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Daemons Are Forever

Page 11

by Suzy Shearer

I ran my hand through my hair and pulled, and then screamed in surprise.

  My hair had lengthened as I pulled it. I experimented. I grabbed a handful and tugged. If I pulled hard enough, my hair got longer. I started to laugh. I think I was slightly hysterical at that point. I looked at myself. I had short spiky bits, then clumps reaching my shoulders. I looked like some crazy person who had hacked off their long locks. I would have to do something, so I grabbed the scissors and cut off the long bits.

  It looked a mess, but I really did not care.

  I walked into my bedroom and grabbed some underwear. My panties were a few sizes too big and fell straight down. Great—not! My bra still fitted reasonably okay as long as I did it up on the tightest catch. I pulled on a T-shirt, then my jeans.


  My jeans were so loose they almost fell off even when they were done up. I sat on the bed and started crying again.

  This was stupid!

  Getting to my feet, I looked in my wardrobe. Plenty of blouses and pants, but nothing that I could put on. I grabbed a belt and threaded it through the jeans. I looked like I was wearing someone else’s clothing but I didn’t care.

  I had to get out of there. Hitching up the jeans, then grabbing my wallet and keys, I went out to my car and got in.

  I drove.

  I drove for hours. I had no idea where I went, I just drove aimlessly. I ended up in the mountains and pulled up at a look-out spot. Getting out of the car, I walked over to the railing and looked out. As far as the eye could see was a long winding valley with the mountain ridges either side. I looked down. It was a drop of maybe a few hundred metres.

  I wondered what would happen if I jumped off. Maybe that would solve everything, Dorian could still live and I would be dead. But then I remember Dorian telling me the only way for an immortal to die was to remove their head.

  So I couldn’t even kill myself, although truthfully, I know I was not brave enough to even try.

  My thoughts were so dark. I was so sad, so distressed. I was confused and I felt like I was all alone. I wished I could turn back the clock to three months ago. No, longer. Back before I had made that stupid wish. I remembered the old saying from the Monkey’s Paw—be careful what you wish for, you may receive it. I had never really understood it until that moment.

  I slumped to the ground, my back against the metal railings.

  Chapter Twenty

  I saw two feet in front of me and looked up. A lovely woman stood before me. She held out a hand, I took it and stood.

  “You may not recall me, but I am Eleos. I helped heal you when your arm had been cut by the demon.”

  Great! Was this the one who I threatened to gut?

  She smiled at me. “No, that was Pothos, and I did find it entertaining to listen to. I am a Daemon, like Dorian and Maleos. But I am a Greater Daemon—the Daemon of Compassion, Pity and Mercy.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  “Come, let us sit.”

  She led me to a bench seat nearby and we sat together.

  “I understand your turmoil. You have been thrown in at the deep end so to speak, with the person who should be here to guide you, taken from you. Please do not despair, things always have a way of working out.”

  “How can they work out, Eleos? Dorian is under threat of death. On top of that, he’s never allowed to have any contact with me because of that stupid trial. I’m destined to live forever and now alone. How can anything good come from this?”

  “You have been told that Zeus has not decided. While he has not, there is always hope that Dorian will be spared. What I ask is hard, but go back to your life, fill your days with hope, and pray things work the way you wish.”

  “It’s so hard, so much has happened.”

  “I know this, but I also know you are a strong woman. A woman who will not let the world overthrow her. A woman who stood up to the Gods for what she believed was right. You are just feeling sorry for yourself at the moment, but soon you will recognise all the possibilities that are ahead for you.”

  I knew she was right, it was just everything had piled up on me at once, Dorian was gone, I was dead, and now I was immortal. I had yelled at a God, I had my little rant, so maybe it was time to move on.

  “I know you’re right. I just went a little crazy.”

  Eleos grinned. “Sometimes we all need to go a little crazy.”

  We both stood, my stupid jeans started to fall down, and I hitched them up and tried to tighten the belt.

