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His Under Contract

Page 13

by Fiona Murphy

  “Ethan, I need you.”

  “Tell me what you need, Holly.”

  Oh, god, he’s cruel. “Your cock, please, I need your cock.”

  “Then my cock you shall have.” Sucking deeply from inside me, he moves up to cover my clit, sucking deeply with—holy shit—his teeth grazing my clit sending me screaming into an orgasm.

  I feel boneless, weak, as he pulls me over yet again, dragging me to the edge until only my ass hangs off the bed. Once again, his hands are on my hips as he pushes into me fast and hard. Oh, god! It feels like he’s deeper, his cock straining to reach every inch of me. All I can do is moan as he sets a hard, almost rough pace. Every stroke is pushing me farther over the edge... then I’m there, crying out before I even know it.

  Ethan feels it too. He thickens in the seconds before he groans my name and I know he’s filling the condom. Too soon, he moves. He’s getting rid of the condom. Then he’s back, lifting me gently, he sets me down into the middle of the bed before getting in beside me. An arm goes around my waist, pulling me into his arms, once again spoon fashion.

  The words come out in almost a slur. “So, I’m sleeping in here again?” A grunt I take as yes is his only answer. “Then set the alarm for five-thirty.”

  Now he’s the one grumbling, but I feel him moving around behind me.


  When the alarm goes off, it isn’t as painful with Ethan squeezing me close as he rolls over onto his back to turn off the alarm. Though I set the alarm I don’t usually get up the first time, yeah, I’m one of those. The moment it crosses my mind I don’t hesitate. Beginning with his soft, fascinating pouch, I suck lightly then harder, once then twice. My right hand is stroking him, the sound of him moaning my name fills me with a high I’ve never known. Tongue licking up to the top of his leaking tip, I suck him into my mouth, teasing the spot under the head of his cock. Moving over him, I suck deeply until he slides into my throat then hum long and low. Ethan swears, as his hands go into my hair. Pulling me out until only a few inches remain, I’m sucking harder now, my hands tightening around him as I stroke. He fills my mouth, this time I take everything he has to give. It isn’t fair an asshole like him is so gifted, even flaccid he won’t fit in my mouth entirely. I lick until he’s clean.

  The covers are pulled off me. Ethan is smiling, “I knew there was a good reason to keep you in here at night. Nice way to start a morning.”

  Laughing, I give his cock a last kiss before sliding off the bed to get ready for work. This morning we’re both back on schedule.

  When I get a call from downstairs for a package delivery they’ll be bringing up, I assume it’s for Ethan. I’m waiting at the door as I sign for it, with thanks. Only, it’s addressed to me. Huh, I open it to find a step stool that will go perfectly with his way too freaking high bed. It’s such a sweet, thoughtful gift he had shipped in only two days. His efficiency is astonishing. Gleefully, I run to put it in his room, down at the bottom and out of the way, yet still easily gotten to.

  I’m in my room getting dressed for my usual Thursday lunch date with Amelia when I get a text from her. She’s sorry to cancel at the last minute but her workload is so heavy she’ll be lucky to get out by nine. Instantly, I respond I understand, no problem. While I say I’m fine, I have to admit I’m disappointed. I look forward to our lunches together, whether we’re talking about books, the city, or Ethan.

  With a sigh, I go back to cleaning, deciding to start on the windows. I’ve just finished, when my cell phone rings, it’s Ethan. “Hey, what are you doing?”

  “Just finishing the windows. Trying to decide what to do for dinner.”

  “So, you didn’t have lunch with Amelia?”

  “No, she did the exact same thing to me she did to you. Texted me just as I was getting dressed. Same excuse, too, she was snowed under at work.”

  “Great, now she’s going to be avoiding me until she needs something. How about we make it seven tonight?”

  My face hurts, I’m grinning so hard. “Works for me.”

  It works for the both of us for the next few days.

