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New Hope (The New Earth Colonies Book 1)

Page 7

by Nina Silver

  I leaned down and nuzzled the middle of her throat. Iolee jumped in surprise and put her hands on my forearms looking up at me. Her eyes were wide, but the heat within them could not be mistaken. She wanted me too. I pulled her closer to me, her hands flexing on the bunching muscles of my arms. My bio-enhanced hearing allowed me to hear her fast beating heart, and her hitched breathing despite all the music and crowd.

  I leaned down again, fully prepared to kiss her on the lips when someone ran into us jostling us out of our arousal haze. Iolee gently gasped, and took a step back – away from me, her hands falling away from my skin. She bit her lip and looked down embarrassed. I groaned in resentment and turned to see who had ruined our moment. I saw Jo’s form rush away, her red hair furiously swinging behind her.

  I let go of Iolee and ran a hand through my hair. I knew Jo would be mad at me tomorrow, but there was nothing I could do about that. I reached out and ran a hand over Iolee’s arm. “Want to get out of here?”

  I wanted to continue whatever was between us somewhere more private, somewhere that looked a lot like my personal unit preferably. Iolee frowned up at me seeming confused. With my other hand, I ran my fingers down her cheek and cupped her neck. Her skin feeling incredibly silky underneath my fingers. My eyes locked with hers, and once more I saw the need in them. I wanted this woman, I wanted her so much, and I knew that I’d do anything I could to have her.

  I resisted the urge to lean down and kiss her - to start things I should not be starting here in public. Yet, I resisted. I knew she was timid, I would let her set the pace of whatever this was. And so, I waited for her answer.

  She finally shook her head slowly and averted her gaze. “I th-think… I think I should go lay down.” She finally said, and disappointment filled me. “I’m a bit tired, and we have an early morning.”

  I slowly nodded and grasped her hand leading us out of the crowd. I made it through the mess hall’s doors and then we walked in the Commons until we reached its doors. I turned to her.

  “Are you sure you wouldn’t like to spend some more time together?” I asked once more, raking my eyes over her form and letting her know what my intent was.

  She shivered and took a step back with a ragged breath. “I - I’m sure…”

  “Maybe some other time?” I offered as I took a step to close the distance between us.

  Iolee bit her lip and shrugged one shoulder. “Maybe…”

  “I’ll take that.” I murmured, my eyes intently on her pink lips. Not wanting to finish the night yet, I decided a risk was worth taking. I slowly reached out for her my palms going to her curvy hips, and then gently brought her flush against me. She looked up at me, and then her eyes slid down to my lips. Impatiently, taking that as a sign of her interest, I brought my lips down against her and kissed her. Not a passionate kiss, but a gentle, unhurried one, a couple presses of the mouth – just to show her I wanted her and then pulled back. My heart beating fast, my cock, hard and my hands shaking with need.

  She took a deep breath and then looked at me, her tongue sneaking out to taste her lips. “Goodnight then?”

  I smiled at her confused words, her eyes looking smoky and drawing me in. “See you tomorrow then.” I let her go and turned around leaving, my whole body aching from want and desire.



  I ran to the Mess Hall, the heat of the day already intense enough to make me sweat from my running. I hadn't much slept last night, thinking of Cove's kiss had kept me up until a couple of hours ago, and I had accidentally overslept.

  Hence my running at the Mess Hall at 6:25 in the morning. I made it inside the doors and saw my team and Cove already waiting for me. I ignored Cove in wishing not to be distracted right at this minute and made it straight to Arlo.

  "Sorry, my alarm didn't go off." I panted.

  "No problem Doc, you still made it on time." Arlo tapped the thin com band on his wrist. "Go grab some food for the road and we're out."

  I quickly ran up to the morning meal line where I was given a few packs of nutrient shakes and a few nutrient pastes. One of the people I'd met yesterday at dinner, Clotie smiled and gave me a few packs of dried nuts and fruits along with a couple of water flasks.

  "Thank you Clotie!"

