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The Boy in the Mirror: Finding Love in the Strangest of Ways

Page 9

by Bonny Capps

  The other pirates rush forward and the demon rears his giant hand back, striking them and sending them flying. I decide to retreat to the crow’s nest. Once there I draw my bow and an arrow, attempting to aim at the demon but he is moving around too much when I try to lock onto him.

  Ardon suddenly begins running towards it wielding his sword. The demon effortlessly grabs him and squeezes Ardon tightly before slamming him down onto the floor of the ship. I can feel the breath leave my lungs. No! Ardon lies lifelessly on the floor of the ship. Suddenly, the creature’s eyes meet mine. I shakily try and aim for him again. I release the arrow and it hits him in the shoulder. It shrieks again, my eardrums feel as if they are going to pop. He looks down at his wounded shoulder and quickly pulls the arrow out before throwing it into the water. He begins reaching towards me and I squeeze my eyes shut. I’m going to die.

  I hear a holler and open my eyes. I see Fynn flying through the air, his sword in both hands. His sword buries itself in the demon’s eye. The creature growls and reaches up towards Fynn, grabbing him – it hurls him into the water. “NO!” I scream. The demon is holding his wounded eye as it reaches to me again. I am filled with rage.

  First Ardon, now Fynn. My chest is heaving as I lift the bow again. I inhale deeply and release on the exhale. The arrow travels gracefully through the air before impaling the creature’s other eye. He stands, holding his eyes, swaying back and forth as a slimy substance escapes his eyes. I aim my bow again, this time hitting him in the throat. It attempts to scream once again, but cannot. It releases one last, gurgled exhale before it begins falling, descending quickly into the water.

  The ship rocks violently as I make my way down the ladder and rush to Ardon’s side. His chest barely moves as he struggles to breathe. I put his head on my lap and run my thumb over his rough cheek. Tears begin escaping my eyes as he weakly opens his eyes.

  He peers up at me and reaches a hand towards my face, placing a scaly hand gently on my cheek. “This… this is your chance… Mandy… Don’t let me down…” Just like that, his last breath escapes him and his head falls to the side. The warm tears begin escaping my eyes. I feel a hand on my shoulder; I turn and see Makin standing behind me. “He’s… dead.” I whisper.

  The other pirates begin kneeling around Ardon, bowing their heads. I shakily get to my feet. I walk to the port side of the boat and my eyes frantically search for Fynn. I stand there for minutes; there is no sign of him. My heart feels like its being ripped out. I hear footsteps behind me. I look over my shoulder. “Fynn!” I exclaim.

  He is soaking wet and looks completely spent. His hair is dripping and his breaths are heavy. I run to him and wrap my arms around his waist, resting my cheek on his chest. “I thought you were dead.” I whisper, my tears of sadness have become tears of joy. He rests his chin on top of my head. “You didn’t think I would let you do this alone, did you?” My eyes meet his, “Promise me I won’t lose you.” Fynn frowns as he looks deeply into my eyes. Finally he nods. I am safe. Fynn is here. That’s all that matters in this moment. The love of my life is alive.

  The pirates have anchored the ship so we can properly bury Ardon. They have made a wooden raft covered with straw. Ardon lies lifelessly on the raft, he looks peaceful. Breck places a black rock over each of his eyes and the crocodiles begin lowering him into the water. Breck turns to face me and reaches over my shoulder, grabbing an arrow from the quiver. He retreats downstairs to the cabins and returns quickly, the tip of the arrow aflame. He walks towards me and bows his head, the other crocodiles gasp as Breck kneels and they follow.

  Fynn places a hand on my shoulder. Breck reaches the arrow towards me and I retrieve it. I know what needs to be done. I position myself and the crocodiles stand up, they begin pounding their fists on their chests, over their hearts, once again they chant. I aim towards the raft and release the arrow. It gracefully makes its way towards Ardon and lands in the hay beside him. The raft quickly erupts with flames. I tear works its way down my cheek as I begin chanting with the crocodiles, pounding my fist over my heart.

  This is for you, Ardon. I will not let you down.

