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American Warlords

Page 73

by Jonathan W. Jordan

Anzio, Italy, 327

  ARCADIA Conference, 121–32, 134, 328

  Ardennes Forest, 410–11, 419

  ARGONAUT, 416–19

  Arnold, Henry H. “Hap,” 23, 29, 89, 111n, 124, 125, 129, 148, 149, 154, 194, 254, 272, 282, 287, 298, 414, 443, 448, 452, 459

  antisubmarine warfare and, 244, 245

  Cairo Conference and, 304

  Casablanca Conference and, 224–27, 237

  death of, 471

  European strategy and, 158, 366

  health of, 257–58, 338, 416

  Joint Chiefs and, 130

  King and, 149, 204

  Marshall and, 23–24, 130, 258

  North Africa and, 199, 203

  OVERLORD and, 358, 360, 361

  Pacific strategy and, 184, 189, 203–4, 205, 238

  personality of, 24

  Quebec Conference (1944) and, 387, 388

  Roosevelt and, 24n, 52, 258

  Stimson and, 257

  strategic air campaign and, 24, 153, 237–39, 348, 368–69

  Tehran Conference and, 309

  Aruba, 99

  Atlantic, Battle of the, 69, 152

  Atlantic Charter, 90, 345

  Atlantic Wall, 258

  Atomic bomb, 164–66, 283–84, 329, 348–50, 453–60, 462, 463, 465–66, 470

  Auchinleck, Claude, 180

  Australia, 150–52, 161, 170, 344


  B-17 Flying Fortress, 51–53, 118n

  B-24 Liberator, 53, 153, 205, 369

  B-25 Mitchell, 156

  B-29 Superfortress, 312, 316, 319, 320, 349, 368, 369, 389, 449, 458

  Badoglio, Field Marshal Pietro, 291, 292

  Baldwin, Hanson, 27, 202–3, 328

  Balkans, 258–59, 264, 276–78, 280, 281, 294, 299, 305, 306, 308

  Bard, Ralph, 191

  Barkley, Alben, 378

  Baruch, Bernard, 210, 377

  Bastogne, Belgium, 411

  Bataan Peninsula, 118, 120, 134, 135, 137, 179, 353, 383

  Bavaria, 430, 432

  Beaverbrook, Lord, 121, 127

  Bechloss, Michael, 348n

  Bell, Elliott, 401

  Berezhkov, Valentin, 426

  Bergman, Ingrid, 220

  Beria, Lavrenti, 421

  Berle, Adolf, 36

  Berlin, Germany, 430, 432, 446–47

  Berlin, Irving, 77, 78

  Bernadotte, Count, 446

  Biddle, Francis, 30, 169, 445

  Bismarck (German battleship), 74n, 87

  Bismarck Archipelago, 150–52, 170, 264, 275

  Bismarck Sea, Battle of the, 243

  Blackouts, 153n

  Blitz, 51, 222, 331

  Boettiger, Anna Roosevelt, 254, 357, 377, 419, 427

  Boettiger, John, 357

  Bohlen, “Chip,” 426

  Boland, Pat, 91

  BOLERO, 158, 160, 175, 177, 178, 181, 182, 185, 198, 277

  Bonus March of 1932, 101, 344

  Bowman, Isaiah, 393

  Bradley, Omar, 23, 414n, 445

  Eisenhower and, 233, 335, 418

  European campaign and, 289, 362, 405, 410, 416, 429–30, 444

  North Africa and, 233, 241, 242

  Sicily and, 275

  Bratton, Rufus, 2, 107

  Bricker, John, 353, 354

  British forces

  Eighth Army, 233, 241, 275

  First Airborne Army, 405

  Twenty-first Army Group, 416, 417

  Brooke, Field Marshal Sir Alan, 159, 181, 185, 187, 225, 227, 228, 230, 233, 259–63, 264, 281–83, 289, 299, 305, 307, 311, 365, 366, 387, 411–13, 416–17

