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Southern Heat (Game On Book 2)

Page 15

by Parker Kincade


  The sweet sound washed over him. “You’ve got the sexiest phone voice, you know that?” His own turned husky. “Hiya, gorgeous.”

  She laughed, rich and warm. “Hi, yourself. I’m glad you think so. I saw your text. How was the flight?”

  “Uneventful. We got into Atlanta early and had time to grab a quick bite to eat before catching the connection. It was smooth sailing into JFK. How about you? Busy day so far?”

  “Not too. After you left, I went next door and had coffee with Lillian. I’ve got a couple of appointments later today, but the rest of the week is kinda slow. It’ll give me a chance to catch up on housework and laundry. All the stuff I’ve been neglecting the last few weeks. Did you get Madison all settled?”

  He glanced toward the area of the condo Maddie had disappeared into. “I guess. She bit my head off shortly after we walked in the door. I’ve been in my office since.”


  “From my kid sister in my own home? No. I had to catch up on some work. Just finished up and came out to grab a drink and chill for a bit before I hit the gym.”

  “What did she bite your head off about?”

  He propped his feet on the coffee table, strangely enjoying the very couple-like conversation they had going. “She said she had plans. I asked her where she was going.”

  “Asked her?” Gabriella laughed. “Let me guess. You did the thing where you lower your voice and then demanded to know where she was going, who’d she be with, and when she’d be home?”

  Tyler frowned. Had he? “Well, maybe. Yeah. I do a thing with my voice?”

  “Sometimes when you’re trying to make a point. It’s not a bad thing. I think it’s sexy. To a younger sister though, you probably sounded like a dad.”

  He chuffed. “That’s the same thing she said. Being compared to my father sets my teeth on edge.”

  “I didn’t say your dad. I said a dad. You’re not trying to control her, are you?”

  “Of course not. I just want to know she’s safe.”

  “Exactly. She’ll adjust. Give her time. When do you see the team doctor?”

  Tyler wanted to laugh at how easily Gabriella made it okay for him to be worried about his sister, without making him feel like a total ass about it.

  “Tomorrow. I’ve got a full day with the trainers, too.”

  “Oh, that’s great. So, if you’re going to work with the team trainers, is there a specific reason you can’t stay and finish out your therapy there?”

  “I could, I suppose. The higher-ups approved my current training schedule.” Was she ready to be rid of him? “I’d rather stick with the plan in place, unless you have any objections?”

  “No. No objections.”

  He relaxed. “Good. Because I’ve got a great idea. I promised to take you to a game. How does your schedule look for Friday?”

  “Friday?” She hesitated. Tyler could almost see her delicate brows pinch together as she checked her calendar. “I’ve got a couple of clients early in the day. What time is the game? The ballpark is only about twenty minutes away.”

  “I was thinking a little bigger than that. Texas is playing a home series in Arlington this weekend. I’ll make all the arrangements, so all you’d need to do is show up for the flight with an overnight bag. With any luck, I can get a flight that lands around the same time so we can meet up at the airport. Then we can rent a car and head to the park from there. What’dya say, gorgeous? Wanna meet me in Dallas for the game Friday night?”

  “How does this work into your training plan?”

  “You’re my therapist, right? I’ll let you work me over after the game.”

  “Hmm, I bet you will. I couldn’t leave until after one.”

  “There’s a regular schedule of flights from Little Rock to Dallas. Shouldn’t be a problem.”

  “I don’t know. It sounds like an expensive trip just to see a baseball game.”

  “Let me worry about the cost. Call me old-fashioned, but when I invite a woman on a date, I expect to pay.”

  “Even if the date includes airfare, rental car, and hotel stay?”

  “Even if.” He dropped his head to the back of the couch. “Come on, Gabriella. It’ll be fun. Although after two nights without you, I’ll be counting down the minutes until I can get you alone. I’ll be praying they don’t go into extra innings.”

  “I’m sure you have women lined up to share your bed. You couldn’t possibly miss me that much.”

