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Daemons Are Forever

Page 6

by Suzy Shearer

  I cringed. “Don’t tell me you have that green icky stuff, too.”

  They both laughed and Maleos grinned at me and replied, “Actually, ours is golden in colour.”

  I figured at this point I would just keep my mouth shut.

  They both looked concerned. “What happened, Ellie?”

  “I was unloading the dishwasher, just after you went, when I heard a ‘pop’. That demon thingy just appeared. It scared the shit out of me and I’m sure I scared it. I don’t think it expected me to be there. I had a knife in my hand. We both just reacted without thinking. When it lashed out, I lashed out at the same time. It cut my arm and I cut it. It just looked at me stunned and then ‘popped’ out again.”

  Dorian shook his head.

  “It must’ve expected to find me. There is no way they would harm a mortal, they’d get into trouble from the Gods, it is against every law there is. It must have been mid-strike when it materialised. Unfortunately you were there and not me.”

  Maleos looked at Dorian. “We will have to report this, Dorian. This just isn’t done. There’ll be repercussions. They know she was hurt by a demon. We’ll have to report how it happened.”

  “Oh shit, don’t tell me I started a war because I cut a demon!”

  I started to hyperventilate. Dorian took me in his arms, trying to soothe me.

  “No baby, the other way around. Demons are not supposed to harm a human physically. Remember I told you, they can torment and torture through nightmares and the like but they must never physically harm one.”

  “But it was an accident!”

  “Maybe, but the fact remains, if we hadn’t come immediately, you would have died without the god’s intervention. The gods don’t take breaking their laws lightly.”

  I just shook my head. I honestly didn’t want to know.

  “It doesn’t matter, it was an accident ,and I don’t blame it. Can I get up? I’m a bit hungry. What time is it?”

  They exchanged looks.

  “It is four thirty.”

  “No wonder I’m hungry, I missed breakfast and lunch.”

  “Um…that was four days ago. You have missed a few more.”

  “What? Four days! I’ve been asleep for four days?”

  “Well, for two and a half days you tended to be screaming, swearing at Gods and trying to disembowel them. But once they removed the poison, yes, asleep.”

  “Do you really have to keep reminding me?” I glared at Dorian.

  Maleos burst out laughing, so I glared at him, too.

  “Seems you are as bad as Dorian. The two of you are never going to let me forget this, are you?”

  They both shook their heads.

  Great, just great!

  With as much dignity as I could muster, I said, “Kindly leave the room. I intend to shower and get dressed.” They both turned to leave when I remembered my arm had a bandage thing on it. “Dorian what about my arm? Do I have to keep it dry or what?”

  “No, it will be fine now. When you shower, the water will wash the dressing away.”

  “Cool.” I grinned.

  He blew me a kiss and they walked out.

  That shower was perfect. I marvelled at the way the bandage just dissolved. I studied my arm. There was a very faint red line. It still felt a little tight, but I guessed it would loosen up as I used it. It was amazing to think in just four days an ugly cut had healed. I sent a silent prayer up to all those Gods. I couldn’t remember their names except Gaia, but she seemed to be the mother of them all, so I directed it to her.

  I have to admit I was rather glad that I was a greenie. Maybe that is why she helped me. My house had solar energy, solar hot water. I lived off the grid as it were. I tried to adopt the “reuse, reduce, recycle” philosophy. My house was surrounded by trees. I just hope I could keep in her good graces. I promised her I would try and recycle even more.

  Chapter Ten

  I felt much better after the shower and walked out to find the boys had made me pancakes covered in maple syrup and butter, and fresh coffee.

  “Wow, who’s the cook?”

  “Actually, Maleos made the pancakes, he is better at them than me, but I can cook, too.”

  “Gee Maleos, we’ll have to find a cutie for you. Should be easy once they know how well you cook.”

  Maleos blushed but looked interested in the idea.