  Brown, Captain Charles, 202

  Brown, Allen, 26, 340

  Browning, Miles, 238

  Bruenn, Howard, 358, 377, 419, 427, 435, 436

  BUCCANEER, 305, 306, 312–13

  Buckner, Simon Bolivar, Jr., 371

  Budd, Ralph, 45

  Bulge, Battle of the, 410–11, 419

  Bull, Cornelius, 212, 221

  Bullitt, Bill, 32

  Bundy, Harvey, 329

  Burma, 104, 180, 229, 231, 232, 237, 261, 265, 284, 304, 305, 312, 387, 426

  Burma Road, 103, 105, 229, 251, 254, 262, 284, 304, 305

  Bush, Vannevar, 349–50

  Butcher, Harry, 303

  Byrnes, James, 48, 195, 352, 378, 384, 455, 456, 460, 462, 466–67

  CACTUS, 199

  Cairo Conference (SEXTANT), 299, 302, 304, 310, 319, 320, 346

  Camp David, 214n

  Capra, Major Frank, 166–67

  Caroline Islands, 135, 170, 231, 232, 263–65, 272, 284, 316

  Casablanca (movie), 220

  Casablanca Conference (SYMBOL), 222–32, 234–37, 242, 250, 257, 260, 271, 292

  Celebes Islands, 373

  Chamberlain, Neville, 14

  Chennault, Claire, 253–55, 262, 296

  Cherwell, Lord, 394

  Chiang Kai-shek, 74, 94, 229, 251, 253–55, 296–97, 304, 312, 313, 316, 369n, 374, 419, 426, 462, 463

  China, 94, 102, 103, 105, 259, 262, 265, 284, 304, 312–13, 320, 419, 446, 448, 460, 470

  China-Burma-India theater, 252, 262

  Christmas Island, 344

  Churchill, Winston, 14, 29, 30, 38, 52, 67, 69, 73, 93, 95, 113, 134, 141, 158, 165, 177, 219n, 251, 288, 314, 347, 390, 412, 443

  ARCADIA Conference and, 121–23, 125, 127–30

  atomic bomb and, 283–84, 458

  Balkans and, 264, 276–78, 281, 294, 305, 306

  Berlin and, 430, 432

  Brooke and, 305–6

  Casablanca Conference and, 223, 228, 230, 232, 234, 235, 236

  “closing the ring” strategy and, 125

  Dill and, 264, 329, 330

  Eleanor Roosevelt and, 122–23

  European strategy and, 160, 179, 182, 183, 185–87, 221, 258–60, 264, 276, 277, 279, 281, 292–94, 299, 303, 305–6,

  Churchill, Winston (cont.)

  European strategy and (cont.)

  308–10, 312, 327, 330, 331–32, 360–62, 365–67, 419

  as First Lord of the Admiralty, 40

  health of, 128

  Italy and, 257, 258, 276, 277, 292–94, 308, 327, 330, 419

  Katyn Forest massacre and, 268

  Leahy on, 264

  Malta Conference and, 416

  map room of, 121–22, 140

  Marshall and, 306, 331, 471

  Mediterranean peace feelers and, 433

  North Africa and, 125, 175, 178, 180–82, 185

  OVERLORD and, 331–32, 360–62

  Placentia Bay Conference, 87–89

  Poland and, 424–25

  postwar Germany and, 393, 422–23

  press and, 169n

  Quebec Conference (1943) and, 283–84

  Quebec Conference (1944) and, 386–87, 393

  religious beliefs of, 88

  Roosevelt and, 14, 29, 40–43, 62–63, 86–90, 92, 121–23, 129–30, 141n, 178–81, 264, 280, 283–84, 290, 292, 365–67

