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Falconfar 02-Arch Wizard

Page 38

by Ed Greenwood

  Hollinshed, Sheldon Daumark: the Vice President Finance of Holdoncorp. Hollinshed has a booming voice and a florid face. He frequently "windmills" his arms wildly about and throws red-faced "towering rages" to get his own way. He works at the Corporate Headquarters of Holdoncorp, on Earth. Note: a fictional character.

  Hooldan, Sam: burly, experienced, unflappable head of Loading Dock Security at the headquarters of Holdoncorp, on Earth. Note: a fictional character.

  Horgul, Amaxas: warlord, leader of an "Army of Liberation" marching north from the Sea of Storms to conquer Raurklor hold after Raurklor hold. Said to hate and fear all who wield magic, and to execute all hedge-wizards and altar-priests he finds. Described as "more boar than man, a brawling, rutting lout governed by his lusts and rages," but a great warrior who dominates battlefields and warriors, inspiring and commanding swift and unquestioning obedience.

  Howard, Robert E. (Ervin): real person; a deceased Earth writer of pulp adventure and heroic fantasy stories, best known for his tales of Conan the Barbarian.

  Imvaer, Chanszel: man of Ironthorn, a household servant ("scullery cellarer," or traveling buyer of foodstuffs and drinkables) in the castle of Hammerhold, but also secretly a paid spy upon that household for House Tesmer.

  Inglestock, Tony: the Senior Brand Overmanager of Strategic Marketing Initiatives for Holdoncorp. A sly, handsome, glib breaker-and-bender-of-rules who is not well-liked in the corporation, yet is a "survivor" to whom no blame ever seems to stick. He works at the Corporate Headquarters of Holdoncorp, on Earth. Note: a fictional character.

  (Iskarra: see Taeravund, Iskarra)

  Jaklar, Cauldreth: the Lord Leaf of Hammerhold, in Ironthorn. Priest of the Forestmother, a cruel, nasty, and ambitious young man, vigorous and judgmental by nature.

  (Jelgar: see Thusk, Jelgar)

  Juskra: Aumrarr; the most battle-scarred, hot-tempered, and aggressive of the "Four Aumrarr" who fly together, seeking to avenge the slaughter at Highcrag.

  Klammert: deceased wizard, one of the youngest and least accomplished apprentices of the wizard Arlaghaun; a pudgy, less than brave man. He was slain at the end of DARK LORD, but Rod Everlar gained some of his "how to work magic" notes.

  Korlhund, Rauldro: a cook in the Army of Liberation led by Horgul. A large, ugly, hairy man; a veteran warrior, but less than skilled in any kitchen.

  (Lord Leaf, the: see Jaklar, Cauldreth)

  Lorlarra: an Aumrarr; the calmest and quietest of the "Four Aumrarr" who fly together, seeking to avenge the slaughter at Highcrag.

  lorn, the: race of winged, flying horned and taloned predatory creatures that dwell in rocky heights such as castle towers and the Falconspires mountain range. Often described as mouthless by humans because their skull-like faces have no visible jaws, they typically swarm prey, raking with their talons and even tearing limbs, bodies, or heads off or apart. They have bat-like, featherless wings, barbed tails, and slate-gray skin. Arlaghaun, Malraun, and many lesser wizards discovered or developed spells for compelling lorn into servitude.

  Lorontar: the still-feared-in-legend first Lord Archwizard of Falconfar, once the fell and tyrannical ruler of all Falconfar, and the first spell-tamer of the lorn. Long believed dead but secretly surviving in spectral unlife, seeking a living body to mind-guide, "ride," and ultimately possess. So greatly is his memory feared that no one, not even a powerful wizard, has dared to try to dwell in his great black tower, Yintaerghast, since his disappearance and presumed death.

  (Loroth the Highest: see Xundaer, Loroth)

  Lovecraft, H.P. (Howard Phillips): real person; a deceased Earth writer of many horror (and other) stories, best known today as the creator of what is now called the Cthulhu Mythos.

  Lyrose, Eldred: eldest son and heir of House Lyrose, one of the three rival ruling families of Ironthorn. Cruel and treacherous, he fancies himself to be "sophisticated."

  Lyrose, Horondeir: second son of House Lyrose of Ironthorn, a burly, cruel, loud and fair-haired giant of a man. Masterful in the hunt and a good warrior, if a trifle slow-witted.

  Lyrose, Maerelle: Lady of Ironthorn, and wife of Lord Magrandar Lyrose. Tall, slender, and raven-haired, possessed of a hard-edged, cruel beauty. She is as hotheaded (impatient) and as cruel as her husband.

