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Daemons Are Forever

Page 10

by Suzy Shearer

  Asclepius had nodded. “Yes, my Lord.” And then he laid his hands above my chest.

  “It was breathtaking, Ellie. A bright golden light suffused your whole body, and the bloody clothing and pools of blood that were about you just disappeared. In their place was the soft white gown. As we watched, the horrific wounds began to close, and over the next few hours, they disappeared as your body healed and transformed.”

  Maleos told me that Dorian said I looked more beautiful than Dorian could ever imagine.

  “The lines of pain on your face began to smooth away slowly as your body became immortal. At last, it was no longer necessary to hold you in stasis. It was removed, and you were then sleeping. We all watched as Dorian looked up at Asclepius, unable to hide his joy. His tears were pouring unchecked from his eyes as he bowed and said, ‘Thank you, my Lord.’”

  Apparently, Maleos thought an unspoken communication passed between Zeus and his brother Hades because Zeus had looked at his brother, then Hades nodded.

  Zeus’s voice rang out as he had declared to all, “Any place that this immortal woman owns is now neutral territory! No blood shall ever be spilt wherever she calls her land on this Earth, and none shall be attacked while in her presence! Daemon and demons alike shall be welcomed as friend, this woman is named as friend to the Gods and given our protection!”

  When Maleos told me what Zeus had announced, I could not believe it at first. Krisk was grinning like a maniac, as usual, his pointy teeth making his shark-like grin. He was nodding in agreement.

  “Is true, Ellie. You is special!”

  I was overcome with happiness. However, it was short-lived as Maleos told me that Dorian had fallen to his knees, his tears raining upon the ground in happiness only to have Zeus point at him and order him to return to Mount Olympus.

  “He stood and bent his head and kissed your lips. Then he bowed to Hades and Asclepius, then bowed very low to Zeus before he vanished.”

  My hand went to my mouth as I wondered what would happen to him now that Zeus had ordered his return. He had disobeyed the Gods by coming to my aid. I hoped they would not punish him harshly.

  “Me was worried Missus. A kitten curled around Big Lord Zeus’s legs, purring.”

  Maleos laughed, “Zeus then looked around in puzzlement and asked, ‘Why are there so many cats here?’”

  Maleos described how a few more cats had snuck in while everyone was distracted.

  “That was when I got sent home.”

  Krisk spoke up. “My Lord nudged me and said, ‘They seem to have a liking for demons and Gods, brother. Go back outside, take them with you.’ So I did.”

  Krisk had hesitantly got to his knees and, kow-towing, he had crawled from the room. When he reached the door and looked back, the Gods were trying to hide their smiles as the cats and kittens followed him, some playing with his tail as he crawled.

  “Me felt very bad.”

  He saw Zeus looked around the room and then walked into my workroom. He said he was studying my work, feeling the fabrics before returning to the others. Krisk had stayed outside, listening. His Lord had only told him to go outside so he thought he would be safe.

  The Gods had talked about me and also about Krisk.

  “This woman has certainly shaken things up. Make sure you warn your minions that there are to be no more attacks on her.”

  “I think after my dispatching of Tzitzim and Focola, there will be no further problem.”

  Krisk thought Hades sounded thoughtful when he said, “The demon Krisk is interesting. He stood up to two Daemons to protect this woman. By putting her in stasis, his quick thinking saved her.”

  When Krisk told us this part of the conversation, he definitely blushed. I looked over his head and grinned at Maleos as Krisk told us what Zeus had said next.

  “She certainly commands loyalty. She is honourable, a rarity these days. She treats all equally. Even some of the lesser Gods find they like being in her company. She has shaken things up a little.”

  Krisk had risked a glance inside and saw Zeus look over at where I lay before he said, “She should sleep for another twenty or twenty-four hours, before the transformation is complete. Once she wakes, I will assign a Daemon, I think her friend Maleos, to instruct her and answer her many questions. Someone will need to be on hand to inform us when she does wake. Perhaps the demon who is lurking outside could watch over her and alert us when she is waking.”

