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Caught by Love: A Lesbian Romance

Page 10

by Jade Winters

  “I’ll grab you a croissant and some orange juice,” Leah said going over to the table whilst Hannah walked over to Mike, the director of photography, to go over the script. Alisa and Skye were not due on set for an hour, so she had time to get herself settled.

  “Hey, Hannah. How’s it going?” Joe, the head of the camera department called out, stopping for a second from loading his camera.

  “Good, thanks, I hear congratulations are in order,” she said stopping briefly to talk to him.

  “Thanks, he’s only six months and I’m losing my hair already,” he said, running his hand over his thinning hair.

  Hannah laughed and then continued on to Mike. They chatted about the script and how she would like the initial scenes to be filmed.

  “So, it looks like everything has been organised quicker than I expected,” she said, glancing around the set.

  “Yes, we were here quite early to make sure we started on time. There’re a couple more things I need to do. The grips are bringing up the camera crane which will need to be set up and I also need to speak to the gaffer about the lighting. They’ve not quite finished sorting it out yet, when they do, I’ll get a couple of the extras to stand in for Alisa and Skye while we get the lighting set up for the first scene.”

  “Okay, thanks, Mike.”

  Hannah walked through to the kitchen where the first scene was to be shot. The opening sequence would set the tone for the rest of the movie as the two main characters fight to ward off their attraction for each other. She hoped the chemistry between Alisa and Skye would be as strong as it had appeared at the pre-production party. If it was, there’d be no problem. It had happened to her on a few occasions where the spark between the co-stars was about as romantic as watching paint dry. No matter how hard she’d tried to instigate some passion it had failed miserably. Some people just had it, while others just didn’t.

  “Hannah, it’s so good to see you,” Meredith said sliding up beside her.

  Hannah’s eyes widened. “Meredith,” she replied pulling her into a tight embrace.

  Meredith was a plump woman with frizzy unkempt hair. Her positive attitude and easy manner made her one of the most sought after production managers in the business.

  Meredith’s brown eyes softened as she stepped back and looked at her. “How’re things since. . .”

  Hannah shrugged her shoulders. “I’m just taking one day at a time.”

  “You know I’m here if you need anything.”

  “Of course, thank you.”

  “Alisa has just turned up by the way. I’ve sent her straight to make-up.”

  “I thought she wasn’t due here until nine?”

  “No, she wasn’t, but as she’s here and we are running ahead of schedule, I thought I may as well send her straight there. I’ve also called Skye and she should be here soon. Everyone wants today to go smoothly for you, it being your first day back at work. I can’t say what they’ll be like tomorrow, it will most probably be mayhem, so take advantage of today.”

  Hannah laughed. “I will, thanks.”

  “I’m going to make sure costumes have brought the right set of clothes. The shoot I was on last week was embarrassing as hell. We were filming a costume drama and the clothes they brought looked like they came from another planet not another century. Dreadful, anyway give me a shout if you need anything.” Meredith turned to walk away, pausing to say, “And welcome back, Hannah, I’ve missed you, we all have.”

  “Thanks, Meredith, I appreciate it,” Hannah said gratefully.

  With Alisa already on the set, she didn’t know whether to be professional and go and say hello first. If Alisa was any other actress she would do. After much internal debating, she decided it would be for the best. The last thing she needed was to have a strained atmosphere with the leading lady. She needed to get the best out of Alisa and she wasn’t going to achieve that by alienating her from the start.


  Leah stood waiting patiently behind a member of crew procrastinating over his breakfast. She’d heard that Alisa had turned up. She turned to look where Hannah was and saw her through the kitchen door talking with the production manager. It made her feel sick—everyone fawning all over her like she was the only one that had suffered. What about her? She’d had to mourn and grieve alone with no one to talk to.

  The thin lanky man in front of her turned to her and smiled revealing a set of crooked teeth. “This is a great spread, isn’t it?”

  Leah gave her best fake smile. “Yes—you look like you’re having difficulty making your mind up,” she said, trying not to show any sign of irritation. Jesus, how hard was it to just pick something?