  Lyrose, Magrandar: Lord of Ironthorn, head of one of three rival house that claim lordship over Ironthorn. Father of Eldred, Mrythra, Horondeir, and Pelmard, and husband of Maerelle, Lord Magrandar Lyrose rules the southwestern three valleys of Ironthorn, south from the ford of the Thorn River. He is wantonly cruel and hotheaded, where his father was more sly, patient, and scheming. His home is Lyraunt Castle, and his badge is a caltrop-like pinwheel of three steel-gray thorns, joined at the base, on a yellow field. For some years, House Lyrose has quietly been aided by the wizard Malraun.

  Lyrose, Melvarl: deceased Lord of Ironthorn, father of the current lord, Magrandar. He raped and murdered Lady Venyarla Hammerhand, and for doing so was swiftly caught and killed by her husband, Lord Burrim Hammerhand. A sly, cruel, darkly-handsome villain of a man.

  Lyrose, Mrythra: daughter of Lord Magrandar and Lady Maerelle Lyrose, she inherited her mother's dark good looks and build, and her father's cruel, scheming ways, being far smarter and more subtle than her brothers (and so, a better successor to the lordship than any of them).

  Lyrose, Pelmard: the youngest son of House Lyrose of Ironthorn; quieter, more sly, and far more cowardly than his brothers.

  Malraun: "the Matchless," wizard, one of the Dooms of Falconfar. A short, sleek, darkly handsome man who dwells in Malragard, a tower in Harlhoh, a hold (settlement) in the green depths of Raurklor, the Great Forest. Malraun is served by lorn and spell-subverted traders, and after the death of his chief rival Arlaghaun, increasing numbers of Dark Helms he's magically bound to himself. At the end of DARK LORD he captured the Aumrarr Taeauna, and with Arlaghaun dead, set in motion bold plans to conquer all Falconfar north of the Sea of Storms.

  Narmarkoun: wizard, one of the Dooms of Falconfar; a tall, blue-skinned, scaly man who dwells alone in a hidden subterranean wilderland stronghold, Darthoun, a long-abandoned city of the dwarves—alone, that is, except for dead, skull-headed wenches animated by his spells. He breeds greatfangs (huge dragon-like scaly flying jawed lizards he uses as steeds) in the hollowed-out mountain of Closecandle, and maintains several other strongholds (notably his first tower, Helnkrist), where "false Narmarkouns" (doubles of himself) dwell, that he has fashioned from his undead servitors so that Malraun and other foes will attack them, and not him. Most mysterious of the Dooms, and always popularly regarded as the least of them in magical might, Narmarkoun is an accomplished, patient magical spy.

  Nelgarth, Rheos ("Ree-ose"): Chief Archer of Hammerhold, tutor and leader of Lord Hammerhand's yeomen archers. A loyal, capable man, always level-headed and calm.

  Nelthraun, Jeszkur: Lord of Stelgond, in Tauren; a tall, patrician ruler of a small but prosperous hold, coerced into serving the wizard Malraun on pain of death.

  (Norbryn: see Gulkoun, Garfist)

  (Nornautha: see Quilnurr, Nornautha)

  Onthras, Laerynd: knight of Hammerhold, in Ironthorn, pledged to the service of Lord Burrim Hammerhand.

  Orthaunt, Illynd: long-deceased wizard of Ironthorn (where he once ruled), who now exists as a talking skull. He once made war on Lorontar, then Lord Archwizard of Falconfar, who presumably killed him and forced him into undeath, returning him to Ironthorn as a disembodied talking skull. This relic retains Orthaunt's sentience—though the wizard is widely rumored to now be mad—and wields some magical powers.

  Osturr, Raeryk: long-deceased warrior hero remembered across Falconfar from an old fireside tale, "Osturr and the Three Maidens." The real man wasn't nearly as good, noble of intentions, and handsome as the tale paints him, but did carve out a now-vanished kingdom and give it firm and fair justice that made its folk prosperous and happy. In the tale, Osturr uses magical gates to journey to far places, and romance three ma
idens. In reality, he did just that, taking all three of them as his wives; they lived long and happily together.

  Pendarlgrast, Melman: the President of Holdoncorp, a small, sharp-featured, lazy, do-little, pettish and very wealthy man given to firing employees at a whim, snapping arbitrary commands, and spending the better part of most working days playing golf on his expansive office carpet (which has been fitted with below-floor-level cups so he can actually "hole" balls). He works at (and seldom leaves, though he has a personal helicopter for the purposes of grand arrivals and departures) the Corporate Headquarters of Holdoncorp, on Earth. Note: a fictional character.

