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Unleashed Omega (Alpha Elite Series Book 6)

Page 4

by V T Bonds

  Another sense, one I never ignore, pulses its way to the forefront of my mind, and I understand what my subconscious tried to tell me as I floated in the abyss.

  He is my mate.

  My target—the one I am meant to betray—holds the key to an entire planet’s survival, as well as the remnants of my scarred soul.

  His presence within my psyche proves it. My reaction to his every move makes sense—yes, the serum quickened my lust and scrambled my expectations, but it was his pheromones, his Alpha soul, which broke through my defenses and stripped me bare.

  My orgasm fades, leaving me shaken more than ever. As bliss recedes, my awareness of the corporeal world returns, and I shudder against the hard floor.

  The little transporter vibrates under me while I lay exposed, too shocked to do more than cling to the fiery strands between my fingers.

  The Alpha between my legs runs the flat of his tongue up the entirety of my pussy, forcing my body to jerk in delicious shock and causing more slick to trickle from me.

  He lifts his head from my core and captures my chin in his goliath hand, uttering a word so profound it splinters my hold on reality.

  “Mine,” he growls.

  I am. But I can’t be.

  I must not fail the planet so desperate for the solution he withholds.

  I struggle to find clarity, running possibilities through my mind in hopes of finding a way out of this predicament.

  The serum caused an artificial, temporary bond.

  The adrenaline from the auction lowered my defenses, and all I need to do is shore them back up, then he won’t affect me so deeply.

  The male intends to torture and discard me, not to claim me.

  My handler feels I’m ready to face a new challenge, so he orchestrated this dilemma.

  A feral snarl fills the cabin, ripping me from my internal dialogue.

  “You will submit,” he demands, tightening his grip on my jaw and ducking back between my legs.

  I try to roll away, but he traps my bound arms to my front, pinning my torso and head to the floor with one arm.

  His gigantic shoulders hold my legs apart, while he mashes my thigh between the side of his face and his shoulder.

  I’m trapped, forced to accept his talented tongue as he builds my arousal so quickly my heart strains to keep up.

  He captures my clit between his lips, giving my chin a tug to demand I meet his eyes.

  The moment I do, my stomach drops through the floor and free-falls through the atmosphere.

  His large ivory pupils pierce my soul, negating every logical excuse I created for the tie between us.

  He bobs closer, peeling back his lips to reveal his elongated incisors.

  I stop breathing in fear for my trapped clit, his fangs sharp around my sensitive bundle.

  The diabolical gleam in the violet rings of his irises forces a tremor down my spine, and I whimper as cold pain travels into my womb from brushing against his deadly teeth.

  The pinching sensation ends so abruptly I gasp in confusion, but I mourn the loss of his threat when the hatch beeps a warning.

  Keeping his hand on my jaw, he crawls up my prone form.

  “I can’t wait to knot you, little firecracker,” he rumbles before lifting us both to our feet in one swift movement.

  The nickname, so unlike any I’ve ever been called before, pierces my heart with how right it feels.

  My head reels with the sudden change, but he keeps me grounded with his massive paw wrapped around my chin. He shifts his hand down until his fingers rest on my earlobes and his palm warms my throat.

  Intense heat arrows down my spine and settles in my womb, his control threatening to send me over the precipice he left me teetered on.

  In a sudden yet tender move, he gathers my hair in his other hand and rests his cheek against my own.

  He wrecks my heart when he fills his lungs with my scent and lets out a needy groan.

  The door beeps again before swinging open.

  He pulls his face away but locks me in his mesmerizing stare.


  A slight squeeze of his fingers around my throat, both threat and promise, make it difficult to string two words together, so when he pulls me to his side and leads me out of the transporter without removing his hands from me, I follow without question.

  Wind slaps my soaked skirt against my legs and reminds me my breasts remain exposed and propped up by the corset, but the cold has no chance to breach the lava swirling in my flesh.

  Each breath brings me his scent. Every step sends slick further down my leg.

