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Daemons Are Forever

Page 12

by Suzy Shearer

  I still couldn’t quite believe he was back with me.

  “But what about the trial? I chose to save Krisk.”

  “Zeus said he had reversed the choice and you could have both Krisk’s life and me if you wanted.”

  I ran my fingers over his face. He caught them and held them to his lips.

  Breathlessly, he murmured, “Ellie. My beautiful Ellie, you are even more beautiful than before. I love you.”

  His breath was warming my fingertips. I was shaking my head, I knew he was there but I needed more reassurance. He lent forward and kissed my tears.

  That felt real.

  “You’re really here? You can really stay?”

  “I am, and I can, my Ellie. I’m here now, and I’m here for as long as you want me.”

  I threw myself onto his chest and sobbed. Dorian held me tight while I cried myself silly. When my tears finally stopped he pulled me upright and looked into my face.

  “Oh Ellie, when I saw what that man did to you…my heart stopped.” His eyes glistened with unshed tears. “I would give up everything again as long as you were safe.”

  “I still can’t quite believe you are here. This has been one shit of a day! But now, now it is perfect!”

  I could not stop looking at him. I know I had a stupid grin on my face. Dorian grinned back and then leant forward to capture my face in his hands. Slowly, softly, he pressed his lips to mine.

  Now I knew he was real!

  That kiss, oh man, that kiss. It took me way past heaven and then back. It was tender, it was soft, but it was proof that my Daemon was back.

  Of course, it did not stay like that for very long, neither of us could hold back our desire for each other. It had been almost three months since we were together and that sweet kiss ignited the flames that had been smouldering.

  I think I tried to climb into his mouth. I was craving his touch, his smell, his taste. Our tongues were wrestling, our hands everywhere. At some point, I straddled his chest, and never once did we stop kissing. Finally, we broke for air. I was panting as if I had run ten kilometres and Dorian was as bad. My heart was almost breaking out of my chest. It was pounding that hard.

  I looked down at him, my Dorian.

  Damn it, he looked so good. I started kissing his eyes, his cheeks, his mouth. Anywhere I could reach, then I started going a little lower, his neck, his chest—mmm…that was one fine chest!

  His tight stomach, his cute little navel.

  I decided to follow that little trail of hair that ran from his navel downward. I had to wriggle back but there was an obstacle in my way. Something hard was pressing against my butt.

  I looked up into his face and smirked. Sliding off his chest, I looked down. There was a most delightful erection just begging to be held and licked. Who was I to refuse?

  I ran my hand across his groin, letting my fingertips brush against the base of his penis. I cupped his testicles and gave them a gentle squeeze before bending over and licking the top of his cock. The little bead of pre-cum tasted delicious, so I decided I wanted more.

  Licking the length of his cock, I rolled my tongue around the top then slowly slid it into my mouth. Dorian gave a soft moan as I clasped around the base and moved my mouth up and down on it, my tongue flicking across it while I moved.

  I was quite enjoying myself until I felt Dorian grab my arm and pull me upward.

  He groaned. “No more baby! I want to come inside you, not in your mouth, and if you do that much longer I won’t be able to hold off.”

  His hands were running across my boobs and down, down, down until they nestled between my legs. It was my turn to moan when he delved a finger or two into my soaking pussy.

  “Ah my Ellie, so wet, so ready.” He purred as he moved his fingers in and out. Pushing me onto my side, he moved between my legs and held his cock at my sopping entrance.

  “I have dreamed of doing this for so long.” And with that he thrust into me.

  It was heavenly!

  “Oh my Ellie, I am home!” He moaned as he continued to move inside me.

  My leg was thrown over his and I matched his thrusts as Dorian lowered his head and began to suck on my boob. My hands were on his head, pressing him into it. I felt him push a hand down between us and start to rub my clit. I licked his ear, he licked my nipple. I sucked on his ear lobe, he sucked my tit. His fingers were doing magic things on my clit while he thrust and suddenly I was gone.

