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Unleashed Omega (Alpha Elite Series Book 6)

Page 3

by V T Bonds

  The guard lowers the crop with a look of disappointment, but he does not remove his talons from her collar.

  “Mine,” I snarl, my voice an octave lower than normal, which makes it difficult even for my ears to decipher it.

  He gives a slight nod of his head before offering me the lash on his upturned palm.

  I give his hand in her hair a pointed look before snarling.

  He snatches his talons away as though he forgot he had such an intimate hold on her.

  I take the crop from him before piercing him with another furious look. He backs away as I crowd him.

  With his hideous tail trailing behind him, he turns and stomps to the back of the stage, positioning himself next to the door to the cages.

  I want him to leave but understand he cannot.

  The overseers will not allow any of us to pass through the doors until I have punished the poor Omega kneeling at my feet. I will do so.

  With glee.

  Chapter Eight


  The guard releases my hair, the small brush against my scalp causing heat to bloom in my core.

  Gritting my teeth shoots fire into my skull, and I labor to breathe. Between the tight corset and the unnaturally fierce lust, my normal control grapples to find purchase, slipping further away with every creak of my ribs.

  Massive boots frame my vision, the size too huge to be anything other than a figment of my imagination.

  Except they aren’t.

  Vivid purple irises surround white pupils, and as I take in his overly symmetrical features, slick seeps down my thighs.

  Richer than the sky at sunset, his violet aura hovers a few inches around his gigantic frame, making his monolithic size seem even larger.

  The colors make me think of royalty, while his deadly air makes my soul long to rise to his challenge.

  I’ve studied this specimen for months, read detailed reports about his past, stared at his picture for weeks, yet nothing prepared me for meeting him in reality.

  My mind reels as his bright orange hair reflects the glaring overhead light, making a neon halo around his head.

  A streak of lightning arrows into my womb as his white fangs capture my attention, their extension making them dig into his plump bottom lip.

  I need relief.

  “Lower your eyes, Omega,” he commands, voice so guttural and deep my instincts understand his message long before I decode his words.

  I keep my eyes locked on his for a moment, reveling in the flare of heat in his blinding pupils as his lips tighten in consternation.

  His overwhelming presence wraps around my soul, infusing me with yearning.

  Lava sets fire to my veins and desire tightens my core.

  I crave him. His hands on my throat. His cock in my pussy. His dominance over my body.

  Most of all, I want his overwhelming Alpha presence wrapped around my soul.

  I comply, forcing my eyes away from his face.

  As my gaze travels downward, his massive muscles fill my sight, his biceps inspiring a vision of me clinging to the bulging muscles as he pummels my insides with violent thrusts of his hips. The skin-tight black armored vest leaves his throat and arms exposed, and I swallow the copious amount of saliva pooling in my mouth.

  My breasts slip a little farther out of my corset and I whimper as the friction causes a wave of slick to seep down the insides of my thighs, forming a puddle under my knees.

  I could orgasm here and now, if he rumbled out his permission.

  A needy cramp steals my stilted breath as my eyes land on his clothed erection.

  True trepidation steals into me, every mission and trial I’ve endured flipping through my mind like the pages of a book as I search for help.

  I’ve never encountered such a large specimen, even though several off-world missions required relations with alien races.

  Unwarranted tears gather at the corners of my eyes, but I swallow again and blink them away.

  He could ruin me.

  My years of training should shield me from feeling such vulnerability, but my flesh aches for his touch and my spirit pleads for a connection with his, the intensity so extreme I feel adrift. Lost. Helpless.

  My eyes move upward of their own accord, but his warning growl splinters my thoughts and sends my wide eyes to the floor in instinctual fear.

  I’ve never had such trouble controlling my reactions, not even as a child.

  He pivots on his heels, beginning a slow circle around me, making my head spin with a myriad of emotions.

  I cannot stop the tremors his display of superiority causes. Delicious warmth eases into the fire consuming me, my spine arching to offer him my precariously bound breasts as I sink into a mentality I’ve never experienced before.

  I become prey.

  True prey.

  Not the feigned persona I’ve led others to believe, but the gut-wrenchingly defenseless Omega against an Alpha predator.

  On his second pass, his boots stop to frame my vision, squaring his body with my shoulders.

  The slight shift of his thighs makes me flinch and fight back a moan as a wave of slick splashes onto the stage, but he doesn’t attack me as I expect.

  He tucks one wrist against his lower back while pressing the tip of the crop against my cheekbone with his other hand. The sensual glide of leather across my cheek forces a shiver down my back, and my moan breaks free as he smooths it down the side of my throat.

  Little shockwaves of pleasure pulse through my core and a whimper slips past my lips as he caresses my right breast with the lash.

  His ensuing chuckle forces a cascade of slick to soak my skirt and splatter under me.

  He guides the crop down my body, leaving flashes of electric sensation in its wake. Using the instrument of torture to raise the hem of my skirt over my thighs, he clears a path for destruction while leaving me hidden from view.

  Cool air brushes against my lower lips, doing nothing to ease the lust pulsing through me.

  He chuckles again, the sound full of satisfaction as I slick for him.

