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Southern Heat (Game On Book 2)

Page 14

by Parker Kincade

  He might’ve died a little. Might’ve caught of glimpse of the pearly gates behind his eyelids as she worked him over. Gabriella’s mouth was damn near the closest thing he’d found to heaven on earth. The only thing he wanted more than blowing down her throat was to be inside her.

  If he waited any longer, the decision would be out of his hands.

  He pulled back.

  “Wait. You’re not finished. You said—”

  “Next time, promise.” Hooking his hands through her armpits, he hauled her to her feet. “Right now I need to fuck you.”

  He swallowed her moan, and about lost his shit when she grabbed his dick and squeezed. He walked them to the bed with the grace of a drunken sailor. They tumbled to the mattress.

  “Sorry,” he muttered, thinking he must be crushing her, but unable to care. Getting inside her was priority one.

  She tore her mouth away and shoved at his chest. “Condom,” she panted. “Now.” She pushed at his shoulders, his arms. Her impatience was a total fucking turn-on.

  She wiggled out from under him, crawling backward up the bed. She dropped against the pillows, desire darkening her eyes.

  Thank fuck the condom was where he left it. He snatched it up, tore open the pack, and rolled it on. Walking on his knees, he poised between her feet. He skimmed his hands up her legs, his own personal smorgasbord. So many delicious choices for him to savor. Her legs were parted, giving him an up-close-and-personal of her glistening, pink folds. Unable to resist, he bent down, swiped his tongue over her, capturing her juices in his mouth. His nose bumped her clit, and she gasped. So, he did it again, taking the time to breathe in the sweet, tangy scent of her.

  “You’re so soft here. Like silk.” He trailed a finger over the bare lips of her pussy before sliding the digit inside her. “Goddamn, you’re dripping wet. You enjoy sucking me that much?”

  He added a second finger, stroking deep, in and out.

  She moaned, rocking her hips as he fucked her with his fingers.

  “That’s it, Gabriella.” He pressed a thumb against her clit. “Give me everything you’ve got.”

  He ground his teeth to keep himself from the same fate. His balls were drawn up so tight he was surprised they hadn’t turned inside out.

  She clenched around his fingers. She was close.

  “You’d better hurry,” she warned. “I want you inside me when I come.”

  An invitation he wouldn’t resist.

  He lined up, intending to go slow. Once her heat touched the tip of his cock, nothing could’ve stopped him from slamming home.

  And slam home he did. One powerful thrust and he buried deep.

  Gabriella cried out, her nails digging into his upper arms.

  His brain damn near short-circuited. “You good? I gotta move.”

  She smiled, eyes glassy and dark, and he felt ten fucking feet tall.

  “If you don’t, I’ll finish without you.”

  “Like hell.”

  The dam broke. Bracing his arms at her sides, Tyler set a punishing rhythm. He ignored the ache in his shoulder as he pumped his hips, chasing his pleasure and hoping like hell she found hers.

  She cried his name, clamping around him like a vice, painful and oh, so sweet. His lungs stopped working. His muscles locked up. And then … fucking heaven.

  * * *

  “Don’t move.” Tyler kissed her forehead and rolled to his feet.

  “Not a problem,” she mumbled, burrowing her cheek into the pillow now that she didn’t have his chest to lay against. How he had the energy to move with that speed was beyond her. She could finally feel her limbs again, but she wasn’t in any hurry to put them to use.

  She felt more than saw Tyler leave the room. Her eyelids weighed a thousand pounds apiece. She gave them a good fight, but the next thing she knew Tyler clamped a hand on her hip and shook her.

  “Come on, sleeping beauty, wake up.” He sounded far too amused.

  Groaning, she sat up. “Evil, evil man.” Turning to face him, she crossed her legs and tugged the sheet over her lap. “The polite thing to do after you fuck a woman senseless is to let her sleep.”

  “Whatever gave you the impression I was polite?” He reclined against the headboard, a playful grin on his face. At some point he’d thrown on boxer briefs, turning her bed into an underwear ad.