  “I’ve got to be careful what I eat—I have allergies like you wouldn’t believe,” he said, pointing at the croissants. “Something as innocent as those could have dire consequences. Did you know that human digestive system can’t digest wheat very well, yet it’s in everything we eat? Can’t get away from it and we wonder why we have so many problems.”

  Leah nodded, wishing he would just shut the hell up. She wasn’t interested in his mundane chatter. She felt like stuffing the croissant in his mouth just to stop him from going on. Why did so many people think that the crap that came out of their mouths was of interest to anyone but themselves?

  From the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of Hannah’s back as she headed down the hallway to the dressing room.

  “Excuse me,” she said, pushing the lanky man aside. She grabbed a couple of croissants and dropped them onto a plate before hurrying off in Hannah’s direction.

  Chapter 21

  Alisa sat in the makeshift dressing room while Kelly, the young hairdresser, tousled her hair. Dressed in leopard skin tights and a green mini skirt, her abundance of black hair was swept on top of her head like a beehive. She pressed and pruned Alisa’s thick hair into place whilst talking nonstop about all the famous people whose hair she had worked on.

  “No names mentioned,” she said as she blew a pink bubble out of her mouth, before bursting it in a loud pop. “There’s one A-list actor who expects me to work miracles with the remaining wisps of hair he has. If only his female fans knew what he really looked like. I can also tell you from personal experience,” she said lowering her voice to a whisper, “he can’t get it up, even with Viagra, yet the media portray him as a Casanova.”

  That was the media for you, Alisa thought. She was surprised in this day and age that people still bought into all the tall tales that were written about celebrities. She had long given up reading about herself after the numerous stories linking her to her male co-stars.

  “So you must have some juicy gossip about the people you’ve acted with?” Kelly asked as she put the finishing touches to her hair.

  “I never kiss and tell,” Alisa said with a smirk just as Hannah appeared at the door.

  “Good morning,” Hannah said brightly, leaning her upper body around the door frame.


  “Good, you’re nearly ready,” she said, gesturing to Alisa’s neatly styled hair.

  “Yes, we’re done,” Kelly said, holding a hand above Alisa’s eyes while she covered her hair with hairspray.

  “Great, thanks for doing such a great job, Kelly,” Alisa said, undoing the bib around her shoulders.

  “You’re welcome. I hope we’ll catch up on our little talk another time,” Kelly said, before turning back to the table to reorganise her brushes and tongs.

  Alisa spun around in the chair before rising to her feet. “So, Hannah, how long before we start?”

  “We’re just waiting for Skye. By the time she’s had her hair and make-up done we should be ready to go.”

  “Talking of which. . .” Alisa said as Skye appeared at the doorway, her gaze transfixed on Alisa.

  “Hi, gorgeous,” Skye said with a broad smile before lowering herself into the chair Alisa had just vacated.

  “Hi, yourself,” Alisa replied.

  “God, I wish
someone would put some kind of heating on in here, I’m bloody freezing. Look—” Skye said showing Hannah and Alisa the erect fine hair on her bare arms.

  “It’s at least seventy degrees outside. You’ll warm up once we start moving,” Hannah said as she motioned to Alisa to leave the room.

  “I hope so, otherwise I’m going to put my jacket on.”

  As Alisa followed Hannah in silence onto the set, Leah came out of nowhere handing Hannah a plate of food then pursuing her as she went over to the cameraman. Alisa shook her head. That woman is all over her like a rash, she thought. It made her inwardly cringe.

  Hannah was talking in a hushed voice conferring with the cameraman before turning and whispering something to Leah. Whatever Hannah had said made Leah’s face break into a self satisfied smile.

  Oh, what she wouldn’t give to wipe that smirk off her face. Alisa walked over to the table where she had left her copy of the script. It wouldn’t hurt to go back over her lines before Skye appeared. She sat down on a chair and began to read. Lost in her thoughts she was startled when Hannah touched her shoulder.

