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Livvy's Devil Dom

Page 5

by Raven McAllan

  "I'm your Dom, and you’re my pet. End of. And if you're being so bratty, I might as well add nipple clamps and a clit stud to the equation."

  What? She had to be dreaming. Any minute now, she'd wake up, snug in her own bed. Not aching, not nude, and definitely not thinking of changing her appearance and preparing to fuck the living daylights out of her Devil.

  "Oh, no." Livvy shook her head. "I've agreed to shave my pussy, bare myself for all and sundry, and it seems I'm up for a multi-fuck fest. Not to mention being bitten and bloodied. Me, who hates the sight of blood. Shit, I'm even a vegetarian because of it. But I draw the line at those. If they're part of the deal, then it's no deal. Prepare to meet thy doom." She chose to ignore his Dom and pet taunt, the soft way he said it and how it made her go gooey and wet. She'd sort that out later.

  Her nipples hardened, her pussy clenched, and her clit throbbed at the thought of those hitherto unknown delights. Not that she had any intention of telling Sael. He was way too sure of himself already. What was a clit stud, anyway?

  He laughed. Livvy stared at the idiot in front of her. Shit, if his cock didn't rear up toward her when he laughed.

  "Ah, Livvy-love, all I can say is wait and see, and watch and learn. We've a hell of a lot to do in such short a time, and believe me, when I show you how I'm going to use them on you, demonstrate the pleasures you're going to feel, you won't be saying no to anything. You'll be begging for more."

  "Only if I get to use something similar on you," Livvy said with a snap in her voice. "Do you get cock studs?"

  Sael looked at her. "If we get through all this, Liv, and if you need me to, then I'll consider it. But we need to get through this first. There's not a lot of time to get everything sorted."

  "Well, why did you leave it so late to ask me then?" Livvy asked with genuine interest. "If you have a moon every month, then surely, you've had a couple of weeks to … oh." She blushed as the words "that time of the month" hit her.

  Luckily, he didn't come back with any smart-ass comments, just pulled her in for a cuddle.

  "This means more to me than you will ever know. Whatever the outcome." He held her closely, just letting his cock rub her entrance.

  Livvy shivered. If she was going to do all this stuff, they might as well start practicing.

  Chapter Five

  Sael almost fell over as Livvy wound one elegant leg around his waist. She snaked her hand between them, and he felt his cock grow even harder as she curled her fingers around it and guided him into her warm and welcoming pussy.

  "Wha…?" He didn't manage anything else. All coherent thought left him as Livvy guided him ever deeper. Her other leg joined the first, and he grabbed her and held tightly onto her ass as she rode him.

  "Hell, Liv, a warning would've been good." He smiled as he said it, and leaned back against the wall for more leverage.

  With each thrust, his arousal grew. With each thrust, he felt his fangs emerge. All his tiny incisors were sharp, ready, and aching to bite.

  "Shit, Liv, I need to taste you. Just one tiny bite. It won't hurt." Much. "Look on it as the first step."

  Let me, or I'll show you I can make you.

  "Before we come. It'll hurt less and mean more."

  And I'm so close to coming, it's got to be now. So why aren't I telling her instead of asking?

  He saw her tiny nod, saw the way her mouth trembled, and the fear in her eyes, and felt a right shit. But it was going to happen sooner or later; it had to. Better in the throes of passion, better to spill the blood before he spilled into her.

  His fangs ran out, and he felt the power surge into him. This part of him—his own devilment—was the biggest turn-on ever. Not that he needed any more of a turn-on. If Livvy moved even half an inch the wrong way, his cock would snap in two.

  Liv couldn't take her eyes off his fangs. With each thrust, he took them closer to her breasts. Nearly there—Fuck, don't come.

  "You okay?" He gasped.

  She half smiled. "Okay. I think, anyway. Just remember me and blood is so not good."

  He crooned and panted at the same time, which wasn't at all easy. "This will hurt a bit. I can't lie, love. But each time it'll get easier and better, and eventually…" Did he dare tell her she'd come as he bit? Why not?

