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His Under Contract

Page 11

by Fiona Murphy

  “A garter belt, suspenders and sheer silk stockings. Men prefer them in black, same with the black outfit. Which is what I think you should go with. I’ll go get them for you. I’ll be right back.” The woman is gone then back quickly. She rings everything up. I flinch at the total the exact same way I did the last time I was in here.

  As I cross the street, my phone goes off, crap. I almost forgot to pick up his suits from the cleaners. There are three suits at home I need to drop off as well. I decide to go home to drop everything off and grab the suits to trade them for the clean ones. Tossing everything in my room, I close the door before heading into Ethan’s bedroom closet. The perfume on a suit is so strong I almost gag. I can’t hold back a laugh to think of Ethan trying his hardest with some bimbo, only to end the night frustrated.

  Leaving the condo with the suits, I check the time to see it’s only a little after four. I’ve never checked Ethan’s drawer before so I’m not sure if he has any. On my way home, I decide to buy a twelve pack of condoms. The day after the kiss I had made an appointment with my gynecologist. I was a little annoyed that a usual call had me waiting a month, but a call only two minutes after they opened had me in the same day. While I did have a forty minute wait to be squeezed in after a discussion with the gynecologist about birth control. I went with a shot since it was perfect timing as my period had only ended two days before. The doctor’s description of my period disappearing altogether had me saying yes to it immediately. I’m also not good at taking pills on time every day, a ninety-day bottle of vitamins once lasted almost six months.

  My doctor advised condom use for at least a week before going without, to allow time for the shot to kick in. Ethan hardly seems the type to be so overcome with passion he wouldn’t stop to apply a condom, but I don’t want to take any chances.

  In the condo, I toss the condom box on the manila folder then go in to start dinner. I’m in the mood for Italian, seeing I have chicken breasts defrosted I decide on chicken parmesan. Making my own pasta always takes a little while but is always worth it. Putting together the sauce is easy to make homemade it only needs an hour to cook. I find half a bottle of red wine in the fridge and add it to the sauce. When everything is in, I splash it with half-and-half to cut the acidity.

  I leave the sauce to cook on its own then begin on the breading for the chicken. Chicken parmesan is one of my favorites, I never bake it as a whole. I prefer laying the breaded chicken breast on spaghetti then adding sauce over the chicken and spaghetti.

  By the time I’m done it’s a little after seven. Sitting down to eat, I can’t get the contract out of my mind. I’m hoping it works, if it doesn’t I’m all out of ideas. Once I’m done, I prepare a plate for Ethan with a bowl of sauce beside it. I leave the plate in the refrigerator with a note of how to put it together and warm in the toaster oven.

  After everything is clean, I head to my room. The three different teddies are in red, white and black. With the sales woman’s advice swirling around my head, I go with the black teddy. The cups covering my breasts is a thin silk covering, while the remainder is sheer in black. A pair of sheer black panties came with the teddy and I debate wearing them then discard them for my own black sheer thong. I add the stockings, garter belt and suspenders.

  I go into his room with the manila folder, pen, and box of condoms. For lack of anything to do, I turn on his television, which is secured to the wall across from the bed. Flipping through the channels, I stop on a rerun of a show I used to enjoy.

  I jump at hearing the front door open and close. Checking the time, I see it’s only a little after eight, he must have come straight from work. It’s almost a half hour before the door opens. I’m lying across his bed, with the condoms on top of the folder, the pen under it. I push it all towards him.

  Ethan closes his eyes, I start talking. “Open the folder and read it before you start arguing. I believe, thanks to Amelia, it covers every aspect of a purely sexual relationship. I’ve already signed, all that’s needed is your signature. For the record, I got a birth control shot the day after the kiss. There is a receipt from the doctor if you would like to see it. It won’t kick in for a week though, so the doctor recommends condoms for at least a week. We can always use condoms in addition to the shot.”

