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Falconfar 02-Arch Wizard

Page 37

by Ed Greenwood

  SUDDENLY, IN SILENCE and without warning, his spying spell winked out. Narmarkoun stared in disbelief at the dark and empty air where the glowing sphere of his magic had been a moment ago, showing him Malraun being hacked at by Dark Helms in the ruins of Malragard.

  Then there came a flash, light that cloaked him, whirled him around, and spun him—elsewhere.

  Leaving the great castle of Yintaerghast dark and deserted once more.

  ROD EVERLAR ROLLED desperately across cracked and rubble-littered tiles, trying to get away from Malraun.

  Who was stiffening and shrieking out sudden wild cackles of laughter, gibberings of maniacal glee that made even the Dark Helms flinch back from him. Foaming at the mouth, his eyes gouting sparks, the wizard spread his hands and fed them lightnings that sent them flying, broken and burning, swords clanging down far away across the rubble of Malragard.

  Rod ran out of space to roll to, fetching up against a great heap of fallen stone in time to see the wizard throw back his head, his face a bright mass of sputtering, leaping lightnings, and roar in triumph.

  Malraun spread his hands again. Wands and scepters and small things of bright metal burst from here and there amid the rubble, racing through the air to his waiting grasp.

  He flung most of them down as they arrived, in a great bouncing and clanging at his feet, but kept two of the longest, deadliest-looking things: scepters with heads like horned orbs. These he promptly aimed at a certain spot far across the tiles.

  An empty spot, so far as Rod could tell.

  Then there was a flash, and a tall wizard with blue and scaly skin stood there, looking bewildered.

  "Narmarkoun!" Malraun crooned, in a voice deeper and older than the Matchless One had ever sounded before—and unleashed the scepters in his hands.

  Narmarkoun had time to scream. Just once.

  Once, before a whirling, tightening sphere of deadly clawing magics from the scepters drew in tight around him, rending and tearing. He was a sobbing cloud of red mist by the time his smashed and broken body was driven back across the tiles to what was left of a wall and through it, leaving a gaping hole and a flickering glow beyond. By then, a great smear of gore spattered across a more distant wall was all that was left of Narmarkoun.

  The scepters failed, belching out puffs of sparks, and what had been Malraun let them fall. They struck the tiles without clangor, bursting into spattered ashes.

  Then the wizard turned to Rod Everlar. His face raged with lightnings no longer, and wore a calm smile. Above it were two burnt-out pits where his eyes should have been.

  "Rod Everlar," he said almost gently, "I am the true Archwizard of Falconfar."

  "Lorontar," Rod whispered, getting up slowly, and looking around without much hope for rubble substantial enough to hide behind.

  "Lorontar," the ravaged wizard agreed, strolling slowly across the tiles. "I've been hiding in the mind of the one called Taeauna for a long time, now. Now this body is mine, though I'm afraid the mind of Malraun is... broken."

  He smiled a wide and crooked smile. "So I believe I'll have your body, now. Worry not; I have no intention of smashing your mind as I did Malraun's. It's far too valuable to me. I'll just enslave it instead."

  "Oh?" Rod asked, backing away. "You want to write crappy fantasy novels?"

  Lorontar's smile was almost pitying. "Once I have your dream-powers," he explained gently, as if addressing a small child, "two worlds will be mine to rule."

  Then there was a sudden weight in Rod's head, a merciless surge of power that smashed into Rod Everlar.

  He gasped, or thought he did, as amber fire raced over him and through him and—

  The fire wavered and split, Rod felt pain and confusion that was not his own swirling over him... and—

  Lorontar's mind was hurt, mentally staggering. Rod fought not to be buried under sudden floods of memories not his and emotions that threatened to drench him in darkness.

  Taeauna had thrust at Lorontar from behind with all her fury and hatred, through the still-open link, and had struck deep.

  The body that had belonged to Malraun fell on its face, clawing feebly at the tiles and working its legs as if still upright and running. Through its open mouth came a strange, incoherent sound.

  Rod could run again, and he turned and did so, slipping and sliding in rubble and crying out, "Taeauna? Taeauna?"

  There was no reply.

  He found himself at the head of a staircase, now open to the sky and half-choked with a shattered roof that until quite recently had sheltered it. Looking back, he saw that Malraun—Lorontar—was on his feet and staggering blindly after him, arms outthrust like some sort of mindless walking corpse.