  I held my breath as I felt my muscles begin to tighten, Dorian pushed in harder, and I came, gripping his cock tight. I cried out his name. He gave a few hard thrusts and I felt him spurt deep inside me.

  “Ah!” he shouted, “Ah, my Ellie!”

  We lay panting, still joined together. My head resting on his. Finally, we got ourselves under control and moved into a more comfortable position.

  He kissed my lips and murmured, “I’m where I belong, sweet Ellie. I love you so much. I never thought this day would come.”

  “I’m so glad you’re with me. I have missed you terribly. I thought I would never see you again.”

  We lay so close together, neither of us wanted to part. Dorian had wrapped his arms tight around me. I listened to his heart beating until I felt my eyelids grow heavy and I fell asleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  I wandered out into the kitchen to put coffee on the next morning. Dorian had decided he would make the bed. I have no idea why. Maybe it was a Daemon thing, anyway I left him wrestling the blankets, cursing, and so I decided coffee was the go.

  Krisk had wandered in, with his retinue of cats, when he heard me rummaging in the cupboard and singing off-key.

  I had the cupboard door open. Krisk came near me and was peering into it, in case there was something interesting in there, when Dorian walked out. He didn’t see Krisk and I held my breath wondering how he would react when he did. I was trying to think of ways to lessen the impact when Krisk took the task out of my hands.

  He spied Dorian and immediately wrapped himself around one of Dorian’s legs. “Ellie’s big man is back! Ellie’s big man is back!” he chanted while hugging Dorian’s leg. I had to turn away lest Krisk get upset with my laughter. To me it looked like Krisk was humping Dorian’s leg. Dorian looked stunned. He looked down at this crazy little demon clutching his leg and gave his leg a little shake, but Krisk was hanging on tight and still chanting.

  “Er…hello, um…” He looked over at me in confusion.

  “Dorian, this is Krisk. Krisk, I think you can let go now.”

  Krisk slid down Dorian’s leg and then jumped up on the counter. He had his huge, toothy shark grin on his face as he looked up at Dorian.

  “Okay. Well hello, Krisk.”

  Poor Dorian, he was probably thinking how weird it was to be hugged by a demon instead of being stabbed. At that moment, he looked down and saw a few cats weaving in and out his legs. He was so bewildered. Demons and cats?

  At that moment, there were two “pops” and Maleos and Botis appeared, practically on the same spot. They both did a little two-step before coming toward me. Dorian shook his head at Maleos, who was grinning in delight.

  “Hello Botis, hi Maleos,” I smiled at them both. “Dorian, this is Botis. He is a friend of Krisk and mine.”

  “Hello,” stuttered Dorian, looking so bemused at these visitors. He peered around in case someone else might have arrived.

  Botis grinned up at him.

  “Ellie’s big man back!”

  Dorian leapt backward quickly in case Botis decided to hug his leg. I couldn’t help it. That laugh I had been trying to hold back burst free and I doubled over.

  “I see you are getting Dorian used to your friends.” Maleos smirked. “It gets a little congested in here at times what with all the cats, demons, and Gods.”

  “You mean there are more?” He looked around in fear of who might appear next.

  “Oh, I think we will just leave it at these two for today, until you get used to the idea,” I
answered, Maleos and I exchanged a wink.

  Meanwhile, Krisk and Boris were grinning like maniacs at Dorian. Fortunately Krisk had stopped his chanting. Now he looked up at Dorian.

  “Big man stay with Ellie now? Ellie been crying much for too many weeks.”

  Dorian looked at me, pulled me into his arms, and for the first time really smiled at the two demons.

  “Yes, Dorian is…I mean, I’m going to stay with Ellie now and forever.”

  Krisk nodded to Maleos. “Maleos, you is needing to get an Ellie.”

  I snorted, Dorian just roared and sputtered at Maleos, “Definitely find your own Ellie, this one is taken.”

  “Actually it would be nice to find an ‘Ellie’ Krisk, but I doubt there would be another one like her in this world.”

  I punched him in the arm. “Hey mister, I hope that was a compliment.”