  Russia and, 79–80

  ships-for-bases agreement and, 40–43

  Stalin and, 423

  Stimson on, 179

  “supreme commander” concept and, 127–30

  Tehran Conference and, 299, 307, 308, 310–11

  Tobruk, fall of and, 179180

  on U-boat peril, 152

  ultimatum to Japan and, 462

  unconditional surrender issue and, 236n

  United Nations and, 424

  visits to Washington, 121–23, 125, 127–30, 178–80, 256, 258–60, 264–65

alta Conference and, 415, 423, 427, 428

  Civil War, 17, 92, 236, 303–4, 336n, 343, 344, 444

  Civilian Conservation Corps, 18, 47

  Civilian Pilot Training Program, 57

  Clapper, Raymond, 212

  Clark, Bennett, 67

  Clark, Mark, 149, 217, 232, 289, 292, 357

  Clarke, Carter, 400, 401

  Coffee, Robert, 302

  Collins, J. Lawton “Lightning Joe,” 335

  Combined Chiefs of Staff, 129, 131–32, 134, 187, 198, 230–32, 259, 260, 263–64, 277, 282, 284, 299, 305, 311, 312, 314, 319, 320, 326, 328, 360, 385, 387, 388, 416–18, 430

  Compton, Arthur, 456

  Cooke, Admiral Charles, Jr. “Savvy,” 116, 226, 238, 239, 468

  Coolidge, Calvin, 35, 39

  Coral Sea, Battle of the, 161–62, 168, 179, 202, 221, 401, 402

  CORONET, 451

  Corregidor, 118–20, 135, 137, 353, 383

  Craig, Lillian, 334

  Cudahy, John, 11, 12

  Cunningham, Fleet Admiral Andrew B., 124n, 311, 331, 360, 361, 387, 413, 418

  Curaçao, 99

  D-Day landings, 325, 356–58

  Darien, 425, 426

  Darlan, Admiral Jean Louis Xavier François, 207, 217, 234

  Darlan, Alain, 217

  Darlan Deal, 217, 218, 220

  Davis, Colonel Benjamin, 57

  Davis, Chester, 45

  Davis, Elmer, 206, 268

  De Gaulle, Charles André Joseph Marie, 207, 234–36, 251, 332–33, 362–64, 366, 367

  Deane, John, 423

  Declaration on Jewish Massacres, 347

  Delano, Laura “Polly,” 436

  Delano, Sarah, 254

  Delano, Warren, II, 254

  Delphine (yacht), 116

  Dennison, Robert, 468

  Desert Victory (documentary), 242

  Devers, General Jacob L., 289, 335, 336, 416

  Dewey, Thomas E., 213, 295, 353–55, 376–77, 381, 383, 395–405

  DeWitt, John, 145, 146

  Dietrich, Marlene, 253

  Dill, Field Marshal Sir John, 124, 126, 131, 132, 224, 260, 264, 299, 328–31, 338, 471

  Dill, Nancy, 126

  Dodecanese Islands, 293, 305, 306

  Dönitz, Grossadmiral Karl, 69, 447

  Donnelly, Charles, 305

  Donovan, William, 332–33, 364, 402

  Doolittle, James, 156

  Doolittle Raid, 156–57, 161, 168, 248

  Douglas, Air Marshal Sholto, 305

  Douglas, William, 378

  DOWNFALL, 449–50

  Draft, 46–50, 54, 58–59, 80, 84–86, 90–91, 219, 406, 407

  DRAGOON, 360, 365–67

  Dunlap, Abby, 247, 248

  Dutch East Indies, 95, 97, 103, 105, 118, 134, 209, 272, 318, 319

  Earle, Captain George, 268n

  Early, Steve, 24, 56–57, 177, 288, 377

  East China Sea, 448

  Eccles, Marriner, 144

  Eden, Anthony, 234, 268, 363, 364, 393, 425, 443

  Edwards, Rear Admiral Richard, 116

  Einstein, Albert, 164

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 16, 118–20, 123, 127, 214n, 230, 240, 246, 264, 280, 287–89, 291, 292, 313, 340, 391, 414, 445

