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His Under Contract

Page 12

by Fiona Murphy

  She grumbles, I’m pretty sure I hear the word asshole, but ignore it. Turning around, her arms go around my neck, her face into the small space between my neck and chest and a soft leg covers mine. This fucking woman. I’m pretty sure she couldn’t have picked a more uncomfortable way of sleeping if she tried. Then she softens against me. My head rests on hers, her arms around me press her soft body into mine. Her leg between mine is soft, and fuck me, brushes ever so lightly against my cock. Okay, maybe it’s not uncomfortable, simply the sexiest way of sleeping ever. The arm still wrapped around her presses her closer to me. She sighs.

  The moment she slips into sleep, I know it. For me it takes longer to sleep, after all this time, she hadn’t just been a fuck. Being inside her, the touch of her skin, the moans, the hot, tight heat of her pussy made me want her for a hell of a lot longer than just a fuck.

  I’ll never tell her, especially now that it’s signed, but it hadn’t been the contract that landed her in my bed. This morning I had promised myself if she did one more thing to tell me or show me she wanted me, I’d take her then and there. Seeing her on my bed, dressed like she belonged in a fucking centerfold, there was no way she was making it off my bed before I fucked her until she was screaming my name.

  The contract was a bonus, even as I flinch at the idea of my little sister putting it together. I know half of what was in it was by Amelia’s instigation. Between Holly and Amelia, the damned thing had Amelia written all over it. Now, the lingerie was all Holly. While the contract was Holly’s idea, putting in every small thing made me feel like it was just going through the motions. The lingerie tells me Holly wanted this to be more than a contract. I like knowing that.

  I awaken with the scent of cherries all around me. Instantly, my cock becomes hard enough to ache. Reaching for one of the condoms on top of the side table has Holly almost completely covering my body with hers. I’m tearing the condom open to roll it on, when she moans my name. Her leg moves over mine, brushing against my cock. I roll her onto her back, my mouth finding a hard nipple in the dark. One leg between hers, I press her, at the brush of my skin against hers, Holly widens her legs to allow me access to her body. As I suckle deeply on her breast, she sighs my name and her hips rock against me, seeking more.

  Hardly trying, I slip into her almost perfectly. I swear I hear her purr my name. Her pussy welcomes my cock with a tight grip yet is wet enough for me to bury myself completely. This time I had started out on my palms, Holly doesn’t like it, her arms go around my neck pulling me down against her. Carefully, I go down on one elbow then the other. My reward is her breasts pressing against my chest and her legs moving higher around my waist to take me deeper. When I woke up, I wanted a slow, sleepy fucking. Holly has other ideas. She’s a smart little thing, by tilting herself up my cock, she’s hitting her g-spot with every entry and exit. Holy shit, I might be the one on top, but Holly is fucking me. Her legs around my waist, she’s riding my cock with a whimpering plea for more.

  Fuck no, in the bedroom, I call the shots. Unwrapping her arms from around my neck, I’m pressing them into the pillow above her head. Being back on my hands gives me greater leverage. Using it, I start pounding into her pussy without a thought to gentleness. For a moment, I wonder if I’m being too rough, until I hear her moaning for me to fuck her harder. I give her what she wants, relentless, until I feel her quivering on the edge, then I let go of her wrists. My hands on her hips, I tilt her up to fuck her hard, hitting her g-spot without stopping.

  Holly comes with a sob of my name. Only, I haven’t come yet, have no plans to come until she’s learned her lesson. I don’t stop fucking her roughly through her second climax or even her third. It isn’t until she’s crying, calling me a bastard that she comes for the fourth time and I allow myself to come as well.

  Rolling off her to get rid of the condom, I pull her into my arms wiping away her tears. The sight of them fucked with my equilibrium. I don’t ever want to see them again. “Why, Ethan?” She whispers.

  “Because for a long damned minute there, you were fucking me. There will come a time when I’ll allow it, but not yet.” I press a kiss to her forehead, thankful I can’t see her sherry eyes full of tears. As much as I hated the sight of her tears I don’t regret what I did, the rules needed to be set.

  “I couldn’t help it, you have such a wonderfully full thick cock.” She’s pouting, but then she winds her arms around my neck, burying her face as she slides a leg between mine.