  Ruefully, I said, “I think if I am going to move on I’ll definitely need to buy some new clothes.”

  Eleos laughed. “What woman needs an excuse to buy new clothes?”

  “I guess so, and I need to do something about my hair. Did you know we can make it longer? Damn, that’s silly, of course you would. I discovered that this morning and then had to try and cut to match the other bits.”

  The pretty Daemon laughed so loud, I was really surprised.

  “You don’t have to cut it! You need to sort of push it back into your head.”


  I pulled a few strands of hair until they reached my nose then I push and rubbed them back into my head. It worked!

  Eleos looked confused. “Why did not Maleos explain this to you?” she asked.

  “He left. Theos came and told him he was to return because Zeus wanted him.”

  “Zeus wanted him? That is strange. Zeus assigned him to explain things to you. I will find out what happened. He should never have left you on your own. Will you return to your home now?”

  “Yes, but I’m going to make a side trip to get some clothes that’ll fit me.”

  The pretty Daemon bade me good-bye and vanished. I would have to learn that trick, it would save on petrol. I walked back up to the car. I still felt sad at what had happened, but I was resigned to learning my new life, and who knows how things would develop. She had been right about me feeling sorry for myself.

  I drove home. Fortunately, although I had driven for hours, I had gone in a circuitous route and was only about an hour from home. I knew a shopping mall not far from my house and I called in there. Thank goodness, I had been paid directly into my bank for the wall hanging.

  I had to admit I was not one of those women who enjoyed a lot of shopping, so I went into a large department store where I could get all I needed in one place. It took several trips to the car to unload and my shopping made a big dent in my bank balance, but I managed to get enough clothes and underwear to look respectable before I headed home at last.

  When I pulled up, Krisk appeared at the car before I had even turned off the engine.

  “Krisk worried for Ellie.” He peered up at my face. “Ellie good?”

  “Yes, Krisk, Ellie good.”

  He gave one of his toothy grins and then told me to go inside, as he would bring in my shopping. Zagan must have been in the neighbourhood, because she ended up helping Krisk bring in my parcels.

  When they threw everything on the kitchen table, Zagan disappeared out to the garage. Krisk wanted to know if I wanted him to stay but I assured him I was feeling much better.

  “Ellie call Krisk if she need him.”

  “I will, Krisk.” He went to walk out but I called him back. “Krisk, thank you. Thank you for saving me and thank you for being my friend.”

  He looked a little stunned, then grinned and blushed a deep green before leaving the room.

  I rummaged in the bags for a pair of jeans. I was fed up with pulling these up, the belt just wasn’t doing its job. Moreover, I need to put on a pair of undies—I’m not used to going commando. I left my old bra on. It sort of fitted for the time being, just had it done up on the tightest hook. I would save my new bras for tomorrow, anyway. I wasn’t going to be showing it off to anyone.

  I changed quickly and felt a lot better. After carrying the parcels into my bedroom, I spent the next hour throwing out stuff and putting the new things away. I would need to shop some more, but at least I had a few
pairs of jeans and casual tops plus a few bras and some knickers.

  It was getting dark and I was hungry. I realised I had not eaten since before Adrian attacked me. Looking in the fridge, I saw there was not a great deal to eat, so time to ring for something. Sorting through my take-away menus, I found a Thai restaurant leaflet, so I ordered some satay chicken with vegetables and rice plus a few curry puffs and dipping sauce.

  Dinner organised, I sat down on the couch to wait and to take stock.


  So now I was an immortal and, even more important, I was not on the demon’s hit list. On the plus side, Dorian was still alive, also on the plus side, where I considered mine, and owned, was now neutral territory and no bloodshed. On the down side, I was going to live forever. Okay, maybe that was a plus but it was going to be a lonely sort of plus. But when I thought about it, I realised I had friends—Maleos, Krisk, a few demons and even a couple of the lesser Gods I could consider my friends. I really wasn’t alone, although the one person I wanted I would never see again.