  I’m empty and needy, and the male I want to satisfy me would rather traipse across the landscape than mount me.

  A door slides shut behind us, startling me out of my spiraling thoughts, and I suck my bottom lip between my teeth to hold in my groan as our mingled pheromones fill the small area.

  The coloring on the wall tells me we’ve made it to his personal Space-Flyer, which means we made it to the landing pads at the edges of the city. Once we gain enough altitude, they’ll engage the thrusters and exit the atmosphere.

  According to my research, he travels with minimal crew—himself, the pilot, a copilot, and a high-ranking mechanic—the need for more security slim since he has a personal docking bay near his den.

  The reminder of our different experiences—and our different loyalties—spears into my thoughts and dampens my arousal.

  Shockwaves ripple through me when cold air replaces his hand on my throat, but before I grab my cognizance with both hands and take control, he pushes me to my knees and props his back against the bulkhead.

  The thick, masculine scent wafting from his stained pants tears my sanity to shreds. I nearly drool as he tightens his fist in my hair and reaches for his belt.

  I fight dejavu as he stares down at me, yet the stark differences between here and the stage lure me into his trap.

  The unnatural heat no longer corrodes my insides, instead his hunger fuels my own, making my unfulfilled orgasm flair back to life.

  A puddle of slick gathers between my knees, and my heart leaps toward him. My eyes beg him for things I know I shouldn’t want. I plead for a union with him, even though the outcome must be anything but happy.

  The slow clicking of his zipper’s tab sliding down his trousers sends lust coursing through my flesh, even as the unfamiliar vulnerability rushes over my soul.

  “Take out my cock,” he growls.

  I swallow, wanting to do as he says, yet wishing he would alleviate my uncertainty.

  Why now? When I’ve successfully completed innumerable missions, many of them much more dangerous than this one, why is this the male I’m required to betray in order to accomplish this crucial task?

  Why couldn’t he have waited another few years?

  Why couldn’t he have shown himself when I was young and not so entangled with such espionage?

  His ivory pupils expand and he shows me a glimmering fang before tugging my hair. My scalp tingles with the most wonderful agony.

  “Take out my cock, little red,” he growls again, the menacing sound forcing a gush of slick to splatter onto the hard floor.

  Lifting my bound hands, I waste no time unbuckling his pants.

  He hisses his pleasure, jerking my hair again when my knuckles brush against his clad shaft. It pulses and produces a fresh wet spot.

  My instincts jump past my mind and overtake my body, gathering my training and tossing it out the window.

  I grab for his cock, angry with the fabric between us but too far gone for logic.

  “Now, my firecracker,” he groans in a guttural, urgent demand so full of Alpha strength I melt at his feet.

  He steals my vision, tightening his grip on my locks and tugging my scalp backward until all I see is his face.

  With my head pulled back, I rub him through his trousers, shuffling my knees closer to him in hopes of finding relief.

  Yanking his pants down, my fi
ngers find another layer of fabric, and a noise I’ve never made before shoots from my throat. A feral snarl bounces from the walls as I tell him what I think of this new, horrendous annoyance.

  With a few twists and yanks, I rip his undergarment open from the waistband.

  Gluttonous, my palms caress his lower stomach, his semi-filled knot, his large balls, and his massive cock.

  My core aches with emptiness, imagining how he’d fill and satisfy me, even though his size will no doubt leave me in pain.

  I want every centimeter of him shoved inside me, lodged as deep as his brutal thrusts will allow.

  His eyes bore into mine, sharing my desires and wrecking my rationality.

  The blaze between us burns so hot his purple irises shrink yet emit a vibrant neon glow.

  As I stroke him, his pre-cum coats my hands and I whimper in need.

  My soul will shrivel and die if I don’t get a taste, but I freeze in astonishment as my palms find an abnormality in his shaft.

  About halfway up his cock, hard protrusions bite into my flesh, and true alarm sneaks into my chest.

  His devilish smirk and gleaming eyes convey how much my reaction pleases him.