  "Just let yourself go. You'll see what I mean. Grip tight now, love, while I move my mouth. That's a girl. Beautiful. Fuck, you sure know how to grip a cock." Her internal muscles contracted and relaxed and drew something deeper and more soulful from him than he knew he possessed. He knew he needed to bite quickly. Sael leaned back to make sure he had her well impaled and bent his head. He trembled with the thought of what was about to happen. He could almost feel his fangs vibrate, his incisors snap in anticipation of the taste of ripe, juicy flesh. All—well, nearly all, he amended silently—his fantasies rolled into one.

  He made his first little graze.

  Livvy flinched. Ah, better than he expected. All those little nips and grazes in the dark of night had prepared her well. For a second, he felt guilty about the way he had taken those delicious beginnings, but only for a second. He might not have followed human ethics, but he sure as hell had followed Devil's ones.

  Now came the hard bit.

  His fangs sank into her, and opened the flesh. The incisors followed and extended the wound further. The blood began as a trickle and then became a gush. Ah, ecstasy. His body began to shake, and his cock to fill in anticipation of what he knew would be his best climax in an age.

  He bit deeper, and enjoyed the metallic smell and taste of her blood with its own definable essence as he swallowed greedily. It was no wonder people got Devils and vampires mixed up!

  One more bite, for luck.

  Livvy screamed. "Shit, shit, fuck, that bloody hurts. No, no, no more, please."

  He lifted his mouth to speak and licked the blood off his lips. "Nearly there, love, oh so nearly there." Ah, gorgeous. "Do you know how fucking amazing that looks? My mark on you for all to see. Now, one more tiny bite, and we'll fly together."

  "No, no please, Sael. It hurts so much. Please, Sir, don't do it again. Crum … Argh. Oh yes, yes." She sobbed, he would guess not in pain anymore. Her body shook, sweat appeared on her brow, and her eyes glazed in ecstasy.

  He took his last bite and felt himself swell, fill, and come.

  She followed with a cry loud enough to shatter glass. He kept his mouth firmly on her breast, as he rode through her climax with her and experienced her shudders surround him as they ran along his cock. Even then he was still hard and ready for another round.

  One benefit of being a Devil, he thought as their breathing gradually slowed. He gave an experimental push, deep inside her. Livvy moaned. Not in a bad way, he felt.

  He tried again. Livvy dropped her head to his shoulder.

  "How can you want more when there's no more left to have?" Her words were slurred. "I'm drained, and you're still rock hard? But I'm sure you well…"

  "I did." He confirmed it with a grin. "But hey, one of the best things about being a good Devil is the rapid recovery time. Naught to full in five minutes flat. Sometimes less." He kissed the top of her head. "If we can do this, love, we can do anything. Now let me tidy you up before you drip onto the carpet."

  "Me, drip?" She lifted her head and smiled, a smile full of sex, promise, and a whole lot more. "Ha, you're the one who'll … oh, oh shit. Yeah."

  She looked down at her breast, where blood still dripped slightly before it slowly congealed. Livvy blanched and swallowed. "Hell, Sael, I think I'm gonna…" Her eyes rolled, and her head fell back.

  Fuck, she really didn't like the sight of blood. Sael swore viciously in his own language as he held the limp woman in his arms, his cock still nestled deep inside her. He slowly began to pull back—or tried to. She may have fainted, but her inner muscles still worked on all cylinders and were clamped very firmly around him.

  Sael considered his options, such as they were.

  He leane
d against the wall, with an unconscious woman in his arms and on his cock. Moreover, it seemed she had no intention—deliberately or not—of letting him move out of her. Carefully, he walked to the settee and sat down gently, Livvy still held in the same position, only now she rested over him. He twisted his head and lifted her slightly to look at the semen-stain marks that stood out clearly on her stomach. Marks of pride, of hope, and longing. Marks of the hope of belonging. If, and only if, she gave herself to him freely, and as his race decreed, they would disappear. Until that time, they would stay, a reminder to both of them of the journey they were about to undertake.

  Sael lifted her slightly to enable him to reach the sweet trickle of blood that made its leisurely way across her body. If she wasn't going to let him pull out, and it seemed she wasn't—hell, he was getting harder by the second—he'd clear the blood up in a much more pleasurable way. He licked. He couldn't resist a quick suck on one hard, pointed nipple.