  “Hungry?” He jerked his chin toward the pizza box sitting between them. He’d also brought along a plate of cookies, a roll of paper towels, and two bottles of water from the fridge.

  She rubbed her eyes. “Looks like a picnic. In my bed.”

  He winked. “Only the best for my girl.”

  There were those two words again. Gabriella wanted to argue, but he looked so happy, so relaxed, she didn’t want to break the spell. She could be his girl. For a little while anyway.

  “As long as your girl doesn’t have to wake up with pizza crust or cookie crumbs stuck to her butt.”

  “Aw, come on, gorgeous. You telling me you’ve never eaten in bed before?”

  “Beds are not for eating.” And when had she become her mother?

  His grin grew. His gaze dipped to her naked breasts and he licked his lips. “You sure about that?”

  Gabriella whacked his arm. “Jesus, you’re such a guy. Food. I meant food.”

  He laughed. “You’ve never had breakfast in bed?”


  “No late night snacks? No romantic dinners with pizza and cookies?”

  “Is that what this is? A romantic dinner?”

  Tyler snatched a cookie from the plate and settled back again. “Nah. I’m not that much of an ass. If this were a romantic dinner, I’d have at least brought real napkins.” He studied the cookie in his hand. “So, you’ve never let a guy eat cookies in your bed, huh?” He took a big, growly bite.

  Getting into his playful, lazy spirit, Gabriella laughed. “You’d be the first.”

  “I’m honored. Are you ready to eat? I worked up a serious appetite.” He finished the cookie with two more bites and washed it down with a swig of water. She watched as he tore off a few paper towels, creating make-shift plates. “I didn’t know what you liked, so I went with pepperoni. Seemed a safe bet.”

  “I love pepperoni.” She took the slice he offered. “And for future reference, as long as the pizza doesn’t have anchovies, chances are I’ll eat it.”

  “Good to know.”

  They ate in companionable silence. He hadn’t been kidding about his appetite. Tyler devoured five slices of pizza to her two. When she declined the cookies, he finished off the remaining three.

  It was nice, having him there, but it terrified her, too. Tyler Brady took up a lot of space, and not just physically. His presence filled the room, the bed, her house. He’d marked her territory with memories too good to be set aside. Memories she’d have to deal with once he was gone.

  “Thank you for the picnic.” She gathered the trash from their dinner.

  “I’ve got that.” Tyler took it from her. He piled everything on the floor next to the door. “I’ll take it out the next time I go.”

  He gave her a steamy look and climbed back into bed. He tugged her close. Sleepy and content, she snuggled into his arms. Her hand wandered, lazily tracing the curve of his pec. She circled the outer ridge of his nipple. As it hardened, his hand claimed hers, stopping any further exploration.

  “I want to touch you.” She tried to gain control, but Tyler held fast.

  “Give me about thirty minutes to digest all the food I just ate and then you can touch to your heart’s content.”

  “That’s too good an offer to refuse.” She relaxed into him, thinking she could get a quick power nap before round two. His chest rose and fell with regular intervals. She though he’d fallen asleep, so his voice startled her.

  “I’ve gotta go to New York next week.”

  It took a minute for her sleepy brain to process the info. “You do?”

  She felt him move. Nod, mayb
e. Not sure if she should pry into his business, she waited for him to elaborate.

  “Things are messed up right now.”

  She sat up and faced him. “What has you so worried?”

  He tucked a hand behind his head, gaze on the ceiling. “My contract is up at the end of the season. I have no idea what’s going to happen. So far the club has been quiet.”

  “This trip to New York is to work out a new deal?”

  “No.” Guilt marred his expression. “I’m meeting with the team doc. Have a few tests. Workout with the trainers.”

  “Okay. That’s good, right?”

  He shrugged. “Matt and I have been tossing the ball around, and, I don’t know, something feels off.”

  Her heart ached for him. Tyler was so strong, so powerful. It was easy to forget he was a man with fears and worries. She laid a hand on his arm. “Of course it feels off. You haven’t thrown in months. It’s going to take time to get your muscles in shape. Give yourself time.”

