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Daemons Are Forever

Page 7

by Suzy Shearer

  “Only your woman would make friends with the demon that almost killed her. Yes, I think it is funny.”

  “It isn’t as if Krisk has ever harmed an immortal or mortal, well except me, and he feels terrible about what happened. He won’t ever do it again.”

  At that, Maleos doubled over with laughter. He grabbed the nearest chair and sank into it. Each time he would look at me, he would start again. Now I didn’t think it was that funny, but I must admit I was trying not to laugh as well.

  “You’re both insane! We are talking about a fucking demon!” Dorian came to stand a few inches in front of me. “The fucking demon, need I remind you, that almost killed you, Eliza!”

  Wow, my full name, he was definitely angry.

  “But he didn’t and he didn’t mean to. It was an accident.”

  “I swear I will kill you, Eliza, if a fucking demon doesn’t!”

  I tried to look sorry but with Maleos alongside me almost in hysterics, it was damn hard. Dorian resumed his pacing. He stopped in front of a laughing Maleos and glared at him.

  “Get out, Maleos! Go home!”

  Maleos stood. He was still snickering. He kissed both my cheeks and disappeared.

  Dorian stopped his pacing and looked at me, his eyes still red. The giggle in my throat subsided. I started shaking.

  “Honestly Eliza, I thought you had more fucking sense. Of all the stupid dumb things to do, this takes the cake. I can’t believe you’d be so fucking silly!”

  Okay, maybe I was crazy, maybe I was thinking wrong, but suddenly I was angry.

  “Krisk had no intention of hurting me. He was more scared of me than I was of him. As a demon he is a pussy cat.”

  “Fucking hell Eliza! You have no idea what you are talking about. He is a demon for fuck’s sake! A demon!”

  “You know what? Maybe I don’t know what I am talking about, but at least I don’t assume something is bad just because it is a demon. You know what that is? It…it’s racial prejudice!”

  I turned away from him. I was so angry. Maybe I was wrong but I didn’t think so. Krisk may have looked scary, but he wasn’t.

  “Don’t be so fucking stupid, Eliza. We aren’t talking about black and white or two different races.” I turned back to face him as he continued. “We are talking about demons. They are so fucking dangerous.”

  He put his hands on my shoulders. “You will listen to me and do what I tell you. From now on, you will not have anything to do with this demon or any other, unless it is to kill one. If one appears, you will call me or Maleos and we will kill it.”

  That did it. No one told me what I should do. His eyes might have been blazing red, but at that moment I saw red! I was furious. I shrugged off his hands.

  “Get out ,Dorian! Leave and don’t bother coming back!”

  “Stop it, Eliza. You’re really being fucking juvenile now. Just because I know better than you. You will obey me on this, Eliza.”

  Oh wow! That was it, the final straw.

  “This is my home. Don’t you dare tell me what I will do or won’t do! What I want is you out! Go back to wherever, and don’t come back until you get over your prejudice and when you can understand that nobody tells me what to do. Go. Now!”

  He looked at me in anger and roared, “Fine!” and disappeared.

  I sank to the ground in tears. What had I done?

  No, I was right.

  Dorian had to understand that I was my own person. I could make my own decisions. If I made mistakes, at least they were my own. I had lived this long without him and would live the rest of my life the same way. He just could not see the forest for the trees—I knew Krisk would never harm me.

  I just hope he would realise it quickly and come back.

  However, why did it feel like my heart was torn in two?

  Chapter Twelve

  I sat on the floor for a while, then, when the crying stopped, got up and washed my face. If this meant I would never see Dorian again then I had to live with that. But he had to realise he could not dictate what I could or could not do. I was an independent woman. Somehow, he would just have to accept it. I knew Krisk would never hurt me, maybe other demons would, but Krisk? Never.

  I figured I should do some work, what else could I do? Sit around and hope Dorian would come back? I had a feeling that might be a long wait. He had been really angry.

  I was about to move when I heard a “pop.” Those things were starting to annoy me.