  “Alisa, can we go over what I want from the first scene?” she said.

  “Yes, of course, take a seat.”

  For the next ten minutes, Hannah explained her vision for the scene and how she would like Alisa to play the part. Alisa couldn’t help but be in awe of the woman’s passion for her work. Her enthusiasm for the script managed to allay Alisa’s guilt and convinced her she had made the right decision by taking the part. Hannah needs this, she thought, as she watched her former friend animatedly explain where she would like the actors positioned during the scene.

  As if on cue, Skye appeared and Hannah beckoned her over. Alisa watched as she chatted with Skye about her expectations then walked back over to the cameraman. She then called for the cast and crew to gather around. Standing in the centre of the crowd she gave them a welcome speech before moving on to talk about the procedures and schedule. Mack, the health and safety official, reiterated the importance of watching out for cables and other health hazards before Hannah thanked him and said they were ready to begin.

  Several minutes later, a male voice shouted, “On set,” loud enough for everyone to hear. “In your places, please.”

  Crew members moved into position. Alisa and Skye moved into place for the first scene. Hannah watched as Alisa quickly scanned the script before closing her eyes, obviously memorising her lines. She opened them and caught Hannah’s eye and smiled, giving a little nod to let her know she was ready. Finally Hannah called action and the scene began.

  An extreme close up captured the moment the performers hands met, reaching to take a red apple—the forbidden fruit, followed by a close up of their eyes meeting. The moment their feelings for each other went over the edge, the match was lit, the flame ignited, there was no going back.

  Hand in hand, Courtney led Amy over to the kitchen counter where she pulled out two fluted champagne glasses. After filling them with sparkling wine, Courtney gazed longingly into Amy’s eyes, biting her bottom lip in anticipation. Amy, reading the signs, cupped Courtney’s face and studied her striking features. Reacting to Amy’s touch, Courtney opened her mouth and edged forward to take Amy’s lips onto her own. Their kiss so passionate, heat rose from their mouths, leaving an urgency so great, their hunger for each other had to be quelled. Courtney began massaging Amy’s nipples seductively and teasingly, which now were ridged with desire, sending her into spasms of pleasure.

  “I need you, Amy, oh God, I need you. . .”

  In response, Amy lifted Courtney onto the kitchen counter, hitched up her skirt and spread open Courtney’s long tanned, athletic legs, caressing her inner thigh. Amy let Courtney’s skirt fall freely, where she then rhythmically delved her fingers deeply, satisfying her lover’s need. Courtney’s moans of pleasure were muffled against Amy’s powerful and compelling kiss as she finally erupted in euphoric satisfaction, leaving herself breathless and even deeper in love . . .

  Hannah asked for the camera to zoom in for a close up shot of Alisa’s face. She looked through her own view finder and felt a knot tighten in her stomach as Alisa’s eyes met the camera—the passion they revealed made her momentarily lean away. The feeling was so intense she had to remind herself to breathe. She leaned forward again as if held in a trance. Alisa’s eyes were inviting, while at the same time displaying a vulnerability that made her look even more alluring. The fullness of her lips begged to be kissed.

  Hannah felt a sudden urge to press her own lips against them, to run her hands through her hair. She wanted Alisa to look at her with that same intense desire. She felt the assistant director nudge her gently, bringing her back to her senses.

  “Cut,” she said, a little louder than she intended. Her hands were trembling. What on earth was going on? Why am I reacting in this way? Am I sexually frustrated? I know it’s been a year, but Alisa? Of all people! Hannah thought to herself in dismay. Have I taken leave of my senses? She wiped the thin layer of perspiration from her forehead with the back of her hand.

  She hadn’t felt this kind of stirring in a very long time and had stupidly thought she wouldn’t again. Oh, God, would Naomi know how she felt? she thought with an irrational sense of panic. She heaved a heavy sigh. Calm down, she chastised herself. The scene was meant to be hot and sensual. Hell, if it could work on her she should be patting herself on the back for doing such a good job. So why couldn’t she just give credit where credit was due? Her mind conjured up the image of Alisa’s eyes again and she felt a tingling sensation in the pit of her stomach. Who wouldn’t have been affected? But the feeling was much more than just sexual desire, the fire had spread to her heart.