  Chapter Eleven

  After briefing with Fynn and Makin, we have decided to anchor the ship on the north side of the Wood Land and groups of us will take the smaller boats to shore. Fynn and I board the first, along with Makin and the other Amphians. The pirates lower us into the waters, we have little sunlight left – we must hurry. We each grab an oar and get to work. Two other boats are behind us, filled with the pirates.

  Our boat meets land and Fynn jumps out, dragging the boat to shore. I step out and take a step forward. Fynn stands beside me. “You ready?” He asks. “I am.” I respond, smiling up at him.

  We walk through the Wood Land in silence. This land is heavily wooded, hence the name. The trees are gargantuan redwoods, they tower above us. It’s dizzying looking towards the sky. I have my bow and arrow drawn; the other’s wielding their swords as we walk through the unknown.

  After a while I feel something buzz past my ear, “Hey!” it whispers and giggles as it flies past. I swat at it and it zooms past my other ear. It is so quick; it looks like a trace of white light with no formation. I hold out a hand and it zooms around my head several more times before landing in my palm.

  Fynn and the others stop and walk towards me. She is tiny; she has big, green eyes and peers up at my through long lashes. Her hair is black and curly and has vines intertwined in the ringlets. Her face is illuminated. She is covered in leaves and she has delicate, sparkling wings fluttering behind her. Her hands are behind her back as she looks at me sweetly.

  How strange. I bring my face closer to her. “A nymph!” Fynn exclaims. “What is your name?” He asks. She begins fluttering around again, once more becoming a trace of light. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” She says as she circles around his head. She lands in my palm once again, “I’m Mac!” She squeals. “Hi Mac.” I whisper, my curiosity at its peak. She giggles and takes flight again. “Come!” She exclaims and we follow.

  We follow Mac for some time. I hear what must be a stream. I am startled as I feel something blow on my cheek. I whip around to see a face etched into one of the large Redwoods. I step forward and examine it, its eyes are wise and its lips curl up into a smile. It begins bounding with laughter. What is so funny?

  Mac lands on my shoulder; I hear her tiny wings flutter next to my ear. She crosses her arms, “Duncan, be nice! They’re friends!” She says with a pouty look on her face. “Friends? They are strangers Nymph!” He says, his expression taking a turn. He looks furious. I hear Makin from behind me, “Brother, it has been a while!” Duncan’s eyes struggle to see behind me, “That can’t be Makin? Friend, is that you?”

  Makin stands at my other side, “Yes, friend. It is I.” The tree smiles as it looks kindly at Makin, “It’s been a long time.” “Yes it has.” Makin says as he approaches the tree and pats the side of it. “What are you doing here? I’ve heard terrible things.” Duncan says, sadness overcoming his face. Makin bows and shakes his head, “Yes, the things you have heard are mostly true, we’re here as part of a conquest to defeat Hasset and take the throne back.” Duncan sighs and his eyes beginning surveying the rest of the group, “Gregor has enslaved this land; it would be nice for things to get back to normal. But, be aware – all of you, this will be no easy conquer as Gregor is possessed by the same evil and greed as Hasset.” Makin nods, “I promise, friend – the Wood Land will be once again.”

  Makin and Duncan say their well wishes and goodbyes and we continue to follow Mac to the sound of the stream. It is illuminated with crystals beneath the water and glowing pink and blue flowers surround it. There are more Nymphs resting in the flowers and skipping across the rocks in the stream. How stunning.

  Makin steps forward and a tear runs down his cheek. I stand beside him and rest a hand on his shoulder, “Makin, what’s wrong?” I ask. He exhales and his eyes meet mine. “This is home.” He whispers. I l
ook into his despondent eyes, “It will be your home again.” Makin slowly nods and makes his way over to a large rock by the stream and looks towards the flowing water. Fynn comes up from behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, “I’m off to find some food while the others set up camp.” He whispers in my ear, sending chills down my spine. I turn around and place my hands on his chest, “I’ll come with you.” He smiles and kisses my forehead, “No love, you stay. I won’t be long.” Just like that he disappears into the dark forest.