  At my mention of Amelia, Ethan exhales a hiss. Snatching up the folder, he begins reading, to my delight he doesn’t stop until he’s done. He curses long and low. “I fucking knew she was good, this is better than I thought. She pressed you for a longer severance and child support, didn’t she?” I nod. He picks up the pen. “If I decide to terminate you, I will pay for you to live in a hotel until you find somewhere else to live, but for no more than a month.” Writing in the clause, he shows it to me and tells me to initial next to his own initials. When I’m done, he tosses it on the top of his dresser along with the condoms.

  Walking around to his bedside table, he pulls out his own box of condoms. He opens the box then pulls out a sleeve of six. “On your knees.”

  I go onto my knees with my hands at my side. His eyes burn into me as they roam over my body. He takes off his suit jacket letting it fall to the floor. A hand goes up to his tie, nearly tearing it off. “I want you naked. Let me see you.”

  I’m growing wet as his voice deepens to an almost-growl. His shirt disappears in the time it takes me to pull the teddy over my head. He’s sucking in air as if he’s been running. “I prefer small breasts, upturned, only a mouthful. Yet, for the last few weeks, I couldn’t stop thinking of what your breasts would look like. Every night I came home to jack off in the shower, imagining what your beautiful body would look like naked.”

  He yanks off his undershirt then his hands move to his belt as my hands go to the back of the garter belt to unhook it. I push down the garter belt and panties, along with the stockings, unable to do it kneeling, I sit back. I lay down as I had when he came in, except this time I’m naked. Ethan’s eyes run over every inch of me, as heavy as a touch.

  “I told myself any day I would stop wanting you, craving you, stop imagining you in every sexual position, only you wouldn’t go away. It wasn’t fair, but I blamed you. It had to be your fault. There I was with a very gifted woman’s mouth around my cock and I couldn’t fucking get hard. Don’t laugh damn it. Do you have any idea what that did to me? I was sure there was something wrong with me physically, all I would think of was you. Night after night, lying in bed wanting you, there were nights I barely slept.”

  My lips press together, fighting a smile, as they had been when he complained about having another woman’s mouth on his cock, and he couldn’t get hard. I’m not surprised, or bothered, to hear of Ethan trying to use another woman. It is so very Ethan. Nodding, in sympathy, “That must have been horrible for you.”

  “You think it’s funny. Damn it, Holly, it wasn’t fucking funny. Get your ass over here. On your knees.”

  I’m not sure if it’s the way he orders me, or because it’s what I’ve been wanting for weeks. For whichever reason, I’m crawling across his huge bed quickly and on my knees in an instant. He doesn’t have to tell me what to do my hands go up to his belt undoing it in seconds. The catch of his pants is easily undone. I notice my hands are shaking as I unzip him. Holy shit, his cock is straining to get out of his boxers.

  Ethan leans down to push his pants and boxers together then kicks them away. Wow, it’s all I can think. Reverently, I lean forward to lick the clear precome leaking from the end of him. Sweet, salty, I want more from him. Damn it, it’s been years since I’ve done this. I’m pretty sure it’s not like riding a bike. My right hand holds him in place, yet my fingers aren’t nearly long enough to wrap around him. I’m surprised to find him bare, without a single hair, my left hand investigates him there.

  “Stroke me, sweetheart, with your right hand and your tongue. Like that.”

  The tip of his cock is slightly flared and the memory of the sensitive underside has me toying with it, to his hissing pleasure, as my ha
nd strokes down then up to meet my mouth. I work to take him deeper into my mouth, very careful to protect him from my teeth. A stray thought of Bobby yanking on my hair viciously when I allowed it to happen.

  “Look at me, Holly.” It’s a demand I don’t dare disobey.

  Meeting his eyes makes me wetter as I allow him to fall from my mouth then tongue and suck on this incredibly sexy hairless part of him. Both my hands are stroking him as I take him back into my mouth. His hand goes into my hair, forcing my head back, not allowing me to look away. I know what he wants, deeper he fucks my mouth, only when he expects to meet the back of my throat, I move to allow him access into my throat.

  He wasn’t expecting that, it’s hard to smile when an eight-inch cock is buried in your throat, but I manage. “Fucking hell!” Is his only response as he fucks my mouth again and again. There is barely any control to his actions until the very end, which I find fascinating. His cock swells before he comes, and he pulls out almost entirely. Then I realize why and refuse to allow it. Tongue tangling with the tip of him, I suck greedily as I squeeze his balls rhythmically until he comes in my mouth.