  Leah stood discreetly in a remote corner of the room where she could observe the scene in private. Though she had to admit that the women had acted out the parts well, she begged to differ about the way the affair had actually begun in real life. She shouldn’t have been surprised, after all, Naomi did have an over active imagination. Maybe in her mind she believed Leah had come on to her but as she remembered it, it had been the other way around.

  Naomi had written her own character as a victim of circumstance, who was so in lust with the other woman she had been rendered stupid and had no control over her senses. The reality of it was that Naomi had just plain and simply found someone else; she had fallen in love and was too scared to leave Hannah.

  Wasn’t that the whole point of her writing the story which was basically a kiss and tell autobiography? She had to tell someone. But why tell the whole world? Because, that was just Naomi’s way she thought fondly. Maybe this was her way of assuaging her guilt.

  It was beginning to look like Naomi was not the only person to be caught by love. Though she only had a side profile of Hannah’s face, she had watched her intently and had noticed the rise and fall of her chest as Alisa played the part with every emotion she had.

  Leah knew Hannah better than she knew herself and it was plain to see that Hannah looked like she was getting turned on by the whole scene. But was it just the scene or was it Alisa? This was an unexpected turn of events, one that even she could not have foreseen.

  She thought Hannah would never consider being in a relationship again. In fact, she had been banking on it. She wanted open access to Hannah and the home she had shared with Naomi and if Hannah got into a relationship with anyone, especially Alisa, that access would cease to exist.


  To say Alisa felt uncomfortable re-enacting a scene about Naomi’s true infidelity was an understatement. The only way she managed to get through it was by imagining Hannah in Skye’s place. She had felt the intensity and lust overcome her as the scene progressed.

  Skye eyed Alisa quizzically as they went to collect a drink during the break.

  “Blimey, you’re definitely not the shy type. I never thought that scene would end—not that I’m complaining.”

  Alisa looked down at her glass of wat
er. “Well, it had to be realistic. What’s the point otherwise?”

  “Yeah, I s’pose,” Skye said, looking slightly dejected.

  She glanced over at Hannah as she looked back through the scene they had just shot and saw Leah hovering over her shoulder. What a sadistic bitch, Alisa thought with disgust as she brought the plastic cup to her mouth.

  “I hope you aren’t looking like that because of our scene,” Skye said, staring straight into her eyes.

  Alisa reached out and touched her arm. “Of course not, my mind was elsewhere.”

  “Well it hurts my ego. You’re the one and only person on this planet who hasn’t been thinking about me after a love scene. When I was studying at drama school, I only had to have an on stage kiss with someone and they were trying to drag me into bed afterwards.”

  Alisa laughed. “I bet they did, but my policy is never to fish in my work pool. I thought you were straight anyway?”

  “No honey, I swing both ways. You sure I can’t tempt you?” she asked with a seductive smile.

  “No Skye but I’m sure it’s my loss.” The last thing she wanted was to create any animosity with her co-star but she just wasn’t interested. There was only one woman her heart belonged to but it was someone she could never have.

  “Maybe you’ll change your mind by the end of filming?”

  “Maybe I will.”

  “Good! So we can remain friends . . . for now.” Skye stood and patted her jacket down looking for her cigarettes.

  “Of course.”

  Finally locating them she said, “I’m going to have a smoke, don’t worry—I’ll chew some gum afterwards.”

  Alisa smiled at her before she strode off towards the door. She let out a heavy sigh.

  “Alisa. Is everything okay?” Hannah’s voice came from behind her.

  She spun around, a little shocked that she hadn’t realised Hannah had been standing there.

  She leaned her head back and gazed into her eyes. “Yes I’m fine. Is everything alright with you?”

  Hannah’s hands slid down her arms and tightened around her waist. “Yes, it’s great. That scene was fantastic.”


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