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The Boy in the Mirror: Finding Love in the Strangest of Ways

Page 11

by Bonny Capps

  Bett rushes into the room and cradles me, “My lady, you must be strong to marry him, he is a hateful man.” I do not respond as the tears continue, but she’s right.

  Sleep is not coming easy tonight. My cheek is still throbbing from where he struck me. I don’t know how I’m going to pull this off but I do know one thing - He must die.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I open my eyes; the bright sun is illuminating my room. Gregor is looking out the balcony. I sit up and he turns to face me, he looks cleaned up, his hair is pulled back in a pony tail and it looks as if he trimmed his beard. He is wearing a fur lined cloak and leather pants. If he was not a pompous ass, he might be attractive in a barbaric – he man way.

  “Ah, my queen – you’re awake.” I nod and he walks towards me. He sits on the side of the bed and peers into my eyes, “Last night, we didn’t have much time to talk. I have eyes all around this kingdom, watching you – watching your every move. When I got word that you were with him – it made me angry.” He pauses and places a thumb over my lips, pressing down gently. “These are mine. You are mine. Do you understand?” I nod slowly. His thumb moves down to my chin and he leans in, his lips meeting mine.

  For some reason, I welcome his kiss. I would have wanted someone like this, before I entered this mirror. I would have wanted someone domineering, who could control me because I felt like I was unraveling.

  But then I met Fynn. His tender love, he has given me the strength and independence. I pull away, feeling guilty. I look into Gregor’s eyes. Don’t let him charm you Mandy. It’s only a matter of time before he slams me around again or before he hits me again.

  I feel anger come over me as I revisit what happened last night in my head as I stare into his dark eyes. He knows how to make me feel vulnerable. It’s like he can see through my soul. And I don’t like it. He stands and walks across the chamber. He grabs a burlap sack and approaches me again. He throws the sack on the bed, “We are going riding today.” Just like that, he turns and leaves me alone in my bed. I look down at the bag and turn it upside down. My bow and quiver fall out in front of me. I smile as I run my fingers over the smooth wood. My eyes grow wide; the poison is still in my bosom. I fell asleep with my gown on. I wildly search the room, I have to hide it! I find a porcelain vase on the desk across the room and hurry over to it, this will have to do.

  Bett enters my chamber and I feel a sense of relief. She makes me so comfortable. I want to help her escape this too. She clothes me in my leather pants and wooden armor. This is much better than the gowns I’ve been forced to wear. She braids my hair in a fishtail and it rests on my shoulder and places a simple crown on my head, it lays flat and a ruby rests on my forehead, it is quite beautiful.

  I put my quiver and bow around my neck and they rest at my back before heading to the exit of the castle. Gregor is waiting in the middle of the corridor. I stand before him, a smile across his face. He holds out an arm and I link mine through his.

  We arrive at the stables outside of the castle. There are two giant horses standing side by side. They must be Clydesdales, they are huge and stunning. One is pitch black and has crystal blue eyes. It has a black saddle on its back; the bridge is made of bone, I can only assume this is Gregor’s horse.

  The other horse is stark white and has a simple brown saddle on its back, its amber eyes peer into mine. “She is yours.” Gregor whispers as we continue walking towards these beautiful animals. I stop in front of her in awe as she paws at the ground with her hoof; she stops and looks at me wildly. She begins sidestepping anxiously and I jump back.

  Gregor gets behind me and places his hands on my hips, pushing me towards her. My back is pressing against his chest firmly as I try to get away. “Stop.” Gregor orders and I do. “She doesn’t trust you, she knows you’re afraid.” He pauses and grabs my wrist and lifts my hand up towards her, resting it on her soft nose, I feel her warm breath on my palm. “Now, make her trust you.” He whispers before walking away and descending into the stables.

  She looks deeply into my eyes. “Hi, horse.” I murmur as my hand slides up to her forehead. Her mane is white and smooth. “Hi Mandy.” I gasp as I step back. What, her lips didn’t move! Was that the horse? It sounded like it was a thought, my subconscious?