  Berlin and, 430

  Bradley and, 233, 335, 418

  “broad front” strategy, 416–19

  as commander of OVERLORD, 314–15

  De Gaulle and, 333

  deserters and, 406

  Devers and, 335

  European strategy and, 157–58, 227, 325–28, 330–32, 335, 337, 338, 358, 361, 363, 365, 410–11

  final push in Europe and, 429–30, 432, 444

  on King, 149

  Marshall and, 25, 183, 188, 232, 233, 241, 315, 325, 330, 334–36, 412, 418, 429, 430, 432, 471

  Montgomery and, 411–12, 417, 418

  North Africa and, 188, 203, 206–7, 215, 217–18, 220, 232–33, 241–42

  OVERLORD and, 325–28, 330–32, 335, 337, 338, 358, 361, 363

  Pacific strategy and, 151–52, 182–83

  Patton and, 337–38, 418

  Philippines and, 135–36

  promotion to general, 233

  Roosevelt and, 233, 303–4, 333, 412, 419

  selection of generals and, 335–36

  on Stark, 149

  Transportation Plan and, 331–32

  unconditional surrender and, 447

  Eisenhower, John, 340

  Eisenhower, Mamie, 325, 340

  Elliott, Harriet, 45

  Eniwetok, 320

  Enola Gay (B-29), 463–64

  Esperancilla, Irineo, 436

  Espionage Act of 1917, 169

  Essary, Fred, 48

  Essex-class carriers, 169

  EUREKA, 298, 299, 306–11, 328, 346, 421

  European Jews, 347–48, 390

  European Recovery Program (Marshall Plan), 470

  Evatt, Herbert, 148

  Fala (dog), 62, 112, 377, 379, 436

  “Fat Man,” 456, 463

  Fermi, Enrico, 456

  Fields, George, 12

  Fiji Islands, 162

  First French Army, 405

  Fish, Hamilton, 50, 66, 295

  Fletcher, Frank Jack, 161, 198, 199

  Flynn, Edward, 378

  Formosa, 170, 263, 319, 320, 322, 373–74, 376, 383–85, 388, 389

  Forrestal, James, 191, 212, 243, 323, 338, 339, 399, 403, 414n, 443–46, 472, 473

  Frankfurter, Felix, 34, 36–37, 218, 250, 393

  Fredendall, Major General Lloyd, 188, 241–42

  French Committee of National Liberation, 332, 333

  French Indochina, 94, 95, 100, 102

  Fuchs, Klaus, 284n

  Galbraith, John Kenneth, 210

  Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 271

  German forces

  2nd SS Panzer Division, 410

  Fifth Panzer Army, 232

  537th Signal Regiment, 267

  Hermann Göring Division, 275

  Gerow, Leonard T., 335

  Ghormley, Robert, 152, 173–74, 198, 201, 203, 240

  G.I. Bill of Rights, 345

  Gilbert Islands, 27, 170, 263, 272, 284, 316, 320

  Giraud, General Henri Honoré, 207, 217, 234–36, 250–51, 332

  Goebbels, Joseph, 267

  Goodenough Island, 317


  Göring, Hermann, 51

  Graham, Frank H., 465

  GRANITE, 316

  Great Depression, 15–16, 44

  Great White Fleet, 42

  Grew, Joseph, 100

  Gromyko, Andrei, 420, 423

  Groves, Colonel Leslie J., 165, 455–60

  Guadalcanal, 172, 174, 197–99, 201, 203, 204, 205, 211, 221, 227, 240, 272, 344

  Guam, 118, 170, 194, 316, 368, 448

  Guderian, Heinz, 29

  Guillain-Barré syndrome, 14n

  GYMNAST, 125, 175, 178, 181, 182, 185, 187–88

  HABAKKUK, 282–83