  “If I don’t make it back by the end of July, I’m done for the season. Ridin’ the DL doesn’t exactly give me the best leverage during a contract negotiation.”

  She’d done some research. Not all, but a good portion of the guys who ended up on the disabled list for a full season came back to play the next. Besides, “You’ll make it back by the end of July.”

  “Yeah.” He rubbed a hand over his chest.

  “Is this just about the contract? Because money isn’t everything, you know.”

  “You’d be the first woman in my life to think so.”

  “Don’t compare me with the other women you’ve dated. In fact, don’t compare me with anyone.”

  “Not comparing. Stating a fact, that’s all.”

  “And how do you feel about money? Do you think it’ll solve all your problems?”

  His gaze rolled to meet hers. “It’ll help.”

  “Sure it will. But are you going to sit there and tell me you wouldn’t play baseball for peanuts, if that was your only option?” When he didn’t answer, she continued on. “Money might make things easier, but it doesn’t necessarily make things better. Happiness comes from here.” She touched his forehead. “And here.” She laid her palm flat on his chest.

  He captured her hand, brought it to his lips, and kissed her fingers one at a time.

  She glanced around the room, taking her own words to heart. When was the last time she’d been happy? She loved the house, sure, but she was kidding herself if she thought it gave her any kind of joy. Walls were replaceable. Her things could be moved. She could work anywhere. Another state even.

  The truth was, with the exception of the recent stolen moments with Tyler, the house held memories she’d rather let go.

  So, why am I trying so hard to hang on?

  Gabriella shook the thought away. Her problem could wait.

  She stroked his jaw, traced his bottom lip with her thumb. “I understand you’re concerned about your shoulder. You’ve gotta trust me when I say you’ll be back on the field in time to finish out the season. You’re at the top of your game, Tyler. A few months isn’t going to change that. Plus, you’ve got a kick-ass team of people helping you. What’s the worst that could happen? You sign with another team? You’ll still be playing baseball.”

  “You’re right. I know you’re right. But, goddamn, Gabriella. I’ve dreamed about playing for the Empire since I was a boy. And now I’m there, you know? I’d be perfectly happy playing my entire career in New York. TJ … he’s not like the majority of team owners. He’s real hands-on. Takes an interest in our lives as well as our careers. TJ and the guys, they’re family.”

  “You seriously believe they’ll release you?” Gabriella didn’t know anything about the process, but she couldn’t imagine them letting go of a player of Tyler’s caliber.

  “I fucking hope not.”

  “And if they do?”

  Tyler ran his hands over his head, blew out a frustrated breath. “Then I’ll do my job. I’ll suck it up, pack my shit, and move to the next city.”

  “It’s not the best-case scenario. I get it. But you’ll still be playing ball. That’s the point I’m trying to make. Your career isn’t over.”

  He chuckled, the tension in his body slowly releasing. “Yeah, you’re right. Being away from the game has me too deep in my head lately. Sorry I dumped all that on you. Guess I just needed to talk it out.”

  “You can always talk to me. It’s not good to keep things bottled up.” And yeah, she was a total hypocrite. “Thank you for trusting me.”

  Tyler’s gaze sharpened, as though the thought hadn’t occurred to him. With lightning speed he rolled over, pinning her to the bed. He kissed her nose, her cheeks, her chin. He slid a hand between her legs, grazing her clit.

  She gasped. “I thought you said you needed thirty minutes.”

  “I lied.”


  Home. As much as he enjoyed being on the road, nothing could compare to sleeping in his own bed, surrounded by the familiarity of his own belongings. Tyler punched in the code and opened the front door.

  He dropped his bag on the floor of the tiled entryway. Madison maneuvered around him as he emptied his pockets onto the side table. Hellacious stacks of mail covered the surface. It would take him a week to go through it all. He grabbed a handful and started sifting through.

  “I’ll dump my stuff and make us some lunch. My usual room okay?”

  Tyler glanced up. “Sure.” Both spare rooms had bathrooms attached, so it didn’t matter to him which one she picked, so long as it wasn’t his. “You won’t find much in the fridge, though. Water and stale beer probably. Doubt you’ll have much luck in the cupboards, either. I don’t stock much during the season. There’s a drawer full of delivery menus next to the stove.” He grabbed his wallet and pulled out a credit card and handed it to her. “Order whatever you want.”