  "Yeah no problem Doc, just take care, you look a bit run down this mornin."

  I smiled thankfully and placed the food in my backpack. I looked run down because I felt run down - and I was run down.

  That kiss yesterday had shaken me to my core. I wanted Cove badly and knowing that he wanted me too just made me even more distracted. Hence waking up late, not having enough time to get ready, and ending up running around like a crazy person with my curly red hair wet and loose running down my back. I at least had time for a quick shower, and I thanked my lucky stars for that.

  I headed out to the Commons and from there to the transport hangar. The four men were already strapped in and settled, Cove who seemed to be waiting for me grinned as he saw me rushing.

  "Rough morning Doc?" He asked and gave me a meaningful look that did absolutely nothing to calm my fast beating heart - rather the opposite actually.

  "Kinda." I gave him a small smile and wondered if he had stayed up late thinking of that sizzling energy between us last night as I had.

  "In you go." He gently said and helped me climb on the transport, his arms enticingly lingering on my waist for a few more seconds.

  I strapped myself in, and within minutes we were at the site. Nothing seemed to have moved, and everything was the way we'd left things last night.

  Excited for the second day of exploration I grabbed my backpack and my bag of tools and quickly headed to the sphere. The men followed after me, their chatter sounding humorous and pleasant but not registering as I was already thinking of Ourupta language and symbols.

  As I prepped the area, the men cleared more of the debris from yesterday’s explosion until there was enough room for all of us to stand around the sphere.

  In enthusiasm, I uncovered it from the special cloth that I used to protect it for the night, and with a squeal of excitement started cataloguing the newly revealed symbols that were hidden by the rock yesterday.

  The next couple hours went by similarly as the day before. The men around me did some other things, with only Cove remaining by my side and asking me different things on semantics and Ourupta symbols.

  Once in a while, my focus would break, and I'd throw side glances at Cove, noticing his glistening skin, his deep breathing, his spicy scent... anything. As a matter of fact, I was having such a moment right now.

  I licked my lips as I imagined running my palms over his hard abs that were perfectly visible under his gray temp shirt. My stomach fluttered, and I fanned myself as dizziness overcame me. Cove must have noticed because he reached out to steady me.

  "I think it's time for your break. As much as I enjoy seeing you work, I'd hate to see you pass out even if it is in my arms."

  My stomach fluttered again, and I lamely laughed. Why was this gorgeous man's attention on me? I knew I wasn't anything special.

  Cove rose to his feet and pulled me with him. I could hear the other four somewhere in the distance, close to the beach, but couldn't see them.

  Cove placed his arm around my waist supporting me, not that I needed it but it felt damn good.

  "You had no food - how about we feed you some yummy delicious nutrient sludge eh?"

  I laughed at his teasing tone. "Yum, can't wait." We reached the transport, and he handed me a flask of water and a nutrient pack. I opened both and started drinking trying to pace myself.

  "Sleep well?"

  He gave me a grin, and I realized that my question came out with much more innuendo than I had originally meant. "Not as well as I could have."

  Good lord! He was flirting with me! "Hmmm."

  "When do you think you will be done here today?" He tipped his chin towards the sphere.

  I shrugged. "Can't say, I’m
trying to figure why the damn thing won't move. Such tricky Ourupta tech... But I think I'm going to use my tools to dig under it and go from there."

  "Sounds like a plan."

  I finished my nutrient pack and then chugged some water.

  "And what will your plans be for later tonight? Hope they include me in them."

  I choked at his question, water spraying out of my mouth straight on him as I coughed.

  "You okay?" He asked as I continued coughing and thumping my chest.

  I nodded. "Yeah."

  "Just taken aback?"

  "Well yeah... I'm not exactly used to men being so - open?"

  He gave me a challenging look. "Open or determined to get what they want?"


  "You don't like it?"