  He could hardly help but see something else, too.

  In the sky overhead, almost blotting out the bright morning light with their great bulk, were six greatfangs. Three of them were larger than the rest, and the two biggest were...

  Holy Falcon!

  . . . twice as large as Malragard had been.

  They looked angry, their wings beating with furious haste and their jaws snapping often, biting at the air as they circled over the ruins, eyes glaring down at Rod Everlar.

  Then the largest of them all rolled its great shoulders, tucked in its wings, and plunged down out of the skies in a long, terrible dive, great jaws parting.

  The fire was back in Rod's mind again, faint but furious, roiling up to make his arms and legs tremble.

  He fought to step forward, to hurl himself down that staircase. His head was turning, despite himself, to look back and see the staggering thing that had been Malraun come lumbering closer, reaching for him...

  With an angry shriek of his own he fought off Lorontar's will long enough to turn his head the other way.

  The jaws rushing down to engulf him looked as large and dark as the night sky, now.

  Closer... closer...

  Rod Everlar wrestled for control of his own body, trying to fling himself down the stair, and wondering if he'd get to safety in time.

  Here ends Book 2 of the Falconfar Saga.

  The adventures of Rod Everlar, Taeauna, and the other

  Folk of Falconfar will continue in


  DRAMATIS PERSONAE [named characters only]

  "See " references occur where only partial character names appear in the novel text (such as when a surname is omitted). Not all folk in Falconfar have family names; Aumrarr, for example, never have surnames.

  Some lore has been omitted here so as not to spoil readers' enjoyment of later events in the Falconfar saga. These entries contain some "spoilers" for Archwizard, and for maximum enjoyment of this book, should be referred to when three-quarters or more of the text has been read.

  (Alander: see Thaetult, Alander)

  (Amaddar: see Yelrya, Amaddar)

  Ambrelle: an Aumrarr; the eldest and most severe of "the Four Aumrarr" who fly together, seeking to avenge the slaughter at Highcrag that occurred in DARK LORD.

  Arlaghaun: "the Doom of Galath," a deceased wizard who was widely considered the most powerful of the three Dooms (Falconfar's wizards of peerless power), and for some years the real ruler of Galath. Arlaghaun inhabited Ult Tower, the black stone keep of the long-dead wizard Ult, in Galath, and with his spells commanded armies of lorn and Dark Helms, as well as every utterance of King Devaer of Galath. Some judged his power so great they called him "the Doom of Falconfar." He was slain at the end of DARK LORD.

  Aumrarr, the: a race of winged warrior-women who fight for "good." They seem human except for their large snow-white wings, and fly about taking messages from one hold to another, battling wolves and monsters, and working against oppressive rulers. They are dedicated to making the lives of common folk (farmers, woodcutters, and crafters, not the wealthy or rulers) better, and laws and law-enforcement just. Their home, in the hills north of Arvale, is the fortress of Highcrag, where most of them were slaughtered, early in DARK LORD.

  Baernel, Helk
or: nondescript, burly veteran knight of Lyrose, sworn to Lord Magrandar Lyrose (and both utterly loyal to, and eager to serve, him).

  Bramlar, Urbren: warrior sworn to Hammerhand, in Ironthorn; part of the garrison of the castle of Hammerhold.

  Briszyk, Almbaert: veteran warrior sworn to Hammerhand, in Ironthorn; head of a patrol that finds Rod Everlar in the forest.

  Brorsavar, Melander: Former Velduke of Galath, a stern, just, "steady" and therefore popular Galathan noble, well-respected by most of his fellow nobles. Large and impressive-looking, having shoulders as broad as two slender men standing side by side, he was crowned King of Galath by several fellow nobles at the end of DARK LORD. Some Galathan nobility were slow to accept his authority; although civil strife is still raging in his kingdom, he is slowly gaining wider acceptance.

  Burroughs, E.R. (Edgar Rice): a real person; a deceased writer of pulp adventure fantasy, best known for his stories of Tarzan of the Apes, but also famous for his sword-and-planet tales of John Carter of Mars.

  Carroll, Rusty: the grayhaired, honest, follow-the-rules Head of Security at the headquarters of Holdoncorp, on Earth. Note: a fictional character.

