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A Call Away

Page 14

by KC Richardson

  “There’s no stream, but it’s quiet and secluded.” Abby smiled before spreading out the blanket.

  “What about the horses? Won’t they leave if they’re not tied up?”

  “Nah. They might wander a little, but they’ll stick close by.” Abby lay down on her side and extended her hand to Syd to come join her.

  Syd’s pulse raced as she realized Abby was trying to bring her dream to reality. She took Abby’s hand and joined her.

  “How did you feel riding Pokey? Piece of cake, right?”

  Syd laughed. “I was scared shitless at first, but you were right. She’s very gentle.”

  “And how are your legs feeling?”

  The smoldering look in the darkened blue of Abby’s eyes and her chest rising and falling turned Syd’s insides molten. Her mouth was dry, which made it difficult to answer. “They’re a little sore,” she whispered. She felt Abby’s hand touch the inside of her leg just above the knee, and Syd grew wet and hard as Abby began massaging her muscles.


  Syd moaned, not wanting to wait, but enjoying the ride. “Higher.” Her nipples hardened when Abby’s hand moved higher up her leg, and Syd looked down to see them protruding through her tank top. She squirmed and pressed her mound into Abby’s hand when it reached her center. Abby rubbed Syd’s most sensitive place as she started kissing and biting Syd’s ear, moving to her jaw, and finally down her neck. Syd threw her head back to allow more access to Abby’s talented mouth. She unbuttoned her jeans and lowered the zipper with her trembling hands. When Abby had her hand just inside the waistband of Syd’s panties, she hesitated. She looked into Syd’s eyes, her vision dimming with arousal.

  “I promise you won’t wake up to find this a dream. I’m going to make you come, baby.” Abby kissed Syd possessively and continued her hand into Syd’s wetness. She thrust her hips into Abby’s hand to get more pressure, more pleasure. Her legs spread farther, as much as her jeans allowed, encouraging Abby to take her, to take whatever she wanted because Syd wanted to give it all to Abby.

  Abby slipped two fingers inside and stroked Syd’s inner velvety walls before withdrawing to coat her bundle of nerves with her own wetness. She had been constantly aroused since the moment she and Abby had started innocently flirting, and it grew exponentially since they’d had sex near the pond. With the other women she’d slept with, there was never any urgency and her orgasm would come eventually. But with Abby, and maybe it was because of their limited time together, she always came so quickly that it was delicious and frustrating at the same time. She wanted each seduction, each climax to last for an eternity, but she also wanted to experience anything and everything Abby had to offer, and she only had six more days to have it. Syd opened her eyes to see sunlight streaming through the branches. She could smell the mixture of soil, grass, Abby’s sweat, and her own arousal. That was her nirvana and she would commit every sensation of this moment to her memory.

  She felt the tendrils of her orgasm building and fought to hang on, to make it last. She didn’t want this feeling or moment to end, but she could do nothing to stop the powerful surge rage through her body as she pulled Abby closer, and she groaned into her shoulder. She convulsed repeatedly as Abby continued to apply pressure to her clit until Syd melted into Abby.

  “Oh, God,” Syd panted. She ran her fingers through Abby’s hair and held the back of her head. “That was incredible.”

  “You’re incredible, Syd. So responsive, so unguarded, so sexy.”

  Syd’s body warmed and curled into Abby’s. She’d never been that constantly aroused, so consumed with wanting to just be near Abby, needing to touch her and be touched by her. A week with her wasn’t going to be long enough for everything she wanted to do to and for Abby. She pushed the melancholy she was beginning to feel far back to the recesses of her brain so she could be present and enjoy now. When she regained some energy, she rolled Abby onto her back and straddled her narrow hips. She unbuttoned Abby’s jeans then pushed her shirt and sports bra above her breasts.

  “I’m going to make you feel as wonderful as you just made me feel.” She trailed her fingers over Abby’s stomach and watched the muscles twitch. She leaned forward and took Abby’s breast in her mouth and pleasured her nipples with her tongue while her fingers brought Abby to ecstasy.

