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Livvy's Devil Dom

Page 6

by Raven McAllan

  Livvy let the water trickle over her.

  How come I can hear him, as clearly as if he was in this bath with me? Now there's an interesting question. As she lay back, her breasts bobbed gently in the soft swell her movements made. She picked the left one up and looked closely at the skin. There was the scar. Neat, clean, and, in the shape of an S?

  “For Sael, to show who has marked you. If you choose to stay and be mine, my scar will change to an L, and my wrist will bear your sign.”

  But what would her wrist show? She checked the tiny lines. Was it an S? It just looked like a load of lines to her.

  “It will only change if you choose us. Otherwise, it will be just a tattoo. To remind you of what might have been.”

  Her eyes skimmed lower, to those marks she had agonized over. Those little freckles, scattered like drops of water. Now she knew better. Semen-stains, Sael had called them. His mine-marks. One mark for each drop he had spilled on her body. She looked at them closely. Marks of honor, she decided. She would wear them with pride. Whatever happened, she would, she resolved, be honorable and true to herself.

  "Sael?" she shouted. "Sir, can we talk?" Silence answered her. She didn't bother to shout again. She could tell there was no one there to answer her.

  “You need time alone. Without me.”

  "How will we succeed? How will I save your life, otherwise? I thought we had to"—she swallowed—"practice?"


  "How are you still in my head, you bastard? You bugger off, and only choose to answer what you want? How's that supposed to help me?"

  “I'll always be with you, love, in you, until it is decreed otherwise. But not with you. You need to think without me swaying you.”

  "And how do I know you're not swaying me from inside, then? You know, making my mind up for me?"

  Still silence. Livvy was sure she could feel his disappointment. Well, tough. She had questions she needed answered.

  "Well, fuck you then." She muttered and stood up in the bath, as water streamed off her body. "Sir."

  “Yes, please.”

  "Oh, fuck off. You don't deserve me," she said moodily as she reached for a towel.

  A wolf whistle made her close her eyes. Damn him. Go or stay, but hell, let me know which.

  Her new scar started to throb. Oh great, she thought as she dried herself on the big, fluffy bath sheet. I've got blood poisoning now. What did he put into me? I bet he'd been eating garlic. I'm allergic to garlic.

  “No garlic. No poison. It's a reminder, I guess. Of us. Of what we may or may not achieve.”

  "Sael, you bugger. Get out of my head. Get your ass here and speak to me face to face." Why am I shouting to nothing? I really am away with the fairies here.

  She sensed his chuckle.

  “No fairies. Only Devils. One Devil, and sadly, you're not away with me at the moment, more's the pity. You need a day, my love. To think and decide. Decide with your head and your heart what is right for you. Without my presence to, shall we say, distract you.”

  Oh, well that's as clear as mud! Not! Livvy brooded for a second. She knew he couldn't use sex to help her decide, but if she was honest, just seeing him next to her was such a turn-on, it did sway her to do as he asked.

  “One day. Then I'll be back. To hope you have chosen. You say you have done so, but you need to be sure. Very sure, because you can't leave it to the last minute to change your mind. The point of no return is when I return. I have to give you this time to reflect. It is demanded.”

  Well, that was all well and good, but how could she choose, make an informed choice, if she still had questions?

  Make a list. Okay, she thought. Number one … how do I string a Devil up by his balls?


  Livvy smiled dourly. Definitely ouch.

  "Don't worry, I'd cut you down and mouth you better. Though maybe that's another ouch as well."

  She could sense his wince. As well he might, she thought grimly as she found clean underwear and jeans and a jumper. This sucked big time. How dare he bugger off and leave her? Time to reflect?

  Ha! More likely time for him to cop out. Well, he could go fly if he expected her to meekly sit at home and wonder what might happen. Sod him.

  She had a thought.

  "So, you're with me at all times? Won't leave me? Although I won't see you or hear you unless you choose, you will be there?" Livvy wanted to be sure exactly what he meant.

  “Of course, I'm yours. Until … well, yes. I'm with you always.” She felt his amusement. “Well at certain times, I'm not paying attention, of course.”