  Settling her against me, I rub her ass. “I’ll tell you when you can fuck me, until then, be a good girl.”

  The words aren’t even a whisper, they’re said against my skin. “Yes, Ethan.”


  Somewhere too damned close an alarm clock is going off. It can’t be mine, is my thought, as the blinds open on their timer. Fuck, it’s five forty-five. My schedule is to get up, wash my face, brush my teeth, quickly dress in boxer briefs, sweats, a plain white shirt, with socks and sneakers, then head out the door. I eat my snack then head down for just short of an hour workout, come up stairs, shower, then dress for work. Right now, all I want is to stay in bed with Holly until the sun goes back down. I turn off the alarm as Holly slowly begins to pull away.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” I pull her against my body spoon fashion, she can feel my cock happy to wake up and find her in bed.

  Her ass teases my cock. “Well, I have this asshole boss who has his day timed down to the second and by my clock, I’m already fifteen minutes late.”

  “Timed down to the second and you’re already fifteen minutes late? Hmm... sounds like you are fucked.” Pressing against her slit, I curse as we’re now both leaking. Condom, I roll back for one. “Sounds to me, if your schedule is already fucked, you might as well go all the way.” She hears the condom wrapper tear then looks back. Damn, her smile is all woman; knowing, teasing, taunting.

  Moving to give me enough room to roll on the condom, I pull her close as I slip into her from behind. This time I’m slow, my thrusts controlled. She’s with me every stroke, now I know that, I move up to play with her breasts, squeezing, rolling a nipple tightly, then barely brushing against it. How the fuck was I once happy with small breasts when hers fit my hands perfectly? Her body is betraying her fight to keep in time with my slow movements her pussy clenching me tightly, her breathing short little pants. I want her day to start as perfectly as mine has, so I move her slightly and her whole body responds. Faster I move, four strokes are all it takes until she’s coming around my cock—her pussy grasping me in her climax. I allow myself to follow her over the edge into climax.

  For longer than is smart, I allow myself to enjoy the feel of her around my cock. When I know I have to pull out, we both groan as I roll over to shed the condom. “I know, sweetheart, but the condom leaking is almost as bad as it breaking.”

  “Oh.” She sighs. “I wondered.” Sitting up, she looks at the clock. “Damn, Ethan, now you’re really going to make me late. I need to shower. I’ll see you in the kitchen in twenty minutes.”

  I watch as she nearly jumps off the bed then look at the clock. I’m not cocky, fuck yeah, I am. It’s just past six thirty. As I turn on the shower, I can’t think of a better way to start the day, not at all regretful for missing my morning workout. Since I’m not the one running late, I take my time showering before going in to pick out a suit. I dress and walk into the living room at almost a minute ’til seven. She’s in the kitchen swearing as I sit down to open the Tribune.

  Looking up, I see Holly’s wearing jeans with a bright pink top that shimmers along the seams of the side. “Okay, your eggs aren’t perfectly poached. They are slightly, very slightly, overdone but still runny.” She says as sets my plate and coffee down.

  “Ms. Messina, I do hope you aren’t going to grow lax in your duties simply because you’ve started fucking the boss.” I’m serious.

  Her eyes go wide. “Since my boss is a fucking asshole who would demand perfecti
on even if I just gave him my kidney, no, I won’t.” Stomping back to kitchen, she starts cleaning with very loud mutterings

  I’m sure I hear ‘asshole’ as she’s scrubbing a pan. Done with breakfast, I’m slightly ahead of schedule. She’s so intent on wiping the counter she doesn’t hear me behind her, doesn’t know until my hands are on each side of her. With a sigh, she stops wiping. “What?”