  Oh shit, he hadn’t been kidding, and he might have been jerking off, but not as much as what fills my mouth implies. Hmm... despite the way women complain, the taste of him doesn’t bother me. I’m already looking for the next time I can please him this way. For now, I’m only disappointed I’m not able to take everything, some slips out. In the time it takes to see it there, Ethan is already wiping my face with a wet washcloth. I close my eyes, hoping he doesn’t see what he’s doing to me.

  “You can be such a pain in the ass. I was going to ask if it was okay first. Besides, you don’t know if I’m clean. Aren’t you in the least concerned for your own safety?” Flipping back the sheet and comforter, without warning he picks me up to set me down on the bed.

  Laughing, I shake my head as I move to my side. “You’ve been to a doctor just in case, because you were so sure it wasn’t me. If you had something you would have warned me already to keep me away.”

  “You think you’re so damned smart.” Seeing my eyebrows rise he sighs. “Okay, yes, I saw a doctor, I’m clean. He also wrote me a fucking prescription for little blue pills.”

  I laugh so hard I know Ethan is going to make me pay for it, but I can’t help it. The smack on my ass is loud in the room. Even though it stings, I’m shocked at the way it makes me wetter. With a sigh, I offer my ass for another, he smiles and the next smack is harder on my other cheek. Clenching my thighs together, I moan at how wet I am now.

  “You do know a punishment isn’t supposed turn you on, right?” Ethan is standing above me shaking his head. He’s trying to look stern but he isn’t doing a good job of it.

  “I’m sorry?” I’m barely able to get the words out in a pant. I move onto my back, rubbing my heated tingling ass against the cool sheets. Watching Ethan roll on a condom, I open my legs automatically, welcoming him onto me.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Seeing her where I have dreamed of her for so long, I take a moment to revel in the sight of her naked. She is a wet dream come true, breasts round and heavy, with dark red nipples puckered out like the end of pencil erasers. Her skin is a light olive tone that glows. I want to taste every inch of her the same as she had with my cock. My head still spins at how damned good her mouth had been on me. Her sweet mound is bare, allowing me to see every inch of her. Soon, I’ll find out how good she tastes.

  As I come down beside her on the bed, her shaky sigh of relief flows into me as my mouth covers hers. Her mouth is as sweet as my memory of her is. She wraps her velvet tongue around mine, then sucks my tongue into her mouth. Damn her! Holly can take me from cock rising to aching in seconds. I’m surprised at how fast she has my cock ready for another fucking. One of the reasons I had her suck me off was because I wanted to last longer while I enjoyed feasting on her body before I fucked her.

  Nearly ripping my mouth from hers, the moan she lets out claws at me from the inside. No, I refuse to lose control, not after waiting for this moment for so long. Her head goes back, baring the silky length of her neck to me. I can see her heart beating below her skin. I’m drawn to taste her before I suck gently. Then I kiss lightly up her throat, to nip at the soft flesh of her unpierced earlobe. Her hands wrap around my neck then become tangled in my hair as I suck and nip along her neck, down to her shoulder, before kissing my way to her other ear.

  “Ethan, please.” Fuck, her moaning my name is making me harder.

  Moving down her body, I cup a breast, a precious weight fills my hand as I toy with a hardened nipple. Gorgeous, perfection on a whole new level. My tongue twirls around her nipple, tasting her before I suck deeply on her. Her hands tighten in my hair as she moans my name. Not wanting her other breast to feel left out, I toy with her nipple as I change from sucking lightly to hard, before letting it fall from my mouth. I exchange one breast for another until she’s panting, her hips rocking against me.

  The hand that’s been playing with her nipple slides down her body to the top of her even sweeter lips. From the top, I slide down to find her dripping wet. Anxious to taste her, I lick her from my finger, fuck yeah, so sweet. I want more. Her legs widen in clear invitation. Not one to refuse such a pretty invitation, I move down between her legs. Tongue flat, I lick from the base of where she is leaking to the top of puffy pink lips. Soft, so fucking soft and smooth, I suck her outer lips as I allow my tongue to tease her. Holly is moaning, begging me for more. With my left hand I use two fingers to open her wider. Fuck! Even her pussy is gorgeous. Her precious clit, thick and swollen, is begging for attention above her inner lips, in the most perfect light pink.