  “Thanks, Ellie. Anyway, I have to go back now.” He looked at Dorian. “Tomorrow we have to report what happened, don’t forget.”

  “I won’t. See you then, my friend.”

  Maleos kissed both my cheeks and with a “pop” disappeared.

  “That is so weird. I guess after a while you get used to it.”

  Dorian and I sat and finished eating. Those pancakes were delicious. Once we had and cleaned up, we sat together in the living room, Dorian’s arm around me.

  “I was so frightened when I saw you lying there. All the blood, and knowing a demon had hurt you.”

  I could feel the tension in his body as he spoke. I looked up to his face, his eyes were shimmering with unshed tears. I reached up and touched his face.

  “It is over now. Thanks to Gaia, and you, too, I’m okay.”

  He put his forehead on mine. “She is the most beautiful of all and I will thank her every day for eternity.”

  We sat together, just appreciating the closeness of each other and taking comfort from it. It had really shaken Dorian, and to be honest, it had scared the shit out of me, too.

  Around nine Dorian suggested going to bed. I was tired, I guess it was all catching up to me.

  Funny how quickly I had gotten used to having him around. A few days and yet it seemed like I had known him forever. I know I would definitely miss him if he wasn’t here. Mind you, I am not using the L word, just the l word—”like.” Mmm really like, a lot.

  We wandered into the bedroom arm-in-arm. This was a different Dorian, this Dorian was vulnerable and unsure of himself. In a way, I liked him this way. The Dorian immortal was so confident that it scared me a little. I guess this Dorian was more human.

  When we were in bed, this Dorian held me gently, like a piece of rare china. His kisses were soft and magical but it wasn’t long before the old Dorian took over. The kisses got more demanding, more arousing, and I reacted as if he had pushed a button.

  He stripped me off quickly and leant back on his heels to look.

  “I know I will never tire of looking at you, you are my all.”

  I smiled up at him. “Take off your clothes.”

  He raised an eyebrow but did as I asked.

  “I have a favourite number that we need to explore.”

  Dorian looked puzzled until I snickered and said, “Sixty-nine.” Before the words were out of my mouth, he had turned around.

  At last I was determined I would get that taste I had been craving.

  We wiggled into positions until both of us were comfortable. Dorian’s hands were exploring my neither regions, so I reciprocated.

  I drew a quick breath when I felt his tongue run across my slit. I just hope I would be able to concentrate on the job at hand, so to speak.

  I leant forward and ran my tongue across his cock and his balls. This time I intended to do all I wanted, so I sucked one ball into my mouth and felt him still for a minute as I rolled it around before slipping it out and doing the same to the other.

  I could feel Dorian’s mouth doing amazing things with my clit, so I took his hard cock into my mouth and proceeded to suck and lick it, my hands massaging his balls and the base of his thick shaft.

  The more I sucked and hummed, the more he returned the favour. We were both so close to coming, but both of us would hold back each time we felt the other tense. I was so close. Dorian had pushed a finger into my pussy while he was sucking and rolling my clit. I doubted I could hang off much longer.

  He must have known, because he doubled his efforts and I could not resist. I almost gagged as he thrust his dick deep into my m
outh, but at the same time, I came and screamed around it. That was enough to send Dorian over and finally I felt him fill my throat with his delicious salty juices as he shouted and moaned my name.

  While I sucked and drank, he continued to fuck my pussy with his fingers until I felt another orgasm build up then erupt. My muscles grabbed his fingers and held them hard. His flaccid cock slipped from my mouth as I yelled, the orgasm feeling like it started at my toes and rolled all the way to my head. I threw back my head and let it engulf me.

  Dorian reversed and climbed up the bed to lie beside me, my panting matching his.

  He took my hand and kissed my fingers. I have no idea how long we lay there, but I do know it was relaxing and perfect.

  I got up and used the bathroom, then came back. Dorian held out his arms and I climbed back where I belonged. He grabbed the covers and pulled them over us before kissing me.

