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New Hope (The New Earth Colonies Book 1)

Page 6

by Nina Silver

  “All’s set.” She grinned at me and I gave a sigh of exasperation.

  “Alright then.” Haze rubbed his hands together. If we stand behind the transport, we’ll be out of blasting radius or any falling rocks.” Our group moved away from the cave and we approached the transport and then climbed inside. Haze grabbed the detonator, and without any further ado pressed the button. Five seconds later, the ground gently shook and with a rumbling noise, I watched the rocks around the cave concave and fall everywhere around where it used to be.

  With a disappointed shake I turned and looked at Iolee, her eyes seemed bright green and wide with enthusiasm. “Can we go check it out now?”

  “Let’s wait a few minutes, just to make sure things are stable.” Haze commented, and for the next couple of minutes we all looked at where the cave used to be, but now was but a pile of rocks.

  “Now?” Iolee asked impatiently, and despite my irritation at her for coming up with such a plan, couldn’t help but smile at seeing her eagerness. From my conversations with her today, it was clear that she loved her work.

  “Now should be good.” Haze commented and we all embarked towards the pile of rocks.

  Iolee rushed ahead not waiting for us and approached the pile of rocks. She started grabbing some of them and putting them down on a side. I shook my head in exasperation and ran to help her. That woman seemed to not care about getting hurt at all.

  “Step back, we don’t want you getting hurt Doc.” I said and pulled her back by her arm. She gave me a frown and let me take her place in moving the rocks. The other four reached us and started removing rocks until we had created enough space for the Doc to reach the cloth covered sphere. She rushed and carefully unwrapped the blue cloth to reveal the metallic black sphere intact. She carefully wrapped her hands around it and pulled it. With a sigh of frustration she looked up, her eyes connecting with me.

  “It’s still not budging. I thought for sure an explosion would have dislodged it.” The disappointment on her face was evident, and I felt an urge to soothe and console her.

  “At least you have better access to it now.” Cain offered to her, and I threw a glance at him only to grow irritated at seeing his full smile. I’d noticed the way he had been looking at her throughout the day, and I didn’t much care for it.

  “Well, dusk will start falling soon, and the heat has been increasing. I don’t think there’s much else to do here today. Let’s head out and tomorrow we’ll clean the rumble more so that you can continue your work.” I suggested looking only at her. She pursed her lips, then bit them while thoughtfully looking down at the sphere.

  “Alright… I guess you are right, there is nothing more to do right now.” She covered the sphere with the blue cloth again, and patted it with one hand in a funny way, before rising on her legs and dejectedly walking towards the transport. Cain rushed after her and caught up with her by saying something. Arlo and Locke surveyed the area around us and then also headed to the transport.

  I turned to my friend. “Looks like the explosion didn’t work after all.”

  “It did to a certain extent.”

  “Doc looked upset over it.” My eyes sought out her curvy figure, noticing the sway of her hips.

  “That woman is funny. Don’t think I’ve seen anyone that upset over having to stop work for the day.” Haze commented with a smirk towards me. “Oh well, I’m ready for some real food, and not just that nutrient sludge. Let’s go my man.” He clapped my back, and together we headed to the transport.

  I couldn’t wait to take a cold shower when I reached my unit for reasons more than just the heat.



  I sat in the mess hall, hastily shoving some of the food in my mouth, today we had stew – which wasn’t much just a few chunks of meat from whatever we had been able to hunt in the desert last month, and a few potatoes. I chewed slowly, as I looked at a table towards the end of the hall where Iolee had chosen to sit next to Locke, Cain, and Arlo.

  Haze had yet to show his face for dinner, despite his earlier proclamations of hunger. I saw Siel enter looking weary, his clothes red from dust. He grabbed food from the line and then headed to sit next to me. Seeing that I was chief, I had to always seat at a table that was at the end of the hall placed on a raised platform of a few inches, so that citizens of New Hope could always see where I was in case they needed to speak to me at any time.

  Siel reached me and placed his bowl down before taking a seat. “So they’re the newcomers huh?” He popped a piece of bread in his mouth as he tipped his chin towards the group that held my attention until now.


