them.”

  “Having been an object of their attention, I felt it necessary that they have some male companionship to be content.”

  Courtney flips on her stomach and the man gives her a back massage. He pours oil on her shoulders and runs his long fingers over her shoulder blades. She squeals with delight. This isn’t a punishment. They’re living a fantasy life up on Mars. Unbelievable!

  “I wanted their life on Mars to be quite different.”

  He nods. “Of that I am certain. But I concluded you would not desire them to truly suffer the unforgiving realities of the red planet.”

  What a softy. How could I not see he had such a kind heart before?


  The second period bell rings and I race down the hall to my botany class. Thank god Dad is at a school board meeting. He would be less than thrilled that once again I’ve missed my calculus class.

  I make it to the science building with two minutes to spare. I plop down in the chair next to Trinity and stare at the botany teacher as he flexes his bicep while writing out our assignment on the whiteboard. Makes me think of all the muscle flexing that must be going on up on Mars. Leave it to Jin to make living on the red planet a paradise for the Crandys. It’s the only reason I haven’t retracted the wish yet. Plus it’s been a little slice of Heaven not running across Courtney this morning. I promised Jin I’d return the Crandys to Long Island by the end of the day.

  Trinity waves her hand in front of my face. “What planet are you on?

  I smile at the irony. “Sorry. Was just admiring the teacher’s biceps.”

  She laughs. “Love the way he wears short-sleeved shirts to class to show them off. Totally ignoring the fact that it’s freezing today.”

  She’s right. I noticed a light dusting of frost on the windshield of Dad’s GTO this morning. Late fall has hit Long Island with a vengeance. I had to throw on an extra sweater this morning. My body isn’t used to the temperature being lower than seventy during the day.

  I watch a bustle of activity in the front of the class as the girls maneuver to get closer to the whiteboard. Seems the cheerleaders appreciate big biceps too.

  The teacher stops writing. “As you can see on the board, today we are going to study diatoms. One of the smallest types of plant life on Earth. Everyone, please look at the slide in your microscopes.”

  The cheerleaders continue looking at the teacher, totally ignoring his instructions. Trinity pokes me in the ribs. “Wow, this diatom thingy is pretty cool. Look.”

  I gaze at the strange object on the slide. The pattern of the cell walls almost looks like sprinkles on the top of a donut. “Yeah, it’s neat.”

  I know I sound lame, but I just flashed on my view through the monocle. The Crandys really are living on Mars. Holy shit! The reality of my wish suddenly sinks in.

  Trinity snaps her fingers to get my attention. “You don’t need to flip out over the stupid thing.”

  I think up a lie. “Sorry. I’ve never looked through a microscope before. Totally awesome.”

  The teacher taps on the board. “Your assignment is to answer these five questions about the bacillariophytina.”

  Trinity crinkles her nose. “ whatever. This is a cinch.”

  She blazes through the answers and I actually contemplate copying them. The guilt of what I’ve done to the Crandys hits me in the gut big time.

s is finally over and I ditch out before Trinity can ask me to join her for lunch. Food is the last thing I want right now, I’m on a mission. I speed walk to the administration office—I’ve got to get Jin. I plow through the door and find him talking to the office manager.

  “I can understand your concern that some horrendous calamity has befallen Ms. Crandy. But I can assure you she is in good health. I overheard a conversation she had with Principal Warren in which she stated she was called away to attend to a family matter in New York.”

  The office manager nervously fiddles with her ring. “But she told me her family was from Connecticut.”

  Jin takes it in stride. “Yes, but they are rendezvousing in New York to address a property that has come into question. It appears a family member has left this world never to return.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Must be why she left in such a hurry.” She hangs her head. “Without telling me.”

  Jin gently pats her hand. “I am certain she would appreciate your concern. A departed family member is a tragedy of life.”

  Where does he come up with this stuff? Did he go to a special How to Lie class for genies? My throat grows tight as I watch a tear drip down the manager’s cheek as she heads back to her office. This has gone on long enough. “Jin, I need to speak with you.”

  He greets me with a huge smile. “Esme, good to see you.”

  I pull him into the conference room and close the door. “Give me the monocle.”

  “So you desire to continue this charade?”

  Like I don’t feel guilty enough. “No, I am going to do the right thing. I just want to see them on Mars one more time.”

  He nods and hands me the monocle. I place it on my left eye and concentrate. Inside the bubble home, the men are tidying up an impressive spread of food. Huge brass trays are loaded down with whole chickens and pheasants. Stacks of breads and fruit cover the rest of the trays. Gold wine goblets sit on smaller brass tables near silk cushions on the floor. Everything a sultan would want. OMG! I even see a pair of peacocks strolling along the edge of the massive Persian carpet. But where are the Crandys? I scan over to the back of the large tent like structure. Courtney is lying on a beautiful ebony canopy bed draped in purple silk. How did Jin know it’s her favorite color? Probably the same way I did. She wears it almost every day. Courtney is staring out at the red dust blowing against the tent. Her eyes are blood hot. She’s been crying. Despite the hot guys and the paradise Jin created for them, there is no denying that the Crandys are still stuck in a bubble on a desolate planet. A lump forms in my throat. I’m the one who put them there.


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