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Southern Heat (Game On Book 2)

Page 16

by Parker Kincade

  “Gabriella is special. She’s independent and strong.” He rapped his knuckles against the table. “She’s not all that interested in baseball … yet. I’m taking her to a game in Texas tomorrow, so I’m hoping she falls in love.”

  Garrett nudged his foot under the table. “With the game, or with you?”

  Smiling, Tyler downed the rest of his drink. It was too soon to talk about love. One step at a time. Right now, he just wanted a shot at keeping her in his life.

  Jessa beamed. “It seems Tyler has found someone special, after all. Call the press. I believe this one’s off the market.”

  Yeah. He could live with that. Now all he had to do was convince Gabriella.

  * * *

  “I received a call from Lloyd Weaver this morning. He told me Roger isn’t happy you’ve refused to work out an arrangement privately.”

  Yeah, well, Roger and his crotchety lawyer could kiss her butt. Roger had screwed her once; she wouldn’t give him the opportunity to do it again.

  “What’s his offer?”

  Gabriella sat crossed-legged in the center of the bed. Cradling the phone between her shoulder and cheek, she continued to fold laundry, sorting out the few items she planned to take with her to Texas tomorrow.

  “Total amount of the equity in the house, plus reimbursement for the six months of payments you’ve made since he moved out.”

  “It’ll be more than six months’ worth by the time this is settled.”

  “We’ll adjust the amount to include all of the payments you’ve made, or will make.”

  “Okay. Is he willing to pay for a new appraisal? I’d like current documentation to make sure the numbers are fair, either way.”

  “We can make it a stipulation. It must be an appraiser of our choosing, of course.”

  “Of course.” Pamela Stevenson was a nice woman and a cut-throat attorney. Gabriella had no qualms allowing the woman to speak for her. “I’d also want reimbursement for the down payment.”

  “Does that mean you’ve decided to move forward?”

  Move forward. As though every step she’d taken the last six months, every day that had passed hadn’t done the trick. Her feet were stuck in quicksand, held in place by a life she’d created out of someone else’s needs. In order to make someone else happy. Oh, she loved her work and the people she helped. She loved Matt and Lillian. But she’d been stuck nonetheless. She just hadn’t realized it.

  Until the night she’d walked into a bar and laid her eyes on Tyler. Something happened in that moment. Something special and unexpected. Her heart had started beating again. And it scared the ever-loving shit out of her.

  You’re the only woman in my bed.

  The declaration, spoken with that bossy tone of his, was the hottest thing a man had ever said to her. But she didn’t know where that left them. Maybe nowhere. Maybe somewhere new.

  She didn’t want to make the same mistakes. She needed to be sure the decision she made was best for her. That the recent thought of moving back to Boston wasn’t because it would put her closer to Tyler.


  “I’m here, Pam. Sorry.”

  “Roger is giving you until the end of the month to decide.”

  Gabriella nodded even though Pam couldn’t see her. “And if I decide to stay?” Pride was a funny thing. It chapped her ass to give Roger anything he wanted after what he’d done to her. At the same time, it was amusing to think about Roger fucking his fiancée in this very room where he and Gabriella had once shared a bed. Let him be haunted by memories of her for a change.

  “I’ll be honest. I doubt you’ll get a better deal. Your income is sufficient, but Roger is in a better financial position—not only to keep the house, but to cover the legal fees should this go to court.”

  If she took the deal, she wouldn’t have to worry about income for a while. She could take a step back. Reevaluate.

  “Thanks, Pam. I’ll be in touch.”

  After a quick goodbye, Gabriella hung up. She had time to deal with her past. For now, for the next few days, she wanted her feet planted firmly in the present.

  Which meant she had some packing to do.


  Good lord.

  Gabriella wiped the sweat out of her eyes. And she thought it was hot in Arkansas. In Texas, it was a blazing, punishing heat that stole her breath the moment she stepped from the terminal.

  Her stomach fluttered when she spotted Tyler leaning against a sporty-looking car parked by the curb. So handsome. So relaxed.