  I sit on a rock opposite of Makin and watch the water flow gracefully through the rocks of different shapes and sizes. “Aldorph, he is an elder?” I ask, my eyes remaining on the stream. “Yes, he is one of the Eldest.” He responds. “Fynn mentioned him being a watcher, what does he mean?” I ask, looking towards Makin. His eyes meet mine, “If you are yet to know, it is not my place to tell you. It is Fynn’s.” I frown and look towards the stream again. What does he mean?

  My eyes search the trickling water as I rest my chin on my hand. Fynn has been gone for some time, I’m worried. Surely he should be back by now. The others have set up camp and the fire has been started. Makin has been silent. So much has happened over the past few days, it’s insane. I went from a girl who tried to hang herself to a girl who took down a giant monster, it is truly surreal.

  I hear Mac buzz over to me, “Mandy, they took him!” I hold out my hand and she lands in my palm. “Who?” I ask. Her big green eyes begin forming tears, “Fynn, Duncan saw him get carried away by the Norwins and they were not being nice!” She exclaims. I jump to my feet; Makin is staring up at me. “We must go, NOW!” I say as I begin walking from the clearing. Breck grabs my arm, “It is much too dark. We can’t venture out now.” I turn and face him, “If we don’t go now, they will kill him.” He stares at me intently and nods slowly.

  We leave the others behind and Breck, Makin and I make our way through the dark woods. We have each covered ourselves with a dark brown cloak for some discretion. We have some light from the glowing mushrooms along the way and the moonlight casts a light glow over us.

  There is a clearing and we see an entrance with a huge wooden gate in the middle. Behind the gate is a breathtaking castle, its steeples reach towards the sky as it towers above the redwoods. We hear voices and we duck behind a large rock. There are two very large men with their arms linked through Fynn’s; they are coming from a different clearing of the forest. His head is hanging and his feet drag behind him. Oh no! They make it to the entrance and knock three times and pause before knocking once more. The gate opens and they are allowed clearance before it slams shut.

  I turn and face Makin and Breck, “We have to go in there!” Breck and Makin look towards each other and then to me, “Of course, but how?” Makin asks.

  We tip toe to the entrance and Makin and I hide behind the large, stone towers that hold the gate in place. Breck follows the same order of knocking, three times and then once. It is silent for a moment before the gate creaks open, suddenly Breck is out of my view before I hear rustling around followed by a loud crack. Breck peeks around the corner and smiles at me, “You ready?”

  We step over a large lifeless man and enter. There is a long walkway and a faint glow at the end casted by more torches. We walk down the stone corridor and make it to the entrance. We peek around the corner, and see a mixture of people and bears – but it seems they are busying themselves with everyday living.

  We enter the kingdom. I keep my head down and my eyes are examining my surroundings through my eye lashes. Some bears are pulling carts and others are walking with large, heavy looking burlap sacks on their backs. It’s a sad shock to see these beautiful, strong animals being treated in such a way – and allowing it. They are worn down with patches of fur missing and visible scars, their eyes are sad. They truly are defeated and it makes me angry. The humans also carry a somber look, all of them in scraggly clothes and dirt smudging their skin.

  The stone ground winds in all different directions, taking you down different paths – leading to stone houses and stores with wooden signs. In the middle of the kingdom there is a beautiful fountain, spouting water from a large bird’s mouth. I notice a flag blowing in the wind, its royal blue with a gold hymn. I can hardly make out the face but I’m assuming its Gregor.

  I’m startled by a horn sounding off and the bears and humans begin walking towards the sound, they are like zombies. It’s as if the life has been drained from them. Breck, Makin and I follow behind. I get a better view of the castle, it is out of a fairy tale – it’s simply beautiful and its white walls represent what it once was – pure.

  The bears stand on their hind legs at this time and I can’t see a thing when we come to a halt. I try and peek between their shoulders. Suddenly the crowd bows down and we quickly follow, we must in order to not be singled out. I am able to get a better look, I see Fynn being thrown to his knees, his head bowed. No! There is a wooden block in front of him and he is on a large platform. Oh my God!

  Behind him is a giant man with long brown hair and lengthy beard. He is wielding a large axe. Someone else steps onto the platform, he is wearing gold armor over his shoulders and his chest, with beautiful Celtic engravings. He is wearing a brown bear skin over him, the bear’s head atop his and the large, sharp teeth hanging in front of his dark eyes. He looks strong and intimidating. His arms are huge. There are three large diagonal scars across his face.