  Perthus, Darlt: young knight of Hammerhold, in Ironthorn, pledged to the service of Lord Burrim Hammerhand.

  Quillroque, Jackman: the Executive Vice President of Holdoncorp. "Jack the Rock" is in charge of the company's day to day operations, and is tall, loud, decisive, blustering, fearless, and ruthless. He loves a fight and eagerly confronts trouble. He works at the Corporate Headquarters of Holdoncorp, on Earth. Note: a fictional character.

  Quilnurr, Nornautha: deceased yet still famous prostitute and "dancer of desire" (exotic dancer) of the Stormar ports, famous for her large and (thanks to enchanted ointments, applied before performances) glowing nipples. Swearing by them passed into common usage among coarse men inhabiting the ports, such as Garfist Gulkoun.

  Reld, Mauksel: knight of Hammerhold, in Ironthorn, pledged to the service of Lord Burrim Hammerhand. Laconic, quick-witted, and possessed of a large, broken beak of a nose.

  Rothryn, Devaer: deceased King of Galath, a young, handsome, and haughty wastrel youngest prince who became the puppet of the wizard Arlaghaun (after the Doom of Galath slew all of Devaer's kin, to put him on the throne of Galath). Utterly controlled by Arlaghaun, he became widely known as "the Mad King" because of his apparently nonsensical decrees, pitting noble against noble. He was slain during DARK LORD; Velduke Melander Brorsavar succeeded him on the throne of Galath.

  Sollars, Pete: a pleasant, stolid, and a trifle slow-witted security "eyes" (monitor watcher) at the Corporate Headquarters of Holdoncorp, on Earth. Note: a fictional character.

  Sorn, Malagusk: long-deceased wizard of Galath, who hollowed out his abode, Sornspire, from the heart of the southwesternmost mountain in Galath (now nominally part of the barony of Chainamund), centuries ago.

  Striding Thunderstaff, the: Rod Everlar's private nickname for the Chamberlain of Hammerhold, the elderly retired merchant Ermeir Ahlowhand.

  Syregorn, Qalant: a laconic, scarred man who has long served Lord Hammerhand as his most trusted warcaptain. Balding, weapon-scarred, and senior among the three warcaptains of Hammerhold.

  Taeauna ("TAY-awna"): Aumrarr, who in desperation "called on" Rod Everlar and managed to bring him to Falconfar to use his powers as a Shaper to deliver her world from the depredations of the Dark Helms and the Dooms (wizards) who control them. A determined, worldly, experienced Aumrarr who harbors secrets yet to be revealed, she was captured by the wizard Arlaghaun, and then, at the end of DARK LORD, by the wizard Malraun.

  Taeravund, Iskarra: best known as "Viper" from her thieving days in the southern port of Hrathlar (her longtime partner-in-crime, Garfist Gulkoun, prefers to call her "Vipersides"), this profane, homely woman has been a swindler all her life, and has used many false names (including "Rosera"). Possessed of driving determination and very swift wits, she is as "skinny as a lance" (in the words of Garfist Gulkoun), but usually wears a false magical "crawlskin" (the magically-preserved, semi-alive skin of a long-dead sorceress), that she stole from a wizard in far eastern Sarmandar, and can by will mold over herself to make herself look fat, lush, or spectacularly bosomed (and cover leather bladders in which she can hide stolen items). She now makes her living as a thief and swindler, wandering Falconfar with Gulkoun.

  Tarlkond, Morld: one of Lord Burrim Hammerhand's three loyal and veteran warcaptains, in Ironthorn. A darkly handsome, stolid, patient man, who speaks only when he must, and sees much.

  Tarth, Usker: knight of Hammerhold, in Ironthorn, pledged to the service of Lord Burrim Hammerhand.

  (Telrorna: see Zrendel, Telrorna)

  Tesmer, Belard: eldest of the sons of Lord Irrance Tesmer and Lady Telclara Tesmer, but won't inherit the lordship unless his three elder daughters predecease him. Darkly handsome, sardonic and "sophisticated" (dabbling in all the latest fashions, and cultivating a mastery of the arts, finance, and "knowing all that it's important to know"), Belard is deadly with both his sword and a cutting insult, and has discreetly sampled many of the women of Ironthorn, of high station and low.