  She couldn’t believe he planned this trip. Her first ever romantic getaway weekend. She’d spent some time stressing about what the trip meant, in light of their recent agreement. Too much time, actually. Her poor fingernails were whittled to nubs.

  Monogamy wasn’t a commitment, she reminded herself. It was merely an intangible thing, a status of current affairs that could change on a whim. She wasn’t looking for a commitment, but it felt damn good to know, for the next few weeks at least, Tyler was all hers. Gabriella planned to enjoy every minute. Whatever came later, she’d deal with it when it happened.

  For now, she had a ballgame to get to.

  Seemingly oblivious to the heat, Tyler sauntered toward her, his long legs eating up the space with a surety that left her breathless. With his ball cap pulled low, she couldn’t see his eyes, but the devilish smile he laid on her curled her toes.

  Even now Gabriella was shorter than him, standing on the curb as she was. Tyler coiled an arm around her waist and jerked her close. Her feet lost purchase. She had no choice but to throw her arms around his neck or risk tumbling both of them to the ground. Not that she minded.

  Gabriella was vaguely aware of him shifting his hat around backward before his lips touched hers. Once. Twice. On the third pass he lingered, slipping his tongue into her mouth for a quick lap before he loosened his grip, letting her slide until her feet were once again on stable ground.

  “Mmm.” He licked his lips. “Hiya, gorgeous. You look fantastic.”

  A bubble of laughter burst from her throat. She wore very little makeup—just a swipe of mascara to brighten her eyes. Her hair was braided into two plaits that hung down her chest. She had sweat running between her boobs. ‘Fantastic’ was a stretch, but she’d take it.

  “Hi, yourself.” She held her arms up and spun to show off the tank she wore. It was dark blue with silver swirls curling around the midsection. “I didn’t know who we were rooting for today, but I found this shirt in my closet and figured it would work.”

  “Those are Empire colors, darlin’.” His eyes sparkled, clearly amused. “We aren’t playing here today.”

  She shrugged, as though she hadn’t known exactly whose colors she wore. “Am I going to get mobbed by angry Texas fans?”

  “Not on my watch. Besides, I think I like seeing you in my colors.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Next thing you know, you’ll have my number on your back.”

  Gabriella planted her hands on her hips, watching as he picked up her suitcase and put it in the trunk of the car. Biting back a smile, she faked her best Southern accent. “Tyler Brady, are you askin’ me to go steady?”

  “Aren’t we a little old for that kind of thing?” He stared into the trunk, frowning. “There anything in your bag that’ll melt in this heat? We’d be late for the game, but we could run by the hotel first.”

  She winked and hit him with a saucy smile. “If we run by the hotel, we might not make the game at all.” She didn’t know what had gotten into her—the heat, the mini-vacation, or the man—but Gabriella felt downright playful. And horny. Getting herself off while Tyler made demands through the phone was no substitute for the man himself. If he hadn’t been so excited about her first game, she might’ve pushed for the hotel. “No worries. Unless it’s hot enough to melt clothes, my bag will be fine.”

  He looked at her as though imagining the clothes she wore were in a melted puddle at her feet. He groaned. “This is gonna be t
he longest game of my life.” He opened the passenger-side door. “Get your sexy ass in the car before I change my mind about going.”

  She gave him a little shake, earning her a pop on the butt. She giggled at their antics and climbed into the car. Ahhh. Air conditioning. Vented seats too, if the draft up her crack was any indication. She parted her legs slightly, the moist flesh between needing the cool down.

  “Good flight?” Tyler settled behind the wheel and buckled up.

  Taking a breath, she did the same. “Yes, and thank you. It was my first time in first-class. A shame the flight only lasted an hour. I feel as though I didn’t get to take full advantage. Being first off the plane was a bonus, though. No waiting, hunched over in a seat while dodging elbows and flying baggage as passengers prepare to disembark.”

  He shot her a glance. Grinned. “I popped your first-class cherry? Damn, I wish I’d been there for that. The next trip we take I’ll make sure to book us a longer flight, so you can get the full first-class experience. How’s that sound?”