  “Turn around,” I can tell she’s thinking of ignoring me, only she knows not to. “Holly.” It’s a warning, she turns then refuses to look at me. I bend down, capturing her mouth in a kiss which goes quickly from an apology to me wondering how much time I have. Damn it. Pulling away, she blinks as if she’s just awakened. “I’m sure I’d give you a little break if you gave me a kidney. I know it was my fault. I threw your schedule off today. Next time I’ll try not be an asshole about it.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  When the door closes behind Ethan, I give it a few seconds, then slide down to the floor. I am so damned screwed because I’m in love with that man. I’m even more screwed because I’m almost positive he’s in love with me, too, except he’d rather have every bone in his body crushed before he’d admit it. My head between legs still sore from a vigorous fucking, I’m trying to breathe deeply and not hyperventilate. There is a whole lot of room for me to be wrong where Ethan Bishop and love are concerned. Except I feel it deep down in my bones. Ethan had looked annoyed when I was going to my room, not at all the way I thought he would react. Even his apology this morning along with that toe-curling kiss was unlike the Ethan I’ve grown to know.

  Hadn’t I learned once that just because a man fucks you doesn’t mean he loves you? Only, there was so much more with Ethan, from the way he looked at me, to the way he refused to have a sex-only relationship when I was practically on my knees begging him. The man could have manipulated me into sex, sating his desire then kept me working happily. He was so damned good at manipulation, only he hadn’t done it. Then there was the sex, oh yes, one of the times could have been called fucking, but the others, no. They were making love with more than finesse, with actual love.

  What pisses me off is a part of me had known I loved him, not the blinding love of complete enrapture, but the love of a woman who knew all the faults and foibles of the man. I’m pretty sure it’s the reason I couldn’t give up on him. I told him, and Amelia, I didn’t see prams with him and I don’t. I can’t picture a real relationship, because Ethan isn’t built for it. Yet, I do want those things, children, marriage, a backyard with a dog running around only no matter how badly I try I can’t see Ethan there among it all.

  My throat tightens and my vision blurs. No, pushing off the floor, I shake my head. It doesn’t matter if I’m hurt at the end, the time I’ll have with Ethan will be enough for me. Whether it was only last night, or a few days or a week, it will have to be. Whatever he’s willing to give me, I’ll take. I’ve made this situation, there’s no complaining now.

  Refusing to think about tomorrow, I focus on today, and today I need to clean. Changing the sheets, I put on one of the three other pairs of black sheets and I pitch everything into the lone laundry basket before putting in a load to wash.

  As I’m vacuuming, the phone rings. It’s Ethan’s ring tone. “Yes, lord and master Bishop.”

  “Hmm... I like that, maybe I’ll have you use that title from now on.”

  “You can dream. Everyone should have something to strive for, without a goal one becomes complacent.”

  He laughs, causing my stomach to flip. “I’m wondering. Has Amelia mentioned a new guy to you? She canceled on me with barely any notice. I know it’s a standing lunch date but still. Her cop-out to my secretary was work. However, I called down to security and she’s out of the office, left maybe ten minutes before she called me.”

  “She hasn’t said anything to me. We were together for over an hour yesterday, she didn’t even hint at anything. Maybe it’s a work-lunch thing. We have a standing lunch tomorrow. I’ll ask if something is new and leave it at that.”

  “I’d appreciate it. Where Amelia is concerned, I’m usually the last to know anything.”

  “Yeah, she said something like that once.”

  Moving the phone away from his mouth, I can hear him say thank you. “I have to go. If I’m not going out to lunch I’ll work through it then.”

  “You’ll order something to be delivered though, right?”

  “My secretary already has. I’ll see you tonight. How about I get out of here at seven and we eat together tonight?”

  “I think I can do that.”

  “See you later.” Oh, the promise in those words.

  I run to the kitchen, most of the food is in the freezer, since he rarely eats in. Per Cora, it’s best to buy then freeze and thaw when needed. Cora was nice enough to leave a list of his favorite meals. I’ve already done lasagna, last night was chicken parmesan. Yes, I found it! Swordfish, it’s a favorite he doesn’t allow himself often. Since I’m going to grill the fish with a lemon juice, olive oil, and basil marinade, I decide to grill the red and yellow peppers I’ll be serving beside mashed peas. Putting the sword fish in a bowl of warm water to defrost, I go back to vacuuming.

  I’m turning everything off as Ethan walks through the door.

  “Damn, I was hoping to watch you to see how you do it all.”

  “No way, trade secrets.”

  Ethan catches me, pulling me against him. “I bet I could make you give up those secrets.” He whispers as, holy fuck, he cups me through my jeans.

