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The Boy in the Mirror: Finding Love in the Strangest of Ways

Page 12

by Bonny Capps

  Gregor grabs me and his hands go travelling. I feel my heart in my throat and I try to refrain from trembling as my hands become planted on his biceps, “Whoa! We need to loosen up a bit! Wine?” He growls and nods his head before sitting on the bed. I casually walk to the pitcher of wine and pour him and me a glass.

  “So, what are your is your plan of attack?” I ask as I empty the capsule into his glass. He laughs, “You’re aggressive, and I like that.” I grit my teeth and force a giggle, “No my king, the attack on Hasset.” “It hasn’t even crossed my mind to be honest.” He responds. I turn and approach him with his wine, “Oh?” I smile as I take a sip of my wine, my eyes never leaving him.

  He still hasn’t taken a sip, drink it dammit! I pull my glass from my lips, “Well, are you going to drink?” I ask. He frowns at me, “Are you trying to poison me Mandy?” I let out a shy laugh and sit on his lap, “Yes, I am trying to kill you!” I say sarcastically. I playfully slap his chest, “Husband, don’t be ridiculous!” His face is dark once more. Oh no, he’s caught on. “Of course you aren’t.” He says, a smile creeps across his face and he lifts his glass, “Cheers, to us!” “Cheers.” I whisper as I tap my glass against his. I sip my wine and he downs his before he hands me the glass and lies down on the bed.

  I walk across the room and place the glasses on the table. I still when I hear what sounds like gurgling behind me. I turn and make my way over to him; his eyes are rolling to the back of his head and he is gasping for air. I slowly sit beside him and place my hand on his cheek rubbing gently with my thumb, “Oh dear husband, you’re going to bed so soon.”

  His body begins convulsing momentarily and stops abruptly. Foam is coming from his mouth; I quickly wipe it with my dress. I struggle to remove my gown and corset. I then remove his armor. I unbraid my hair and run my fingers through it. I make my way to the other side of the bed and begin screaming at the top of my lungs, “THE KING IS DEAD! THE KING IS DEAD!”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Gregor’s guards storm into the room as I stand beside the bed, the sheet covering me. I recognize the blonde man with the pony tail from when I was in the dungeon. He is shaking Gregor violently. He stops and stands slowly, scowling at me. “What have you done?” My tears are flowing down my cheeks as I sit in the bed next to the dead king, I won’t lie – the tears are definitely forced. I look up at him innocently, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The other guards stand in silence, staring at me. Andre looks towards them, “Leave us, all of you. I need a word with the queen.”

  They follow his orders and leave Andre and me alone. He walks around to my side of the bed and my eyes follow him. He stops in front of me and examines me momentarily before speaking, “I didn’t take you as a murderer, your highness.” I slowly stand and look up at him, “Watch your words.” He scoffs as he looks down at me, “Or what?” He asks. A smile overcomes my face, “I don’t think you want to find out.” “Is that so?” He says. “Yes.” I respond before looking towards Gregor’s lifeless body, “Poor man couldn’t handle me.” My eyes travel to meet his again. “So that’s your story?” He murmurs through clenched teeth. “Yes it is.” I respond before turning and before exiting the room I look over my shoulder, “Now get him out of here.”

  I summon for Fynn, Makin and Breck to meet me in the study. I have changed back into my wood armor – this is how I feel the most comfortable. Fynn is leaning against a book shelf, his arms crossed. He has a dark expression on his face; I can only imagine what is going through his head after what Gregor had said to him, whatever it may be. I’ll need to speak with him later, I hate seeing him upset.

  I make my way around the wooden desk and sit in Gregor’s old chair. I lace my fingers in front of me and look at my friends. Breck has the brown owl perched on his shoulder and is feeding it a piece of meat. Makin looks anxious. “It’s been done.” I whisper before leaning back in my chair. I can see Fynn's chest flatten as he exhales and Breck nods, a smile across his face.

  “What now, do you plan on sleeping with anyone else?” Fynn snaps as he walks towards the desk, placing his hands on the edge. I scowl at him and lean forward, “I did no such thing!” Fynn scoffs, “What did you do then, queen?” Makin begins making his way out of the study. “Makin, wait.” I say as I look towards him, he stops in his tracks and turns to face me. I look back towards Fynn, “I did what I had to do, and if we must we will finish this conversation later.” “Of course your highness.” He responds sarcastically and bows before sitting on the arm of the chair across from the desk.

