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Caught by Love: A Lesbian Romance

Page 11

by Jade Winters

  Alisa bent her head and studied her hands. “Thanks, I aim to please.”

  She was glad Hannah hadn’t sensed how difficult it had been. She knew her acting skills were good but she deserved an Oscar for what she was trying to pull off.

  “If there’s anything I can do just let me know.”

  As she turned Alisa caught her arm. “Hannah—”

  She glanced back at her, indicating by a nod of her head that she was listening.

  “You know I’m here for you if you need to talk.”

  Hannah smiled warmly then carried on walking to her chair.

  Did I just imagine seeing a thawing of her hostility to me? Alisa thought. There was something different about the way Hannah had looked at her. There had definitely been a connection between them like old times, when they were comfortable in each other’s company.

  For Alisa, the next scene was even harder than the first as the women lay on the bed and discussed the downside of having an affair. It was heart wrenching to be looking into Skye’s eyes and saying Naomi’s words. She wondered if the words were the actual ones spoken between Naomi and Leah.

  If Hannah ever knew the truth she didn’t think she would ever recover from the betrayal.

  But she would never be the one to cause her that heartache. She also doubted Leah would say anything either—she had too much to lose. She recalled Bobby’s words—it’s a catch 22.

  During their lunch break, Alisa sat with Skye at a small round table with half filled glasses of orange juice, plates of chicken salad and bread rolls.

  “I’ll tell you something,” Skye said between bites of her food, “if my partner did the dirty on me like these two, I’d smother her in the night. Shit, can you believe these characters?—they don’t give a crap about anyone but themselves.”

  Alisa remained silent, frowning as she moved aside her lacklustre chicken. It said chicken on the menu but that’s not what it tasted like.

  “You knew the writer, right?”

  Alisa nodded.

  Skye lifted her legs up and dropped them on an empty chair in front of her. “So where did she dream up characters like this? In most of her films the characters are all lovey dovey but these two are dark.”

  Alisa shrugged her shoulders. “Writers have an over active imagination, who knows?”

  Skye scrunched her features in disgust. “But why didn’t your character just leave her partner?”

  “I don’t know what to tell you, Skye.”

  “Writers, aye, crazy bunch of people. You never know what’s going on in their heads. They could be writing a nice character one day and the next—bam.” Skye slapped her hands together. “Then they’re gone—poor suckers.”

  “It’s just a story.”

  “Yeah, well, it read like something I’ve seen happen too many times to people I know. I guess I just don’t understand the human condition.”

  “I don’t think any of us do.”

  Skye lowered her eyes. “So do you fancy going out for a drink tonight?”

  Alisa frowned. “Some other time, perhaps. It’s an early night for me.”

  “I can’t believe how different you are in real life. I thought you were some kind of hell raiser.”

  “Don’t believe everything you read in the papers, Skye. I’m sure if this film becomes a success you’ll start seeing lies written about you.”

  “Here, come closer you have something on your cheek,” Skye said as she leant forwards to wipe her face.


  “Those two look cosy, don’t they?” Leah said causing Hannah to turn towards Alisa just as Skye was reaching forward to touch Alisa’s face.

  “It would seem that way.”

  With an innocent look on her face Leah said, “I suppose she just can’t help herself, it seems no one’s out of bounds to her. Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to rake up Naomi, today of all days.”

  “I know you didn’t.”

  Leah slowly shook her head and let out a sigh. “It just upsets me that she would behave like this right under your nose. I imagine you wouldn’t have been so hurt if she was a bit selective about who she went after, but it seems as if she will prey on anyone.”

  “It’s none of our business, Leah. As long as she gets the job done I don’t care who she sleeps with.” She hoped that sounded convincing. She wasn’t surprised that Alisa found Skye attractive. They had great chemistry between them. She couldn’t help but look at them as they laughed and joked around, Skye offering Alisa a forkful of lettuce which she declined with the shake of her head. If the scenery had been different and they were out in a bar or somewhere, they could easily be seen as a couple in the early stages of a blossoming new romance. She had to admit she felt uncomfortable about this. Why should it bother me? she thought as she tore her eyes away from them.

