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The Boy in the Mirror: Finding Love in the Strangest of Ways

Page 10

by Bonny Capps

  I look up at Gregor, wide eyed. “What’s your name?” He asks, as he sits back in the chair. “Mandy.” I whisper. “You are beautiful, Mandy. One of the most beautiful sites I’ve laid eyes on. You are certainly brave too. What made you want to save that boy?” He asks, his eyes staring through my soul. “I – I love him.” I whisper. Gregor looks amused, “Oh, is that so?” He asks. I nod. “What brought you here?” He asks. I stare blankly at him, I mustn’t tell him why. That will ruin everything.

  I remain silent, it’s the only thing I can think to do. Gregor’s jaw is tensing as he watches me. He stands abruptly and walks over to me, he stands behind my chair and I cringe as he begins rubbing my shoulders. I feel blood pumping through my veins as I jump from my seat, “Do not touch me!” I exclaim, turning to face him. His smile dissipates and is replaced with a scowl as he lunges at me, grabbing my shoulders and lifting me up, pressing my back into the book shelf behind me, my feet are dangling. “How dare you come into my castle and raise your voice to me girl.” He growls, his warm breath meeting my face.

  I stare at him wide eyed and something changes in his face, it goes from really pissed off to gentle in a split second. He clears his throat and slowly lowers me down, “I’m sorry, so sorry.” He leans in and puts his forehead against mine, our noses touching, “I know why you’re here.” He murmurs as he looks into my eyes. “Why?” I ask. He pulls away, still grasping my shoulders – but gently now after his episode.

  “You are trying to defeat my sister.” He replies. I look up at him quizzically, trying to hide my knowledge of the situation, “Your sister?” He steps back and turns away from me, running his fingers along the numerous books lined up on the shelf. “Yes, Hasset.” He pauses and looks over his shoulder, “But, I cannot help you. Not unless there is something in it for me.” I step forward and place a hand on the desk, “What do you want?” I ask. His mouth curls into a smile before he makes his way back over to me, whispering in my ear, “You.”

  Chapter Twelve

  I take a step back as his burning eyes stare into mine. “Me?” I whisper. “Yes.” He replies, his jaw tensing. I look down at my feet. What? No! He’s a complete jerk! He puts a finger under my chin, tilting my head up. My eyes meet his again. “I have been looking for a queen for some time.” I step back and scowl at him, “No!” He steps forward, invading my personal space again, he grabs my waist and pulls me to him, “You can make this easy or you can make it difficult. I can both help you and your friends and have you or I have you regardless. I get what I want, but of course I want to make my queen happy first and foremost. Let me make you happy, Mandy.”

  He pauses as he leans forward and his rough cheek brushes against mine, “I know it wouldn’t make you happy if I beheaded that Nomad.” My eyes widen and I feel tears threatening, “Please don’t hurt him!” I plead. He smiles and kisses my forehead, “Anything for my queen. Now let me show you to your chambers.” He plants his hand on my back and leads me down the corridor and we enter a large room.

  There is a giant bed in the middle with purple, satin sheets with a white fur draped over them. The posts are about as tall as the ceiling and a sheer, white fabric hangs down, blowing slightly as the breeze makes its way into the room through an open French door leading to the balcony. There is a large bath in the middle of the room, about the size of a Jacuzzi. Steam rises from it and there are red rose petals floating in the water. Next to the bath, there is a mannequin sporting a beautiful, flowy white night gown.

  A woman stands next to the mannequin with what seems to be a towel draped over the arm she holds out in front of her. “This is your hand maiden, Bett.” Gregor says as he gestures to her before turning to face me, she avoids looking; her eyes remain locked on the floor, “I’ll see you in the morning.” Before he can leave I grab his arm, “And my friends?” I ask. “Oh yes. They shall be freed.” He pauses before gripping my arm tightly, “I should warn you, you are not to speak with the Nomad. You are mine – from here on out, until the end of your days you are mine.” His eyes lock onto mine momentarily before turning and briskly leaving the room, the door slamming behind him.

  I let out a deep sigh, I feel so comfortable out of his presence. His negative energy hangs in the air when I’m with him. I turn to face Bett; she is a small, frail girl – about my age. She has long, strawberry blond hair braided at the side and she wears a long gown, its cream colored and her small breasts are trying to escape due to the corset cinched at her back. It is something out of the renaissance. Her eyes have now met mine; they are light blue and sweet. She is a beauty.