  He was about to answer when another “pop” heralded yet another visitor. Dorian groaned. “This place has gone crazy!”

  This time it was Anteros.

  “Ooh, do I smell coffee?”

  “Hello Anteros, yes. Do you want some? I was just about to make a cup when everyone decided to visit.”

  I grabbed a handful of mugs and started making coffee after coffee on the pod machine. Dorian grabbed sugar and milk and handed out mugs as fast as I filled them. When everyone had a coffee, we moved to the table and settled around it, the two demons sitting on the table itself, their legs dangling down. Of course, a few cats ended up on the table or on laps.

  “So Zeus finally made a decision, that was quick. My grandfather usually takes years to act.”

  “Grandfather?” I remembered telling Anteros, and the Gods in general, off. I hope he didn’t tell Zeus.

  “Yes, Zeus is my grandfather, and he is my mother Aphrodite’s father Oh, and he and Hades are brothers ,” he confessed. “But don’t worry, I didn’t tell them about our conversation.”

  “Anteros, I’m sorry about what I said.”

  “No, Ellie, you are right, we do interfere without thinking how mortals feel.”

  I relaxed a little. I had visions of them landing in the kitchen and dragging Dorian off again.

  “I just called in to see how you both were. I saw Theos being dragged off by Nemesis. Grandfather told me that he has told Nemesis Theos is to do her bidding for the next five hundred years.”

  I almost spluttered my coffee everywhere, five hundred years! Wow.

  “I might add Grandfather was rather pleased when you did not accept Theos’s apology, Ellie.”

  Dorian was looking puzzled, so Maleos and I filled him in on what had been happening.

  “Ah, that explains a few things. Zeus had Theos cowering in the corner while he ranted at him. I couldn’t figure out what he had done, although your name was mentioned a few times, Ellie.”

  I grimaced at the thought of being in the Gods’ conversations.

  “He is being a very bad man, Mr. Ellie’s man. He be making Ellie cry.”

  “Krisk?” Dorian looked at me and I nodded. Resignedly, he said, “Krisk, you may as well call me Dorian.”

  As soon as the words were out of Dorian’s mouth, Krisk burst into tears, crying and sobbing so loudly. I have to say it was really weird, this little demon crying. He was making such a ruckus, you would think he was being dismembered.

  He finally calmed down enough to stammer, “You is very big man. Mister Maleos, he be big, too. I is very happy.” He started crying again, I patted his hand and told him to stop, and he sniffled and gave a watery grin.

  “I guess you better call me Dorian as well…er Bot…Botis.”

  Fortunately, Botis wasn’t as emotional as Krisk, he just howled rather than cried.

  Anteros burst out laughing at the pair of them and that set the rest of us off. Eventually the two demons got their emotions under control and we all went back to drinking our coffee.

  “I enjoy these little visits, Ellie, I will have to drop in again soon but, alas, I must leave, there is a pair of star-crossed lovers that need a little nudging. Oh, by the way, I think Pothos was thinking of calling in soon. He wanted to see if you had learnt any new swear words and was thinking of offering to teach you some in various dialects.”

  He stood and gave me a kiss on both cheeks. Then he said good-bye to the two Daemons and told the two demons he was pleased to meet them, which, of course, made them cry again. At that point, he smirked at us all and left.

  “Who is Pothos again?” I was so confused by all these Gods.

  “Er…the one you tried to dismember.” Maleos and Dorian started laughing while I just sat there, horrified. The more I thought about things, the more confused I became.

  “Heavens, what’s with all these Gods dropping in here?” I was a little concerned that they all seemed to be visiting.

  Maleos shrugged. “Maybe it’s because they can relax here and not be treated as a God. Let’s face it Ellie, you’ve told them off a few times, they probably find it refreshing that you’re not scared of them.”

  “Well I probably should be, but I just keep forgetting that they are Gods.”

  Dorian theorised, “And that’s your answer. They probably get fed up with people bowing and grovelling all the time. It must be refreshing for them to be treated like normal people.”