  * * *

  Three hours later, Abby was back in the house once she walked Syd to her car, and she was ready for another shower. She spent a couple of hours checking and answering her email and jotting down some notes for her manuscript. Being around Syd was opening all kinds of ideas for her characters. She wouldn’t exactly call Syd her muse, but she did feel her mind open to more creativity in regards to her character’s sex lives. She smiled and shook her head. Since the first time Abby and Syd had sex, everything seemed clearer, like a fog had lifted from Abby’s mind. Colors were brighter, sounds were sharper, smells more fragrant, words sounded smarter. She hoped that she would be able to keep this creativity when Syd returned to Chicago.

  Abby decided against wearing her strap-on over to Syd’s, but she put it in her overnight bag. She didn’t bring it last night because she didn’t want to assume she’d be asked to spend the night, but she felt pretty confident about tonight, especially after their morning together and their horse ride. Abby had to be careful of her heart though. She really liked Syd, and if geography were different, Abby could let herself fall in love with her. But Abby’s life was in Iowa, with her gran, on the farm with her horses and chickens. This was the only life she knew with the exception of being away at Iowa State. Abby sighed. Why was she thinking about this now anyway? She had a gorgeous, sexy woman waiting for her, and she didn’t want to waste a moment.

  She grabbed her bag and practically ran into her gran, who was just getting home.

  “Whoa, cowgirl. Is the house on fire?”

  “Sorry, Gran. I was just on my way to see Syd.”

  She looked at Abby then noticed the duffel bag in her hand. “Am I to assume you won’t be coming home again tonight, Abigail?”

  Abby looked down at her feet, trying to buy time to figure out what to say. This was uncharted territory for her. The only thing she could do, the only thing she always did when it came to her gran, was she told the truth.

  “Yes, Gran. I’ll probably be staying the night with Syd.”

  “Come sit down, Abigail.”

  Abby followed her into the living room, oddly feeling like she was a child and her grandmother was going to explain why she shouldn’t empty an entire bottle of bubble bath into a running bath tub. It had been an honest mistake for a nine-year-old Abby. Even though she was now in her early thirties, her gran still had a way of making her feel like a child, and that thought made her tense. She loved her gran, but she was a grown woman, capable of making her own decisions.

  “I’m worried about you.”

  That simple yet complicated statement brought Abby up short. “Why?”

  “I’m worried you’ll be hurt by Sydney. She’s a nice woman, but she’s leaving soon to go home. I see you’re fond of her and I’m afraid you’ll have your heart broken.”

  “Gran, don’t worry. I know exactly where Syd lives and that she’ll be going back soon, but we enjoy each other’s company and spending time together. I promise I’m being careful.” Abby replayed her statement back in her head and thought it was self-explanatory without being disrespectful or too divulging. She would never knowingly or willingly treat her grandmother that way, not the woman who loved her and raised her, and had always been there for her.

  Abby’s grandmother sat staring at her with pursed lips, like she was trying to figure out what she would say next.

  “I’m not going to get hurt. Syd and I have talked and we have an understanding.” Abby looked at her watch then back to the woman who meant the most in the world to her. “I have to go, Gran. Syd’s expecting me, and like Grandpa used to say, never keep a beautiful woman waiting.”

  Her gra
ndmother smiled, probably recalling how affectionate her husband had always been to her. “I love you, Abigail. Enjoy your evening and tell Sydney I said hello.”

  Abby stood and kissed her on the cheek. “I will and I love you too.” She looked back at her gran once more before closing the door behind her.

  Abby understood why her gran was concerned, but she did have a grasp on her feelings for Syd and was already resigned to the fact that it was just a fling between them. Abby liked Syd, they got along well, and the sex between them had been amazing so far. She knew it would come to an end soon, but this was something she wanted. Something they both wanted. And when it came time for Syd to return to Chicago, Abby would kiss her good-bye and think of their time fondly.

  Syd answered the door wearing a pale yellow sleeveless polo shirt that looked fabulous against her light brown skin and black, skin-tight jeans. Abby dropped her overnight bag just inside the door before taking Syd into her arms and kissing her passionately. Abby drifted her hands down and squeezed Syd’s ass. Abby pulled her closer and nibbled on her neck. “We might not eat dinner tonight either.”