  Hades had laughed. “He would get great enjoyment from that.”

  The brothers had nodded to each other, then Zeus and Anteros left. Hades then stood and called Krisk, who had rushed inside, bowing.

  “Krisk,” my Lord said, “you will stand watch over this woman. When she begins waking, you must alert the Lord Zeus.”


  “He wanted me to speak with the mighty Lord Zeus!” It came out as a high-pitched squeak, “Missus Ellie, I be very frightened. I be frightened of my Lord but of the mighty God Zeus—oh Ellie, I be petrified!”

  I had to laugh when he told us. I could imagine how he would feel. I was terrified because I had insulted and threatened a lesser God. I could not even imagine meeting Zeus!

  “I be very happy when my Lord say, ‘…on second thoughts, you will inform me and I shall tell my brother.’”

  I must admit, he did look very relieved when he repeated the words. His fear of Zeus was much greater than his fear of his Lord, Hades.

  His Lord had reminded him, “Remember, as soon as she shows signs of waking,” and Krisk had promised as Hades vanished.

  Krisk told me he had walked over to me and jumped onto the table alongside me.

  “Krisk promised he would guard Ellie. I watched as you slept, Krisk kept watch. Like this, me did, Ellie.”

  Krisk jumped up and perched on the table as if he were a little gargoyle, and did not move for a few moments. He told me he sat through the long hours waiting, still as the statue he imitated.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Krisk told me his long vigil ended just over twenty-two hours later when he heard a change in my breathing, indicating I was waking from my enforced sleep.

  “Master! Master, she wakes!”

  He had called Hades softly. And the Goddess Aceso appeared suddenly, along with Maleos. Krisk had hopped off the table and bowed low to the Goddess, and gave a very shy grin to Maleos. Aceso held her hand on my chest and concentrated. She smiled and turned to Maleos and Krisk.

  “She is healed, the wounds have all healed. There is no damage left.”

  Maleos said he had nodded in relief and given the Goddess a light bow.

  “The Goddess then told me, ‘Zeus has asked that you explain all that has happened to her, Maleos. He understands that you are a friend and felt it best to come from you. It will be a shock for her to learn of her immortality. You are to teach her all the things she will need to learn and understand now.’”

  “I told her I understood and said, ‘Thank you, my Lady.’ Krisk and I bowed low as she left.”

  I was still finding it difficult to comprehend all that had occurred. It was still a jumble in my mind. I needed to get it all sorted out.

  “So let me see if I have this right. I was kind of almost dead. Adrian wasn’t really Adrian but two demons who didn’t like me. They got inside him somehow, made him attack me, and filled me with poison. The God of the Underworld turned up, his wife and Asc…Asclepius saved me, but they had to make me immortal because I was dead sort of. I mean I was dead but I was in some sort of suspended animation.”

  “Technically, yes,” Maleos answered and Krisk nodded his agreement.

  “Ggrr, will you guys stop with the ‘technically’ business!”

  They both just grinned at me. I shook my head.

  “How come when Krisk cut me, they saved me and didn’t have to make me immortal?”

  “When Krisk cut you, only a small amount of poison was in your bloodstream. Still, it took four days before all the poison was remove
d. This time there was a lot, because of the amount of times you were stabbed. Each stab injected more, plus technically you were dead.”

  I sobered at the thought of all those stab wounds.

  “How long has it been this time?”

  “Just over a day.”

  I was puzzled. “If it took four days last time and I only had a little poison, how come it only took a day this time?”

  “Because your body was put into stasis. Little Krisk here actually saved you by doing that. Ellie, remember you were technically dead. When Persephone gave her tears, they immediately set to work to destroy the poison. Still, it was touch and go whether it would work while your body was still mortal and dead. You could not be made immortal while the poison was in you. You could be made immortal even if you were dead, but not if you body still contained poison.”

  I ran my hands through my hair. I was so confused by everything they were telling me. I think I was suffering from information overload.

  “So what happens now? I mean, what happens to me?”