  Finally, he steps forward; the crowd of bears begins to stand. I follow. I begin squeezing past the large gaps between the bears to get a better look, Breck attempts to stop me but I’m too quick. “It seems that we have an intruder on our Island. This Nomad was discovered hunting in our precious forest. There is only one punishment for intruders and that is death.” Gregor announces as he takes a step back and nods at the man holding the axe. “NO!” I scream at the top of my lungs. Gregor looks into the crowd, his eyes searching as he takes a step down from the platform.

  The crowd has parted in the middle, leaving Makin, Breck and I vulnerable. Gregor stands before me. I inhale deeply before I remove the cloak from my head. Gregor tilts his head to the side and begins circling around me, looking me up and down. He comes back around to face me, his dark brown eyes looking deeply into mine. “Please. Please take me, leave him alone.” I plead, trying to keep the tears from surfacing. Gregor doesn’t say a word as he grabs the leather tie on my cloak and pulls it loose.

  The cloak slides off my shoulders and falls into a pile at my feet. He strips me of my bow and quiver, throwing them to the ground before putting his hands behind his back. He stares intently at me; I can feel his eyes on the back of my skull. “And, what’s this?” He asks as he moves to Makin and Breck, “Remove your cloaks.” He demands. They do and Gregor’s face is full of amusement. More large men appear. They stand around use wearing iron armor and wielding axes. Gregor gestures towards us, “Brothers, we have yet another nomad, an Amphian and a pirate standing before us – what are the odds!” They laugh and Gregor continues, “Seize them, all of them! Throw them in the tower!” Suddenly a bag is thrown over my head and an arm is locked under each of mine. I am lifted from my feet and begin kicking, “Put me down!”

  My pleas are ignored as I am carried for some time. I am thrown down abruptly and I hear a loud slam of metal against metal and the click of a lock, then another. I hurriedly get the bag off my head. I am in a metal cell and Fynn is across the way in his own. Makin and Breck share a cell next to Fynn’s. I crawl across the cold stone floor and put my hands on the bars. Fynn is sitting in the corner of his cage, with his knees drawn to his chest. There is a cut over his nose and his eye is swollen, his face bloodied and his black hair is hiding his eyes.

  I can see his jaw tensing. He’s pissed at me. “Fynn?” I whisper and his eyes travel up to meet mine. “What in the hell were you thinking Mandy?” He exclaims. I scramble to my feet, “Was I supposed to leave you here?” Fynn laughs and nods, “Yes, yes you were!” I bow my head and le
an against the metal bars, “That is never going to happen.” I say through clenched teeth, tears running down my face.

  We sit in silence. Have we failed this mission? What can we do from inside of a cage? I’m so frustrated with Fynn. Does he seriously think I would let him be dismembered right before my eyes? I hear heavy steps and Gregor appears in front of my cell. I peer up at him, he has removed the bear skin and his long, black hair is hanging around his face. A guard is beside him; his blonde hair is pulled back into a pony tail.

  The lock clicks before the door creaks loudly as it’s opened. I stay seated in the corner, my knees pulled up to my chest and my arms locked around them. The guard enters and grips each of my arms before pulling me up to my feet. Fynn jumps up and grips the metal bars, “No!” Gregor turns towards Fynn and slams his fist onto the metal. The sound reverberates through the dark dungeon. Fynn steps back and his eyes meet mine as I am led out of the cell.

  Once out of the dungeon, I begin seeing the beauty of this place. Royal blue furniture is spread throughout, the corridor is lit with torches and there are tall windows throughout.

  We stop in front of a large door. Gregor nods to the guard, sending him away. He places his huge hand on my back and leads me into the descent sized room. There is a wooden desk in the middle and shelves upon shelves of books. It must be a study. My eyes lock onto a beautiful brown owl perched on a large branch mounted to the floor. The door closes behind me. “Sit.” Gregor demands before he makes his way around the desk and sits in the chair behind. I follow his orders and sit in the large wooden chair across from him. It literally swallows me it is so big.


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