  Stunned, Tyler shook his head. “Where did that come from?”

  He sensed her shrug. “Nowhere in particular. Just trying to keep perspective.”

  “Is that what you want?” It sure as hell wasn’t what he wanted. “You want me to fuck some other woman?” His muscles tensed, ready to fight. “Or is there someone you’d rather share your bed with?” The thought of another man touching her made him want to pummel something.

  “No. That’s not what I meant at all, Tyler.” For once, her reasonable tone didn’t make him feel better. “I certainly don’t intend to have sex with anyone else while we’re … whatever we’re doing. Hanging out. But I can’t expect you to do the same. What we have doesn’t lend to making claims on each other.”

  The pressure on his chest eased. She didn’t want to be with anyone else. What that meant for the two of them, he didn’t know. “Maybe it should.”

  She sucked in a breath. “What’re you saying?”

  He wiped a hand over his mouth. What was he saying? His life was complicated enough right now. Adding a long-distance relationship into the mix didn’t seem the wisest course of action. And Gabriella seemed intent on holding him to their agreement to keep things light. Still, he needed to set the record straight.

  “I’m saying I have no interest in having sex with anyone else. As long as we’re together, you’re the only woman in my bed, got it? I know you’ve been burned before. I know you don’t have any reason to, but you can trust me.”


  He wasn’t convinced she believed him. He dropped his forearm to cover his eyes, regretting, for the first time in his life, all the bed-hopping he’d done. “Say you’ll meet me in Dallas, Gabriella. Please.”

  “I’ll meet you in Dallas.”

  Yes! He jerked a fist in victory. “Thank you. I swear we’ll have a great time. There are some great malls in Dallas, too. If you wanted to stay the whole weekend, we could do some shopping.” He hated to shop, but he’d never known a woman who would turn down the opportunity.

  “I can’t think of anything I need. I’m not much of a shopper.”

  Until Gabriella. Damn, the woman constantly surprised him.

  “I’ll book the hotel until Sunday anyway, if that’s all right with you. If you don’t want to shop, there are other things we can do.”

  “Sunday sounds great. What other things do you have in mind?”

  Where to start?

  “We could go to a movie.” He hadn’t taken a girl to the movies since high school.

  “Uh-huh.” Her breathy response narrowed his eyes. “What else?”

  “Where are you right now?” He ran a hand down his stomach, halting before he reached his junk. Damn it. His sister was in the other room.

  “In the office. I was catching up on some paperwork when you called.”

  Tyler stood. “Go to the bedroom.”

  He heard rustling in the background. “And what am I going to do there?”

  He strode toward his own room. Once inside, he shut and locked the door. “I have a theory I’d like to test. Call it a preview to other things.”

  He stretched out on the bed, wishing he could touch her. She’d have to do it for him … and give him every last detail.

  “I’m listening.”

  “Oh no, gorgeous.” He popped the button on his shorts and slid down the zipper. “I’m gonna need your voice for this.”


  Tyler’s favorite steakhouse was packed. The
place was small as hell anyway, but boasted the best damn beef in the city. He made a habit of eating there several times a month, more during the off-season. The plank floors and rustic wood tables made him feel more at home than the fancier joints. No putting on airs. No dress code. Just a place a man could get an above average slice of cow, enjoy a scotch, and relax a bit.

  After a grueling day of therapy, he could use all three.

  Garrett and Jessa were already there, seated at a table toward the back. Garrett raised a hand in greeting, and he returned it. Tyler signaled to the bartender, twirling a finger and pointing toward his destination. She nodded, smiling. Tyler knew she’d have a round of drinks at the table before he got there.

  He wound his way around the tables, stopping to shake hands with several patrons who recognized him. He loved the fans in New York. They were respectful and supportive, and shared his love and nostalgia for the game.

  He deflected a few questions about when he’d be back, and signed a couple of napkins.

  It was good to be home.

  Garrett stood when he got to the table. Jessa followed suit.

  “Lookin’ good, buddy.” Garrett slapped Tyler’s palm and jerked him in for a man hug. “Thanks for sending over the drinks.”