  I turned around, expecting to see either Krisk or Maleos, certainly not Dorian this quick. Instead, it was a stranger. He was around six foot, dark hair, dark eyes. Something about him was shifty even though he was attractive.

  “My name is Theos and you must stand before Dikaiosyne.”


  “You must answer the questions of Dikaiosyne, she is the Goddess of Human Justice and Righteousness.”


  “You hold the fate of the demon Krisk in your hands.”

  “Oh, okay. So when do we go?”

  Boy was that a dumb question!

  He took my upper arm in his hand. I felt a yank somewhere around my navel and the next thing I was in this really large room, marble columns around the sides and nothing much else.

  “Whoa! Can you give me a little warning next time?”

  Theos just looked at me, I don’t think he was a fun type guy. He pointed at some spot in the room that looked exactly the same as every other part, but I walked to it and stood waiting.

  Six people entered. Three women and three men. Theos went to stand alongside them.

  “Miss Walters you were harmed by a demon. It is against all divine law that a demon physically harm a mortal. I am Horkos, Spirit of Oaths.” She bowed her head slightly to one of the male Gods. “I speak for Helios, God of the Sun and Guardian of Oaths.”

  I was really nervous, my idea of Greek Gods and Goddesses was that they were the stuff of myths, yet I was standing in front of some of them and they looked anything but mythical. Instead, they looked imposing, beautiful, and kind of scary. I just hope none of these were the ones I had insulted when I was last here.

  “I am Dike, Goddess of Justice and Fair Judgement, and will decide when the demon will be executed.”

  Whoa! What happened to innocent before proven guilty? A trial?

  “Executed? Hang on a minute. I thought this was some sort of trial?”

  “I am Dikaiosyne, the spirit of Justice and Righteousness.” Dikaiosyne looked down at me. “You are here merely to see justice prevail. If you wish compensation for your pain that can be arranged.”

  “I don’t want compensation! And I certainly don’t want Krisk killed! He didn’t mean to hurt me, it was an accident. I hurt him, too.”

  Dikaiosyne looked a little confused at my statement.

  “This demon almost killed you. Without our intervention you would have died.”

  “I know that and I appreciate it. Look, back on earth we don’t punish people because of an accident. Krisk has apologised and I said sorry to him. We’re cool. We ate M&Ms and we’re friends now.”

  The seven people in front of me looked shocked.

  “You are friends with this demon?” marvelled Dike.

  “Well, yes. I mean we both apologised and we ate together, swapped names and talked, so I guess you could say that.”

  Dike, Dikaiosyne, and Horkos started talking amongst themselves, occasionally looking over at me. I was feeling very self-conscious. They broke apart and Dikaiosyne stepped forward.

  “You wish this demon spared?”

  “Yes, I don’t want Krisk killed. That’s not how we do things on Earth.”

  The other spirit, Horkos, spoke. “He has broken an oath and should be still punished.”

  I tried to think fast, then I had a weird idea.

  “Why don’t you forbid him from harming immortals and Daemons?”

  Horkos looked surprised but interested. She whispered to Dike and Dikaiosyne, who n

  “If we save the life of this demon and ban it from harming another mortal or any immortal for you, then you must make a decision.”

  Oh oh, this didn’t sound good. Something told me I was not going to be happy with what I was about to hear.

  “You must decide. If we allow this demon to live there is a price to pay.”

  “Okay. I’ll pay it as long as it isn’t too expensive, I don’t have a lot of money. Like I said, no one should be punished for an accident that they admit to.”

  “It is not money with which you will pay,” Horkos replied. “You have not heard our terms.”

  I stood quietly and watched as Dikaiosyne drew a breath and stepped toward me.

  “Choose—the demon called Krisk lives and you do not see the immortal Dorian again, or Krisk dies and Dorian returns to you.”

  “What!” I shook my head, “No! No! That isn’t fair!”

  “That is your choice, there is no other. Choose.”