  “Are you talking?” I whisper as I step closer to her. She nods, her head bobbling up and down. Gregor returns and places a hand on my shoulder; “I see you’ve become acquainted...”I nod, staring at her blankly. “Well, does she have a name?” He asks, looking down at me. “Um, I’m not sure.” I murmur, still looking up at her. “My name is Skye.” There she is again, in my head. I look up at Gregor, “I think I’m going to call her Skye.” He smiles and nods, “Well, let’s ride.” He grabs my hand and leads me to her side, grabbing my waist and lifting me onto her back. Wow she is tall; I feel a nervous sensation rise in my stomach. I’ve never ridden a horse! He mounts his horse and pats its neck as he looks towards me, “His name is Elspeth.”

  We ride side by side through the kingdom, bears bowing their heads and nomads avoiding any eye contact as we pass by. Fynn is standing by the exit, looking at me intently. Gregor looks from me to Fynn, a smirk on his face.

  The horses come to a halt and Gregor dismounts Elspeth and walks towards Fynn. Oh no. Fynn stands tall as Gregor approaches him. Gregor leans forward and begins whispering in Fynn’s ear. I see Fynn’s face go from soft to angry to hurt. What the hell is he telling him? Fynn looks up at me before shaking his head and walks away, he looks so disappointed. My eyes follow him as we continue to the exit.

  Once we make it out to the woods I bring Skye to a halt. Gregor stops as well and turns Elspeth around to face me. “What did you say to him?” I ask, trying hard not to show my anger. Gregor makes his way over to me, “What’s it to you?” He asks, peering into my eyes. I look away, “I – I just want to know.” I whisper before looking back towards him. “I am your man. What I say to another man who is wanting of you, that is none of your business.” He growls before turning from me once again.

  I follow behind him, deeper into the woods. I am beyond annoyed. Fynn is probably pissed. He is likely haunted by what Gregor said to him, whatever it may be. I wish I could just hold him. We make our way to a huge drop off and come to a stop. It is terrifyingly beautiful. The planets are peeking through the scattered clouds and the sun is shining bright. You can see straight down, the huge white rocks capture the waves as they crash into them.

  The miles and miles of water are discouraging; yet hopeful. It’s a reminder that I am on this island – stuck with Gregor. This island that houses these bears and nomads who are living under Tyranny, where the love of my life is waiting – heartbroken and where I sit and wait to be wed, only to turn around and kill my oppressive husband. What’s next? What about the other Norwins? They will surely know that I’ve killed him and will seek vengeance. But this sea of water also represents hope. Hope of escaping and hope of a better life for all of my new friends.

  “I will send off your nomad and the others.” Gregor says, interrupting my deep thought. I look towards him; his eyes are locked onto the ocean. “What do you mean?” I ask, my eyes searching his face. He looks into my eyes, “They are a distraction.” I swallow hard. I can’t let him do this! Surely I will be stuck here if they leave! I can’t be without Fynn! Tears begin working their way down my cheeks as I look down at the rolling waves. “You said you wanted to make me happy.” I murmur, my salty tears flowing freely.

  Gregor inhales deeply. “You have stolen my heart. Of course I want you happy.” He growls. “Then, do not send my friends away, please.” I whisper. I see his jaw tense, “As you wish.” He turns briskly and descends back into the woods. I follow behind and breathe a sigh of relief.

  Once back at the kingdom, we return Skye and Elspeth to the stables. Gregor has some work to tend to and I decide that I need to seek out and find Fynn. I feel terribly guilty about the kiss I shared all too willingly with Gregor.

; I see Fynn sitting on the back of a wagon and approach him. He looks handsome as ever, quietly whittling a chunk of wood. He is magnificent and I want to leap into his arms and kiss him with everything I have in me.

  His eyes meet mine momentarily and he stands and puts the knife and piece of wood in his brown bag that hangs around his neck and rests at his hip. I think he begins walking towards me but he passes me by, I turn and grab his arm, “Fynn, talk to me.” He never turns to face me, but yanks his arm away, “There’s nothing to talk about.” He says as he continues on his way.

  I look down at the stone ground, I messed up. Why did I return Gregor’s kiss? Why did I hurt Fynn so? I love him with everything in me. I can’t bear to see him so disheveled. He doesn’t deserve this, especially after showing me only love. I made a mistake. Now I need to fix it.