  I gave a sigh and wandered through the house until the doorbell rang for my food delivery, I paid the driver and took my dinner. Settling at the table, I was about to start eating when there was another one of those “pops” that heralded an immortal visitor.

  This time it was Maleos again and he looked pissed big time!

  He dragged out a chair and threw himself onto it.

  “Hello, Maleos. Not happy?”

  “Ellie.” He nodded in greeting. “No, I am furious.”

  “What’s happened?” I asked between spoonfuls of satay.


  Yep, I could understand that. The guy gave me the creeps and had pissed me off, so I wasn’t at all surprised that he would get someone else uptight. I continued eating while Maleos sat and sulked. He reached out, grabbed a curry puff, and ate it before I could stop him. After about ten minutes, he seemed to have settled down and apologised.

  “Sorry I left before, Ellie. As it turns out, Zeus didn’t call for me, that was a little trick.”

  I was puzzled. “Why?”

  “So he could tell you about Dorian. What did he say?”

  I felt my eyes start watering as I replied, “He said Dorian gave up his life for me.”

  “So he actually told you Dorian was dead?”

  “He said something like Dorian gave his life to save me and that Zeus asked him if he would give up his life and immortality so I could live and he agreed.”

  “Then he gave you no inkling that Dorian was still alive?”

  “No, none. He gave me the impression Dorian was dead. It was Anteros who told me. Krisk called you, at least I think he did, when I was so upset at what Theos said, but Anteros came instead. He explained to me what was happening and that Dorian was very much alive.”

  I gave a sniffle. “I…I wasn’t very polite to him, to Anteros.”

  Maleos gave a laugh, “You do have a knack for telling Gods off, Ellie.”

  “Will you please explain what’s going on? Why didn’t you tell me about the choice Dorian was given?”

  “Krisk and I felt it was silly to say anything until we knew exactly what Zeus had decided. It’s true Zeus asked Dorian if he would give up his immortality and life for you. Krisk and I chose not to tell you because no decision had been made either way. You are still coming to terms with being immortal. You didn’t need more stress.”

  “What exactly was said, Maleos?”

  “Zeus asked, ‘If I save this woman, would you give her your immortality?’”

  I cried when Maleos repeated Dorian’s words. “‘In a heartbeat, my Lord.’”

  The conversation between Dorian and Zeus had continued. Maleos told me that Zeus had asked Dorian, “Even if it meant your immediate death?” And Dorian had answered, “Yes, my Lord, no matter what it meant for me, I would do it to save her.”

  My tears were falling thick and fast as Maleos explained.

  “Like Anteros said, Zeus has not made a final judgement on Dorian. I know he is extremely angry at the moment with Theos. I was supposed to be here, holding your hand, explaining what was happening to you and how being an immortal would work. I guess you have realised what a shock it can be and how your mind reacts. Anyway, instead, Theos sent me on a goose chase. I wouldn’t have left if he’d told me anyone else wanted to see me, but when he said it was Zeus, naturally I had to comply.”

  “So he did it just so he could tell me about Dorian?”

  Maleos nodded. “Yes. I wouldn’t want to be in Theos’s shoes at the moment. When I left I could hear Zeus roaring Theos’s name.”

  “Maleos, I miss Dorian. I know it was only a few days that I knew him, but he got under my skin. I made that wish and it means I’ll fall in love with him even if he isn’t here. And now I don’t want to face eternity without him. I know I have to because of the trial, but I don’t want him to die! I hate that stupid wish and now, well, I wish I hadn’t made it.”

  “I know Ellie, believe me, I understand and wish there was something I could do.”

  “I’m going to wish for the Gods to take away my wish. At least that way I’ll forget Dorian.”

  “Promise me you won’t do that Ellie, at least not until a decision has been made about Dorian.”

  I looked over at him. I knew he was right.

  “Okay. I promise.”

  He reached for the remaining curry puff.

  “These are delicious! Any more?”

  “No, you ate them all, Maleos.”

  “Oops, sorry, Ellie.”