  “Not a problem. It’s good to see you.” Tyler turned to Jessa. “You too, Jess.”

  He gave her a quick hug and slid into the chair opposite Garrett. Jessa’s curious expression had him wiping a hand over his face.

  “Am I bleedin’ from somewhere?” He checked his palm. No blood.

  Jessa laughed. “No. It’s just…” She glanced at Garrett, then back to him. “Oh, never mind. We’re glad to have you back. How’d everything go today?”

  Tyler picked up the glass in front of him. He swirled the amber liquid, then took a sip. Warmth infused his chest.

  He liked Jessa, more now that she was about to marry his friend, but she was still TJ’s daughter. She held an upper-level position with the franchise. The line between work and friendship was precarious at best. He should know. His legs were weak from teetering the boundary with Gabriella the last few weeks. Granted, he didn’t have the urge to kiss Jessa whenever she walked into a room, but he didn’t want to put her in an awkward position by sharing info she’d be compelled to pass along to her dad. How he started to sweat after three throws, for example.

  “Dr. Adlyn went over the tests. He believes the restricted range of motion and popping I’m experiencing are from adhesions. They could go back in to release the tension, but I told them no.” Information readily available to Jessa if she requested it.

  “So, what’s the plan?” Garrett asked. “We need you back.”

  “Aw, you miss me. How sweet.”

  “Whatever, man. I miss the flow. New guy doesn’t have it.”

  “From what I’ve seen, he hasn’t done too bad.”

  “Fucker’s cocky as hell.” Garrett smirked. “So you’ve got that in common. But he’s also mouthy. Talks smack on and off the field. He doesn’t pay attention to what’s going on around him. Eric’s a rookie, so I don’t expect him to have the same instincts as those of us who’ve played together for a while—years when it comes to you and me—but I do expect him to know the signals. He’s out there acting as though he’s a one-man show. The guys are getting pissed off.”

  Sometimes it was difficult to remember Garrett was in the midst of his rookie season as well. His command of the game, along with the history they had playing together in college, made Garrett a seasoned veteran in Tyler’s eyes.

  “The guys aren’t the only ones,” Jessa added.

  Selfishly, he was glad to hear his stand-in wasn’t up to snuff. And that’s all Eric was. A stand-in. Now that Tyler knew what he was up against when it came to his shoulder, he was more determined than ever to be back before the August first cutoff.

  He hated to see Eric crash and burn, though. Maybe getting his ass thrown back to the minors would open the kid’s eyes. A tough, but necessary, lesson if he wanted to learn how to play with the big boys.

  “I’ve noticed a shift in play the last few games.”

  “We’ve racked up a few losses, but the blame doesn’t lie solely on Eric’s shoulders. You know that.”

  He did know. Ball games weren’t won or lost by one person. There were nine guys on the field for a reason. No “I” in team, and all that.

  “Well, according to the doc I should be cleared for play within the next month.”

  Garrett slapped him five. “That’s what I wanted to hear. Can’t wait to have you back.”

  Dinner arrived. Holy hell, it smelled amazing. His stomach pitched a fit the moment the scent registered, demanding to be filled. He waited until all the plates were settled and Jessa had lifted her knife and fork before he dug into his own slab of aged beef. The buttery morsel practically melted in his mouth.

  “So fill me in on the wedding plans,” he said as he sliced off another bite. “Set a date yet?”

  Garrett groaned. Jessa laughed and patted Garrett’s arm.

  “Not yet,” she said. “Garrett doesn’t want to wait, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to get married during the season. We’ve got enough going on.”

  Tyler arched a brow at his friend. “She’s got a point.”

  “Shut the hell up, Brady. I’m trying to make an honest woman of her. If Jessa has her way, we’ll start planning the wedding when the season ends, and set a date for the end of the following season. That’s a long time to wait to make her mine.”

  Jessa bumped Garrett’s shoulder with hers. She waggled her fingers, showing off the engagement ring Garrett had given her just a few weeks before. “I’m already yours.”