  “We need to begin planning; we have to be careful how we go about doing this. Andre and the others suspect something.” I say as I look to each of them. “Ah yes, it will be difficult to win over the Norwins, but the bears and the Nomads – they will be more than happy to help.” Makin replies. I nod and look towards Fynn, “Have you learned anything of the Norwin army? Do they have ships?” Fynn nods, “Yes, I did see several ships docked. As far as their army, they are known for their barbaric ways, it would be a benefit to have them on our side.”

  I stand and walk towards the window, looking down at the courtyard, the Nomads and bears go about their daily existence. They don’t know that their king is dead – how will they respond when they do? How do I go about asking them for help without Andre having an issue? I’ll need to speak with him about my plan; it can either go good or bad.

  I am now fashioning Gregor’s sword at my side. It really is beautiful, it’s silver with Celtic engravings on the blade with a black, leather handle. I walk through the castle looking for Andre, I might as well get this over with, it’s not worth sneaking around and I need as many allies as I can get.

  I find him standing in the corridor, his hands behind his back as he blankly stares out the window at the endless sea. I stop and stand beside him. “He was my best friend.” He murmurs without looking at me. I look up at him and see his jaw tensing, an overall sad look on his face, he is very handsome with his blond hair and neatly trimmed beard. “I’m sorry.” I whisper. “Sorry for what? Killing him?” He growls as he turns and looks down at me, his brown eyes are shining, he is hurt and I can’t help but feel compassion for him.

  “I’m sorry that you lost your best friend.” I respond. His eyes focus on the sword on my hip, “I see you stripped him of his sword. Do you know how to use it?” He asks as he circles around me. A smile creeps across my face. I feel a sharp tip on the nape of my neck. He begins moving it down my spine, running it over the ribbon of my corset and to the small of my back.

  I quickly step forward and whip around to face him, drawing my sword. The tip of my sword rests at his Adam’s apple. He looks amused as we face off, the adrenaline is pumping through my body – I was born for this. “Gregor said you were brave, in a naïve way – but all the same.” He says. He lets out a laugh and lowers the sword to his side before turning from me. Suddenly, he whips around rearing back, striking my sword as I attempt to block his blade – my sword is sent flying.

  He swiftly places the blade on my neck as my sword slides across the floor before coming to a halt as it slams into the wall. I begin walking backwards with the blade on my neck until my back meets the window. “I need your help.” I whisper. The smile remains his face and he lowers his sword and places it back into the leather strap cinched around his waist. “I should kill you, you know. It is the Norwin way. You killed my best friend – my brother in war.” He says looking at me intently.

  “What’s in it for me? If I help you?” He asks, his eyes never leaving mine. Here we go again. “What do you want?” I ask. “I want her, I always have.” He responds. “Who?” I ask. “Bett.” He says, resting his hand on his sword. “She’s not mine to give.” I reply. “Well, I can’t help you then.” He says as he turns from me. “Wait!” I exclaim and he faces me once again. I take another step towards him, “Women are not objects, you know.” He nods, “I know that.” He does? I look at him quizzically. He looks down, “I’m n
ot Gregor. My mother was the most amazing person I knew, I treat my women how I would treat her – with respect.” My mouth is hanging open, this is a shocker. I quickly compose myself. “I’ll see what I can do.” I respond as I turn and walk down the corridor, my steps echoing throughout, bouncing off the walls and windows.

  I walk to the chapel to examine the triangle. It’s empty in here and quiet. I take a seat at the front isle. Makin startles me as I sit alone in silence, attempting to deconstruct the meaning of this symbol. He sits next to me, his hands in his lap. “The order.” He says, his eyes meeting mine. “The order?” I ask. He nods to the triangle, “Yes, the leaf represents the Amphians the Nomads and all animals big and small. The water represents the pirates and water creatures. The axe represents the Norwins and their barbaric ways. There is to be unity amongst us all.” My eyes examine the symbol, “And the eye?” He smiles up at me, “The watchers.” I let out a deep sigh as I look at my hands in my lap, “Fynn?” I whisper. He nods and gently pats my leg before standing and retreating from the chapel.