  “I love you baby. Forever.”

  I kissed him back and snuggled in, then dropped off to sleep.

  * * * *

  “Now this time, while I am gone, try to stay out of trouble. No stabbing, no bleeding. Understand?”

  I gave him a salute, “Aye Aye, Captain.”

  “Naughty girl. We may have to look at suitable punishments for you. I seem to remember you sticking out your tongue at me the other day, and now sarcasm. Yes, definitely have to look at it.”

  I looked away. I didn’t want him to know how the idea excited me but, of course, I had forgotten he could read me like a book. He just leered at me and swept me into his arms.

  “We’ll explore this later. Try and miss me, baby.”

  With that, he kissed me then vanished with the usual “pop.” It was almost eleven. We had slept late then had a leisurely breakfast, I really should have made a start on the wall hanging but I really wasn’t in the mood and I had plenty of time, still over three weeks. I wandered into the studio and fiddled around for a while.

  I did find a large unopened packet of peanut M&Ms, so decided I would have a coffee and them, then get stuck into work. Walking back into the kitchen, I dropped a pod into the machine, frothed up some milk, and made myself a latte.

  Sitting down, I opened the M&Ms, then proceeded to sort them into colours. I had just finished when I heard a muted “pop.” Looking around hesitantly, I noticed nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe it was a car driving past, or else maybe I was paranoid.

  I was about to go back to my sorting when I heard a noise in the pantry. Now either I had very large mice or else someone or something was in there. I stood, picked up a knife off the wall rack, and gingerly opened the pantry door.


  I jumped back. Another demon!

  “No, no,” it squeaked, its little hands, claws, whatever, held out. I stepped back a little, the knife still at the ready.

  “I is sorry, Missus. I come to say sorry.”

  I blinked in amazement and moved back a little more. The little demon came out of the pantry.

  “I no mean to hurt Missus. Thought it was the big man. Sorry, sorry.”

  “Let me get this right. You came to attack Dorian but got me by mistake and now you want to say sorry?”

  A big grin came over its face. Man, was that weird!

  It nodded its head frantically. “Yes, Missus! Yes! I is sorry.”

  “Okay.” It seemed genuinely sorry about what had happen. “Well I accept your apology, and I’m very sorry I hurt you, too. But you really should look who you are stabbing before you do.”

  “Yes Missus, I will. I is not a very good demon yet.”

  “Oh. Um…have you attacked a lot of Daemons, then?”

  The little demon looked down at the floor, except for the fact it was green, I could have sworn it blushed.

  “Technically, Missus?”

  I groaned. Great, another technicality. What is it with these immortals?

  “Yes please.”


  “None? You haven’t killed or cut or maimed one immortal?”

  “No, Missus. I get scared. That’s why I thought if I came out and got the big man I would make him bleed.”

  Great! I end up with a scared demon.

  “So why bother? Why not just do something else? Why try and hurt immortals?”

  “Is what we does.”

  Except you, I thought.

  “Are you only a baby demon or something?”

  He drew himself up to his full height of around three quarters of a metre.

  “I is nine hundred and seventy, Missus, I is not a baby.” He sounded insulted by the idea of me thinking he was still a baby.

  “I’m sorry.” I was curious now, “So for over nine hundred years, you haven’t hurt one immortal?”

  I was finding this a really strange conversation. For some reason I was feeling sorry for the little guy.

  He shook his head and admitted softly, “No.”

  “Oh well, maybe next time.”

  He looked a little brighter, then looked around the kitchen, spying the M&Ms spread out.

  “What Missus be doing?”

  I walked back and sat down. “Sorting them into colours.”

  The little fellow jumped up on the counter and sat down.


  “I like eating the green ones last, so I sort them out.”

  “Does they taste different?”

  “Not, sure really, it is just something I do. Do you want to try some?”

  I held out a few different coloured ones. The demon took them and sniffed at them.

  He ate a red one, then a brown.