  “When I fuck you, my ridges will ensure you find pleasure. When I punish you,” he leans down to whisper the rest into my ear, “my ridges will ensure you feel pain.”

  His expression sports a wicked smirk when he raises back to his full height, and after studying my face, demented glee flashes through his features.

  My clit pulses in want while my core throbs in terrifying excitement.

  “Open your mouth,” he snarls, giving my hair a sharp shake.

  My lips part, allowing three of his fingers to intrude, and tasting him skyrockets my passion to unfathomable heights.

  He short-circuits my brain by forcing me to submit a vital part of myself to his ruthless fingers. He runs his thick digit over every tooth and explores each crevice within my mouth, reaching deep enough to engage my gag reflex.

  Through every perilous situation in the past, I did what I had to and ended the danger as quickly as possible, yet this? He threatens to delve into my throat and cut off my airway, yet the urge to end the moment does not surface.

  I’ll kill anyone who tries stopping this scene before the Alpha so effortlessly dominating me decides he wants it to end.

  His fingers continue their roving, doing whatever he pleases and making me slip further into soft, gooey madness.

  I gag again as he taps the tip of his longest finger against my uvula, but stare up in glazed adoration at the male playing with my soul via my mouth. When he crams all three digits past my tonsils, my eyes tear.

  His pupils flare, and without giving me a chance to recover, he removes his fingers and shoves his cock into my mouth.

  His taste explodes on my tongue. I lose sight of his mesmerizing eyes while my own roll to the back of my skull, but his ominous growl forces my attention back to his visage.

  A deliciously flawless high infuses my body, and as an orgasm sends kaleidoscopic electricity through my body, he rams his shaft down my throat, using it more like a weapon than a pleasure device.

  Deprived of oxygen, floating in ecstasy, I drown in him.

  Tightness on the back of my head pulls my lips away from his ridges, and as he exits my throat my lungs fill in reflexive survival mode.

  His flanged head flattens my tongue, and despite stinging around his wide girth, my lips beg for more. I curl my tongue and suction my lips around his shaft, too far gone to limit my desperate groans.

  Pressure builds on my scalp as he tries to pull away, but my sound morphs until my chest vibrates.

  His eyes glaze before he surges forward.

  My throat complains this time, his massive size opening my gullet further than it’s ever been before, but the pain becomes a splendid addition to the legions of rainbowed sparks shooting through me.

  His knot inflates, and a streak of white-hot fury scorches my common sense when I realize it isn’t inside my body. I lunge forward, determined to capture it, but I’m too late. It swells too large to fit between my lips, but I try anyway, needing to possess every bit of him.

  I whine in disappointment as I wrap my palms around his colossal knot, taking solace in his hedonistic grunts of release. I hum in delight as he throbs under my kneading hands, the distinct sound of splattering signifying my own mini-orgasm as slick hits the deck.

  My focus zeroes in on the pulse of his release. It passes through my lips, surges in waves against my tongue, vibrates along my tonsils, and spurts down my throat. His ridges poke just behind my tonsils, their flaring causing pinpricks of discomfort which swirl into and intensify my pleasure.

  My Omega heart clamors for a taste, the base instinct coalescing into a tight ball of worry as he cums down my throat, bypassing my taste buds.

  I tighten my grip on his knot and search his pleasure-filled eyes for help. As he parts his lips on a weighted groan, his cheekbones darken to a midnight shade of purple while his fangs extend even further.

  He sharpens his gaze on mine, understanding what I need before I begin mewling and grinding my face against his knot.

  Spots dance at the edge of my vision, yet I can’t bring myself to back away.

  My scalp burns as he twists his fist in my hair, giving a sharp tug, but I fight to stay as I am—impaled on his glorious cock.

  A growl interrupts his groan, his stern warning slicing into my core as he demands my acquiescence.

  When his cockhead pops out of my throat, still pulsing in release, my world explodes again.

  I clamp my lips around him and swim in his essence, swallowing as fast as I can while trying to breathe through my nose.