  What a day it’s been. So many things have happened. I need rest. I am startled when I see Fynn leaning against the door of my chamber. I walk towards him and look into his caring, grey eyes as I place my hands on his cheeks, “I can’t bear having you angry with me. I thought I was doing what needed to be done.” Fynn lets out a deep sigh and looks down at his feet, “I’m sorry for doubting you Mandy.” I place my hands on the back of his neck, “You are my one and only.” He smiles and his hands find their way on my hips. He leans forward and his lips meet mine. I love him more than words can describe. “Come, let’s go to bed.” He says.

  Fynn and I crawl into bed and he wraps his arms around me as he burrows his face in my hair. “I’ve missed you.” He whispers, sending tingles down my spine. “I’ve missed you also.” I whisper. This is my place in the world. These arms, they are my home. The love I have for him is relentless. It haunts me, follows me around like a shadow. I wouldn’t change it for the world.

  I awaken with my legs and arms intertwined with Fynn’s. I feel so rested. I know it’s because I have Fynn by my side, holding me, keeping me safe. I watch him sleep, he is beautiful, his soft lips and his eyelashes resting on his cheeks. I could watch him forever. He slowly blinks his eyes open. A smile overcomes his face when he sees me. “Hi.” He murmurs. “Hi.” I whisper.

  Bett opens the door and turns around quickly once she sees Fynn. “Bett, wait! I need to speak with you!” I exclaim. “Would you like me to dress you my lady?” She asks, her back facing me. I hurriedly retreat from the bed and make my way around to face her, “You are free now. You are no longer a slave.” I whisper. She looks deeply into my eyes, “I don’t understand.” I grip her shoulders tightly, “Gregor is dead.” Tears begin forming in her eyes and a smile makes its way across her face. “Can you meet me in the dining room for breakfast? I need to speak with you.” I ask and she nods before retreating from my chamber.

  I dress myself in my armor and braid my hair at the side. I kiss Fynn quickly and make my way to the dining room. Bett is standing in front of the table, her fingers laced in front of her. I rush over to her and she smiles at me nervously. I take her hands in mine and look into her eyes. She is such a beauty. No wonder Andre wants her hand; she is a diamond in the rough. “Sit, let’s eat.”

  We sit across from each other and eat our fruit in silence as I contemplate what to say. After we finish, I look towards her, “Bett, I have a question.” She peers up at me. “Andre, he has expressed an interest in you.” She looks down at her plate and her cheeks become rosy. Ah – yes. I know that feeling all too well! “He wants your hand in marriage.” Her eyes slowly travel up and meet mine again, a smile overcoming her face. “I don’t understand. He wants… me?” She whispers, tears forming in her eyes. “Yes.” She looks down at her lap, “He is a Norwin.” I nod, “Yes, but he is not like the others. You have my word and his.”

  Bett and I make it back to my chamber. “Meet with him, see for yourself.” I say as I turn to face her. “Okay.” She whispers. “I think we should get you out of these clothes though.” I say, a smile overcoming my face.

  Once we have dressed her, she looks absolutely stunning. The silver gown that I once wore fits the curvature of her body perfectly; her long blonde hair is braided at her back ending at her tail bone with silver ribbon intertwined through it. I have put the silver crown with the diamonds on her head. She is emanating confidence. I take a step towards her, “You are beautiful.” She smiles up at me, “Why are you doing this for me?” I rest my hand gently on her cheek, “Because you, more than anyone else deserves this.” I whisper.

  I lead her down to the fountain. Andre stands with his back facing us. He turns around and looks absolutely stunned when he sees her. I smile as I nod towards Bett. He steps towards her and kneels down on one knee, taking her hand in his, “My lady, I promise this day – every breath I take will be for you.” He gently kisses the top of her hand. A smile stretches across her face as she places her other hand over her heart.

  My job is done. This is a wonderful day, my heart feels like it’s going to escape my chest and fly away. I sit on the steps leading to the castle and look out towards the kingdom. Bett and Andre have disappeared somewhere. The bears and Nomads are going about their daily routines; they are oblivious to the fact that Gregor is dead.