  Chainamund, Glusk: deceased noble, the last (thus far) Baron of Galath, this fat, unhappy man was widely disliked among his fellow Galathan nobles for his dishonesty and his unpleasant, haughty, and aggressive manner. He was slain near the end of DARK LORD, and his barony, in southwesternmost Galath, remains vacant (held by King Melander Brorsavar, and administered by three knights in his name).

  Cordryn, Fethel: the lazy, fussy, and pompous Master Steward of Lyraunt Castle, head of the household servants of Lyraunt, sworn to the service of Lord Magarandar Lyrose.

  Corey, Corlin: an award-winning Earth writer of fantasy fiction known for his mastery of prose style and smart-mouthed first person narrators. Note: this is a fictional character.

  Danonder, Thalden: zealous, swift-tempered knight of Galath, one of the trusted (and trustworthy) personal bodyguard of King Melander Brorsavar.

  Dark Helms, the: warriors, aptly described as "ruthless slayers in black armor." Living men and (increasingly, as their losses mount over time) undead warriors, these enspelled-to-loyalty soldiers are the creations of Holdoncorp.

  Darlok, Darlen: one of Lord Burrim Hammerhand's three loyal veteran warcaptains, in Ironthorn. A swift and capable warrior, of middling height, nondescript looks, and alert manner.

  Dauntra: an Aumrarr; the youngest, most beautiful, and most saucy of "the Four Aumrarr" who fly together, seeking to avenge the slaughter at Highcrag.

  Deldragon, Darendarr: Velduke of Galath (noble), who dwells in the fortified town of Bowrock on the southern edge of Galath, which surrounds his soaring castle, Bowrock Keep. A handsome, dashing battle hero, of a family considered "great" in Galath, who defied King Devaer and the wizard Arlaghaun, and was besieged because of it. Near the end of DARK LORD he was brought back from the verge of death by the wizard Narmarkoun, who (unbeknownst to Deldragon and everyone else in Falconfar) cast magics into Deldragon's mind, to make him Narmarkoun's slave henceforth.

  (Devaer: see Rothryn, Devaer)

  Devouring Worm, the: legendary monster of long-ago Falconfar, subject of many legends and still mentioned in the oaths of amazed persons. So many contradictory tales are told of its powers, deeds, and death that aside from the fact that it was a gigantic, wingless and limbless slithering worm with a maw large enough to engulf a man on horseback, that devoured everything edible in its path when it was awake, and that it was smart or at least cunning, nothing else about it can be said with certainty.

  Dooms, the: wizards so much more powerful than most mages that they are feared all across Falconfar as nigh-unstoppable forces. For decades there were three Dooms: Arlaghaun (widely considered the most powerful); Malraun; and Narmarkoun. During the events recounted in DARK LORD, Rod Everlar came to be considered the fourth Doom, and Arlaghaun perished.

  Drake, Mario: a short, bearded and mustachioed, constantly chain-smoking Earth anthologist and prolific fantasy writer. Note: this is a fictional character.

  Dyune: a swift-tempered, agile Aumrarr usually active in Ironthorn and the nearby Raurklor holds, who makes Stormcrag Castle her usual home.

  (Empress of the Emaeraun Empire, the: see Zaervedel, Aumra)

  Enfeld, Hank: honest and a trifle slow-witted, but the largest and strongest of the custodians (janitors) at the headquarters of Holdoncorp, on Earth. Note: a fictional character.

  Everlar, Rod: hack writer of novels, who believed himself the creator of Falconfar. During DARK LORD, he discovered he was one of its creators; in Falconfar, he is a "Shaper" (one whose writings can change reality), though non-wizards tend to think he is one of the Dooms (powerful wizards). He was referred to as "the Dark Lord" (the most evil and most powerful of all wizards, a bogeyman of legend) by the other Dooms, to blame him for their misdeeds. Considered to be the Lord Archwizard of Falconfar by the Aumrarr (the first Lord Archwizard since Lorontar). The Aumrarr Taeauna brought Rod into Falconfar and was his guide until the wizard Malraun captured her at the end of DARK LORD; as Archwizard begins, he sets out to regain her.

  Falcon, the: THE deity of Falconfar, the embodiment of all things, and fount of inspiration, wisdom, daring, and splendid achievement. All-seeing and enigmatic. Also known as "the Great Falcon," to distinguish it from lesser, mortal birds that share its shape.

