The Time-Loop Chronicles: The Day the Earth Fell Backwards
Page 17
“I see the same light, although the round circle has magnified some the further away you are, it appears larger now.”
The chief took about three more steps back, he was no more than about ten feet away. He asked me again, “Now what do you see?”
“I don’t see the circle anymore, the light has spread all over the blanket, but I can see no circle at all.”
“Don’t you think that is quite odd?” The chief then pointed skyward.
Right at that moment I looked up and unbelievably a small patch of fluffy white clouds maneuvered in front of the moon. The moon did not change its appearance, I could still see the moon perfectly as its light peered through the clouds.”
I became confused, I told the chief, “I can see the moon, but with the flash light all I could see was the round circle of light.”
The Chief then moved right next to the blanket with the flashlight and said, “What do you see now?”
“I can now see the flashlight also, oh wow. But chief when you asked to have the blanket brought to you, you said it could not have any holes nor even pinholes, why?”
“The strange thing about light is, when holes are present, the light will reform and not scatter like it does upon a solid surface. Thus any holes and you would have seen the flashlight clearly, even at a distance. The further away the light source is, the light begins to refract off of a solid surface. The refracted light will spread out enough to where you cannot see the source (round circle) of the light.”
As the Chief pointed above, he said, “How far do you think those clouds are in the sky?”
“I don’t know maybe 35,000-40,000 feet.”
“And yet you can still see the circle of the moonlight as clear as if the clouds were not there. How is that possible if the moon is a ¼ million miles away?”
The chief pointed back at the blanket experiment while he stood again ten feet away, and there was no circle just light. He then crept up closer and as he did, the circle of light returned.
“Chief, the only way a circle could be seen from the moon is if the moon was really close, elsewise it would just be a refraction of light glowing upon the entire surface of the clouds and we wouldn’t see the moon itself. This means it has to be really close to us.”
“Wait till the controllers play a game with your mind. If you keep your head up looking into the heavens, no doubt some time you will see these very clouds actually above the moon. Try explaining that one.”
“Then how is it possible the moon could be so close, how can it hang in mid-air”?
“Again my friend, it is a holographic moon. And they can place that moon anywhere and it will float in space like magic. The moon also dictates emotions, this is why you hear about lunatic, or lunacy, anything dealing with lunar or Luna. All of it is representing a dark emotion being foisted on the unsuspecting mind. Also you have heard of stories of people changing into werewolves under a full moon.
This notion is very true, but not to the extent of the fables, but to the fact it has power over the mind to change a normal person into something different, like a Jekyll who then transforms to become Hyde. Often there is a cliché which many utter when they run upon weird and strange human behavior they will say, ‘It must be a full moon tonight.’
The moon plays a very important role for those who desire death and destruction. Often religions were even created around the lunar months. Some have even called them holy days and Sabbath Days. A Sabbath day to certain groups was never on Sunday, which is the worship of the Sun, it was always on Saturday or saturnalia, or the seventh day of the week.
But the days did not start at midnight, they began the evening prior, based on the moon. All of the ancient holy days and Sabbaths were lunar-based all beginning in the evening and closing in the evening.
The moon was called ‘SIN’ by the ancients. It is because the moon is the programmed deception of the Diabolus. ‘Simulation Interactive Network!’
The truth is, the ancient holy days were based on the moon god Sin, who rules this earth by stealth, leading all in to a deception and a mind of obscurity. This is where the term ‘Hol’i’days’ comes from.
This is why abhorrent behavior is prevalent on this world, because of the moon. If the moon was removed, this inordinate behavior would not find such an easy foothold. The moon represents Diabolus the adversary to your inner light. The moon is why this earth is stuck in a time-loop.
The Sun on the other hand is even worse, it represents Sol Malum, the external light bringer, the one who is called the shining star of the dawn or the bright and morning star. Unbeknownst to many that star is not Venus, it is the Sun which rises every morning as the day star from the East.
A long time ago there were great wars in the heavens. The ancient ones told us that these wars led to great death and planets were destroyed. In this destruction planet earth was shoved out of its orbit, when a moon rammed into the belly of the earth. This moon was in battle with a rogue planet.
This is what happened in the pacific basin, if you removed all of the ocean water on our planet, which gives off the illusion of a cylindrical round appearing object, as the water is fixed within a set boundary via the atmospheric container, you would see the devastating outcome of this crash. Earth is a lopsided crushed rock.
When this occurred earth was removed out of its orbit into the one it is now located. The orbit it used to be in allowed for a different time, as it revolved around the sun in a different orbit.