  I hear someone beside me and look over my shoulder, its Breck and the owl is still perched on his shoulder. He sits on the step beside me, “You’ve taken a liking to that owl.” I say, smirking at him. “Ah, this little bugger?” He says, gesturing towards it. I laugh and look back towards the kingdom. “The honey moons over Mandy, we have to start planning.” He says. I nod, “Where do we begin?” He retrieves a piece of meat from the pouch at his hip and hands it to the owl, “We have to prepare. Who is going with and who is left behind. The people who stay in the Wood Land will stay safe. However, the ones who come along will risk potential death. They need to understand that. Have things been settled with the Norwins?” “It’s been taken care of, he will help us.” I respond. Breck looks shocked as he looks down at me, “You never cease to amaze me.” I laugh and stand. “We will begin tomorrow. I have an announcement to prepare for.” I turn and make my way towards Gregor's chamber.

  The horns have been sounded off and I am standing in the entry of the balcony doors with Makin by my side. Everyone is gathered around down below including the remaining Amphians and pirates that have been camping on the outskirts of the Kingdom. They are awaiting my speech. We step out onto the balcony and all goes silent, they are expecting Gregor. I spot Fynn and he nods – reassuring me. I inhale and exhale deeply. “My friends, I am here to tell you of your king – the rightful heir to the throne.” I pause and gesture towards Makin; I hear a gasp ripple through the crowd. “I came here for a sole purpose. That was to help our friends in the Swamp Land, the land that was once part of your own. The Order has not been followed, Hasset casted the darkness that plagues them every day. I tell you this, friends – because we need your help to defeat Hasset and the Dead Army. You have a decision to make now. You have your freedom – You can leave right now. Or you can prepare to fight alongside us and risk your lives to honor The Order. The choice is yours. Regardless, you will never live under tyranny again, this I will swear to you.”

  The Norwins, bears and Nomads look at each other and then back at me. One particular bear steps in front of the others and stands on his hind legs, a loud roar escapes him and the other bears follow. The Nomads also step forward along with the Norwins, raising their axes towards the heavens. The Amphians and pirates join in. I let out a sigh of relief as I look down at Makin, his eyes are glazed over and he has big smile across his face as he looks down at his people. I draw the sword from my side and raise it to the blue sky, “THEN WE WILL FIGHT!”

  Chapter Fifteen

  The Nomads have crafted me a new armor, along with Fynn, Makin, Breck and the army that w
ill fight for our cause. It’s sturdy, made of iron and the chest piece forms perfectly over my chest. I am wearing black leather pants and black boots that lace up my shins. My sword is at my side and my bow and arrow are hanging at my back. I am wearing a silver headpiece that has Celtic engravings throughout it rested against my forehead. My hair braided at my side. I am a warrior.

  Fynn looks gorgeous with his careless hair as he looks at me from across the desk in the study. Breck has pulled out a map of the swamp land and placed it on the desk. We all huddle around; Andre is here as well studying our plan alongside us. “Where do we begin?” I ask. “We kill Hasset where this all began. We sail to the Swamp Land and meet her at the other half of the Statue of Bellthor.” Makin responds. “The dead army, what’s to be expected?” I ask.

  Brecks eyes turn dark as they meet mine, “Ah, an evil breed they are. They come from the depths of darkness once they are summoned. Their eyes are like hot ambers, if you stare too long they will burn their image into your soul.” I nod slowly as my eyes meet Fynn’s, “That’s it then. We must do what needs to be done. We need to set off on our journey soon.” Andre turns and begins making his way out of the study before turning towards me, “My men would like you meet you, my lady.” I smile, “Of course.” Andre leaves and Makin and Breck follow behind leaving Fynn and I alone. Fynn comes around the desk and I stand to face him. He wraps his arms around me, looking into my eyes, “You are amazing.” I laugh and lay my head on his chest, “You’re pretty amazing yourself. Now let’s get to work!”

  Fynn and I meet the others in the courtyard by the remnants of Bellthor’s Statue. Andre is standing next to seven other Norwins. Each of them are donning the same iron armor, their muscular arms gripping at the swords at their sides, large axes strapped to their backs. Andre nods as I approach them, “Your highness, these are my men Magnus, Shade, Gargan, Herdeux, Fiddle, Victor and Asbith.” I smile and nod at them, “It’s a pleasure to meet all of you.”


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