  Featherstone, Mike: a young, balding, mild-mannered, daydreaming Earth reader of fantasy fiction. A fan of the works of Geoffrey Halsted, Mario Drake, Sugarman Tombs, and Corlin Corey. Note: this is a fictional character.

  Forestmother, the: recently-risen deity of Falconfar, gaining swift and wide popularity, and standing for wild ways and the unspoiled forests, against excessive woodcutting, land clearances, and despoiling overhunting and farming.

  Fynkle, Penelope: the highest-ranked (and the only "Senior") among the many Executive Graphics Facilitators employed by Holdoncorp. An aging but still bottle-beautiful woman of slender build, immaculate tailored suits (she always wears a jacket and pants, never anything that shows her long legs, spurring many office rumors that they are deformed or tattooed), and wears an everchanging selection of striking—some say strikingly odd—designer eyeglasses. She works at the Corporate Headquarters of Holdoncorp, on Earth. Note: a fictional character.

  Goldman, Mase: a burly, good-natured former football star who is now head of Ground Floor Security at the headquarters of Holdoncorp, on Earth. Note: a fictional character.

  (Great Falcon, the: see Falcon, the)

  Gulkoun, Garfist: Often referred to as "Old Ox" or "Old Blundering Ox" by his partner Iskarra Taeravund, this coarse, burly and aging onetime pirate, former forger, and then panderer later became a hiresword (mercenary warrior), and these days wanders Falconfar with Iskarra, making a living as a thief and swindler. "Garfist" is actually a childhood nickname he took as his everyday name, vastly preferring it to "Norbryn," the name his parents gave him.

  Halsted, Geoffrey: a tall, scholarly, bearded and mustachioed Earth historian and award-winning writer of fantasy fiction, seldom seen in anything less formal than a business suit, or without a walking stick. Note: this is a fictional character.

  Hammerhand, Amteira: daughter of Burrim Hammerhand, she fiercely insists on riding on hunts and taking war-training like any man. She has shoulders as broad as many men, long brown hair, startlingly dark eyebrows, and snapping blue-black eyes.

  Hammerhand, Burrim: Lord of Ironthorn, a large, prosperous, militarily-strong hold in the forests north of Tauren and northeast of Sardray, that for years has had three rival lords, ruling from three separate keeps. Gruff and shrewd, Hammerhand is the strongest of the three, a large, hardy, capable warrior and battle-leader. He rules the northernmost part of Ironthorn, a small demesne that includes the market town of Irontarl and the north bank of the Thorn River, from his crag-top castle of Hammerhold. His badge is an iron gauntlet (a left-handed gage, upright and open-fingered,
on a scarlet field).

  Hammerhand, Dravvan: fearless and grave eldest son and heir of Burrim Hammerhand, foremost of the three rival lords of Ironthorn.

  Hammerhand, Glaren: deceased third son of Burrim Hammerhand, foremost of the three rival lords of Ironthorn. Strong, slow-witted, ugly, but a good warrior and a just man.

  Hammerhand, Jarvel: deceased second son of Burrim Hammerhand, foremost of the three rival lords of Ironthorn. Sly, handsome, swindling, and a merry prankster.

  Hammerhand, Venyarla: deceased Lady of Ironthorn, wife of Burrim and mother of Dravvan and Amteira. Venyarla was raped and then dismembered by Lord Melvarl Lyrose, who was in turn slain by Lord Burrim Hammerhand for doing so.

  Heldohraun: reclusive and scholarly deceased wizard of Galath, whose tower the Aumrarr pillaged decades ago, after he died of a fever.

  Heldrake, Saul: a fat, talkative editor of an Earth publishing firm that has offices in the Hardy Building, who customarily handles the novels of the writer Mario Drake. Note: this is a fictional character.

  Herkimer, Morton Morton: ("the Third" or III; the third successive generation of his family to bear the same name): the Vice President Legal of Holdoncorp. Herkimer is a brisk, efficient man. He is also pompous, jowly, and wears eyeglasses that he is constantly pushing back up the bridge of his nose. He works at the Corporate Headquarters of Holdoncorp, on Earth. Note: a fictional character.

  Holdoncorp: a large computer gaming company that licenses the electronic media games rights to the world of Falconfar from Rod Everlar, and develops a series of computer games that increasingly diverge from Everlar's own vision of his world. (Holdoncorp is NOT based on any real-world corporation or group of people. The Falconfar tales are fantasies, not satires of, or swipes at, anything or anyone real.)


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