  I drag myself back to the castle and Bett changes me into a silver gown and re-braids my hair, it was a mess after riding earlier with Gregor. He has asked that I dine with him tonight, I can’t really refuse.

  I meet him in the dining room, accompanied by Bett. He pulls out the large wooden chair and I sit. He walks to the other end and runs his fingers along the sturdy table, his eyes watching me as he does so. The walls are gold and white pinstriped wallpaper and a giant white fur is spread across the wooden floor below our feet. Food is strewn about the table; grapes, meat and wine. A chandelier hangs above us, white candles adorn it and the flames dance freely. Bett comes around the table and pours Gregor and I a glass, her gaze meeting mine before she turns and heads back to the buffet.

  He looks rather handsome tonight. Wearing his royal gold and blue attire and his black hair slicked back, his brown eyes searching mine from across the spread of food. “We shall marry tomorrow.” He says, a smile overcoming his face as he takes a sip of wine. I return the smile, “Oh?” Bett is standing still – like a statue, her eyes wide as she looks into mine, we share something silent - unsaid. I trust her so.

  “Yes. Come tomorrow evening, we will truly share my bed.” He says as he leans back in his chair. “I’m sure I can please you. Isn’t that right, Bett?” He says, looking over his shoulder and taking another big gulp of the red wine. My eyes grow wide as I look from him to her. This is worse than I had thought and from the look on Bett’s face I can tell she was not at all willing.

  She looks down at her feet and doesn’t say a word. Gregor looks back towards me, “Does that make you jealous?” Bett’s eyes meet mine again. I have to play along. I don’t want to but I must. He wants me to be jealous, because jealousy would give him a sense of my wanting of him.

  I purse my lips and look back towards Gregor, “Yes.” I whisper. Gregor smirks and leans forward, taking another sip of his wine, he’s getting drunk and it is both revolting and intimidating. “Well, you are just going to let her get away with bedding your king?” He asks. I shake my head and he gestures towards her, “Well, do something about it then.”

  The smirk on his face is sickening, but I have to play his demented game. I know what I must do and it literally breaks my heart. I slowly get up from my chair and stand looking at her from across the table, her eyes not leaving her feet. I walk towards her; I can see her body trembling like a leaf. I can feel his eyes on me as I stand before her.

  “Look at me.” I whisper through clenched teeth. Her eyes slowly work their way up, locking onto mine, beautiful blue sadness that is her eyes. My breathing starts quickening. ‘I’m sorry’ I mouth to her and she squeezes her eyes shut before I rear back and plant a hard slap on her cheek. She almost loses balance before I grab her shoulder. I hear Gregor scoff behind me as he pushes me out of the way. He stands in front of her swaying and she is trembling wildly as I grip the edge of the buffet.

  He knocks the hell out of her and sends her to the ground at my feet. My hands fly up in front of my mouth. Gregor leans towards me, “You need to grow a spine.” He growls, his warm breath meeting my face, a mixture of wine and staleness. I squeeze my eyes shut as he storms out of the room.

  I kneel down and grasp Bett’s arm, helping her sit up. She has a huge red whelp on her cheek and her lip is bloodied. Tears begin flowing from my eyes as I look at this poor girl, resting my hands on her cheeks. How could I let this happen! I lean forward and put my forehead against hers, “I will take you away from this – I promise.” She wraps her arms around my waist and I rock her back and forth in my lap as she weeps.

  Bett and I walk hand in hand back to my chamber. We have remained silent other than her sniffling here and there. She is me before I went into the mirror and I can’t help but feel responsible for her.

  I sit on the side of my bed as she runs me a hot bath. She undresses me and I relax in the warmth. Bett leaves me alone and my thoughts go racing. Tomorrow is the big day. I’ve had mixed emotions about killing Gregor, but after what I’ve witnessed - what he did to Bett and the many others that he has hurt, I have never been so sure. He is a horrible man. I have to be careful, if he catches me trying to poison him that will be it for all of us.

  Fynn probably hate s me right now. He thinks that I’ve betrayed him, if he only knew. I’m his and only his. I hear the door creak open and sit up quickly, drawing my knees to my chest.