  Chapter Twenty

  The moment I’m awake, I pull her tightly against me. No alarm is a wonderful thing. I check the clock to see it’s a little after seven. Oh yeah, I’m an asshole. The first thing I think of is no fucking condoms, I can’t wait to be inside her tight pussy with nothing between us. Then I remember today is the Sunday I visit Ray. Every other Sunday, like clockwork, it would be every Sunday but the old man started yelling about me going out and having a life, until I finally gave in. Fuck, I can’t take her with me to see Ray. I’m supposed to come home like it’s no big deal I’ve been gone all day. I’d gone before she was even up the Sunday before last. I could tell her about Ray, she’d understand without a hint of complaint.

  Holly stretches beside me before pressing against me. Then she just fucking rolls off me, sliding off the bed. I can’t take my eyes off her swaying ass as she walks into my bathroom. She looks back at me, “I’ve been dying to see if that bench in your bathroom will hold us both.”

  I’m up off the bed following her into the shower. She leans with her back against the wall, as I set the controls on the panel. Her nipples are already hard, I barely have the water on before she grabs my thickening cock. Fuck the bench. Lifting her up, she wraps her legs around my waist. Damn, her pussy is soaking, making it easy to slide inside. I’m in heaven. This is the first time since I was fifteen I’ve fucked a woman without a condom. I never want to wear one again. Hot, wet, velvet heat gripping me tightly has me fighting not come in seconds. No stroke is deep enough, no grip on my cock is tight enough. I never want to leave her pussy again. Thank fuck as I stroke deep I’m rubbing against her clit. It takes her less than a minute to gasp out my name as her body shudders, and her pussy spasms around my cock, milking me for everything inside me.

  For a long time neither of us move. Her face is buried in my neck. “Can we never use condoms again?”

  I chuckle, “I was just thinking the same thing.”

  Taking my time, I enjoy soaping her up and washing her. I’m a little quicker cleaning myself as I watch her dry off. She’s wrapping the towel around herself, I’m displeased she’s covering up. “I’m going to go get dressed. What do you want for breakfast?”

  “Do we have any bacon?”


  “Eggs over medium and some bacon with toast sounds good. Wear one of those dresses, it’s nice out and we’re taking a drive out of the city for the day.” Fuck, I’m taking her with me to go see Ray. The words were out before I knew it. Now I can’t take them back.

  “Whatever you say, lord and master Bishop.” Holly laughs as she walks out of the bathroom.

  Ray means no suit, so I dress in jeans and a black polo. The minute I’m alone in my closet my brain clears, I can’t take her. Ray will call her my girlfriend, or tease her about something she won’t ever be, then I’ll be an asshole when I correct him. How the fuck do I tell her I’ve changed my mind now?

  Walking into the kitchen, I find her in a sexy dark blue dress with a tight bodice and flared skirt ending just above her knees. Whatever I was going to say is lost at the sight of her. She’s going. Ray will understand.

  It doesn’t take her long to bring her plate as well as mine over to the dining table, then she goes back for the glasses of orange juice. Before she sits down, I grab a cheek of her ass, she squeals, “Will you behave?”

  “It’s your fault, knowing you’re wearing a thong has me hard almost all the damned time.” Her eggs are scrambled with toast, no bacon. I want to ask her but one thing I’ve learned is never to say anything about what a woman eats.

  “Where are we going? Is Ricky driving us?”

  “No, I’ll be driving us.” Apprehension is clear on her face. “Don’t look so scared. I make the trip every other weekend. We’re going to Naperville, to visit my uncle, Ray. Remember the uncle I told you about, the one who paid for my educatio
n? He’s the uncle. He practiced in Chicago and is the reason I settled here. Unfortunately, a few years ago he developed Parkinson’s. At first, I got him a nurse so he could stay in his condo. But he grew to hate the noise of the city. Naperville is a nice, quiet suburb outside of the city, it’s only about thirty miles away. I head out after breakfast, we chat, play cards, he kicks my ass, then we play chess and he lets me win. We’ll talk about cases, as he warns me against spending too much time in the office. Then we go out for lunch. When I bring him back he tells me to go home.”

  “How lucky am I? Spending the day with two handsome men.” Her smile is wide as she sips her juice.

  That’s it, no jumping for joy, acting as if she wants to hold my hand. No discussion about if I’m her boyfriend now. She’s perfect.