  The next trip? Gabriella’s heart jumped. He couldn’t be serious. “Let’s get through the weekend before you start planning the next one.”

  Tyler shrugged and maneuvered the car away from the airport. Once on the highway, he took her hand. “I bought you a bottle of sunscreen. It sprays on. The sun is gonna be brutal this afternoon.”

  The sun was already brutal. “Tell me again how much fun this is going to be,” she deadpanned, eyes rolling.

  He kissed her knuckles. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ve got us covered. I wanted you to get the full experience of being at the game, but I don’t want you to get overheated. At least not until we get back to the hotel tonight.” He grinned like a kid in a candy store. “We’ll start in the stands. My agent got us great seats, and he also worked it out so we could use one of the suites when we’ve had enough of the heat. Unless you want to forgo being outside all together…” He looked devastated by the thought.

  “No way.” She laughed. “I’m all in. Show me what’s so great about live baseball.”

  He did.

  They decided to watch from the stands. Seats actually. Cushioned seats located behind home plate. The ballpark was gorgeous. The rich, emerald color of the grass took her breath away, so different from the muted colors shown through the TV. The sights, the sounds, the smells. The few ballgames she’d watched hadn’t prepared her for the reality of it. Everything was more vivid, more alive, than she’d expected. Everyone around them seemed so happy, laughing and cheering as the game progressed. The atmosphere was infectious, and Gabriella couldn’t remember when she’d had a better day.

  As promised, they ate hotdogs and popcorn. They each had a beer before deciding it was too hot for anything except water. At one point, Tyler slapped a ball cap on her head—one with the New York Empire logo on the front—to protect her face from the sun, he’d said. A gift, he’d said. It fit perfectly and she loved it.

  She couldn’t help but share in Tyler’s boyish grin as he relaxed in his seat, eyes glued to the action.

  “When was the last time you did this?” she asked.

  Tyler scratched his chin, thinking. “I honestly can’t remember. I’m usually on the field, not above it. When I get a day off, which is rare during the season, I’m scrambling to get shit done. Laundry, errands, paying bills. Life stuff. This is a real treat.”

  Gabriella had a hard time picturing Tyler doing such normal, tedious things. She realized how little she knew about him as Tyler Brady, the man, not Tyler Brady, professional baseball player. “How old were you when you saw your first big league game?”

  His lips thinned. Tiny wrinkles formed around his eyes as he continued to stare at the field. “My dad took me to a couple of minor league games when I was a kid, but I didn’t see my first live major league game until I was in high school. In this very stadium actually. My friends and I pooled our money, skipped school, and drove here and back in one very long day.”

  Considering the drive must’ve taken at least six hours each way, she knew he hadn’t exaggerated. “Is that why you chose this stadium for my first game?”

  His grin appeared sheepish. “Subconsciously, maybe. Mainly, I figured I had a better shot at you saying yes if I picked a place closer to home. That left Dallas or St. Louis. St. Louis is on the road this week, so…”

  “Here we are,” she finished for him. “I guess we better enjoy it. Before you know it, your leisurely days will be over,” she joked, prodding him with her elbow. “Then, I’ll be watching you out there.”

  “Oh yeah?” He quirked a brow, finally glancing over at her. “I’ve successfully turned you into a fan?”

  “You have.” A fan of his, at least.

  “Wonder what Roger would have to say about that.” If Tyler was going for casual, he failed miserably. “You heard from him lately?”

  “Why do you ask?”

  “He said he’d be in touch. I just wondered if he had.”

  “He hasn’t.” Not directly. Not after the day in the coffee shop when she’d sent Roger a text to let him know all further negotiations would be handled through their respective attorneys.

  Tyler cupped her cheek, caressed his thumb over her bottom lip. “The two of you have unfinished business.”

  Unable to meet his gaze, Gabriella focused on his chin. She couldn’t involve him. He’d be concerned. He’d want to help, offer advice. God help her, she wanted to lean on him. Which was exactly why she wouldn’t. She’d allowed Roger to influence her decisions for so long. She had to work through this on her own.