  How I don’t slide down to my knees I have no idea. “I know you could. I’m also starving. You’ll find I’m much more malleable once I’ve eaten.”

  With a heavy sigh, he lets me go. “Fine, if food is what you want right now then food it is.”

  He takes his plate and I take mine to the dining table. With raised eyebrows, he offers me wine. “Like I’m not already a sure thing. Although a glass would be nice.”

  Setting down my wine, he squeezes my neck. “We need to find that thing from your doctor that says when we can go without condoms.”

  I give him a smile as I pull it out and hand it over. He takes it before I blink. “Huh, that’s still three more days. I know this shot had a class action lawsuit because of the side effects. You’re sure you want to go this route?”

  “Ethan, I already did it. It’s been a few days, my period isn’t for another month, she says the first two periods will be lighter and by the third month practically disappear. Besides like almost any drug there are side effects people aren’t expecting and I’m positive those were the reasons why. The doctor assures me, I take the shots on the days I’m due, no pregnancy. Her office will call to remind me of the appointment a week and then the day before.”

  Shrugging, he sets the paper down. “If you’re sure. But if you want help remembering to take a pill, I’m your man. In case you don’t like the side effects from the shot.”

  “I’ll remember it. So, how was your day?”

  We talk about his work as we eat. I’m fascinated by a merger he’s working on. When dinner is over, he actually helps me clean up. I try to focus on what he’s saying rather than him cleaning off the pan before putting it in the dishwasher.


  “Nothing. I’ve never seen you put something in the dishwasher before. Is it weird I’m turned on right now?”

  He rolls his eyes, closes the dishwasher, picks me up over his shoulder to toss me on the bed. “Strip” are the instructions he gives over his shoulder as he undresses in his walk in closet. I pull up my shirt, tossing it on the floor, he goes still when he sees my bra. “Hold the fuck up. Just down to your bra and panties.”

  I don’t even bother to hide my smile. I’m wearing a matching thong to my hot pink sheer bra. Going from my knees to my bottom, I kick off my sneakers before pushing off my jeans. Mismatched green and purple socks are tossed to the floor. I lay back as I did last night, posing for him. “Do you like
them?” Knowing the answer.

  “When did you buy those?” He hadn’t moved an inch as he watched me undress.

  “The day after Amelia took me shopping. I couldn’t remember how old my underwear was. I figured new clothes meant all new.”

  Stripping fast, he pulls off a condom from the remaining strip he’d left on the side table from last night. “Thank god I didn’t know you were wearing that when I left for work this morning. I wouldn’t have gotten a damned thing done.”

  My hands go to the back of my bra to unhook it. Until I see him shake his head. I stop, propping my head up with one hand, and move the other hand to my waist. I’m a freak and I don’t care, I love how he takes utter control of me in the bedroom. Even as he took me to orgasm again, and again last night, until they became almost painful, the thought of pleading for him to stop never crossed my mind. Because, as my body shook each time, the feel of him inside me was the most intensely pleasurable moment in my life and I knew I never wanted him to stop. I’m wet at the sight of his massive cock as he sheaths it in a condom. With a sigh, I do hope it doesn’t mean I won’t be tasting him again.

  A loud smack pulls me back from my thoughts. His big hands wrap around my hips as he pulls me closer. A gentle kiss is pressed on my hot ass before he nips at the skin. “Fuck, your pussy smells so sweet I drooled like a fool thinking of it today.”

  Blushing everywhere, I lie gripping the covers as he pulls down my thong, his hands massaging where he touches. Thong off, he cups my ass roughly then tenderly, squeezing again, and again. I try to hide my moan in the covers, but I can’t hide the way my hips push into the bed. A flick of his wrist makes my bra disappear.

  Hands on my hips, Ethan rolls me over again. The smile on his face makes me shiver. Parting my legs, he leans down, tonguing me until I can barely breathe. He’s gifted in all the ways his tongue roams within me. I can’t keep from crying out when he sucks both my inner labia as his tongue slides in and out between them. When two thick fingers find their way inside me, I can’t keep my hands off my breasts, seeking relief, pulling and twisting.


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