  They shared a look and Tyler returned to his meal, suddenly feeling like a voyeur.

  Garrett was a lucky man. Jessa was beautiful and smart. She’d grown up around baseball. Her love for the sport rivaled any woman Tyler had ever met. They were perfect together.

  He thought about Gabriella just then. Her eyes. Her smile. Her voice—fuck, her voice. The sudden urge to step outside and call her almost had him out of his chair.

  “So, Tyler.” Jessa’s gaze eased from Garrett to land on him. A slow smile brightened her face. “Who is she?”

  Busted. “Who is who?”

  Garrett sat back with a laugh, slinging an arm across the back of Jessa’s chair. “Come on, man. You haven’t so much as batted an eye at Jessa all night. You’ve never passed up an opportunity to drive me nuts with your constant flirting. Not that I’m complaining, but what gives?”

  “You might as well come clean,” Jessa informed him. “It’s written all over your face.”

  Garrett offered him a sympathetic nod. “It’ll be easier if you tell her. She won’t let it go until you do.”

  Tyler swiped a napkin over his mouth and jaw, as though whatever Jessa saw sat on the surface of his face and not deep in his chest where he felt the twinge.

  It had barely been twenty-four hours since he’d seen Gabriella, and less than six hours since they’d communicated through a quick round of text messages between training sessions. He’d never been compelled to miss a woman before, but he missed her.

  “Her name is Gabriella,” he heard himself say. Big, brown eyes. Long, dark hair. Skin so soft it could make a man weep.

  Jessa squealed. Fucking squealed as though they weren’t sitting in a crowded restaurant. She smacked her hands in a loud clap. “I knew it! What is she like? Where did you meet? When do we get to meet her?”

  Tyler showed her his palms. “Slow your roll, girly. You act as though I’ve never been with a woman before.”

  “I’m not that naive. Tell us about her.”

  “She’s cool. She’s sweet and fun to be around. She’s the massage therapist I’ve been working with.”

  Garrett chuckled as Jessa pushed her plate aside and pressed her elbows onto the table.

  “Seriously, Tyler? Do you think diddling with the person who’s suppo
sed to be helping you is the smartest course of action? You’re supposed to be recovering, not playing around.” Jessa shook her head. “You had me fooled, though. From the look on your face I thought you’d found someone special.”

  He didn’t appreciate the tone, or the less than flattering way she described what he and Gabriella were doing. His hackles rose. Gabriella was special, damn it. “I am recovering. Check that. Recovered. The next few weeks I’ll be focused on strength training and keeping the arm loose, but my shoulder is ready to go. Gabriella has played a key role in increasing my range of motion, and I have no doubt she’ll be able to help break up the adhesions.” The research he’d done after meeting with the doctors indicated as much. “She’s damn good at her job. She’s a complete professional, as dedicated to her work as I am to mine.”

  The thought they might consider Gabriella to be nothing more than a quick fuck to pass the time kept him talking.

  “And I’m not just messing around with her.”

  Jessa’s expression turned skeptical. “You’re not?”

  A frustrated growl bubbled from Tyler’s throat. Technically— “No.” Damn it. “It’s not like that.”

  “What’s it like then?” Jessa asked.

  Garrett’s stupid-assed grin was irritating the shit out of him. What the hell was he smiling about?

  “Don’t get the wrong idea about Gabriella. She’s not some blonde bimbo I picked up in a bar.” No, she’s the gorgeous brunette you picked up in a bar. Why couldn’t he find the words to explain who Gabriella was to him? Maybe because he didn’t know himself. Or did he? Committing to being with her, and only her, had been easy. Too easy, considering she still held a part of herself from him. She didn’t trust him enough yet to confide in him, even after he’d dumped his fears into her lap. He wanted her to trust him. To share more than her bed.

  He took an unsteady breath. The realization that he wanted to see if they could make this thing work on a more permanent basis settled in his mind. Hell, yeah. It wouldn’t be easy, but he was willing to try.


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