  “They give you any trouble yet?”


  “Good!” We continued eating. “So, the girl is..?”

  “The expert on Ourupta.”

  Siel focused on the group as he chewed slowly. “So young?”

  “Don’t they all look young now up in the Colonies?”

  Siel shrugged. “Who knows… Does she at least know what she’s talking about?”

  “It looks like it, she explained a few things today and it sounded like she knew more than enough.”

  “Cool. I see they also sent Locke Kodaline.”

  “You know him?” I asked as I chugged some water.

  “Yeap, same year at the Academy.”

  “He’s a captain now.”

  Siel chewed more bread and then swallowed. “Good for him.” I watched him slowly, sometimes I wondered whether he regretted leaving the Academy before graduating, but he never said anything.

  “How long you think they’ll stay?”

  “I have no idea.” I didn’t know how long Iolee would need, and I was certain the other four including Haze had other orders to look into something. What it was exactly I did not know, but Arlo seemed very strategic in his words.

  “I’m sure the Academy is involved in this for some reason – you should keep an eye out for them, even Haze.”

  “I was along the same lines.”

  “Good. Did the girl find anything about the sphere?” Siel asked after a while.

  “Her name is Iolee Panou, not girl.” I answered remarkably annoyed at my brother for calling her just a girl.

  Siel gave me a curious look, and then a smirk. “Did I hit a spot?” He laughed at me. “Damn bro, I just called her a girl nothing insulting.” I gritted my teeth in annoyance, already regretting showing my brother my odd fascination with her. “I can’t believe this! You like her?” He pointed his finger at me accusingly.

  I ignored his comment and finished my food. Siel smirked at me and continued eating. “It’s okay if you like her. She’s pretty, in that clonie way of hers.” I glared at my brother pushing my bowl in front of me and leaning back in my chair, my arms folding in front of me. “Cheer up, will you? And stop acting like a grumpy old man.” Siel commented, and I scowled at him more. Siel choked a laugh and looked where I knew Iolee was sitting. “Stop scowling buttercup, she’s looking this way.” I just ignored him and shook my head disappointedly at him. “What’s for fun tonight?”

  New Hope every Saturday had entertainment night, we had music, games, and even sometimes – if we had extra energy reserves played old earth movies over a projector. “I honestly have no idea. Jo’s in charge of that.”

  Siel finished his food and leaned back. “Jo eh? So, does Jo know about your clonie crush?”

  I gritted my teeth and took a few deep breaths. Younger brothers were quite annoying sometimes. “No, and it’s not a crush.”

  Siel shrugged. “I was being polite, I could always be more vulgar if you’d like me to.”

  “Just cut it out man. She’s staying with Jo, in Marya’s room.”

  Siel frowned, he and Marya had a fling a few years back, and it had ended up badly. “That must make it awkward for you.”

  “How so?”

  He sighed. “You know since Jo’s been in love with you for like years.”

“I never did anything to encourage her.”

  Siel laughed. “Damn, but you’re heartless sometimes. Give the poor woman a break – you never did anything to discourage her either.”

  I shook my head at him. We both knew I had in many ways showed and hinted at Jo that I was not interested in the type of relationship she wanted from me. But he was right – I had never been clear with her about it either. “She’s stubborn, and there’s nothing I can do to fix that.”

  Siel raised his eyebrows suggestively. “Well, with your interest in the clonie who knows maybe Jo will get a hint.”

  I shrugged and turned to look at Iolee again. I saw that Joey was sitting next to her and talking, his hand gestures and facial expressions showing happiness and liveliness. Joey paused, and Iolee took over making gestures and speaking rapidly, her eyes shone with excitement just like they did in the cave, and she threw her head back and laughed at something Joey said. She reached out and ruffled his hair, and the poor boy melted for her giving her puppy eyes.

  “Oh, better watch out seems like you got some heavy competition.” Siel commented laughing, and I punched his arm. He winced. “That wasn’t necessary.”