Instead of it taking one year to go around the sun, its orbital path caused it to take ten years. Thus a person of 90 on earth would have been 900 back before the original cataclysm. So a year was not 360 days, but 3600 days, but it was still based on the 360˚ cycle.
Now the rogue planet that had been in battle with a moon is in a 3600 year orbit. This planet is where some of these ancient rulers had come from prior to coming to this realm.
Their planet was in a 3600 year orbital rotation around the sun, but it is also in another dimension. Sometimes it can be seen and other times it cannot be seen. Many have called it Nibiru.
However keeping the 360 as the template, these people were living for hundreds and hundreds of years, but in reality they were only as old as we are today. It is all an illusion or a perception of the program. Perception is a tricky beast.
“An illusion and perception?”
“This might not make sense, but your life is regulated by the time machine you are on. What might appear to be 900 years for one, is only 90 years for another based on its orbit of the sun.
And to each it would seem different, until they experience the other. Think about it this way, there are games you can play in this world that are based on computer programming.
Each game has their own internal clock. As you play the game being an interactive, time is relative to the game only. You could spend one hour playing the game, but the game clock may have revealed days, weeks or months went by, via that same hour.
Earth at that time did not have a moon. Its twin sister known today as Mars were so close it had a unique spatial relationship. However, its orbit was more elongated than the Martian orbit. Thus it took earth much more time to move around the sun, it also created a problem for the rogue planet which would get too close at certain orbital crossings due to the strange elongated orbit of the earth.
However when the earth was shoved out of its orbit, Mars also took a horrible beating in this galactic battle, as its one side looks like it had been blasted with a megalithic shot gun appearing much more like the Earth’s moon than a planet.
When earth ejected from its orbital path prior to finding its new home, it apparently absconded with a moon that was located around planet Nibiru. Now Nibiru was not a planet like other similar planets, in fact it was a ship, a very large ship.”
“Are you pulling my leg Chief, Nibiru is a ship?”
“All planets are ships in a sense, this is the dirty little secret no one wants you to know. Planets used to
be known by the ancients as gods that ruled in the heavens. Nibiru was described as a planet with wings, because it apparently was able maneuver on its own beyond its orbit which is today unique.
Thus the reason for this mega crash was because Nibiru got into a war with a local clan who had their moon/ships nearest to them, and Nibiru’s crew or what we may call citizens of a planet, damaged this battle cruiser and forced it out of its orbital station during the battle.
This badly damaged ship was steered into the orbit of the ancient earth, known as Tiamet the water planet. The crew could not control the ship as it was destined to ram earth.”
“How large was this ship/planet that hit the ancient earth?”
It was about three times larger than our moon. Now what is really interesting is the ship Nibiru has its origin from a secondary sun in the solar system, called Nemesis, which was the dual realm of the Sun God where the Diabolus as its polar identity came from before it burned out.”
“There are two suns in our solar system?”
“Yes, they rule as a polarity, one is positive and the other negative, or good and evil. It is the battery that controls the programming of the entire system. Nemesis is a brown dwarf what some would say is a dead sun, but it is not dead, it is the ground for the battery. It plays a pivotal role in this solar system.
Now a brown dwarf is a burned out star that appears as a super planet, or a small star. It can be as large as 15 times greater than the planet Jupiter. Nibiru in its vast 3600 year orbit is the only planet/ship that orbits both suns, as it is the caretaker of this entire solar system. One may call it the great watcher. Nibiru was the home of the dual identity of Sol Malum, who became the Luna Lunem, and known today as the Diabolus.
“Chief, where do these ship/planets come from?”
“First of all, you need to understand, there are two types of planetary ships, ones that are static and ones that maneuver around. They come from the suns and suns are not what you believe them to be. They are not what they appear, as great balls of fire, but instead they are doorways from one dimension unto another, they are like lamps that project light.
The moon/ship that earth captured was due to its crashing into the surface of earth and it just remained as part of the earth until both reached the new orbit and then the moon separated. Most of this ship was destroyed into millions of fragments. But here is the clincher. Earth didn’t capture the ship that was sent spiraling into space, the ship captured Earth.”
“Wait a minute chief, how can something that small capture the Earth, especially after it was blown apart”?
“Because of the vast technology these ships had. Even though this moon was destroyed in the battle, part of it escaped along with a certain group of occupants.
These moons all operated from an internal source, of what one may call the engine, or the bridge of the deck of the ship. The machine is the actual ship, the rest was the cover acting as in type like an atmosphere.
Atmosphere of planets are nothing more than energy shields to protect it from battle and debris as well as protect life on the surface. The actual ship inside is what escaped total destruction, while the outer planetary shell was destroyed.