  I thought about it, my hands clutching each other. "I don't dislike it - it's just not something that has ever happened to me before." He nodded understandingly, and I felt it was imperative for me to ask him at this moment this worry that sprang to my mind. "Is this something you do often?" I felt that his answer would be vastly important in how I'd decide to deal with this situation. He looked at me curiously. “I mean - you know, pursue … women.” I finally mumbled blushing and looked at my hands. He reached out, his finger running down my jaw. I shivered, my eyes seeking his out.

  "No, I don't do this often. I don't do this ever."

  "Except you are doing it now?"

  He looked at me - really looked at me - as if he was trying to see into my soul. "There's something about you... you draw me in."

  I swallowed the sudden lump in my throat. I felt drawn to him too - but didn't feel courageous enough to share that with him quite yet.

  Crunching footsteps indicated my team's return and the discussion between Cove and I was put on the back burner.

  We briefly all chatted as I continued my break until I decided it was time to get back to work. I grabbed my tiny shovel and with invigorated energy commenced my plan. I dug around the one side of the sphere and then continued until I created a slight incline hoping the sphere might roll after a gentle shove. No luck though - which meant more digging.

  I continued digging until my shovel hit something hard with a clanking noise. The ground vibrated, and my heart leaped to my throat, fear flooding my body.

  "Uhm guys?" I called as I tried to remain still. "I think I've found something."

  As if they were vultures, all five men descended on me.

  "What did you find?" Locke asked curiously looking around. "I don't see anything different.”

  "Here, come closer and listen." I shifted the shovel until after a few minutes I hit something again and the ground vibrated and rumbled.

  "What is that?" Cain asked with a disconcerting frown.

  "I've no idea." Carefully I used the shovel to try and dig around the object it was hitting.

  "Maybe you shouldn't do that Doc." Cove stated his mouth set on a grim line just as my shovel hit the object again, this time unexpectedly harder. The vibrating sounds increased, and the ground shook even moving some rocks.

  Before I even knew what was happening the ground beneath my feet vanished and I fell into darkness. I screamed as I heard the others call my name and then more rumbling and more screams happened.

  I hit something with my back and I yelped in pain, my spine cracking, I fell on something solid and my momentum took me down even further, rolling in some kind of ground. I hit my hand and then knee on something and screamed in pain again.

  My fall continued, as I rolled down the steep incline of whatever it was that I had hit. Adrenaline was rushing through me, and I couldn't hear anything but my heartbeat and the flow of my blood rushing over my ears.

  I was going to die, I had been falling for a while now and there was no way I’d survive it - I was going to die! Right at that thought, the solid wall behind me vanished, and my breath caught. I fell face first on solid ground, my arms and legs under me cracking. I screamed in pain as my speed abruptly came to a stop, and I heard multiple bones snap.

  I laid still breathing heavily trying to come to terms with the fact that I was still alive even after such a big fall. I turned on my back and groaning I opened my eyes. Dirt and small rocks fell on me and I looked around to see nothing but darkness.

  I breathed a few more moments until I heard more rushing sounds and screams somewhere above me. Oh stars, I quickly scrambled out of the way just in time as more bodies came crashing down with groans of pains.

  I tried to support myself to get up but both my ankle and wrist failed causing me to fall right back down, and I screamed in agony at the sharp needle of pain lancing both of them.

  "Iolee?" A voice called out urgently. Cove.

  "Here." I called out my voice cracking.

  I heard shuffling and then felt someone's hands on my knees and then running up my body to settle on my waist.

  "Are you hurt?" Cove whispered and I groaned in pain.

  "Maybe - just a little. Who else is here?"

  More shuffling and then a blue light illuminated the area around us. I saw Cove kneeling next to me, and then Arlo who was tapping his com band.

  "Fucking shit! What did just happen?" Haze grumbled as he lay in a heap on the ground a few feet away. I saw Cain help Locke stand up. We all were here, somewhere underground.

  "We fell in a sinkhole I think." Cain offered looking around. I was too dizzy and in too much pain to think of our surroundings at the moment. “The explosion must have created it yesterday.”