  “What are you two grumbling about?” Jo asked, and Siel and I turned to look at her, “What?” She frowned as she sat down with her food. “Why are you looking at me like that?” She reached up and made sure her hair was neat, and then wiped her face.

  I gave a warning look at Siel. “Nothing, just wondering what kind of entertainment you have for us tonight. Anything special since we got guests?” my brother gave an easy smile to Jo.

  “Nope.” She snorted and had a spoonful of stew. “Why should we waste our precious resources on them?” She sneered and glared towards the table I knew Iolee was seating.

  “Wow, who got on your bad side today?” Siel teased Jo, who rolled her eyes at him.

  “For one, you – right now!”

  “So, what’s the entertainment tonight?” I asked to break up their bickering, and my eyes flickered back to Iolee’s table noticing that Haze was now seated and eating next to her. Joey was showing her something in his hands, and she was nodding. I felt envious of Joey and how close he was sitting talking to her. I don’t know why I hadn’t invited her to sit with me. I looked next to me at Jo, perhaps I hadn’t invited Iolee because I knew Jo didn’t like her.

  Jo looked at her bowl as she ate. “I planned a music night. Tyler’s gonna play his guitar, and Poppy is going to sing.” Tyler knew how to play guitar and was one of the favorites every Saturday eve, his wife Poppy would sing while he played.

  “Great, we always have a blast when they play.” Siel rubbed his hands together in excitement. By now meal time was almost over, and the whole was bursting with all the New Hope residents waiting for the entertainment to start. When the bell indicated the end of dinner, the crowd fell silent waiting. A couple of people got up and started pushing some tables towards the walls as Tyler and Poppy walked to the small makeshift stage.

  “Hi everyone.” Poppy smiled waving at us. “We figured for tonight we’d sing a few happy songs, so we hope to see you dancing.” She turned motioning Tyler who started strumming a song, and then she joined in singing and dancing. People clapped, and some even sang along knowing the lyrics to the song that Tyler and Poppy had performed many times before. Some people got up and started dancing, and pretty soon it was a full-on party with people enjoying themselves and taking a break from the harsh reality of work and life on New Earth.

  Jo grabbed my arm, and I looked at her. “Wanna dance?” She winked and looked at me with big eyes.

  I inwardly sighed and shook my head. “Nah, I’m good. You know I’m not really into that.” Jo gave me a crushed look, and the smile slowly fell from her face.

  “I’ll dance with you.” Siel grinned at her and rose to his feet. “Come on.” He pulled her behind him as she turned to look at me with a hurt look on her eyes. I watched Siel dance with Jo for a few minutes until she started laughing and having fun. Good, she should have some fun – she works way too hard.

  I got up taking the dirty bowls and placing them in the dirty pile, then made my way to Haze. People waved at me and stopped to greet me, chatting about their days and how things were. Finally, I made my way to Haze who was laughing at something Locke was saying. Arlo and Cain were conversing with a few citizens across from them.

  “Hey, decided to visit us after all?” Haze taunted me and pushed out a chair for me to take and turned to say something to Locke. I sat down and looked at Iolee who gave me a broad smile. I grinned at her and then turned to Joey who was sitting next to her.

  “You’re not bothering the Doc, Joey are you?”

  Joey shook his head passionately. “No Chief, I ain’t.”

  “He’s not bothering me at all.” Iolee turned and gave a big smile to Joey who melted into a puddle. “He was just asking me about life in Saturn, and I was asking him about life here.” She turned with a small smile at me. She had left her hair down tonight, and it curled nicely down her back, her cheeks rosy. She had changed the temp clothes she’d been wearing and instead wore another white shirt. People at Saturn wore mostly white. The top molded over her breasts nicely but didn’t give any hints to cleavage like the temp shirt had this morning.

  “And what have you been telling the good Doc?” I asked Joey curiously.

  “About school and stuff, and about how I’m gonna take exams for the Academy next year.” Joey nodded his gaze keenly on Iolee who was smiling encouragingly at him.

  “I offered to help him study some Ourupta symbols.” She added eagerly.

  “Is that so?” I grinned at Joey. He was a good kid, and I hoped he’d made it to the Academy, not many from our small res did - but we had at least one that did every year.