  Tesmer, Delmark: fourth son of Lord Irrance Tesmer and Lady Telclara Tesmer. Nondescript of appearance and quiet in his movements and speech, he's quick-witted, sharp-tongued, deceitful, lazy, resentful of his kin's successes, sadistic, and a "sneak" (spy) and tattletale.

  Tesmer, Ellark: fifth son of Lord Irrance Tesmer and Lady Telclara Tesmer. Large and very strong, he has great endurance, even in the face of pain, but is ugly, clumsy, and much sneered-at by his brothers. The most kindly and understanding of others, of all the Tesmers.

  Tesmer, Feldrar: sixth and youngest son of Lord Irrance Tesmer and Lady Telclara Tesmer. A handsome wastrel, prankster, liar, and dashing wencher and swindler.

  Tesmer, Ghorsyn: second son of Lord Irrance Tesmer and Lady Telclara Tesmer. Large, strong, fair-haired, and ruggedly handsome, he is coarse and bullying, yet a successful and persistent scourge of Ironthar females.

  Tesmer, Irrance: Lord of Ironthorn, one of three rival lords of that isolated Raurklar hold. Tesmer is the husband of Telclara and the father of (in order of precedence, eldest to youngest): Maera, Nareyera, Talyss, Belard, Ghorsyn, Kalathgar, Delmark, Ellark, and Feldrar (however, see Tesmer, Telclara). He rules the southeastern Ironthar valley of Imrush, from his keep of Imtowers. (The valley takes its name from the River Imrush, that flows down its heart to join the Thorn River where the Tesmer lands end and those of Lyrose begin.) Formerly owner of all the gem-mines in Ironthorn, and a buyer of many slaves. His badge is a purple diamond on a gray field.

  Tesmer, Kalathgar: third son of Lord Irrance Tesmer and Lady Telclara Tesmer. Of middling size and nondescript appearance, he is often forgotten and overlooked, and resents it. Taciturn and farsighted, capable with his hands and in matters of war and trade-tactics. Scornful of his kin and restless to depart Ironthorn for a better life elsewhere—almost anywhere elsewhere.

  Tesmer, Maera: eldest daughter and heiress of Lord Irrance Tesmer and Lady Telclara Tesmer. Of haughty manner and coldly-cutting speech, she has raven-black hair, sharp but beautiful features, and brains almost as sharp as her mother. She never lets anyone forget for a moment that she is first in standing among the risen generation of Tesmers.

  Tesmer, Nareyera ("Nar-RARE-ah"): second daughter of Lord Irrance Tesmer and Lady Telclara Tesmer. Even more darkly beautiful than her sister Maera, she has long, glossy raven-black hair, flashing eyes (black pupils flecked with gold that seem to flash when she's excited or angry), and is sharp-tongued. She devotes her every waking moment to scheming to gain wealth, power, holds over people, and greater influence in the Tesmer lands and beyond. She thinks herself the smartest of all the Tesmers, who will (she believes) one day rise to attain far more power than even lordship over all Ironthorn.

  Tesmer, Talyss: third and youngest daughter of Lord Irrance Tesmer and Lady Telclara Tesmer. Tall, quiet, long-haired, and graceful, her movements always seeming languid, she resents being overlooked, pushed aside, and thought "feminine" and so brainless and subservient. She is vicious to others whenever she dares to be.

  Tesmer, Telclara: Lady of Ironthorn, one of two living women to use that title (the other being Maerelle Lyrose). Many Ironthar rightly say Lady Tesmer rules her husband, and has the keenest wits in all Ironthorn. Two of her children weren't sired by her husband; although this has long been rumored around the Tesmer lands, she doesn't admit it, or identify which two, until near the en
d of Archwizard.

  Thaetult, Alander: hedge-wizard of Tauren, coerced into serving the wizard Malraun upon pain of death.

  Thalden, Evran: elderly, kindly knight of Hammerhold, in Ironthorn, pledged to the service of Lord Burrim Hammerhand.

  Three, the: see "Dooms, the." Specifically, the three paramount wizards of Falconfar before the arrival of Rod Everlar.

  Three Maidens, the: long-deceased women remembered across Falconfar from an old fireside tale, "Osturr and the Three Maidens." They were the three wives of Osturr, Raeryk (q.v.).

  Thusk, Jelgar: knight of Hammerhold, in Ironthorn, pledged to the service of Lord Burrim Hammerhand.

  Tombs, Sugarman: a debonair, whimsical, darkly handsome Earth writer of fantasies, rumored to have a lucrative and very shady career as a lone, "buccaneering" swindler. Note: this is a fictional character.


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