  “Brown is good.”

  The two of us sat there eating M&Ms and discussing the tastes of each colours. It was rather surreal, but I was actually enjoying myself.

  “Do you have a name?”

  “Yes, Missus.”

  I waited. Obviously I needed to ask him what it was. I giggled to myself.

  “My name is Ellie, what is yours?”

  “Missus Ellie? Me is Krisk.”

  “Just Ellie. Hello, Krisk.”

  “Hello, Missus Just Ellie.”

  “No, just call me Ellie.”

  His eyes widened, “Me can call you Ellie?”

  He looked around furtively as if someone would smack his hand for daring to call me by my name.

  “Yes, Krisk.”

  He gave a big toothy grin, which was actually a little scary considering he had a mouthful of very pointed teeth. It was very like a shark grinning at you before it bit. He nodded his head.

  “Is good, Ellie.”

  We sat and finished off the M&Ms, I was about to see what else I could find to eat when Krisk gave a little mewl.

  “Big man is coming, Krisk go.”

  “You can stay, Krisk. I’ll tell Dorian not to hurt you.”

  “No, must go. Me come back?”

  “Yes, Krisk, you can come back if you want to.”

  “Krisk want to.”

  With that, there was a double “pop”—Krisk left and Dorian appeared.

  Chapter Eleven

  Dorian wrapped his arms around me and kissed me soundly.

  “Did you miss me?”

  I grinned up at him. “No, of course not.”

  He quirked an eyebrow. “Why don’t I believe you?”

  I just giggled. I wondered what he would say if I told him about my demon visitor.

  “What demon?”

  He held me in front of him.

  Shit, fuck, bum! I forgot he had said immortals could read what I was thinking.

  “Um…just say there was a demon and just say it was really sorry it hurt me. Oh and just say it has never hurt anything in its entire nine hundred and seventy years of life. Just say…um…well…”

  Dorian’s eyes glowed red!

  They did. I saw it!

  He roared at me. Me!

  “A demon!” He shook me a little. “You spoke with a fucking demon? Here, a demon!”


  His hands gripping my shoulders were rather hard and it was starting to hurt. I wasn’t game enough to say anything because he was so angry.

  “Don’t be clever!” He looked around the room. “Where is it?”

  “It left when it knew you were coming.”

  “I leave you alone for an hour and you have a fucking demon here!”

  “It wasn’t like I asked it to come. It just came.”

  “Why didn’t you call for help? Surely, after what happened, you must realise it could kill you.”

  “Krisk wouldn’t do that.”


  I slammed my hand across my mouth. Why did I say that? I thought Dorian was roaring before, now the house was shaking.

  “A name? You called it by its fucking name?”

  “Um…well we were eating M&Ms, talking about colours, and it just seemed weird not to know what its name was.”

  He let go of me and grabbed his head with both hands. He glared at me, dropped his hands and started pacing up and down. He would stop, open his mouth as if to speak, then shake his head and start pacing again. I think if I had spoken at that point he would have killed me just to prove a point.

  Suddenly there was another “pop” and Maleos appeared. He looked from me to Dorian.

  “What is going on? We can hear you yelling from up there.”

  Dorian pointed at me, “She…it…they…argh.” He threw his hands in the air and returned to pacing and staring at me.

  Maleos looked confused. He turned to me. I was looking suitably chastened, I think.

  “What happened, Ellie?”

  “Well, this demon just happened to come to say sorry it hurt me.”

  At that Dorian growled as he walked past me.

  Yes, it was a definite growl! Just like a big angry bear!

  “We were eating M&Ms and then, well, Dorian came and it left.”

  Maleos looked at me in amazement.

  “Let me get this clear. You and a demon were eating M&Ms?”

  I shrugged my shoulders.

  “Krisk and I were discussing the tastes of each colour,” I whispered.

  Maleos started laughing. Dorian glared at him, as well as me.

  “You think this is fucking funny?”


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