  “That is for you to decide. You are now immortal. You can choose to live however you want, wherever you want. Remember Zeus has declared anywhere you own as neutral territory, and you are protected by that decree also. In fact, anyone who is in your presence is protected.”

  Well that was the good news—I was no longer going to be on the demon’s hit list.

  I started to cry. Maleos swapped seats, sat beside me, and put his arm around me. Krisk had jumped off the table and was on my other side. He took my hand.

  “I know this is a lot to take in, Ellie,” Maleos admitted, “but once you’ve had a few days to get used to the idea you’ll be able to see all sorts of possibilities.”

  “But what about Dorian? I can never see him again. That was bad enough when I thought I might live another twenty or thirty years, but now I’m going to live for fucking ever!”

  I was starting to get angry. These Gods had decided to save me and make me immortal. I know I should be grateful but they had taken away a chance of happiness with a man who loved me. Now they made me live forever without him.

  “I’m sorry, Maleos. I know this is an honour, but sometimes the Gods get it wrong. They should’ve just let me die.”

  I burst into sobs at this point. I could feel little Krisk patting me on the shoulder and Maleos squeezing me. I don’t supposed they could really understand my distress, still, they let me cry, and it was comforting to have them both there.

  When I finally stopped, Krisk left the room, then came back in with a kitten. He held it out to me.

  “Ellie take baby cat.”

  Frustrated, I asked, “Krisk why do I want a baby cat?”

  “Ellie pat cat, make Ellie feel better.”

  I had to laugh at his reasoning and so I took the kitten to make him happy. He beamed at me with all his pointy teeth showing and I held back a shudder. I sat there patting the kitten, my head on Maleos’s shoulder with Krisk perched alongside me. I have to admit I did feel better. Stroking the kitten calmed my mind.

  Krisk nudged me. “Ellie feel better, yes?”

  “Yes Krisk, I feel better.”

  Krisk grinned at Maleos. “Krisk know how to make Ellie happy, Mr. Big Man.”

  “I am Maleos, Krisk. You may call me by name.”

  Krisk’s eyes widened. Maleos held back a grin as it looked like his face was just two enormous eyes.

  “Me can call big man by his name?”

  “Yes. We’re both friends of Ellie and you heard Zeus declare this neutral territory.”

  Krisk gave Maleos a very wide, toothy smile and the two of them looked pleased with each other.

  We sat there quietly for about ten minutes when we heard a “pop.” Theos appeared and told Maleos he was to report to Zeus. Theos gave him a sickly smug grin and I decided at that point that I really did not like him.

  “Are you sure, Theos? I’m supposed to be with Ellie.”

  “Are you questioning me?” He looked supercilious as he responded, “I doubt Zeus would appreciate your behaviour.”

  Maleos groaned a little, then kissed my cheek and stood before disappearing. I thought Theos would leave also but he stood looking down at Krisk and me.

  “So now you are immortal. I hope Dorian’s decision was worth it.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  “What do you mean ‘Dorian’s decision,’ Theos?”

  “Did they not tell you?”

  “You is leaving Missus Ellie alone, big man.” Krisk protested.

  Theos just glared at him, then spoke. “Be quiet demon!” He looked back at me and cheerfully stated, “Dorian gave his life so you could be saved.”

  I jumped to my feet, knocking the kitten onto Krisk. “What?”

  “He was asked, if Zeus saved you would he give up his immortality, his life, for you, and he agreed. So Zeus gave you Dorian’s immortality and his life.”

  “No!” I screamed, “No! Please, no! Tell me it isn’t true!”

  I grabbed Theos by his shoulders.

  “Please tell me you aren’t serious,” I whispered.

  “So they forgot to tell you. Oh well, now you know.” He brushed my hands away and disappeared.

  “Dorian! No!”

  I screamed loud and sank to my knees, tears pouring down my face. My hands covering my eyes. I rocked back and forth, sobbing. Why would he do that? While he lived, there was a chance that one day we might be together, but now…Surely he knew I would not want to live without him. Now I was destined to live until the end of eternity alone, knowing he had given up his life for me.