  Drawing little designs on my exposed knee, he prolongs my wait, building my dread and relishing my angst.

  Monstrous doubt gnaws away at my sanity, my ability to withhold any emotions burned to crisps by the hellish hunger burning my body.

  I long to beg for his hands on my skin, but words refuse to form. Devastated tears fill my eyes again, but I refuse to let them fall.

  A line of white-hot fire blooms on the inside of my right thigh, shocking a high tormented scream from my throat.

  Everything fades except the male looming over me, the lick of the lash, and the emptiness in my core.

  A matching line of agony streaks the inside of my left thigh, making my vision swim and my womb clench.

  My scream turns soundless as the most intense orgasm of my life barrels through me, stealing my cognizance and making me stretch my soul towards the Alpha responsible for my torment.

  Unable to stop the overwhelmed sob, I hang my head and squeeze my eyes closed, heaving through the aftershocks of euphoria as his grunt spears into my heart.

  The sound does not give me confidence.

  When I open my eyelids, I blink in confusion until I decode what my eyes tell me.

  Both breasts have wiggled free, leaving my sensitive nipples exposed. Before I fully comprehend the repercussions of their freedom, my captor brings the lash down on the edge of my areola, catching my right nipple with the very tip of the leather.

  With no ability to protect myself, I throw my head back on another silent scream. His next strike lashes across my left nipple, and the horrible agony joins the cacophony of sensations roiling through my body.

  Clouds gather around us, encroaching into the bubble of masculine domination he so effortlessly creates, and a black hole forms under me.

  The clouds catch me, buffering me from free-falling.

  He grunts again, commanding my attention with a single sound.
/>   I stare into half-blown pupils, the purple rings much smaller than before.

  He sends me into the pit of tar, yanking the soft clouds away with the flick of his wrist.

  Hell explodes in my clit, wrecking my insides and splintering my reality.

  I plummet into darkness.

  Even here, his presence overwhelms me.

  Tendrils of worry pervade my psyche, but drift away on visions of glowing alabaster pupils and rich purple flesh.

  Chapter Nine


  The lash clatters to the floor as I dart forward, catching my unconscious prey before she knocks her fragile skull against the solid stage.

  The thrill of her responses does not fade, despite her form falling limp and her thoughts floating away.

  She’s a firecracker.

  My firecracker.

  Her peaceful expression eases the pressure behind my sternum, and as I gather her in my arms, I replay every jiggle, moan, scream, and expression.

  She bewitched me.

  Pride swells within my ribcage as I stand, tucking her against my chest like a delicate treasure.

  I made her orgasm so spectacularly she left the world to recuperate.

  Fate made her for me.

  Suddenly aware of the crowd on the other side of the force field, I snarl and stalk toward the door.

  I roll her face against my shoulder and growl, warning the Reptan Alpha to guard his eyes.

  When the doors don’t immediately open at my arrival, I snarl, my fangs nicking my lower lip. I lick the wound, my regenerative abilities and saliva working in tandem to heal it within seconds.

  The guard shifts closer to the door, making every muscle in my body tense in preparation, but the doors open so I stalk through.

  I halt two steps past the threshold.

  Large beasts bang against their cages on the other side of the room, but along the wall stands a row of Alphas from many different species.

  They wear the uniform of High Security, which raises my hackles faster than the guard crowding my back.

  No one moves.

  The High Security Alphas keep their arms relaxed at their sides despite the tense situation.

  I am grateful.

  My mate may be tiny, but she hinders my ability to take on a score of enemies.

  Deciding the best option is to ignore the High Security and get my Omega to my Sky-Flyer, I spin on my heel and extend an upturned palm to the Reptan.

  “Give me the key to her collar,” I demand, unwilling to allow anyone else near her.

  He thrusts a tiny device into my hands.

  I shift her around and unlock her collar, balancing her negligible weight between my arms.

  I drop the key and collar to the floor before inputting correspondence via my wrist pad.

  Ordering a private transport to my Space-Flyer makes sense, but I do not wish to wait while standing amidst so many other Alphas.

  She twitches in my arms, making me aware of her awkward bindings.

  Her breasts call for my attention, thrust up toward my face, but only because her wrists remain cuffed behind her back.

  Her shoulders twist at an odd angle, alerting me to another issue.

  “How long have her arms been restrained?”

  The Reptan checks his wrist before responding.

  “Approximately forty-five minutes.”

  “Give me that key. Now,” I snap.

  Several of the High Security Alphas shift in response to my curtness, but I watch them from the corner of my eye and when no one goes for a weapon, I focus on my task.

  The Reptan drops a tiny key into my palm.

  I unclasp one of her wrists, pull her arms to rest against her stomach, and re-clasp her wrists together.

  “Mine,” I say, pocketing the key.

  When I step forward to head down the corridor, a scent stops me.

  Despite the pheromones pouring from the Omega in my arms, rage flashes through me as I detect her scent on another Alpha.

  Not her altered scent, but her natural, fresh fragrance wafts from the High Security Alpha three men down from the door.

  I pierce him with my battle eyes, promising retribution for taking liberties, however slight they may be, with my mate.