  “Now, you know I don’t like to gossip,” Leah said in a conspiratorial whisper, “but I heard it through the grapevine that after the party on Saturday they went home together. Seems like their carrying on whatever they started, doesn’t it.”

  Hannah smiled weakly. She would have been blind to not see what was in front of her. Just then, Skye let out a shriek of laughter causing everyone to briefly stop what they were doing and look over at them. Oblivious to the stares, the couple just carried on as if nothing had happened. Hannah’s stomach fluttered. They looked so happy together. Was she feeling a twinge of jealousy because their display reminded her of how they used to be together or was there something more?

  Half an hour later when a voice rang out letting cast and crew know lunch was over, Hannah felt glued to her seat, her face suddenly draining. She wanted to be sick. She wanted Naomi back.

  “Are you okay? You’re looking very pale,” Leah said, leaning over to Hannah.

  “I’ll be alright in a minute.”

  “Do you want me to get you some water?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Leah stood and strode off across the room to the water cooler. Feeling her head, she felt relief when a hand rested on her shoulder.

  “Are you okay?”

  Hannah looked up wide eyed to see Alisa standing before her, eyes full of concern.

  She nodded mutely.

  “You don’t look it. Come on,” she said taking her hand and pulling her to her feet. “You look like you need some fresh air.”

  Alisa’s touch on her bare skin sent a sensation all over her body. “I can’t,” Hannah began to protest.

  “Yes you can and you will.” Alisa led her out of the room and onto the roof terrace.

  Both women remained silent until Alisa finally spoke. “Is this all proving too much for you?”

  Hannah shook her head.

  “It would be understandable if it was.”

  Hannah dropped her head and stared at her feet. “I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

  “Why don’t you call it a day. Start fresh tomorrow. I’m sure everyone will understand.”

  “I can’t. We’re on a tight enough schedule as it is and I don’t want people feeling sorry for me.”

  The door opened behind them. “There you are,” Leah said rushing to Hannah’s side. “Everyone’s waiting.”

  “I’m just coming.”

  With all of the power Hannah possessed, she walked back into the room and finished the rest of the days shooting. Regardless of how she felt, she would just have to keep going day after day and put her own personal problems aside if she wanted to complete this film. After all, it was going to be her tribute to Naomi and she wanted to make sure the world realised what a wonderful talented person she was.

  Chapter 22

  The sky’s colour drifted from a pale tinted orange to black, studded with bright flickering stars. It had been a gruelling twelve hours filled with filming, retakes and rehearsals. Hannah had reviewed the video footage before leaving and was pleased with the day’s work.

  After a light dinner, she settled onto the sofa and switched on the TV. The day’s filmin
g was no longer at the forefront of her mind—her new feelings toward Alisa were the most troubling ones that evening. She couldn’t deny that she had always found her very attractive. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t. But the unexpected feeling of desire was a first. It was her body that reacted to Alisa, not her mind. It had taken on a life of its own and now she was filled with an overwhelming feeling of guilt.

  “I don’t know if it’s a good thing or not you working on this film,” Hannah’s mother said, entering the room with a gin and tonic in her hand. Her voice sounded bright and alert as it always did after her first drink of the day.

  “Why’s that, Mum?”

  “One word—Alisa.”

  Hannah groaned. “Oh please don’t start all that again.”

  “Why not? The woman tried to steal Naomi straight from under your nose.”

  “But she didn’t, did she? So there’s no harm done.”

  “You always were gullible.”

  “Mum, what happened has nothing to do with you and I’d prefer it if you’d stop going on about it.”

  “I’m just glad you have someone like Leah around you. Now there’s a woman you can trust.”