In this case, most of the occupants were killed, and the bridge of the ship where it is commanded from, it remained, but was taken over by some of the crew of Nibiru, and this is where the Diabolus took over the fallen conquered ship, which has now become our moon, and the ship itself is now hidden in another dimension.
However as we have established already, what we see with our eyes is not the ship, which was attached to earth during the crash and then separated, but a three dimensional projected hologram. It is so lifelike, and so real in appearance it has many of the same qualities of the original moon before the war. We can even send rockets in the sky and land on this holographic moon the same as we can walk on earth.”
“How high up in the sky is the holographic version of the moon?”
“It is high enough and yet low enough to be able to block out the entire sun for 8 minutes, when it passes between earth and the sun. The projection is in our upper atmosphere.
This is why its light never loses its integrity, even shining through a light cloud cover, we will always see the round illuminated ball, and not the refraction of light we should be seeing given the distance we are told. This is why total eclipses are only seen from a very small swath pattern area location on earth as it passes.”
“Just a second, if this ship was as large as you claim and it rammed the ancient earth. How did anyone survive on earth? We are told asteroids are much smaller than this, and they say one of them could annihilate all life.”
“Nibiru had many moons, as they were base stations for the ship’s personnel, to build defense centers in their star-wars campaigns. Along the way they also had enemy ships stationed nearby.
The ship that crashed into the earth was an enemy ship and was disintegrated into billions of pieces, except for the part that attached itself with the earth and was brought into its new location.
The part that survived was an inner sanctum that was built inside the cavity of the planet ship, a massive cylindrical metal ship that was about 1/3rd the size of the original surface. Many of the occupants of this ship tried to flee into the main engine for safety before the destruction, however most all were lost, except the few that would later become prisoners.
When the ship was hit by a particle beam blaster, the outer parts were completely destroyed, leaving exposed the control ship that was untouched for the most part except for the large craters that were left on its metallic surface from the debris field, which was now locked inside the cavity of earth at the pacific basin. The outer shell was destroyed and it was sent as debris into space, some of the debris splattered against Mars.
The remainder of the debris became what is now called the asteroid belt. As for the survivors on earth there were none on the surface. Earth had to be restored using a new holographic projection and certain survivors that were from Mars were brought here to replenish the Earth.”
“It must have been a large ship. I am having trouble trying to recognize a planet as a ship. Planets are rocks, dirt, water, grass, trees and all sorts of mineral composites, whereas ships, we see as being metallic objects are able to fly through space and have none of these characteristics.”
“Think about it, don’t planets fly through space? And secondly, some of these moon satellites are in fact made of metal. Phobos for one is the moon of Mars. And of course Mimas, Saturn’s moon was a death star in the war. Now this is the difference. The regular ship planets as you described are usually stationary in an orbit.
This is because they are all holographic programs that are created by the sun. The ships that are metal are ships that are able to traverse the holographic solar system at will as watchers and controllers using vast integrated and massive technological knowhow, even mass weapons of destruction.”
“So earth is a hologram like the moon?”
“Yes and no, the difference is they are both stationary within their orbital patterns, however the real moon is a ship made of metal, but we do not see the real moon/ship that moon is another dimension.”
“How is it in another dimension? And why can’t planets move around also at will?”
“They used to be able to until Sol Malum created the law they must be fixed in the heavens. This way he has total control especially after the Great War. The reason the ship can move into another dimension is because this is part of their ability as watchers and controllers. They can maneuver through the 3rd and 4th dimensional at will, just like any alien spacecraft that we may call UFO’s.
It is imperative for you to comprehend one single fact, Earth is a time machine, as are all of the bodies in the solar system. They are all holographic projections of the sun, but some masses in the solar system are projections via certain alien ships, such as our holographic moon.”
“Wait you are losing me, planets are holographic p
rojections of the sun and also projections from ships?”
“Be patient, we will get into that. From your point of view, each planet operates on earth time, they are always there where you expect them to be based on the earthly chronographic clock and calendar via their orbital precession. Yet each planet operates in its own time, it is because of the illusion of the space time continuum that you think everything operates the same, but it doesn’t.
Thus none of the planets are actually there, they are only a holographic image being beamed from the sun through a projector that miraculously your telescope can pick up. Actually it is not as miraculous as you will later learn.”
“OK, let’s say a regular good ole Joe like myself has a strong telescope and I am looking at the moon. Which moon am I looking at, the one that is a holographic projection in the upper atmosphere, or the ship?”
“The ship is in another dimension, you can’t see that with any telescope unless it de-cloaks.”