  I stood there in shock. I couldn’t let Krisk die, but to lose any chance of being with Dorian was heartbreaking. I know we had fought, but every couple does. I was getting so used to having him in my life. The “L” word was hovering around.

  Tears starting falling. I knew I had no choice which way to go. I couldn’t let Krisk die because of an accident but my Daemon, to lose my Daemon.

  “Krisk lives,” I whispered in agony through my tears.

  One of the male Gods spoke angrily. “This is madness, Dike!”

  “Be quiet, Anteros, I warned you before you came that you would not like the decisions we would make this day.”

  I had sunk to the ground, sobs racking my body.

  “You are ruining the happiness of two people who love each other!”

  “Take it up with your mother, then.” Dike turned away from Anteros.

  “Bring in the prisoner!” Dikaiosyne called.

  Through my tears, I saw Krisk. He was shaking and looking back and forth in fear. He saw me and ran to my side.

  “Missus! What is they doing to Missus?”

  “Silence!” Horkos’s voice rang out. “Demon Krisk, punishment for your crime has been decided. From this moment on you are forbidden from harming any mortal, immortal, or Daemon in any way—physically or mentally.”

  Krisk gave a start, I knew he would be happy because he did not want to harm anyone, this was not punishment but a way out for him.

  “Do you have anything to say?”

  Bravely, Krisk looked at the Gods. “Why Missus Ellie crying?”

  “Because she chose your life over her life with the Daemon Dorian,” Anteros shouted angrily.

  Krisk looked at me in wonder.

  “Why Ellie do that?”

  Through my sobs I told him that what he had done was an accident and he had apologised. I could not allow him to be killed for that.

  “Missus give up life with big man for Krisk?”

  I just nodded, I could not talk anymore. I wanted to go home, curl up, and cry forever.

  Krisk ran toward the others, “Kill Krisk! No make Missus so sad!”


  Dike‘s voice rang out and Krisk came to a sudden halt.

  “The decision is made. It cannot be unmade.”

  Krisk looked as if he may speak again, but at the looks from Dike, Dikaiosyne, and Horkos, he swallowed and looked at the ground.

  “This court is over!” Theos called out.

  Krisk came back to me, “I is sorry Missus. Better they killed me than you not see big man.”

  “It’s okay, Krisk. Go now and be safe. Go quickly, before they change their mind.”

  Krisk nodded and disappeared. I climbed to my feet, wondering what I was supposed to do. Anteros, Dikaiosyne, and Horkos were arguing. I looked around for Theos but could not see him, instead I saw Dorian.

  He just looked at me. My heart was shattering into dozens of pieces as he looked. I went to go to him but Theos appeared suddenly and drew me back.

  “Please, please let me say good-bye to him. Please!”

  Theos looked at the others still arguing and grudgingly nodded his head. “One minute.”

  I ran to Dorian.

  “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to send you away. I didn’t want to choose Krisk over you.”

  I was sobbing trying to get it all out. Dorian took my hands and pulled me into his arms.

  “Hush, I know. I was wrong.”

  “Dorian, what will I do? I don’t want to live without seeing you.”

  “I know. I can’t bear to lose you, Ellie. Baby, I love you.”

  He kissed me with all the passion and love I had come to know, I returned it.

  I felt Theos grabbed my arm and try to pull us apart.

  “No!” I screamed as he dragged me from Dorian, “No!”

  Dorian’s hands slipped from mine as I was pulled further back from him.

  “Leave her alone, Theos!”

  Theos just grinned at Dorian and tried to drag me backward. Dorian grabbed me again. The others turned to watch my agony.

  “See! See what you have done!” Anteros objected, “You fools!” He turned on his heels and walked away.

  Dikaiosyne looked at me and I saw compassion in her eyes as Theos finally tore me from Dorian’s grip. I could hear Dorian shouting in protest to the others as I felt the tugging at my navel again and we were back in my living room.

  Theos nodded his head and vanished.