  Syd laughed and playfully pushed Abby away. “After I slaved away making a nice meal for you? Oh, no, lover. We’re definitely eating dinner.”

  Notably admonished, Abby held her hands up in surrender. “I wouldn’t think of wasting the delicious dinner we’re about to eat.”

  “How do you know it’s delicious?”

  “Everything you’ve made me takes me to another place,” Abby said before kissing Syd again.

  “Oh, yeah? Well, Ms. Price, you seem to have the ability to take me to other places too.” Syd turned and walked to the kitchen. No. She sashayed, Abby thought, and she willingly followed, unable to take her eyes off Syd’s backside. She’d follow her to the ends of the earth just to see her from behind. The view was amazing.

  When they sat down to eat, Abby noticed Syd looking at her contemplatively. “What? Do I have something on my face?”

  “I was thinking about you while I boxed up some things this afternoon.”

  “Really? What were you thinking about? How great I am in bed? That I’m the best lover you’ve ever had?”

  Syd smirked. “Beside that. I was thinking that I really don’t know that much about you.”

  “What do you want to know?”

  “Did I hear your grandmother say you went to college?”

  Abby took a sip of her wine and wiped her mouth. “I did. I went to Iowa State and got my bachelor’s in creative writing.”

  Abby tried not to look away while she answered, but it was difficult to look at Syd while not being completely truthful. There was a question in Syd’s eyes. “I dabble a bit.”

  “Really? You like to write?”

  Abby shifted in her seat. She didn’t know why, but she didn’t want to tell Syd that she wrote romance novels. It wasn’t that she was embarrassed, but it wasn’t something she was comfortable divulging at that time. “Eh, a little of this, a little of that. Whatever strikes me at the moment and allows me to be creative.”

  “That’s so cool. I envy creative people. I was good at sports and I’m good with numbers, but I don’t have a creative bone in my body.”

  “That’s not true,” Abby said as she took Syd’s hand. “You’re creative with your cooking. I’m sure you tweak recipes every once in a while, so you are creative. Just in a different way than me.”

  Syd squeezed her hand and took another bite.

  “How about work? Do you have a job? I don’t recall you mentioning anything other than volunteering at the animal shelter.”

  Abby was starting to feel a little scrutinized. She wasn’t used to being interrogated. No, that was too strong of a word, but between her gran and Syd, Abby had answered more questions than she was used to, or comfortable with, in the past hour, and she was feeling a little out of sorts.

  “Just around the farm and the shelter. I don’t need the money so I might as well do something that brings me joy.” When she saw the look on Syd’s face, she knew she had to explain. “When my parents died, they left me a sizeable trust fund, one that leaves me never having to worry about money. My mom’s family was rich and she was an only child, so she got her parents’ entire inheritance when they died. I had a little distributed to me when I turned twenty-one, again when I turned twenty-five, and the rest when I turned thirty. I have a financial adviser that takes care of it for me, and as you’ve probably noticed, I don’t live an extravagant lifestyle. I paid off Gran’s farm and I pay all the bills. I indulge Gran and allow her to buy the groceries only because she thinks that since I’m the granddaughter, I shouldn’t be paying her bills. But I explained to her that it was the least I could do to repay my grandparents for taking such great care of me.”

  “That’s so sweet of you, Abby. I’m so sorry about your parents, but I’m so glad you have such loving grandparents.”

  “Me too. Was there anything else you wanted to ask?”

  “No, that’s it for now. I just wanted to know you better.” Syd grinned and Abby felt herself relax.

  They had finished dinner and Syd brought a slice of homemade cherry pie to the table. Abby wondered why only one slice until Syd sat in her lap and fed her a bite. Syd’s eyes never left hers as Abby’s lips closed around the sweet dessert. Abby moved her hands over Syd’s hip and ass as she fed her another bite. Syd moved closer, and with the tip of her tongue, she licked a drop of cherry juice from the corner of Abby’s mouth before kissing her fully on the mouth. Abby nearly growled then picked up Syd and carried her to the stairs. She felt like her legs would give out any second from the desire she felt throbbing between her legs, and she set Syd down before they both fell to the ground.