  “Well that’s one thing we can agree on then.”

  “It’s a pity that you and her. . .”

  “Mum, that isn’t quite how things happen.” Though she thought the world of Leah she wasn’t the slightest bit attracted to her.

  “Well it should. Maybe more relationships would have a better chance of surviving if people were matched by what they had in common rather than this chemistry everyone talks about. When that’s gone what’s left?”

  That, Hannah couldn’t answer. As far as she was concerned she had still felt an attraction toward Naomi until the day she died.

  “Are you eating out this evening?” Hannah asked lightly, for the first time noticing her mother was dressed for an occasion.

  “Yes, I have a dinner date.”

  Relieved, she said, “Oh that’s nice, anyone I know?”

  Maggie shifted her gaze, her cheeks turning scarlet. “Um, no.”

  Hannah was intrigued. It was on rare occasions her mother blushed. “Where did you meet him?”

  “Through a friend.”

  “Which friend?”

  “What’s with the drilling, it’s only a dinner date.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude, normally you say I don’t take an interest in your life and when I do, this is the reaction I get.”

  “What reaction?”

  “This defensive attitude.”

  Maggie shook her head. “Nonsense. You over think things, that’s your problem. Imagining things when they’re not there.”

  “If you say so,” Hannah said quietly. “So does he have a name?”

  “Yes, he does.”

  This was like drawing blood from a stone. “Are you going to tell me it?”

  Maggie took a quick gulp of her drink. “Clive.”

  “And what does this Clive do?”

  Maggie buttoned up the blue blazer she wore. “He’s a stockbroker. Now if you wouldn’t mind, I think I’ll go and get my handbag, he should be here in a few minutes.”

  “I can’t wait to meet him.”

  Maggie frowned. “Some other time, perhaps. Not today.”

  “Mum, are you ashamed of being seen with him?”

  Maggie gave her a sideward glance. “No,” she answered, her voice rising sharply. “I am not, now if you don’t mind, I have more pressing things to attend to.”

  Hannah suppressed a laugh as her mother flounced from the room. She would never understand her, though she was trying. They had never been what some people would deem as close. They had never shared the mother-daughter bond she had seen with so many of her friend’s parents, but Hannah was determined to build on their relationship. Maybe it was because she was only a baby when her father had died and her mother had been grieving at a time when she normally would have been bonding with her child. They actually had a lovely time at Giuseppe’s and shared some tender moments. She felt a pang of affection and sympathy for her as she watched her mother in the hallway mirror adjusting her hair.

  Rising to her feet when the doorbell rang, Hannah hurried along the passage reaching the front door before her mother had a chance to stop her from opening it.

  When she saw her mother’s dinner date she knew why she had been apprehensive. He reminded her of a young Christopher Reeves. Dark hair, clean shaven, strong jaw line, broad shoulders and at least twenty years her mother’s junior.

  “You must be Hannah,” he said in a deep well-spoken voice. As he smiled at her warmly, his hand outstretched towards her.

  “Er, yes and you must be Clive.”

  “So lovely to meet you. Maggie has told me so much about you.”

  Hannah was surprised. “She has?”

  Maggie drew up beside Hannah before their conversation could go any further.

  “We’ll be late if we don’t get a move on, Clive,” she said all sweetness and smiles. This was a side Hannah had never seen before. She was beginning to realise there was more to her mother than met the eye.

  “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Clive. I hope you both have a lovely evening,” Hannah said to the retreating figures.

  She would never have believed it if she hadn’t seen him with her own eyes. Her mother a . . . cougar! Oh, my God. She nearly ran into the front room to tell Naomi before coming to her senses. It would have been nice for her to be able to pick up the phone and tell Alisa. Fat chance of that happening, she thought as she made her way to the kitchen.

  Before Naomi died she’d had plenty of friends that she could call but she had let them fall to the wayside. Maybe she’d try and pick up the pieces once filming was over and she had more time on her hands.