  Livvy blushed. She was so glad her bathroom breaks were not invaded. She'd never even thought of that. "So, at all times, eh?"


  Right. She smiled to herself. It was a shopping day! She was fairly sure she heard a groan.

  Chapter Seven

  Shopping. The worst torture known to man. Unless it was a sex shop—with demonstrations. That, he could cope with. As long as Livvy was the demonstrator.

  She wasn't. He suffered. As a spare part. One Livvy didn't pay much attention to. No way could he leave without knowing she was okay. Or as okay as possible, given the circumstances. By the end of the afternoon, he was convinced she'd had him in every clothes shop known to man.

  “Ah, Livvy-love, how many more?” He wondered. This was it, the last changing room, the last time he'd watch her shimmy in and out of tight tops and skimpy dresses. And watch her red-haired pussy glow through that skimpy excuse for a thong. Enough was enough. Time to regain control.

  “I'll willingly follow you to the ends of the Earth, fuck with you to oblivion, but this, this banal, mindless search for nothing is sending me demented, and you know it. Brat, I'll remember. Everything is torture. Oh, except for that red excuse for a nightgown. That was a real hint of things to come, I hope. Red is my favorite color. Everywhere.”

  She blushed. "Not everywhere, it seems. Seeing as you want me to remove rather a lot of it. And get out of my head already. I'm shopping. If you don't like it, flick off. You're doing my nut in … and make me want to do yours. Nuts in."

  “Oh, shit. There's no need for violence. It's not up to me. Although, I have to say, the thought of you, pressed hard against me, just you, nothing else, is a big turn-on. Hell, my cock is throbbing just talking about it. I love the fact that I'll be able to see all of you, see your clit grow large, see you pulse for me. Feel your juices as you grow wet and come. Well, just, oh well,” he finished weakly. There was no way to describe how much the thought of her bare, shaved pussy turned him on. If only he could do the shaving. He damned the fact he was inside her, and hoped she held off with the razor until he was with her in body.

  "Yes. Well," Livvy said. "You can't, so, um, build a bridge and get over it."

  “That's it. I've had enough.” He appeared in front of her. She jumped, scowled at him, and promptly dropped the bottle of water she'd been about to drink from, and splashed his deep red, silk shirt.

  "Do not do that. If I'd had a saucepan of hot water in my hands instead of a bottle of ice-cold water, you'd be scalded right now. Idiot!"

  "I don't scald," he said complacently. "I'm a Devil, remember? And now we leave."

  He put the water down on the chair, led her out, and passed an astonished saleswoman, who obviously wondered how he'd gotten in there.

  "Home," he muttered. "Your home, and then I'll show you just who's in charge here. That's the last time you lead me into a day like this."

  "Hell, was it?" Livvy asked him, and laughed at him as she meekly allowed him to drag her toward the car park.

  "Oh, no, not hell. Hell is a picnic compared to this. Where's your car?"

  Livvy pointed.

  "Keys." He held out his hand. To his surprise, she handed him the car keys, walked to the passenger side, and threw her bags onto the back seat.

  "Take your thong off," he commanded as he watched her settle herself. “Take your thong of
f. Before I rip it off."


  He didn't think she sounded pissed, merely curious.

  "I could say it's because of the shitty day you've put me through, but I won't use that as an excuse." He paused, stared, and watched as her hands moved to the hem of her flirty little skirt. "I want to see you make yourself come, hear those delicious little moans and sighs you make as you start to come. And hear you roar and sob as you make yourself go over the edge. But"—he started the engine and drove out of the car park—"you're not going to come until I tell you."

  "Oh, yeah? Says who?"

  Damn, she was really trying his patience. His fangs ran out, and his incisors began to show.

  "I do, pet, and unless you want a red ass to go with your red pussy, get that thong off, and get your fingers working." He roared, and not because he was coming, either. Sometimes, she just didn't know when to stop. "So, the choice is yours."

  "Some choice," she muttered.

  "Remember just who you're talking to, pet."

  As he slowed for a corner, he glanced over and saw her pull that black, sexy, lacy scrap down her legs.

  "Give it here." He held a hand out.