  I stood there. My whole world had just been ripped apart, my heart was in so many pieces. I fell to the floor and howled inconsolably.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I have no idea how long I lay on the floor sobbing, but in the end I realised it was not going to change anything. I got to my feet and just stood again. I felt like shit.

  I went into the bathroom, stripped off, and stood under the shower. The water had a soothing effect and I just let it wash away some of the acute pain I was feeling. After about fifteen minutes, I got out and dressed.

  I wandered around aimlessly until I finally sat on a couch in the living room.

  It was crazy, really. I mean, I had known Dorian for only a couple of days. Not long enough for me to fall in love, but the man had wormed his way into my now-broken heart. I just hoped it would be as easy for me to forget him as it was to like him. Maybe I needed to put another request out to the Universe to make me forget him.

  I moped around the house for the rest of the day, completely given over to feeling sorry for myself and almost enjoying my pity-party, except I knew when it was over I would still feel the same.

  By nine thirty, I was drained, so I took myself to bed, and even that was horrid. A pillow smelt of Dorian and I remembered what we had been doing in there last night. I was so damn close to begging the Universe to making me forget, but I could not do it. Better to have my sweet memory of him than none at all.

  * * * *

  The next morning, after tossing and turning most of the night, I decided I needed to get stuck into the wall hanging, I had already lost a few days when I was injured. Maybe it would take my mind off my sorrow. My intention was to throw myself so deep into work, my mind would have no chance of thinking.

  I unlocked and walked into the workroom. Fortunately, the pattern was all drawn up so all I had to do was cut the fabric out, put it together, quilt it, and then embellish it. Yeah, a few hours’ work—not! Still, it would keep me occupied for the next few of weeks.

  I had been working steadily for a few hours when I heard the usual “pop,” for a moment my heart skipped a beat and I thought, Dorian, but in walked Krisk.

  He looked a little sheepish as he greeted me, “Hello, Missus Ellie.”

  “Hi Krisk, and it’s just Ellie remember.”

  “Krisk thought Ellie may not want to see him.”

  “Krisk, it is okay. None of this is your fault. If you want to blame someone, blame the Gods for making me choose.”

  Krisk looked around as if I had said somet
hing very sacrilegious and would be punished, but when there was no crash of thunder, he jumped up on the workbench and sat down.

  “So are you enjoying not having to kill Daemons?”

  He grinned at me, “Is very good, Krisk is a happy demon, except he is not having anywhere to live.”

  “Why not?”

  “The demon Krisk living with not nice and he tell me if I no killing immortals I can live somewhere else.”

  “Oh, that is mean. So where can you live?”

  “Me not know. Most demons keep away from Krisk now.”

  “You can live in my old studio if you want until you find somewhere else.”

  “Krisk? Live here?”

  “Well, it isn’t really exciting, it is an old garage that I converted to a studio years ago before I could afford to build this one. However, it is clean and dry, it has some old furniture in there. I think there are a few cupboards, an old couch and a daybed.”

  Krisk looked as if I had given him the keys to a huge castle. I stood up.

  “Come on, let’s go look.”

  He followed me down the hall and out into the backyard. The garage was old but it was watertight and in good condition still. I opened the door and we walked in.

  “Krisk can really live in here?”

  “Well, it isn’t all that palatial, but it is clean and dry. There is running water, although I have no idea what demons do for food and bathing.”

  “We does make our food like this.”

  He waved his hands and a horrid smelling glob of something appeared.

  “Mmm…okay, well you keep that. There is an old fridge that works in the corner, but I don’t suppose you will use it. You can plug it in if you want.”

  I opened one of the cupboards. I had stored some old blankets and clothes in it. Luckily, the moths had not gotten into anything, so I told Krisk he was welcome to use them. If demons cry, Krisk certainly looked like it. His eyes looked all shiny as he looked up at me.

  “Missus Ellie is so kind. I thanks you.”

  “That’s okay, Krisk. I’ll leave you to get sorted out. I have to get back to my work.”

  He grabbed my hand as I went to leave and planted a very wet, slimy kiss on it.


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