  She nipped his thumb and pulled away. “Nothing worth talking about. What’s everyone doing?”

  As the teams swapped places, the game announcer requested everyone stand. Fans surged to their feet in a commotion of cheers.

  Tyler stared at her a moment longer, as though he had more to say. She glanced back at the field, hoping he’d get the hint and leave the topic of Roger alone.

  He launched to his feet, tugging her up with him. His grip was a little too hard, his back a little too stiff.

  “What’re we doing?”

  He let go of her, waved toward the field. “It’s the seventh-inning stretch.” Well, that explained everything. He mumbled to himself and blew out a breath. “Come on, gorgeous. Sing with me.”

  The crowd erupted into a rendition of Take Me Out To The Ball Game, accompanied by organ music being pumped through the loudspeakers.

  Tyler held her hand as they swayed and sang along, the brief tension from his mention of Roger lessening with each verse. Tyler’s voice was deep and loud, surprisingly sexy and on-key. One, two, three strikes you’re out … Tyler pumped his fist with the count, then kissed her hard as the song came to an end.

  “Thanks for being here,” he mumbled against her lips.

  Gabriella’s heart melted. She was in so much trouble with this man. “I can’t think of anywhere I’d rather be.”

  * * *

  Tyler ushered Gabriella into the hotel suite. She’d been quiet on the drive from the park, but hell, so had he.

  He shouldn’t have brought up her ex. There was something going on there, he was sure of it. What had he been thinking? That they’d have a heart-to-heart at the ballpark? Idiot. He’d accomplished nothing except putting a damper on the fun they’d been having.

  “Nice,” Gabriella said, checking out the suite. She went to the wall of windows overlooking downtown Dallas and stared out.

  Tyler didn’t know what the hell he was doing. Since leaving dinner with Garrett and Jessa, all he’d been able to think about were ways to make a relationship with Gabriella work. Seeing her would be tough once he went back to work. He didn’t like the idea of leaving her behind, but that was the reality of their situation. When the season was over though, he’d have more time. He was more than willing to rack up the frequent flyer miles if she were willing to keep this thing going.

  “Do you want something to drink? There’s a mi
ni-bar.” He thought for a minute. “Or there’s a real bar downstairs, if you’d prefer. We could eat.”

  Her gaze darted, landing everywhere but on him. “I’m good. I could use a shower though.”

  Tyler couldn’t wait another second. He caused the awkward tension between them, he could damn sure make it go away. He did what he’d been dying to do since he picked her up at the airport. He grabbed her, molded her body against his, and kissed the shit out of her.

  The ferocity of his need to consume her caught him off guard, so he wasn’t the least bit surprised when her spine stiffened as he forced her lips open. Not wanting to scare her, he loosened his hold on her body. But not her mouth. That, he continued to plunder as though his life depended on her taste, her breath. In a heartbeat she melted, fists twisting the fabric of his shirt.

  He groaned as her tongue swirled with his, taking what he had to give.

  “I missed you,” he said as they came up for air.

  Her chest heaved. “You did?”

  He placed soft kisses along her jaw. “Yep.” He lifted her chin, accessing the long line of her neck. He kissed there too, taking his time, savoring every inch.

  “How much did you miss me?” Her hand landed on the button of his shorts.

  He grabbed her wrist, continued moving his lips along her skin. “I’m about to show you, but first we need to talk.”


  “Shhh. Just listen,” he whispered. “I realized a few things while I was gone.” He swirled his tongue along the sensitive skin below her ear. She squirmed, tugged against the hold he had on her wrist. Since he needed both hands for what he had planned, he let her go, trapping her arm between them. “I missed you,” he reiterated, nipping her earlobe. “I was only away from you for a few days, and I missed you.”

  “We talked. We sent texts.”

  Tyler slid his hands under her shirt, caressing the skin along her spine. With nimble fingers he released the hooks holding her bra together, wanting nothing in his way. “Yet I found myself distracted. Watching the clock.” Her shirt and bra hit the floor. He cupped her breast, thumbed her nipple. “You make me want what I’ve never wanted before.”


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