  "Just bloody well do as I say for once without arguing, Livvy. On Wednesday, we need to be together, no whys or says whom. I say, and we do. That's the end of it."

  He plucked the lace from her and kissed it, and took in her scent, as he watched her eyes widen. Ah, it was all her, pure Livvy. Satisfied, he shoved the thong in his top pocket.

  "Start," he said. The tone of voice demanded obedience. "Talk me through. Don't argue, sass me, or come up with stupid excuses. Just do it."

  "Are you ready for this, Sael? Don't crash my car or take your eyes off the road. How would you like to explain we ended up in a ditch because the sounds of me fingering myself turned you on so much you lost concentration?" She was purring. Purring, for the Devil's sake—he hoped.

  "Oh, that won't happen." Swiftly, he turned the car into a lay-by. "Because you're going to come here. Outside."

  He switched the engine off, got out, opened her door, undid her seat belt, and took her arm.

  "Come on." He looked about the large, grassy area. A few picnic tables dotted the landscape, and the only people there, other than themselves, were a couple with a child in a buggy and a large dog on a lead. Far enough away, he judged, to see nothing, but close enough to add a frisson of awareness to Livvy.

  "Sael, Sir, I can't. Anyone might see."

  "And your problem is? Come Wednesday, you're going to do a lot more than play with yourself in front of other people." He said it in as reasonable a tone as he could manage. "So, sit on that bench, bare ass on the top. Lift your skirt, spread your legs, and show me. But do not come until I say so."

  He waited. If she did this, then Wednesday was going to be so much easier. By then, she had to do as he said without even thinking about it.

  He watched as she nervously checked the position of the other couple. Apparently satisfied they couldn't see, she sat cautiously on the wooden table, her skirt lifted from underneath her.

  "If I get splinters," she began.

  "I'll take them out. Lift the skirt. I can't see." She moved the skirt upward. "Higher, Livvy. Now, wet your fingers, put them deep inside you, and show me." Slowly, she moved her hand. Sael leaned forward and lifted the hem to her waist. Then he delivered a tap on top of those now damp, red curls.

  Livvy gasped.

  "Need to move faster, love. Every time you don't follow my directives, I need to remind you. The pussy-tap is said to be the biggest turn-on ever known. That was a reminder. I could get you to come by showing you."

  She rubbed herself. "Er, no thanks. Shit, I'm getting so turned on, and I'm so scared here. What does that make me?" She looked up at him, and her eyes twinkled with amusement.

  "Beautiful." He bent his head, kissed her where his hand had landed, and felt Livvy clench her thighs. He stopped her with his hand.

  "Oh, no, you're open and you stay open. Or I'll use something to make you stay open. It seems you've forgotten, you're supposed to be talking me through your feelings." Hell, his cock was so hard, he wasn't sure he'd manage not to stain his jeans with his pre-cum. She made him feel like a randy teenager with no control over his hormones.

  "Now, tell me. How turned on are you? Is your pussy on fire, does your clit throb?"

  "Oh, shit, Sael, more than that. I'm wet and wanting. I need to come. I want to come. Please, Sir."

  She was almost crying. Yes, I've made her feel. Sael felt like punching the air. They'd make it. The sexy way she breathed “Sir” was the perfect addition.

  "Okay, come for me. Now, hard and fast. Scream as you do. Loudly, let the world know."

  She did. Loudly. Was there ever a noise so sweet?

  Chapter Eight

  Before they set off, Sael loved her as if it were the last time. Nothing different, nothing O.T.T. as she privately called it, just long, hot, lingering lovemaking. Afterward, she cried. It all seemed so final. He understood, and simply cuddled her into him until she stopped.

  "Ah, Livvy love. It isn't too late to change your mind, you know. I wouldn't blame you."

  "You'd have trouble blaming me if you'd snuffed it. Idiot." She didn't even think it through, before she bit him. A neat, no-skin-breaking nip. His skin was hotter than she'd ever felt before. Almost to the point Livvy wondered if she'd have a scorch mark on her face.

  Her touch brought his fangs out, and his tail swished in an arc. To her surprise, a neat but vicious set of horns appeared on either side of his head. Shiny and dark, they made her tremble. It wasn't pure fear, Livvy noticed, but tempered with excitement.