  It’s a pity one of those friends isn’t going to be Alisa, she thought as she took out a tub of ice cream from the freezer. It was funny, but Alisa had changed. Firstly, in all the time she had known her she would never become romantically involved with a co-star, but according to Leah and the way she was behaving with Skye, she had obviously changed her policy. But then again, she never thought she’d make a play for her best friend. That was the problem, you never really knew anyone. At least there was one person she could trust and rely on—Leah.

  Chapter 23

  “Oh, God, that’s perfect, just a bit lower,” Alisa said her voice smooth and silky. She hadn’t felt this good in months.

  Strong graceful hands worked themselves in long strokes over her body, gracefully lengthening and stretching her muscles, seemingly moving in rhythm with the music that beat from the Bose stereo system.

  “Please, don’t stop,” she groaned as the sound of her mobile ringing spilled into the moment. Reaching out to the table beside her she grabbed the phone and looked at the caller ID.

  “Sorry, Kyle, I’m going have to take this,” she said, sitting up and wrapping the towel around her before swinging her legs off the massage table.

  “Bobby, this had better be good, Kyle’s here and you know he has a waiting list as long as. . . .”

  She listened intently for a few seconds before placing her hand over the mouthpiece. “We’re going to have to rearrange this another time, Kyle.”

  The muscular man smiled. “No problem, just give me a call.”

  “Okay, I’ll be there in an hour,” Alisa said into the phone.

  She quickly showered, dressed and drove the five miles to Skye’s flat. It was in a square shaped building surrounded by a dilapidated brick wall. The neglected garden that sat behind it was cluttered with disused bicycle frames and old car parts. As Alisa opened the wooden gate which was clumsily held in its place by a piece of old wire, a small boy of around ten with a closely shaven head, came running down the path, pushing past her without any apology.

  “Charming,” she muttered to herself as she watched his small frame disappear down the street.

  She walked up the path and
banged on the door several times, first with care, then more aggressively before a flustered looking Bobby opened it.

  “How bad is she?”

  “Bad, she says she’s going to kill herself.”

  “Fucking great,” Alisa said as the knots in her shoulders Kyle had spent an hour removing returned with a vengeance. “Where is she?”

  “This way.”

  She followed him along a narrow corridor and through a door on the ground floor. Once in the flat, Bobby opened a door that led into a small living room, which was even more disordered than the garden. Glasses and empty vodka bottles littered the small coffee table, clothes hung over chairs and celebrity magazines were tossed over the floor. Skye lay in the midst of the mayhem.

  Several strides later, Alisa was standing above her, a vodka bottle to her side, muttering incoherent sentences. Though she hadn’t known her long, she thought Skye had the naivety of a child but instead of her immaturity annoying her, she found herself drawn to her. Not physically, more in a nurturing sense one would feel when finding an abandoned kitten.

  “Skye, Skye can you hear me?” Alisa called as she knelt down beside her and rolled her body onto her side. Hearing Bobby’s footsteps behind her she asked, “Has she taken any pills?”

  “I don’t think so, this is where I found her.”

  “Help me get her up.”

  With a joint effort they lifted her off the ground and set her down softly onto the sofa, her head lolling about in the process.

  “Make a strong coffee and I mean really strong and get some water.” She could hear Bobby in the kitchen as he opened and slammed cupboard doors looking for glassware, then the sound of running water as he filled the kettle. Alisa felt a stab of guilt as she looked down onto Skye’s young face. Mascara ran down from her eyes tracing the outline of tears, her red lipstick smeared across her mouth. She looked like a child who had been playing with her mother’s make-up. She regretted that she had not taken up her offer for drinks that evening. She could have prevented her getting into this state.

  Bobby appeared at the door flustered with a large glass of water in one hand and a coffee in the other. “Do you think I should have called an ambulance?” he asked, concern in his eyes as he looked at Skye’s body slumped over Alisa’s legs.


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