  “Yes.” Joey nodded along. Cheers and laughter carried over, and we looked to the small stage, where more and more people danced.

  “Do you do this every week?” Iolee asked looking at me and then Joey,

  “Yes ma’am, it’s our fun night.” He answered proudly. “My mum and da always make us dance and have fun, they’re so good.”

  “Those are your parents?” Iolee asked looking at Joey and then the stage.

  “Sure are.” He answered all proud again, and I laughed.

  “Normally, you’d see Joey up there singing with his mom. Don’t you also play the guitar?” I asked, and he sat straighter.

  “I sure do Chief, we just got one guitar though, and my da’ knows more songs, at least for now.”

  Iolee clapped excitedly. “That’s wonderful Joey, gotta say I’m so impressed with you, a man of so many talents.”

  Joey sat up even straighter if that were possible and preened at her. I bit my lip so I wouldn’t burst out laughing. “Now for that compliment ma’am, I’ll have to go up and sing a song for you.”

  Iolee blushed and laughed vivaciously. “You will?”

  “Sure will.” Joey rose to his feet and smiled down at her. “But you gotta come and dance.”

  “I don’t know how.” She smiled.

  “Uhm, Chief will show you. Won’t you Chief?” Joey looked at me meaningfully and then gestured discreetly to Iolee. That scamp wanted me to dance with her.

  “I don’t have much choice now, do I?”

  “Nope, you gotta dance with the good Doc,” Joey said and winked at me and then skipped ahead getting lost in the crowd.

  “What a cute kid.” Iolee shared as she turned to me.

  “He’s not so bad.” Especially when he doesn’t volunteer me to do things I normally don’t do.

  “Did I hear dancing?” Haze leaned in with a smirk. “Surely not, Cove Magnum dancing?” He wagged his eyebrows in disbelief, and I held my hands so I wouldn’t punch his smug face.

  “Oh no, I’m afraid Joey volunteered him. Chief Cove did not offer on his own.” Iolee said with a sad kind of sigh that made me feel some type of way.

  “Well, Doc if Cove won’t ta
ke you dancing, I’d be happy to volunteer.” Haze winked at her as he turned and threw a grin my way.

  “No need, I told Joey I’d do it.” I got up and offered my hand to her. “Come, should we try?”

  Iolee bit her lip as she glanced at my open palm and then nodded and rose, putting her hand in mine. I looked at our intertwined hands, noticing the pale creaminess and smoothness, the graceful fingers, and the feminine painted pink nails. I led the way through the congregated crowd until we reached the edge of the dance floor.

  “Watch how they’re dancing, and we’ll join in a bit after you get into the tempo and rhythm, eh?” I asked looking down at her, her hand still clasped within mine.

  She nodded and moved along to the music. “You don’t have to do this you know.”


  “You don’t have to dance with me if you don’t want to.” Her green eyes looked shyly up at me.

  Her hesitation brought another of those protective pangs I was getting around her. I gently tugged her closer to me, her body heat burrowing on my side, affecting my body and my mind with images that only fueled my arousal further. I leaned down, and her sweet scent only added to the tightness of my dark pants.

  “What if I want to?”

  “Do you?”

  “Do you?”

  She frowned. “I asked first, it's only polite that you answer before asking me back.” We stared at each other, as the song Poppy was singing came to a slow end.

  “I do want to.” I whispered leaning in closer and letting my words tickle her neck. She swallowed and then licked her lips, her breathing growing heavy.

  “Maybe… I want to as well.”

  I nuzzled the side of her neck, and let go of her hand only to wrap my arm around her waist. I heard Joey’s voice start singing and grinned down at her. “Come, that’s our cue.” I pulled her to the dance floor and laid my other hand on her hip as the slow song picked up in tempo.

  Iolee swayed to the rhythm of the music and let me move her body, showing her how to dance. We danced with no words between us, just the music and our bodies touching. She tilted her head back and sighed in such a way that I couldn’t help myself. Every single cell of my body vibrated with need, my cock twitching in my pants filling up.


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