  Gregor enters with his hands behind his back. He sits on the side of the bath and looks down at me intently. I am gripping my arms tightly around my legs as I glare at him, my chest heaving. He is looking down at me, the same disgusting smirk on his face. He is so intrusive. “You’re angry?” He asks nonchalantly. I scoff at him, “That would be an understatement!” I snap. “Be careful girl.” He cautions as his face darkens.

  “She didn’t deserve that.” I reply. His dark eyes search mine before standing. He bends down and reaches towards me, grasping my chin, “You should cherish me and my decisions. I am your king.” I grit my teeth as I look up at him, I have never known so much hatred in my life. We stare into each other’s eyes momentarily; he is almost daring me to do something – anything for him to justify harming me. However, I am stronger than that. I will not let him have the best of me.

  Finally, he releases his hold and stands. “Until tomorrow, my queen.” He murmurs, making his way out of my chamber. I sigh deeply as Bett re-enters behind him and quietly closes the door. She hurriedly rushes to my side and looks into my eyes, “What are you going to do?” She whispers. “I’m going to bring an end to the darkness.” I reply as my eyes travel to the starry sky.

  Once Bett has dressed me in my gown and brushed my hair, I lay beneath the soft, fur blanket. I feel like a child, unable to make any decisions for myself. The hatred I have for him is unbearable and if I could dig a knife into his heart – I would with no regrets. I rest my cheek on my palm and look out the window. Once my eyes can’t hold the sleepiness’ weight anymore, they fall shut. I drift into sweet, sweet sleep.

  Once I awaken, I am relieved to find myself alone once again. I rush to the vase where I’ve hidden the witches weed and retrieve it. I walk to the desk and frantically search the drawers. I find a capsule attached to a gold chain – perfect! I locate a smooth rock on the desk, holding down a stack of blank paper and begin grinding it against the witches weed. Once it is of a powdery substance I pinch it between my fingers and carefully put it in the capsule, filling it to the very top. I put the lid on and grip the capsule tightly. Bett startles me as she enters, “My lady, your gown is ready.” She says. The white fabric draped over her arms and a grin on her face. Her lip is swollen and the mark is still on her cheek. I can feel the anger pump through my veins. This is the reassurance I needed.

  She laces me up and slides the gown over my body, all the while I hold onto the witches weed for dear life. She braids my hair in a different fashion, much more elegant than before, I didn’t think that possible. She places a different crown atop my head; this one is silver and has diamonds imbedded in the swirls. She places a sheer veil over my head and smiles sweetly as she comes around to face me, “You are a stunning bride!” I return th
e smile and hug her tightly.

  Bett and I head to the chapel with the poison hidden in my bosom. I am stunned when I see the full chapel as I stand at the door. Candles illuminate the room and isles are lined up. I see a large, carved wood piece hanging on the wall in the middle. It is the shape of a triangle, at the tip there is a leaf and in the left corner what look to be waves and on the right an ax. In the middle there is an eye. How peculiar, I have no idea what it is or what it represents – but something tells me it is of high importance. Gregor is smiling at me from the alter. I wish I could punch him in the face after all he’s done – now I’m about to marry him. On each side of the isles, there are guards standing with their swords drawn and the tips touching, creating an arch for me to walk under.

  Bett hands me an olive branch. Oh this is fitting; I’m the white dove carrying the olive branch, another little reminder from Gregor. This asshole has something coming to him. I begin walking under the archway of swords and stand before Gregor. My eyes meet his as we begin making our vows; my stomach is doing summersaults all the while.

  Once the ceremony ends, Gregor hoists me onto his shoulder. “What are you doing?” I exclaim. “This is your coronation.” He replies. What? This is no coronation; he is just quick to get me to his chambers. The crowd follows behind us as we walk down the corridor to his chamber. Gregor puts me down and closes the door; I’ve not been in here before.

  There is a chess board next to the tall window in the middle of the room. Weapons are strewn about the wall, axes and swords. There is a mannequin like mine; however this one wears iron armor with a Celtic knot engraved in the middle. The room is illuminated by the soft light of the candles strewn about. My eyes nervously glance towards the bed, the iron posts reach towards the ceiling and the blankets are blood red with a brown bear fur draped over them.


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