  “What about you? Aren’t you hungry?”

  “I’ll grab something at the clubhouse later. I’ve got some work to do before I head out, so make yourself at home. I’ll be in my office for a bit if you need anything.”

  “I’ll be okay. A friend of mine is in the city, so I might have plans later.”

  “Oh yeah? Is this friend male or female?”

  Maddie rolled her eyes. “Female.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “Do I answer to you now? You gonna pull the as long as you’re in my house crap Dad slings?”

  The snotty tone caught him off guard. As did the comparison to their father. “How about you not attack me within the first five minutes of our co-habitation? I hadn’t given it much thought until now. I have no intention of being your keeper, but that doesn’t mean I’m not concerned for your safety. You are under my roof, which earns me some consideration, don’t you think?”

  She crossed her arms. “Are you going to tell me where you’re going?”

  Little shit.

  “Isn’t that what I just did? My office. The clubhouse. Back home.” He ticked them off on his fingers. “I’ll probably have a beer and hit the couch to watch a game later.” Another finger. “Bed.” Alone.

  Maddie’s gaze sharpened. “I’ll text you once I know what our plans are.” She spun on her heels and marched away.

  Jesus. Was this what he was in for? He gathered the rest of the mail and grabbed the strap on his duffel. “Don’t forget to include what time you’ll be back,” he yelled and headed in the opposite direction, toward his bedroom. Although he had no idea what he’d do if she was late. Maddie was old enough to be on her own, but she’d always be his little sister. He had a responsibility to look out for her. Expecting him to act disinterested about her whereabouts while she stayed with him was bullshit. He wouldn’t do it, no matter how much it pissed her off.

  Tyler dropped off his bag in the bedroom, then backtracked to the office. He used his elbow to switch on the lights. He dumped the armload of mail onto the round table in the corner to go through l

  He turned on his laptop and took a seat behind the desk. While he waited for the computer to come to life, he pulled out his phone and sent Gabriella a text. He wasn’t sure why he felt the need to let her know he’d gotten home, but it felt right so he didn’t question it.

  Damn. His bed was gonna feel empty without her. The thought of anyone else beside him left him cold.

  When the hell had that happened?

  So quickly, Gabriella had become a staple in his life. When they weren’t together, he thought about her. A lot. Stupid shit like wondering how her day was going, or if she’d remembered to eat lunch. She forgot more often than not.

  The laptop chimed, ready to go. Tyler shot off a message to Steve, letting him know he was in town, and inquired if there was any word on a new contract. He spent the next hour going through emails and paying bills. He returned a few phone calls. Mundane tasks that numbed his brain.

  A message from Dr. Adlyn popped up, requesting they meet at ten in the morning and the location where he needed to go for the MRI. He also included a training schedule for tomorrow for which Tyler was grateful. Being idle wasn’t going to help him get back to work. He updated his calendar and closed his email, at odds now that he was free for the rest of the day. He would burn a few hours in the gym. Maybe hit the hay early. Be fresh and ready for the trainers tomorrow.

  What would Gabriella be doing tonight? She’d fallen asleep in his arms nearly every night for the last week and a half. Would she miss his presence in her bed? The arrogant prick in him hoped she would.

  A niggling urgency tugged his gut. A sudden need to wrap up his business as quickly as possible. If he could … maybe …

  He stared at the computer screen, finger tapping with indecision against the mouse. Arlington and St. Louis were the closest major league franchises to Little Rock. He opened the Internet browser and did a quick search. He’d have to clear it with Gabriella, but if either team were playing at home, he wanted to take her. He could make all the arrangements, have her meet him there.

  Excited about the prospect, he shoved away from his desk and went to the kitchen. He found an energy drink in the fridge. He opened it, taking a heavy swig before wandering toward the living room. He switched on the TV, found a game, and hit the remote’s mute button. Settling back on the couch, he pulled out his phone and called Gabriella.


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