  By now the two demons had finished with their tears, they finished their coffee, and Krisk said he had to go feed his cats and would I mind buying some more food. He put some more notes on the table, then the two of them left and Dorian looked at me.

  “So now you have a demon living here with a few cats?”

  “Few cats? Every bloody cat in the neighbourhood ends up here. Did you know that demons and cats have some weird affinity? I can’t stop them from coming and the demons are so gentle and caring with them.”

  “Looks like I’ve got to get used to having demons around that aren’t trying to kill me. I have to admit it feels really weird.”

  Maleos groaned. “I know what you mean. I kept getting antsy and expected a knife between the shoulder blades, although it’s getting easier now. You have Krisk to thank for Ellie being alive, too.”

  Dorian nodded soberly.

  I left the two boys talking and gathered up the coffee mugs to put in the dishwasher. It was all surreal but I was feeling really happy now that Dorian was back. I went in the bathroom and put on some makeup. When I walked back in Maleos was saying good-bye.

  “Bye Ellie, I’ll leave you in Dorian’s capable hands. He can teach you all you need to know and I’ll probably drop in tomorrow unless the Gods send me on some errand.”

  We exchanged cheek kisses and he disappeared.

  “I’m off to buy some food for us and some cat food, coming?”

  “Of course.”

  We locked up and went to the car. It felt so good to be with him again, I don’t think I stopped grinning. I parked the car and grabbed a trolley, then we headed in to shop.

  “What do you like to eat? Anything special?”

  An elderly lady standing nearby looked at me and said, “I like a nice piece of fish, deary.”

  I was a little taken aback but replied, “Thanks.” I pulled a face at Dorian as we walked away from her.

  “That was weird.”

  “Um, no weirder than you talking to yourself. Remember, people can’t see me.”



  “What!” I whispered. Talking out the side of my mouth I mumbled, “Why can’t they see you now? I’m immortal.”

  “Yes, but I told you. Once you are in love with me, I become visible.”

  I stopped suddenly. I had forgotten that little detail. I actually thought I might be in love with him, after the way I had been acting these last few months but obviously, I wasn’t. It was sobering and I felt really sad.

  Dorian put his arm around me. “Don’t get upset, baby, it will happen. With all the drama you’ve been through lately and the fact I haven’t been here, y
ou haven’t had a chance to get used to me being around. You’ve had no real chance to fall in love.”

  But I did feel bad. I knew he was right and I knew, because of the way I had phrased my wish, that I would fall in love with him. I just wanted it to have happened already. I wanted everyone to see how cute he was and how much I loved him.

  I went to lean into him, then thought how it would look and ended up giggling instead. That looked just as crazy, judging by the looks I got so, of course, that made me snicker even more. Dorian was no help because he started telling me all the things he would like to do to me. I was starting to realise that he had a very warped sense of humour, which was good, because so was mine.

  Still, imagine this—you are in the fruit and vegetable aisle and your invisible boyfriend tells you he would like to run a line of strawberries between your boobs and end them on your pussy. He then would eat his way down your body. Oh, and don’t ask me what he suggested doing with the bananas!

  I was blushing and trying not to talk. I hustled out of there as fast as I could, but Dorian found the dairy section and suggested we get some aerosol cans of cream. He gave a very vivid description of where the cream was going to go, so much that I felt my panties get rather soggy.

  “Dorian,” I hissed, “behave!”

  I threw milk into the trolley then raced into the cat food aisle, grabbing a few cartons of cans and boxes of dried food. Dorian was laughing behind me, acting as if nothing was going on.

  As we passed the confectionary section, he pulled on the trolley and I had no choice but to go with him. It was either that, or have people think the place was haunted with trolleys running down aisles by themselves. Dorian threw some blocks of chocolate into the trolley and, checking there was no one watching, I asked him if he had a sweet tooth.

  Wrong question!

  He informed me that he had read something about melting chocolate and pouring over body parts then licking it off. He also suggested we get some clothesline, he wanted to tie me to the bedposts, then play. He even suggested getting a feather duster. Honestly, the man could turn a simple everyday item into something sexy.


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