  Hachmeister, Louise, 38

  Haile Selassie, Emperor, 351

  HALCYON, 356, 357

  Halifax, Lord, 121, 364

  Halsey, William, 161, 238–40, 320–21, 374, 385, 388, 412, 413, 414n, 418n

  Handy, General Thomas, 124, 305n, 371, 414, 463

  Hannegan, Robert, 376, 378

  Harding, Warren G., 250

  Harmon, Ernest, 241

  Harness, Forest, 399

  Harriman, Averell, 433–35, 445, 446

  Hart, Admiral Thomas, 119, 120, 238

  Hassett, Bill, 122, 2
06, 223, 435

  Hastie, William, 57, 58

  Heller, Joseph, 413n

  Hemingway, Ernest, 62, 340

  Henderson, Leon, 45

  Hill, T. Arnold, 54–55, 57

  Hilldring, John, 208

  Hillman, Sidney, 45, 58

  Himmler, Heinrich, 446

  Hirohito, Emperor, 94, 100, 106–7, 399, 462, 466–67

  Hiroshima, 452n, 459, 463, 465–66

  Hiryu (Japanese carrier), 169

  Hitler, Adolf, 15, 20, 37, 61, 68, 79, 112, 175, 176, 227, 230, 256, 259, 308, 347, 348, 381, 395, 402, 409, 417, 424, 446

  Hiyo (Japanese carrier), 369

  HMS Bulolo, 226

  HMS Duke of York, 121, 124

  HMS Kelvin, 361, 362

  HMS Kimberley, 367

  HMS Orion, 416

  HMS Prince of Wales, 87–88, 345

  Hodges, Courtney Hicks, 335, 337, 405, 432

  Hollandia, 320, 322

  Homma, General Masaharu, 118, 134

  Hong Kong, 118

  Honshu, 369, 451, 452, 466, 467

  Hoover, Herbert, 35, 37, 101, 111, 154, 208, 209, 250, 271, 344, 451

  Hoover, J. Edgar, 98

  Hopkins, Harry Lloyd, 3, 12, 22, 48, 62, 63, 73, 75, 76, 78, 80, 137, 140, 158, 177, 195, 207, 233, 258, 270, 283, 286–87, 379, 404, 415, 419

  ARCADIA Conference and, 122, 123, 127

  Casablanca Conference and, 222

  health of, 13

  Marshall and, 19, 27, 28, 289, 313–14

  materials stockpile campaign of, 14

  meetings in London and, 159, 160, 175, 186

  Pacific strategy and, 83, 134, 209

  physical appearance of, 13

  postwar Germany and, 392

  Roosevelt and, 13

  son of, 340

  Hopkins, Stephen, 340

  Horne, Vice Admiral Frederick, 323

  Hull, Secretary of State Cordell, 2, 4–5, 12, 21, 48, 73, 75, 76, 83, 100, 102n, 103–6, 121, 217, 234, 251, 253, 338, 346, 348, 363–65, 379, 392, 394

  Hürtgen Forest, 405

  HUSKY, 275

  Huston, Walter, 167

  Ickes, Harold, 12, 30, 63, 76, 79, 82, 83, 95, 97, 207, 208, 270, 286–87, 353, 445

  Indochina, 94, 95, 100, 102, 209

  Ingersoll, Royal E., 413

  Ingram, Jonas H., 418n

  Inoue, Admiral Shigeyoshi, 161

  Intelligence, 95, 102, 104–6, 160, 162, 168, 169, 202, 248, 256, 399–400, 402, 403

  Ismay, General Hastings “Pug,” 160, 180, 305n, 306, 367, 452n

  Isolationism, 21, 30, 33, 38, 41, 46, 47, 50, 66, 74

  Italy, 221, 227, 257–59, 261–62, 264, 271, 274, 276, 277, 280–82, 291–94, 299, 308, 327, 357, 365, 419, 433–34, 447

  Iwo Jima, 389

  Jackson, Robert, 12, 42

  Jackson, Samuel, 378

  Jacob, Ian, 228

  Japanese Americans, 145–47, 407


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