  Swiftly, Sael finished his clean-up operations and sucked her nipple again. Just because he could. Then he moved to the other one for exactly the same reason.

  "Mmm. Nice. I like that." Her lids flickered, and then Livvy opened her eyes. The color was gradually returning to her face. "Er, what happened? All I remember is the best orgasm of my life. Was it the little death? I've never experienced that before. If it was, um, I'm not sure I want it again."

  Sael kissed the tip of her nose. "Nope, sadly. You fainted. Due to…" He didn't finish. Livvy went white again. "It's okay," he said hastily. "All tidy. Look, look and see for yourself. I promise. It's all good."

  She looked swiftly down at a neat scar, the only evidence of his earlier feast.

  "The one thing about this marking is it heals within minutes of, well, of when I finish feasting, I guess is as good a way as any to put it. That's why you've never noticed any of the preparations." He waited to see if she would pick up and understand his words.

  "Preparations? What do you mean by that?" Oh ho, her tone could chill his inferno.

  "Well." He spoke cautiously, one eye making sure she couldn't reach anything heavy to hit him with. She really did have a lot to learn about control and obedience. "Every time we've made love, I've made a little graze, just a little one to prepare your skin. You've always said it tickled."

  "But then, as you've chosen to make me forget most of our encounters, I wouldn't know about that, would I?"

  Oh ho, Ms. Icicle is out in force.

  She hadn't finished. "Is that fair?"

  "All's fair in love and war, so they say," Sael said in an equable manner. "I did what I felt necessary. I had to prepare you in case you said yes. It's a huge thing, this Devil bite. I have to know I can do it as expected. There's a traditional method to it."

  She seemed to consider his words. "Okay, I'll go for that at the moment. Oh and this isn't Dom/sub, okay? Is there anything else you've been doing and conveniently let me forget?"

  Sael shook his head.

  "Nothing. Well, I don't know what you remember." He could look, but decided to hold off. Then he wasn't lying, exactly. Just bending the truth to suit himself. He rather thought she knew everything now. If she didn't, he wasn't going to jog her memory, not now she was reasonably happy. "But I don't think so. We'll find out soon enough. Everything else we've done or will do, from now on, you'll be well aware of. Fully participating and, I hope, with enjoyment."

  "Hmm." She didn't sound too sure. "I'll reserve judgment. Will you need to do that biting and hacking thing again? Because remember, I go funny at the sight of blood."

  Hacking? She called his carefully placed marks hacking? Ready to be incensed, Sael suddenly saw the funny side of the conversation. Here he was with his cock deep inside her, growing ever ready to come by the second, and she decried his heritage. Sod it, come first, and talk later. He kissed her full on the lips, thrust hard, set up a rhythm, and climaxed. The phrase "Crafty Devil" hadn't been coined for nothing.

  He bent his head and set up a steady nip and soothe on her nipples, first one, and then the other. Unrepentant at coming before her, he held her to him and with one hand firmly circling her anus slipped a fingertip in. Nothing too hard or too far. Similar to before, just a tiny preparation for when he had to venture farther. And make her aware of it. With a start, he remembered her saying she didn't remember that or oral sex. However, she had agreed to do everything he demanded, and no way would he let her renege. Still he felt uneasy.

  Oh, shit, grief due. But instead of bringing it on, he enjoyed the feel of her milking him as he pushed her over the edge, and then he lost himself in her shudders. He moved his hand from holding her close to give her ass a sharp tap just as she climaxed and making her cry out in sweet pain as she reached that pinnacle.

  He watched her, enjoyed the play of emotions that crossed her face, and felt each shudder of her arousal flick through his cock. She was so receptive. It took all his willpower not to turn her over and fuck her ass there and then. By all the Devils, he was well ready for it. The feel of that snug sweet hole as it enclosed him and held him tight was one of his fondest memories. Her gasps of pleasure and pain as he stretched and filled her, and then their movements in tune and perfection, were enough to make his mouth go dry. This was not the time, however. He stayed where he was and waited until she fell still and cuddled into him. Deliberately he calmed his cock, pulled out, and grabbed some tissues from the box beside them.