  I pushed some rice toward him and he grabbed a few spoonfuls.

  “It’s okay, been a hell of day. Gods popping in and out, I look so different and I have no idea what my future is going to be like.

  He grinned at me. “I bet it was a shock when you discovered what you look like now.”

  “That’s an understatement,” I answered ruefully, “I had no clothes to fit me and had to buy some.”

  “Eleos told me she spoke with you. She tore strips off me because I hadn’t explained anything before I had a chance to tell her what happened.”

  “I think she was worried about me. I know I was feeling really bad, but I got over it.”

  He reached out and squeezed my hand. “Let us both hope for the best, Ellie. Tomorrow we will begin your lessons.”


  “Yes, things like how to materialise and dematerialise, how to speak over the distances.”

  “Oh okay, that should be interesting. Is it easy?”

  “Yes, just takes a bit of concentrating to do it correctly. I’ll also teach you how to change between your ages.”

  “My ages? What do you mean?”

  “You can look anything from a child to your real age.”

  “I remember Dorian saying something about that. So I can be anything up to sixty-four, is that right?”

  “Yes. I can be any age up to fifty-eight, when I was made immortal.”

  “Well that’s good. I was wondering how on earth I was going to deliver my quilts and explain.” I giggled. “I doubt they’d believe I was using new makeup, I could get away with a bit of weight loss but certainly not age loss.”

  We finished up the remainder of the satay and rice and Maleos was just about to leave when the horrid Theos turned up.

  “I came to apologise to you, Miss Walters.”

  I just looked at him in surprise and distaste.

  “Please accept my apology.” He sounded as sincere as a dead fish.

  “You’ve done what you came for, now get out,” I snarled. “I never want to see your ugly face again.”

  “Won’t you accept my apology?”

  “No. Good-bye.” I turned my chair away from him. I could hear him standing there for a few minutes then there was a “pop” and he was gone.

  “Is it wrong to dislike someone as much as I dislike him? Even a demon has more integrity than him.”

  “Don’t worry, you
are not the only one who doesn’t like him. Still he has never been this obnoxious, I don’t know what’s got into him lately. I wonder Zeus has in mind for him?” he mused. “Oh, well, we’ll soon find out.”

  Maleos stood and kissed my cheek.

  “Will you be okay? I can stay if you want?”

  “No, I’ll be fine. I feel better than I did, and now that I know there is always a chance that Dorian will live, I’m even better, I may not be able to ever see him again, but to know he is still alive…well, you know.”

  “I’ll see you in the morning then. I have to tell Anteros what happened. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, Maleos.”

  Once Maleos had gone, I cleaned up the empty food containers and made a cup of tea. It was about nine o’clock. I felt drained more than anything. The events of the past few months or so were finally catching up. On top of that, I just discovered being immortal did not mean you did not get tired.

  I locked up the house and went to bed. Tomorrow was another day, I would look at things from a positive viewpoint from now on. No more feeling sorry for myself, no more stupid pity parties.

  I have no idea what time it was, I must have been asleep for a few hours. All of a sudden I felt someone grab me, wrapped their arms around me and start kissing me.

  I let out a scream and tried to fight them off!

  Chapter Twenty-One

  A hand clamped over my lips.

  “Ellie, babe, it’s me, it is Dorian.”

  I sat up quickly. “Dorian?” I reached over and turned on the bedside lamp.

  “Dorian!” I screamed again and threw myself into his arms. You guessed it, I started crying.

  “Baby, don’t cry. It is all right, I’m here.”

  I wanted to ask him so many questions, but I was crying too much. Still I did managed to hiccup a “how?”

  “Zeus. Ostensibly, he never had any intention of killing me or taking away my immortality. He just wanted me to suffer a bit for my disobedience. Apparently though, now Theos is in his bad books. Zeus called for Nemesis, she’s the Goddess of Retribution, and she took Theo away somewhere. Then a few minutes ago, Zeus summoned me and told me I was free to go. I could return to you and if you wanted, I could stay.”


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