  Krisk came to me, crying also. He tried to comfort me, his little hands patting my back, but I was beyond all help.

  “Mister Maleos, better you is coming back here now!” He sniffled.

  I dimly heard a “pop” over my sobs and felt someone lift me. I thought it was Maleos and clung to him, my tears soaking his chest.

  “Please do not cry.”

  I pulled back suddenly, that was not Maleos’s voice. Instead, it was one of the Gods who had been at that farce of a trial, Anteros. The one who had protested at the decision. Maleos had told me he was also here when I was healed.

  I tried to stop crying and stammered, “I…I’m sor-sorry, sir,” but my tears kept flowing. I went to move away from him but he held my shoulders, then pulled me back into his embrace.

  I felt him look at Krisk and asked him what had happened.

  “Nasty big man tell Ellie her big man give up life for her. We be not telling her yet till she be stronger and big boss God make decision. Big man like making Ellie cry.”

  “An immortal did this? Which one?”

  Krisk shrugged. “Not know his name.”

  “Ellie, tell me who came and spoke with you,” Anteros asked gently.


  I felt Anteros nod.

  “Ellie, listen to me, this is very important.”

  He held me away from his body and lifted my chin.

  “Dorian is not dead.”

  “Not dead? But I don’t understand. Theos said he gave up his immortality and life for me.”

  Anteros sighed. He led me back to the couch and, holding my hand, we sat down.

  “It is true that Zeus asked Dorian if he would give up his life and give you his immortality to save you. It is true, Dorian agreed, but Zeus has made no decision. Dorian still lives.”

  I shook my head. I really didn’t understand.

  “Zeus will make a decision whether Dorian lives or dies. He may choose not to kill him, he may choose to take away his immortality, he may choose to do nothing, he may choose to place him in stasis for eons. We do not know. All we can do is wait.”

  “This is wrong! He can’t destroy Dorian! Please, please help me.” I got to my knees, begging, in front of Anteros. “Take away my immortality, let me die, please. Do anything but don’t let him kill Dorian.”

  “It is beyond my help, Ellie. Please understand.”
  “Oh I understand,” I sneered. “The Gods play their games and someone loses. You don’t care! You don’t care that hearts get broken because you are playing some game, toying with people, meddling with our emotions. You Gods don’t care that now I am immortal and doomed to live without the only person I could love. You have all the control and we have to live with whatever you decide.”

  I knew I was wasting my breath but I was on a roll and could not stop. “Fine! I have no choice. I am now immortal, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. It doesn’t mean I have to be friends with any of you at all.”

  “I am truly sorry, Ellie.”

  “Please leave,” I whispered, my head bowed. “I would like to be alone.”

  Anteros lifted my face and looked down at me on my knees. His eyes were filled with compassion but he could do nothing. He nodded in understanding and stood.

  “I do feel for you Ellie. I am also an Erotes. I want nothing more than you and Dorian together, but we all must obey Zeus, even my mother.”

  Tears were threatening to fall again. I dared not speak, so I just nodded to let him know I heard and understood. He kissed my forehead then left Krisk and I alone.

  “Krisk I need to be alone.”

  “Okay, Ellie, but you is not to be crying. Big boss God, he may send you big man back.”

  I smiled bravely at him and watched as he walked out the door.

  I got to my feet and walked into the bathroom. I washed my face with cold water and then looked in the mirror.

  “What the fuck?”

  I didn’t look like me anymore. Well, I mean, I did, but it was a younger version. In amazement, I studied the woman looking back at me. She was me, but she wasn’t. She still had the same green eyes, the same spiky hair, although there was no trace of grey, and it looked thicker. I pulled off the robe I was wearing and looked down.

  My boobs were no longer sagging. Instead, they looked quite perky, although still very full. Those excess kilos I had been carrying had disappeared, and instead my body looked taut, definitely not skinny, just not fat. Instead nicely padded in all the right places.


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