  "You bring out my Devil Within. In a good way. You complete me. And it saves me explaining that these"—he touched his horns—"will appear."

  Livvy stared. Then, as a credit to her own temerity, ran her fingers over them. Velvet, rock hard velvet.

  "What do you do with them?" she asked.

  He'd shown her—almost. His head dipped toward her pussy. Then he stopped and rubbed one velvet tip over her clit.

  "Show me." She stared up at him and hoped the trust and interest she had were obvious in her expression. "Show me what you use them for. I'm guessing it’s not for hoopla or quoits."

  Sael sniggered. "Not unless your kink goes that way. I er, well…" His voice trailed off. Livvy rolled her eyes.

  "Argh for goodness’ sake. Do I get out the vibrator, or do I get a horn? Though I guess it doesn't vibrate I bet it's good."

  "You reckon? Let me show you." His voice was gravelly, with added heat. "Ah now, pet, feel the heat." He got up onto his knees, lifted her legs to stretch out each side of him and bent his head. The fine, short, and curly hairs tickled her skin, and Livvy jumped. It didn't tickle, exactly, but it did heighten her arousal. Then Sael stroked her clit with the tip and let it slide over her soft skin toward the entrance to her channel. Livvy wriggled and gasped as a wave of fire swept through her.

  "It's hot and heat, and it throbs." She stopped moving as he edged the horn oh so gently inside her. Her muscles tensed, and he paled. Did he think she might say red, or even worse, crumble? There was no chance. She'd got this far, and Livvy didn't intention to renege.

  She began a tiny clench and release move, over and over again. "I want more."

  "Dammit, do you know how bloody difficult it is not to thrust, take, and force the pace?" He grunted the words. "You know the expression to the hilt?"

  Why was he talking about stupid expressions and not filling her to the hilt? Ah…

  "Yeah, so? Do it then."

  He grinned. "Did you know the opposite end to the tip of a Devil's horn is called the hilt?" Then he pushed.

  Tiny stings slid over the inner walls of her pussy, as his horn slid “to the hilt” and back. Over and over those little stabs hit her and tingles spiraled from them. Wave after wave of fiery heat pulsed through her as he moved. Livvy opened
her eyes a slit, and watched in awe as tiny shards of light pulsed around his head, dancing up and down in time to their sexual beat. The sensations were so different from when he fucked her with his cock or finger. Every so often a gush of her arousal slipped past his horn to coat her legs. Then he shuddered and groaned.

  "Liv-love, I can't help this. Take a deep breath, and hold me tight inside. Because if my horn makes me come, my cock will spill all over us, and you'll have to lick it off me and me off you. We'll defer on the sheets."

  What the hell is he rambling on about? Being impaled on a hot throbbing horn didn't add to the ability to think coherently. She didn't bother to answer him or try to work out how his cock was so agile. She just clenched her inner muscles and refused to let him go.

  The roar he gave should have been heard in the capital. With strength he hadn't shown before, Sael lifted her ass into the air—without taking his horn out—and his cock grazed her ass. His horn shuddered, his body shook, and he was right. Cum coated her.

  Livvy floated, and saw bright colored lights. She was only dimly aware of Seal slumping next to her before he gathered her into his arms and let his other horn stroke over her neck.

  She snuggled into him, and pressed her lips to his nipple. He wriggled, and she giggled. "That's not an invitation for the next round. That's a thank you."

  "Not for a few minutes anyway."

  She looked up at him, and he laughed. "Ah, pet, you are so easy to read at times. Now rest there until I run a bath. Um you're not too sore, are you? I got a bit carried away and didn't temper my pulsars."

  "Is that what it's called?"

  He nodded.

  "Er no, just all hot and well hot. But having said that, I don't want to be impaled on a horn every time. Even if it does bring a new meaning to the expression I'm horny. Oh shit, you having such unusual thingies and all that. I can't come pregnant though a horn can I?"

  "Thingies? Thingies, sheesh, woman." He laughed so hard he nearly fell off the bed. Livvy was oh so tempted to give him a helping hand. "No, I can only make babies with my semen."


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