  Bett takes a step forward and curtsies, “My lady, it will be my honor to serve you.” I force a smile as she reaches towards me. I place my hand in hers and we walk towards the bath. She unlaces my armor from the back and helps me remove my boots and pants, she is persistent, do people not believe in undressing themselves here? I step down into the bath and lay back, this feels amazing. “Can I get you anything my lady?” Bett asks. I shake my head and she nods. She retreats from my chamber and leaves me alone.

  I take in a deep breath before emerging my head under the water. I hear my heart beating under the water’s surface. When I can no longer hold my breath I come up and am startled by the sight of Fynn. He is leaning on the bedpost, his back facing me. I pull my knees to my chest to hide myself; I can feel my cheeks burning.

  “Fynn, what are you doing here?” I whisper. “Is is true?” He asks; his voice is raspy as he turns to face me. He looks so hurt and it’s killing me. He must be talking about Gregor. How do I respond to this? I have to do this! I have no choice! Gregor gave me an ultimatum; I have to help them – the Amphians and the pirates, their home was stolen from them! I stare blankly at him, my wet hair sticking to my back, my arms tightly wrapped around my legs, “Fynn, I must.” I whisper. “You must?” He exclaims as he walks towards me. He kneels by the bath, tears running down his face as I frantically look towards the door.

  “Come, you and I, back to my island.” He says as he reaches towards me. “No. No Fynn, I can’t do that. We have to help them.” My tears have begun escaping my eyes. That would be the easy thing to do – just run away. But I’m sick of that, this whole thing is the challenge I needed. Fynn’s jaw tenses as he runs a hand through his hair. “Do as you must.” He says as he stands, “I’m sure your surroundings made your decision all the more difficult.” He says sarcastically and walks out of the room, leaving me alone. I lay my head against the bath and the tears continue to flow. What are you doing Mandy? You are going to marry an arrogant bastard? My heart just walked out of that door, I’m so in love with him – doesn’t he know this? He is everything.

  Bett returns to the room. She holds up the towel and I step into it. She wraps it around me and pats my hair dry as I continue to cry. She is so gentle and comforting. She slides the night gown over my arms and onto my body, it’s so soft. She leads me to the side of the bed and she begins brushing my hair as I stare blankly out the balcony door, it’s a beautiful view of the starry night. I put a hand up and she ceases to brush.

  I step outside onto the balcony and place my hands on the stone railing. Below there is half of a courtyard and half of a statue. It’s an Amphian; it must be Bellthor – Makin’s brother. Makin wasn’t lying, Hasset actually split the island in two, right here and it literally drops off, you can hear the wave’s crash into the rocks beneath as the wind carries them towards us.

  After some time I make my way back into my chamber. Bett lifts the satin sheet and gestures for me to lie down. I do. This bed is so comfy, it hugs my body perfectly. I can’t help but think of my love. Where is he, is he lying down? Does his bed feel like mine or is he terribly uncomfortable? I wish he was here with me, in this bed. I want him to hold me so, so bad.

  I struggle to keep my eyes open, thinking about all of the madness. Over a course of just a few days, I have not caught a break. Now I’ve promised my own hand in marriage to Gregor and potentially lost the lo
ve of my life. The salty sadness has begun escaping my eyes once more, dampening my pillow. Yes, running far, far away would simplify things. I smile when I think of Fynn and me in his tree house; the litchums would keep busy making us breakfast and what not. Fynn and I would be so happy, just us in our embrace. My eyes begin falling shut as I struggle with their willingness to sleep, but no – they have a mind of their own and I drift away.

  Bett wakes me, gently shaking my shoulder. I pry my eyes open and am blinded by the bright sun shining into my room. I sit up and clumsily rub my eyes before climbing out of bed. I feel rejuvenated. My body needed rest. Bett gently grasps my arm and leads me to the mannequin; it dons a magnificent off-white, lace gown. Bett lifts my long hair and places it over my shoulder after removing my night gown, leaving me vulnerable. She puts a corset over my torso and begins tightly cinching the ribbon behind me. She places the gown on the ground and grabs my hands before helping me step into it. The top of my breasts peek out as the lace rests on my bosom. The sleeves end at my elbows and drape down. It’s stunning.