  "Is everyone alright?" Arlo asked. “Com’s got no signal down here. We must be at least hundreds of feet underground and there’s barely any light.”

  "Iolee seems to have dislocated her wrist and might have sprained her ankle - it’s hard to tell." Cove stated as he pulled me up softly, the effort of it tired me and I leaned my head against his shoulder.

  "Let me check." Cain rushed to us and quickly inspected my hand and foot. "I have to push your wrist back into place." He said after a while and I nodded. "It'll hurt but if I leave it like this all twisted it won't heal right, I don't have any pain med supplies with me but I have to do it now." He gave me a questioning look.

  "Just do it." I whimpered as I felt Cove's soothing hands rubbing my shoulders. The pain was increasing from a dull throb to a roaring burning sensation.

  "You'll be fine, I'm right here." Cove whispered and Cain grabbed my wrist and then pushed it. I screamed as the pain hit me full force, immediately a sense of dizziness and nausea came over me and I closed my eyes so as not to faint. Cove's arms around me strengthened and I turned my head breathing in his spicy scent.

  "Good job Iolee, that was it - no more now, okay?" Cain patted my shoulder and I breathed deeply trying to calm my furiously beating heart. “Your foot looks bruised but I don’t think it’s sprained.

  "What are we going to do?" Locke said.

  "Let's gather around." Arlo commented walking towards us, as Haze and Locke followed.

  I took deep breaths, trying not to focus on the pain on my wrist and ankle but the situation we found ourselves in - because of me. My body felt hyper-aware. I could feel the hair on my arms raised. I felt the sweat dripping down the back of my neck. Everyone's breathing harsh and rapid in my ears.

  “We've fallen so now we'll have to think of what comes next.” Arlo started.

  “One or two of us could try climbing and go to get help, while the rest wait.” Cove answered with his arms still supporting me.

  “That’s not a bad idea.” Haze scratched his chin. “I’ll go, anyone else volunteer?”

  “I’ll go with you.” Locke stated.

  Locke and Haze jumped up to the opening we fell from, a great big yawning chasm a few feet higher from where we fell.

  I frowned in surprise. How were they able to jump that high? The two men stood there lighted by the blue, then turned to look at Arlo. “Okay, this is a no go.”

  “What? why?” I asked as a throb of pain hit me. We neede
d to get out of here and I needed some pain medication. I had never been in any pain before. In Saturn, we were perfectly monitored for our health and I had never had any accidents or illnesses.

  “I don’t think this is a sinkhole…” Locke commented, and he and Haze continued shuffling, only their feet visible. “Come see this Arlo.”

  “What is it?” Arlo answered, and in a fluid, graceful move also jumped up in the darkened hole.

  “How do they do that?” I wondered out loud looking at Cain and then Cove. Even in the shape, they were in it still wouldn’t be possible for them to just jump that high up. Cove exchanged a meaningful look with Cain, and then they both ignored my question.

  Cove jumped to his feet and then leaned down to help me, Cain going to my other side. They both lifted me up, supporting me between them. I leaned on my good leg, as my left ankle hurt.

  “What the actual fuck?” We heard Arlo, his voice confused and puzzled.

  “Must be Ourupta made.” Locke mumbled but his voice flowed down to us.

  “I’m not sure, what if it’s old world?” Haze argued back.

  “I don’t think so.” Arlo commented his voice grave.

  The three of us slowly hobbled under the entrance of the huge hole as we tried to figure out what was going on with the other three and why was no one trying to climb to get some help?

  “What is it?” Cove finally called out right as my patience was starting to thin out.

  “This isn’t a sinkhole… this is a damned tunnel.” Haze stated as we all stood silent.



  “What do you mean it’s a tunnel?” Cove glared up at the hole - tunnel?

  “Exactly what I said, thing’s too big, and the walls are too smooth for this to be a sinkhole. It’s gotta be a tunnel.”

  Cove’s face twisted into a grimace and he turned to look at Cain. “Hold the Doc, I’ll go check it out.”


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