  I help her clean up and cop a feel constantly while I do. Then I take her downstairs to the garage. It’s supposed to be the polite thing to do, though I open her door so I can watch her dress slide up her legs. Shaking her head, she sees where my eyes go. “I wish I’d known we’d be driving in a convertible.” She pouts. “I would have fixed my hair differently. “Especially a 2015 Ferrari California. You’ve managed to surprise me. If I had guessed which one you picked, it would have been the 458 Italia.” Her laughter is loud in the car. “Let me guess, the 458 was on backorder and you didn’t want to wait for your new toy?”

  “Put your seatbelt on.” I’m stern. Annoyed at how well she knows me, the Italia was on backorder three months and I didn’t want to wait. “Smartass. Just for that I’m putting the top down.” I hit the button to send the top down. I don’t get a new car every year, every two or three years was enough for me. When I didn’t get the Italia I expected to get a new car this year but I’ve grown to like it. Ray also prefers it, he used to bitch about getting in and out of my last few cars.

  “Ass.” Holly mutters as she puts her straightened hair into a loose bun then leans back onto it.

  The day is beautiful. Her face isn’t covered by layers of makeup and she’s glowing in the sunlight. However, when we hit the interstate I put the top back up, the top down at sixty miles an hour is too much even for me. Once I do, she smiles widely.

  I turn on the radio, classical music fills the car, lowering the volume to background noise. My hand is barely back on the steering wheel before Holly starts talking. She asks about Ray. I spend the drive sharing memories of Ray. Her interest isn’t faked as she prompts me gently for more.

  When we pull into the home Ray had picked himself, Holly seems hesitant. “Come on, Ray will fall at your feet. Just ignore the fact he’s a dirty old man.”

  My day is exactly like I knew it would be. Ray flirts relentlessly, Holly takes it in stride. I love how when I haltingly introduce her to Ray, she responds that she’s the housekeeper who does more than windows with a saucy smile. She does surprise me by kicking both Ray’s and my ass in poker. Ray taunts her constantly with smack talk, trying to win back his money, we only ever play with pennies. Holly holds her own with her smart mouth. When Ray teases her, she isn’t above using her cleavage to get his, or my, mind off the cards.

  While we play chess, she keeps herself amused going through Ray’s photo albums. Peppering us with questions, yet not needing to be kept amused. She even helps me out by whispering a move that helps me pin down Ray’s queen.

  Lunch out is pure entertainment as Holly entices Ray to talk about me in my younger, more embarrassing years. The man looks more alive and smiles more often than he has in years. If he didn’t look so happy I might be a little jealous of Holly. However, given the weeks I’ve been with Holly I can understand his reaction to her. This time, when it’s time to leave Ray isn’t pushing me out the door like he usually does.

  Holly begs me to let her drive the car around in the parking lot, crossing her heart and hoping to die she’ll be careful. I can’t say no to those big brown eyes of hers, so I hand her the keys. “Five minutes.”

  She takes them, nearly hopping out the door with excitement.

  “I’m telling you right now, Ethan Andrew Bishop, if you don’t marry that girl you’ll regret it the rest of your days. Same as I did with Sally Connors. Not a day goes by when I don’t wish I’d married her. Take my advice, Ethan, she’s the one.”

  I only shake my head. “She deserves better than me.”

  Ray nods vigorously, “Of course she does. It doesn’t change the fact she belongs with you.”

  There’s nothing for me to say.

  He grunts, goes into his room, and slams the door.

  Great trip. I walk out front to Holly screeching to a halt in front of me. She gets out and holy fuck she’s gorgeous. She’s glowing, her cheeks pink, her smile wide enough I think I can see her molars. Throwing herself in my arms, I catch her and hold her tightly. Fuck, my chest hurts.

  “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! That was so cool. See not a tiny, baby scratch on it either. My brothers will never be able to say they drove a Ferarri!”

  Seeing her so happy, I can’t hold back my own laughter. “Oh, you wanted me for the Ferrari?” I set her down slowly. Her hand is up caressing my cheek. “Silly man, I didn’t know you had a Ferrari. It was because of your big, thick cock.”

  I open her door then smack her ass as she gets inside. Her laughter makes me smile simply to know she’s happy. On our way back to into Chicago, it’s still too early for dinner, so I take her home. Although, damn, I would have liked for other people to see her looking gorgeous in the dress she’s wearing.