  Bett sits me down and begins working on my hair. It’s a beautiful French braid and she has intertwined a white ribbon in it. She places a dainty silver crown on my head; it has one large sapphire in the middle and two small ones on each side. She then places a necklace around my neck; I examine it in my hand. It is a dove with an olive branch. “From the king.” Bett murmurs as she fastens it at the nape of my neck. Peace? Peace is what he wants? Or it’s what I want. I’m assuming this represents his promise to me… if I marry him. I can’t see this as a gift, it’s a threat and it’s looming over me like a dark cloud.

  Suddenly there is a knock on the door and Bett hurriedly works her way over to answer it. She curtsies as Gregor walks past her and stands before me. “Leave us.” He says, without facing her. It doesn’t take her long to escape the room, I don’t blame her. He steps closer, his chest touching mine and his giant hand cupping my cheek, “You look stunning. You look like a queen.” He pauses and kisses my cheek causing me to flinch. He must notice, he pulls away and looks into my eyes, “I frighten you?” I stare blankly at him a he runs his thumb over my lips; oh I cannot fathom him touching me.

  I step back and he grabs my waist quickly, yanking me towards him, my hands have found themselves on his chest trying to hold myself away from him. He grabs my wrists and places my hands at my sides and backs me into the wall, his muscular chest pressed against mine, restraining my breaths, “I told you, I get what I want. I want you more than I wanted this throne.” He growls as his hand makes its way to the small of my back, pulling me closer.

  I feel the familiar feeling in my gut, tears are near. But I do not want to be vulnerable, he doesn’t deserve that. I nod and he leans in, his nose brushing against mine, “Oh you have put a spell on me.” He murmurs and his lips meet mine as his other arm wraps around my back and my feet are lifted from the floor. I put my hands on his biceps; I want so badly to pull away.

  Finally he begins pulling away, his eyes are shut. He kisses my neck, his lips linger for a while as he inhales deeply, “You smell so good” He murmurs against my neck. He slowly releases his grip, “Soon, we will share everything.” He says as he steps back and looks me up and down.

  He leads me onto the balcony and my hands meet the rail, he gets behind me – his chest making contact with my back and his hands finding themselves next to mine. I squeeze my eyes shut; I wish he would stop touching me! However, this is my chance to find out more information – I’ll need to deal with him touching me – for now. “Tell me about your sister, Hasset.” I whisper as I slowly open my eyes and examine the broken statue of Bellthor. “What’s there to know? She’s an evil bitch.” He responds. “How are you going to help us?” I ask. He whips me around suddenly and grasps my neck, his hand almost encircles it completely, “Why don’t you let a man do his work and be a woman?” He exclaims as he looks deeply in my wide eyes. Just like that he turns and makes his way out the door of my chamber. What in the hell was that? He is absolutely insane!

  I’ve decided that I’m going discovering today whether Gregor likes it or not, plus I need to see my friends and figure out what needs to be done. I make my way down the corridor and towards the entry. The guard with the blonde pony tail and long beard is standing in front of the door. I begin to reach for the door but he grabs my wrist and shakes his head, an amused look on his face. “I would like to go, please.” I say through gritted teeth. He releases my wrist, “Have you spoke with Gregor, my lady? You cannot go anywhere without a suitor.” “I will go along.” Bett says as she steps beside me. The guard looks at her lovingly, “Are you a proper suitor for the future queen?” Bett bows her head and curtsies, “I am her lady in waiting, not only am I proper suitor – I love the king and only have the best intentions for this kingdom, sir.” She looks up at him sweetly through her eyelashes. He smiles and nods as his eyes meet mine, “Well in that case, enjoy the beautiful day my lady.”