  Licking deeply to taste her, holy fucking shit, a man could become addicted to the intoxicating taste of her. I can’t get enough of her. Once again, when it comes to Holly my finesse disappears. Deeper and deeper my tongue delves, trying to taste every inch of her. Holly is crying my name repeatedly, I know what she needs. Not yet, she still needs to pay. Sucking deeply on her inner lips, I slide two fingers inside her, preparing her. Her body is welcoming as I fuck into her. I lick her clit once then twice, before I suck deeply as I finger fuck her faster, making sure to press against her g-spot, causing her to nearly scream each time I press against it. When she comes, her whole body shudders as she moans my name. I need to be inside her. My arms barely hold me, I have to go down to my elbows above her as I line up my cock to her pussy.

  Holly is still shaking and her breathing is ragged as I slide into her. Fuck me, she’s tighter than I would have thought. Her body, although tight, doesn’t resent my entry, giving way inch by cock-aching inch. She wraps her body around me like a vine. Her legs high on my waist allow me to slam into her until I’m buried deep. My name is a chant as she begs me to fuck her. Arms wrapped around my neck give me a place to rest my head, all my strength is centered on fucking her pussy as deep and hard as I’ve longed to for weeks. I’ve never been so thankful for a condom in my life, even as I’m shouting her name, her pussy is clenching around my cock. With every beat of my heart, her pussy is squeezing me until I’m losing the battle to maintain control. Leaning heavily on my left elbow, I slide my hand between us to find her throbbing clit. I rub without mercy until she screams as she hits her second climax. Now I can come, and do, so strongly my whole body tingles with electricity that shakes me to my core. Filling the condom, I want to collapse on her, but don’t dare. I won’t be able to move if I do.

  Rolling off her, I get rid of the condom, tossing it in the bedside trash. I’m fighting for control of my breath. “When can we go without condoms?”

  “Are you kidding me? I can barely remember my name right now. It’s on the thing the doctor gave me. I can’t think right now.” Her chest works to take in a deep breath.

  “Are you sure the shot was the best thing? I’ve heard some not so great things about them.” Fuck, I’m proud of the way her body is still trembling lightly.

om everything she offered me, it sounded like the best thing. I’m not so great at remembering a pill every day, and you have to take it at the same time every day. The implant seemed like a big commitment that wasn’t necessary. She said a side effect of the shot was I could end up with either a very light period or none at all. That was all I needed to hear, no period at all, I picked it before she stopped talking.” With a sigh, she begins to get out of bed. I assume she’s going to the restroom, where all women seem to go either before or after sex to do something I’m sure I don’t want to know. Only she’s heading for the door.

  “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” I stop her dead in her tracks.

  She looks confused. “My room, to sleep.”

  “Get your ass back here. I say if you sleep in your bed or not. Do you really think after weeks of wanting your ass, just once tonight is going to be enough for me? Not by a long shot. I might wake you up in the middle of the night, or at the very least I’ll want your pussy to get my morning started right.” She blushes as she turns, only she’s taking too damned long. Out of bed, I toss her over my shoulder with a smack on her ass before I turn off the lights and head back to bed, where I drop her a little less gently than the last time I put her there. I had no fucking idea I would want her to sleep with me, a part of me was just pissed she was going to walk out without a word. Hell, I haven’t slept with a woman in over fifteen years, but right now I don’t want her out of arm’s reach.

  “Ow, Ethan. You can be such an ass sometimes.”

  “No complaints now, you’re here because you want to be.” I settle into bed, I’m a side sleeper usually on my left side. “This is my side.” Then I wrap an arm around her to pull her against me spoon style. Rubbing my hand over her hip, I touch where her tattoo is in the dark. It was a stack of books turning into birds that fly away. “I like your tattoo.” And I do, it was so completely Holly.


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