  We’re barely through the door when I have her dress up, on my lap, on the couch. Mouths locked together, the idea of moving to the bedroom is long gone. Tugging off her panties, she’s moaning my name as she pushes up my shirt to touch me.

  “Ethan! You’re a freaking animal!” Amelia sounds like a wronged wife. I’m more concerned about Holly’s embarrassment. I whip my shirt off to try and wrap it around her.

  “Amelia? What the fuck? This is my damned home. I’ll do whatever the hell I want, wherever the hell I want.”

  Fucking shit! She’s getting weepy, only I’m too pissed to care. “I thought I was always welcome here! Well, I guess that’s all over. We go to lunch, you talk about Holly, we’re on the phone, you talk about Holly. Now I come over, and surprise, I’m not welcome anymore. You might be fucking Holly in the living room.”

  Really, new baby syndrome from her now? “Don’t even go there. If you want to come over fine, but don’t pull your bullshit with me. You’ve been avoiding me all week long, and then you come over without warning. I love you, but right now, I’m really pissed off with you. I don’t think this is a good time to have this conversation. Please leave, now. We’ll discuss this later.”

  Her eyes are big, filled with tears when she turns, slamming out the door.

  I look to see Holly fighting back tears. “I’m sorry. I had no idea she resented me like that.”

  Picking her up, I carry her into my room before gently placing her on the bed. “Hey, this is a new situation for her to be in. Obviously, she isn’t handling it well. There’s also someone new in her life she doesn’t want me to know about, and she’s trying to balance that with maintaining our close relationship. Which, after the way she reacted, makes me wonder if our relationship isn’t just a little too co-dependent. On my end, she’s the only woman I know how to treat simply like a woman without wanting anything from her. Quite frankly, between Cora and her, there’s never been a woman in my life for very long. For Amelia, I’ve always been the big brother to protect and smooth her path wherever I could. Not just her shoulder to cry on, but when I could, to make it all better for her.

  “This has nothing to do with you. In a few days, she’ll invite you for lunch, begging and pleading for forgiveness the entire time. The two of us are going to have a much deeper, more painful conversation.”

  I wipe away the tears that trail down her cheeks fighting to keep my breathing even, I really fucking hate to see her cry. Yeah, the conversati
on with Amelia is going to be very painful—for her. “Are you sleepy, sweetheart?”

  “No, I was actually thinking very naughty thoughts about how my thong is in the living room.”

  Fuck, this woman is the perfect mix of naughty and nice, and fuck me, I’m growing addicted to every inch of her. I eat her beautiful pink pussy until she’s begging me to fuck her. When I do, I take her hard and fast from behind. This time, we stay connected when she begs me not pull out. For a long time we just lay together as she tells me how much she liked Ray. I was lucky to have someone like him and he was luckier to have me. We both needed someone to keep us inline.

  When her stomach growls we both groan. “Oh the mundane things of life. Crap, I don’t think I even have anything really defrosted, it might be omelets for dinner.”

  “You aren’t cooking anything. You have the day off. Let’s go take a look at the delivery menus.” Getting out of bed, I pull on my boxer briefs. I expect her to go running for the bathroom or shower, instead she steals a pair of my boxer briefs from my closet and an undershirt.

  Holly’s smile is wide. “I like the feel of you inside me.”

  Damn it, her words make me hard in an instant. I walk fast, trying to remember she’s hungry. Pulling the menus from the drawer, I go through them.

  “Ohh, a barbeque place will deliver?” She makes a grab for the menu, eyes wide.

  “You like barbeque?”

  “Um, hello, the last half-dozen years of my life were spent in the south. I love brisket but I never make it. It’s so much meat, and it just doesn’t taste the same frozen then unfrozen.”

  “They are famous for their brisket, we can get plenty. There are great hot sausages, too. Ribs?”

  She makes a face. “Not unless they’re boneless, and beef instead of pork.”

  “They have both and that works for me. Yes to hot sausages? I’ll place the order.” Phoning in the order, they give me a delivery time of a half-hour. I call the front desk to let them know.


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