  Bett and I step out into the warm sun and begin walking down the steps leading to the castle, “He likes you.” I say, looking towards her. She smiles and looks into my eyes, “Andre? No – Norwins and Nomads are not to be.” I sit on the edge of the fountain, the stone bird spouting water behind. Bett joins me and begins tracing her finger over the water. “Why is that?” I ask. She sighs and looks down at her lap, “They enslaved the land. Gregor and his men, they took it away from us and the Amphians and the bears.” I purse my lips and look towards the kingdom, “Tell me more about the Nomads.” Her eyes begin travelling all around her, a smile stretched across her face, “Nomads have no set home. They live off of the land. They befriend the animals, like the bears.” She pauses as she looks over her shoulder, “This entire island was in our reach. The Amphians respected that. But the Norwins…” She trails off, tears welling up in her eyes.

  She abruptly stands and reaches down; I place my hand in hers, “Come, and let us show you around.” As we walk along the stone path many nomads stop and curtsy and bow, some grabbing my hands and kiss the tops of my fingers. As we walk past the local businesses, Bett becomes engulfed in conversation. I continue my walk, leaving her behind until I am suddenly yanked into an ally between two stone buildings.

  Fynn and the others stand shoulder to shoulder. Fynn obviously looks pissed, Makin concerned and Breck looks nonchalant as usual. We remain silent as I look from one to another. “Well?” Fynn says abruptly. “He is a monster.” I whisper, staring into his grey eyes. Fynn turns away from me, “Dammit Mandy!” He says as he runs his hands through his hair. “Fynn, listen he told me I have no choice. I can’t leave in order to help the Swamp Land. .” I say shakily. He turns to me, “He can’t keep you if he’s dead.” I search his eyes before looking towards Makin and Breck, “He’s right. Once I marry him, his kingdom – his army will be mine.”

  Makin parts his lips, searching for the words, he is not on board with this plan. I place my hands on his shoulders, “Makin, remember what Hasset did to your brother… to your people? This is the only option. I don’t want to do this either.” Makin looks down at his feet, deep in thought. After some time his eyes meet mine again, “Alright, but how?” I hug him tightly and look up at Breck. He nods and reaches into his pocket. He opens his hand and reveals a pile of dried up leaves; I look at the pile of leaves quizzically. “This is witches weed. It’s extremely poisonous. You crush it up very fine and you put some in his wine after the ceremony. He will fall asleep and his heart will stop beating.” I nod and hesitantly retrieve the witches weed from his hand and put it in my bosom.

  I hug my friends and begin retreating from the ally when Fynn grabs my arm and pulls me close. “I love you Mandy.” He whispers. I smile and run my hand over his cheek, “I love you Fynn, with all my heart.” Our eyes lock onto each other and a rush of love sweeps over me. I squeeze his hand and nod before setting off to find Bett.

  Dusk is upon us as we walk past the fountain; I look up and see Gregor above on the
balcony – watching me. I feel Bett’s hand on mine and she squeezes gently, this is my friend – she can be trusted. This journey is not only about the Amphians and the pirates, but also Bett and the other nomads and the bears. I have to do this for them.

  Bett and I walk down the corridor towards my chamber and see Gregor leaning against the door with his foot propped up. I smile and walk up to him before curtsying, “Your highness.” He smiles as he grabs my hand and kisses the tops of my fingers, “My queen, may I have a word in private.” I nod and look towards Bett, she looks concerned. I give her a squeeze on her shoulder, assuring her before entering the room with Gregor at my heels. He closes the door quietly and I turn to face him. His face turns dark as he steps closer, my feet stay planted – I know it will only make him angry if I try stepping back.

  He is about a foot away from me and his eyes are burning into the back of my skull. “I told you not to make a fool of me!” He exclaims. I can see the veins in his neck pulsating with each word. My body is trembling, this man could kill me right here and right now if he wanted to. “What are you talking about?” I whisper, I feel like I am choking out the words, this is horrifying. Suddenly, he rears back and strikes me hard against my cheek, sending me falling.

  My chest is heaving as the tears escape. He grabs my arm and yanks me up before throwing me down onto the bed. He leans over me, our chests not touching, his breath invading my face. “Why do you not understand – you are mine, only mine - nobody else’s. I will not warn you again. If you so much as look at him or he at you he will go straight to the block and you will watch his head separate from the rest of him. Do you understand?” He exclaims and I nod slowly, warm tears flowing down my cheeks. His large hands grip the fur blanket before he stands, looking down at me momentarily before hurriedly making his way out the door. I pull my legs up and roll onto my side, sobbing uncontrollably.


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