  Memorizing his face, I store it in my mental files for when I return to Command.

  Without waiting for a reply, I turn away from his dark eyes and stomp down the corridor.

  I don’t want to spend any longer on this planet than I must, so I will not stop and wait for an escort.

  I need this Omega in my den.

  Stepping out of the slave quarters and entering the auction house we met in, I train my eyes on the exit and barrel through the crowd.

  The vibrant colors of my comrades stand out despite the chaos, and when my fellow commander lifts his glass towards me, I bare my fangs at him and continue on.

  His bellowed laughter follows me.

  My Omega shifts closer to me as though seeking my comfort, and something within my chest melts.

  With her movement, a fresh wave of her perfume invades my nostrils, reminding me of her soaked skirt.

  If she drips any onto the floor, I may rampage and murder every individual within the auction house.

  Everything about her is mine.

  I will not share.

  Shuffling her curvy frame until her top half hangs down my back, I drape her over my shoulder and pin her knees to my chest.

  Her delicate fingers graze the small of my back, the bands around her wrists keeping them together, but her sweet little cunt so close to my face proves to be too much temptation.

  Despite all the eyes upon us, I smooth my hand up her leg. Once under her skirt, I swipe my fingers along her pussy, gathering some of her fragrant slick.

  Before my next breath, my tongue laps at my coated fingers with greed.

  Her sweet, tangy flavor bursts upon my taste buds, and I nearly lose my ability for rational thought. My turgid cock leaps out of my control, spurting and jerking inside my pants, but I refuse to acknowledge it.

  A curvy, bratty little Omega did not just make a hardened warrior such as I jizz in his trousers.

  I force my way through the throng of people, not aware of when I exited the auction house, but happy to be one step closer to my Space-Flyer.

  Hurrying down the steps, I roll from foot to foot, being careful to not jostle her as she lays vulnerable over my shoulder.

  I steal another taste of her nectar, eagerly devouring it off my fingers like a dying man receiving water.

  Before I approach the landing site, I mash my wrist pad, alerting my crew to my presence. When my copilot emerges from the cockpit, I snap out an order and continue my focused stride up the gangplank to the separate passenger chamber. Without waiting to hear his reply, I slap the control panel so the door locks behind me.

  We’re alone for the first time. We won’t be on this tiny Sky-Flyer for very long, but I’ll enjoy every second with her as we travel. I fill my lungs with her sweet scent as I push down my eagerness. We still have to transfer to my Space-Flyer and wait again until we make it to my den in Command.

  Moving her into my lap as I sit in the seat furthest from the door, I look down and groan. The sight of my Omega’s creamy full breasts, pushed together by her arms and framed by the corset, tempts me beyond belief.

  Unable to resist, I lift her up and lower my head.

  My knot must wait for the safety of my den, but my mouth need not.

  I rub my lips across her tight nipple, savoring the hard peak with a few awe-filled licks before devouring her. As my need grows, my gentleness fades until her skin, already flushed from the serum and my previous ministrations, turns red and swollen.

  Her taste lures me further into her net, and I scrape a fang along the slope of her breasts while rubbing my scent into her delectable flesh.

  Too incensed to withhold myself any longer, I pluck her neglected nipple while filling my mouth with her othe
r mound.

  My unoccupied hand skims down her torso and ventures beyond her thighs, pushing the hem of her skirt up to her hips. Delving between her legs, my thick fingers venture through her slick and explore her folds.

  When I find her tight bundle of nerves above her opening, her back bows and her head wobbles on my bicep.

  The side-to-side motion of her neck resembles the word “no” too much.

  Already pushed to my limit, I react the only way an Alpha should.

  I spear two fingers into her sheath, sucking her breast and moaning as her sopping tightness engulfs my digits.

  Two noisy strokes later and another desire snaps to the forefront of my instincts, and I sprawl her out on the floor like a male gone mad.

  Leaving her breast takes monumental effort, so I scrape my incisors hard enough to form two lines of raised flesh as retribution, but the moment I duck my head between her legs and lick, heaven fills my mouth.

  She tastes too perfect for only one swipe of my tongue.

  Yearning for more of her, I wrap my forearms around the back of her thighs and settle in for a feast.

  I could stay here for hours.

  Chapter Ten


  My consciousness slams back into my body just as my pleasure reaches its peak. Before I comprehend what’s happening, his deft tongue thrusts me over the edge.

  I push my hands against the intruder’s head, the sensation too much, my mind frazzled and my strained muscles locked in overwhelming pleasure.

  A small part of my mind recognizes my bound wrists, but in the whirlwind of completion, it seems inconsequential.

  My lifelong training reminds me of my mission—infiltrate, retrieve vital information, return to my handler—but euphoria filters the knowledge until it feels like a vague dream.

  With eyes closed and skin on fire, my other senses sharpen.

  A delightfully masculine scent invades my nostrils, so potent the flavor settles on my tongue and promises the most wondrous meal I could ever imagine.

  His silky, thick hair slides through my fingers until I scratch at his scalp and tug the strands, so at odds with myself I don’t know whether I try to evade him or ask for more.


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