  "I'll run you a bath. You'll be sore." He set her onto the settee regretfully. "And, Liv? It's to my shame, I think I've lied. Not on purpose, but lied nevertheless. I should have told you all this earlier. But you know? I was enjoying us so much that I didn't want to spoil it. A poor reason, but the truth nonetheless.”

  Chapter Six

  Livvy took a handful of tissues from Sael and watched as he walked naked, tall, straight-backed, and yes, darn right, sex on legs, out of the room. Hold on. She stared after the retreating figure. What could she see? Was it really? She shook her head to clear it. Whatever it was, was still there.

  "My tail," he said as he walked away, and swished it provocatively. "Not always on show, but I thought you might like a small glimpse of it. After all, you'll become very intimately involved with it soon. You can't even begin to guess what I can do with it, but I'll tell you now, you'll love every single thing."

  "How come?" She called after him. Does he mean I'll like what his tail does? The thought of what he might do made her aroused, very aroused. The sound of a tap turned on full filtered into the room, followed by mood music, soft and ready to soothe. Oh, how she needed that bath. Every bone and muscle in her body ached. She'd be hard pressed to walk for a week without looking like John Wayne.

  Livvy rested her head on the back of the settee, as she ran her mind over everything that had happened during the last few hours. So, those deeply erotic dreams weren't dreams, but reality. And evidently, she'd turned from a prim and proper supply teacher to a … a what? A swinger, by the sound of it.

  "No way. No swinging, unless it's with me, from the chandelier." Sael had returned to the room as silent as ever. "Okay, your bath's ready."

  Livvy stood up, and without conscious thought walked straight into his arms.

  "God, Sael, I do so love you. I'm scared. I don't know what I'm letting myself in for. I keep forgetting to say Sir, even though deep down I know it's what I want, and—" She remembered his earlier statement. "I want to know what you now realize you've lied about. You might as well tell me everything. Then I can have one big sulk-fest in the bath and decide if I'm going to forgive you."

  "Caviar?" He prompted her. "Sucking me, devouring me? Taking me in your ass? Screaming with enjoyment, begging me not to stop? Shit, Liv, you're my everything. Anything we did, we both enjoyed. And we've done most things. I grazed, you nipped. Hell, even I've got a scar to show." He lifted his wrist. "Remember what I said about no tattoo artist? These were us, you and me. So, truthfully? You choose not to remember. I condoned that, because I thoug
ht it would make things easier for you. It seems I was wrong. I feel dishonest because I let you forget the things we've done. Now you have a lot to decide and very little time to decide in. All I can do is hope and let you decide. I could persuade you with sex—we're so good together—but like I said, that's a big no-no."

  "But I've said yes. I'll do it." She was puzzled. "Did you not hear me?"

  "Oh, I heard you, and I love you for it, but to agree and then find out just what you've agreed to, well, that's two different things. Starting tomorrow night, it'll be full on, no holds barred sex, sex, and more sex."

  "No love?"

  He smiled, lifted her into his arms, and walked toward the bathroom. "Between us, there'll always be love. But I can't use it to persuade you to do anything. So it's got to be full on factual, rehearsal if you like, until we get it right. Then, on with the show."

  "That sounds so clinical." Livvy shuddered.

  "So it is, love. It's called life saving." He put her gently into the softly scented bubbles, left the room, and closed the door behind him.

  Liv sank down into the bathwater. She enjoyed the heat as it soothed her aches. In a strange way, it was as if she'd waited for this moment and it was her purpose in life. Maybe she truly had asked for him.

  But why, she mused, did she accept him so readily? Say she loved him, when she hardly knew him? Okay, she'd heard of love at first sight, but it was a load of crap. Just hormones. A way to ensure the survival of the species. But then, if he was telling the truth, Sael wasn't human, so what did that mean? Survival of two species, maybe? It was all way out of her sphere, so why was she so sure this was it? The real, happy ever after—well, if they got that chance—with roses round the door, two kids, and a Volvo?

  “You've known me, in more than the biblical sense, for over a year now. Thirteen moons. We've done everything possible a man and woman would ever want to. You've trusted me with your soul. And I trusted you with mine. Think on that. You are my love, as I've told you in your dreams and in your reality. Am I yours? Only you know.”


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