  Despite my determination to keep every drop of him, he floods my mouth with such fervor a few drops leak from between his shaft and my lips.

  My heart cries at the loss.

  I bask in the floaty, satisfied feeling permeating my nerves, even as his climax continues. My throat burns with dazzling heat as his aphrodisiac infuses my stomach with vibrant colors.

  Feminine happy noises ease into my eardrums, and for a few moments jealousy rises in me. The heated emotion pops once I realize the noises come from my own chest, not someone else.

  Another moment later, and truth lances me.

  The purring may come from my chest, but it originates in my soul.

  No more excuses.

  No more grappling for a way out.

  This Alpha is mine.

  No matter the consequences.

  A peace too profound to express flows through me.

  I close my eyes, unwilling to share my revelation.

  Chapter Eleven


  Unable to deny the insanity of my need, I struggle to breathe as my Omega purrs her contentment.

  I’ve never jizzed so quickly before, never formed a knot outside of a pussy, so it takes effort to push away the disorienting tornado of sensations pummeling my cock.

  My soul screeches in horror as her lids cover her eyes, denying me her expressive azure orbs.

  Relaxing my hand in her hair, I peel my palm off the railing jutting from the bulkhead I lean against and let it join the other digits tangled in her bright locks.

  Before I pull her off my cock, her lips begin a frenzied search down my shaft. I snarl as she draws a mini release from deep within my spine. Gentle tugging does not deter her, and after unscrambling my brain, I realize she seeks the escaped cum.

  Her soft, magical tongue runs along my sensitive underside and threatens my self-control.

  The need to yank her off, fling her to the floor, and thrust into her weeping pussy nearly wins.

  Terror halts my heart as a tear drips from the corner of her closed eye and trails down her cheek.

  In the short span of time since I’ve met her, she’s had countless opportunities to cry.

  On the auction block, the humiliation would have been cause enough for tears, not to ment
ion the arousal serum and the pain.

  In the transporter, she took my tongue with the greed of an Omega despite the lewdness of the act. Even then, locked away in a tiny room with an unknown Alpha, she did not cry.

  She’s shown feminine strength and the bravery of a stubborn spirit. She’s been belligerent and yet docile in every interaction between us.

  Why now?

  Why does she display such unhappiness now, after feeding on my release?

  She should be euphoric. Ecstatic. Enraptured.

  Instead, she tends my cock like a lamb led to slaughter.

  She takes advantage of my ruminations, removing her lips from my shaft with an audible pop. She runs her velvety little tongue along my length, slurping up every bit of liberated liquid until not a bit of it remains.

  My eyes threaten to cross as she gives one final suck, leaving my cock glistening with her saliva.

  The cool air makes me hiss.

  I long to rut into her depths, wrecking her insides the way she destroyed my composure.

  Unstoppable vibrations rumble from my chest, her stunning beauty stealing my ability to form words.

  Kneeling between my feet with a puddle of slick under her, she looks marvelous with her lips swollen from my girth.

  Their plumpness calls to me, and I need her warm, wet heat with an urgency I can’t explain.

  “Again, Omega. Suck my cock,” I demand, flexing my fingers in her hair.

  Her pupils dilate further as she wraps her lips around me again.

  Not relenting my hold on her hair, I stop her forward lunge, intent on enjoying her mouth at my own leisure.

  Her skilled tongue rubs along my length while her enticing little whimpers and moans vibrate through my shaft, stealing more pearly liquid from my tip.

  Our mingled juices create a slick lubrication, allowing her stretched lips to glide over my ridges with minimal catch.

  Her eyes glaze, the extended exposure to my cum taking its toll on her tiny body. As her inhibitions float out of reach, her eager movements become less coordinated.

  She creates suction and pulls until only her lips surround me, teasing my flanged head with her silkiness.

  I jerk in bliss as she pushes so far forward my tip hits the back of her throat. Her tongue increases the pressure on my ridges before she swallows.


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