  “Hang on,” Abby said as she went to grab her bag and followed Syd to her bedroom. They frantically undressed and slid under the sheets, facing each other. Abby placed her hand on Syd’s hip and pulled her to her. Whenever she was that close to Syd, she couldn’t help but feel aroused and wanting. Apparently, Syd felt the same.

  Syd closed her eyes and started breathing harder, making Abby dig her fingers into Syd’s muscular leg, pulling her closer, meeting Syd’s lips with her own, crushing them together. Abby reached between Syd’s legs and stroked the length of her, feeling Syd get wetter and harder. Syd moved her hips back and forth slowly, letting Abby know she probably wasn’t in any hurry to reach her destination, that she was just going to enjoy the ride.

  “How do you feel about toys?” Abby whispered just before she sucked Syd’s earlobe into her mouth.

  “What kind are you talking about? Oh, God, right there.”

  “I brought a strap-on in case you’re interested.”

  Syd smiled and nodded. “I’m very interested. Is that what you have packed in your bag?”

  “Yep,” Abby replied, feeling very pleased with herself for bringing it along.

  “Put in on, baby. But I want you on your back so I can ride you.”

  It was ridiculous how just a few words could make Abby get so wet and hard. She groaned and sat on the side of the bed while she got all the straps buckled and the dildo in place. She always thought it looked ridiculous, but at this moment, she didn’t care. All she cared about right now was having Syd on top of her, dominating her, fucking her until she came.

  She turned on her back, the appendage pointing to the ceiling, and watched the slow smile creep up on Syd’s pink lips. Jesus, she was sexy. In every possible way. Just when Abby thought Syd couldn’t get any sexier, she licked the tip of the dildo and slowly rimmed it with her tongue before taking it in her mouth. Abby felt like it was a part of her, all the way to her core, and she thought she’d explode watching Syd’s mouth move up and down the shaft, her hand gripped around it at the base, moving in the same direction as her mouth. Abby felt her clit swell and press against the base, but she didn’t want to come before Syd.

  “Come here, baby. I’m so ready for you.” Abby handed a bottle of lube to Syd to a
pply to her cock. Syd put a little in her palm and covered the appendage, stroking it up and down, applying yet more pressure to Abby. “I’m going to come if you keep doing that, Syd.”

  Syd smiled again and straddled Abby. She moved into a half-kneeling position, grabbed the cock, and rubbed it up and down her clit. Abby was mesmerized by the site of Syd pleasuring herself.

  “You’re killing me,” Abby squeaked out.

  Syd let out a throaty chuckle as she lowered herself slowly until Abby was all the way inside her. Just as slowly, she raised up until only the head was in her. The dildo was coated with Syd’s come, and Abby craved to have her mouth on her, drinking in her nectar. Syd continued at a leisurely pace, and Abby was in no hurry to rush her. This had to be the most erotic thing Abby had ever seen, the image burned into her mind for future fantasies—Syd straddling her, moving up and down on Abby’s cock, eyes half closed and smoldering, breasts swaying with her movements. Abby reached up, tweaked Syd’s hard nipple, and squeezed her breast then did it to the other.

  “That’s good, Abby. Keep squeezing my nipples. Harder.”

  Abby did as Syd told her until she leaned over, dangling her breasts in Abby’s face. She took the hardened tip greedily in her mouth while she continued to knead the other breast. Syd’s hips began gyrating back and forth, up and down, and her hand reached down to rub her own clit. Abby wanted to move Syd’s hand so she wouldn’t come so quickly and she could prolong her rhapsody.

  “Oh, fuck, Abby. I’m going to come,” Syd gasped. “Coming so hard.” Syd cried out as her body jerked and shuddered. Abby didn’t think Syd would ever stop. She didn’t want her to. It was as if Abby could feel the same pleasure Syd had, and she never wanted it to end. Abby had been absently holding her breath and finally let it out. Abby realized that she would give or do anything to see Syd so sensual, so unbidden.


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