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A Call Away

Page 15

by KC Richardson

  Syd collapsed onto Abby, her breathing labored, and gently bit Abby’s neck.

  “That was so fucking hot,” Abby rasped out, her voice hoarse as if she had yelled out with Syd.

  Syd laughed into Abby’s neck. “It sure was. I don’t remember ever coming that hard. This was the first time I’ve ever been fucked with a strap-on.”

  “You’ve never used one before? My God, Syd, you took command like it was second nature.”

  “I didn’t say I’ve never used one before,” Syd said as she traced Abby’s lower lip with the tip of her finger. “Usually I’m the one doing the fucking.” She winked and ground herself some more on Abby’s cock, letting out a low, guttural moan. “I’ve always wanted to be on the receiving end, but the women I’ve been with wanted to receive so I always gave. Now I know what I’ve been missing.”

  Syd didn’t seem in any hurry for Abby to pull out so they stayed in that position.

  “What about you? Do you like to give or receive?”

  Abby felt herself grow hot and was grateful for the muted light in the room. “I’ve only received since I’ve ever only used it on myself. I’ve never used a toy with anybody else.”

  Syd sat up and looked intently at Abby. “Really? That surprises me. Why is that?”

  “Well, I tend to have flings, one-night stands, and I need to trust someone to make myself vulnerable like that.”

  Syd stroked Abby’s cheek and she leaned into the pressure. “You trust me?”

  “Of course. I know more about you than any of the women I’ve been with except for my college girlfriend.”

  “Hang on.” Syd slowly pulled off Abby’s cock, unbuckled the straps, and dropped it onto the floor. “Sorry. I love having that in me, but it’s just weird to look at,” Syd said while giggling. She cuddled up to Abby’s side and placed her head on her chest. “Why don’t you have a girlfriend?”

  “Are you kidding? Does this town look like a hotbed for lesbian life?”

  Syd laughed. “No, I suppose not, but aren’t there larger cities nearby, ones that are more of a hotbed, as you put it?”

  “No, not really. Not close enough that if I met someone, that we could see each other often.”

  “Have you ever thought of moving to a larger city?”

  “Not really. Except to go to college, I’ve always been here on the farm. I’m not sure I’d be happy anywhere else. Besides, my gran is getting older, and I’d worry too much if she was alone.”

  Syd kissed Abby. “That’s too bad. Any woman would be lucky to have you as their girlfriend,” Syd declared before she kissed her way down Abby’s body and brought her to climax with her mouth.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Abby had gone home early in the morning to get her chores done and pack her bag. Syd pulled up to her house by ten a.m. and they drove to Chicago. There was still a little bit of time left before the sun would set, and Syd had promised her an amazing view if they made it back to her condo in time. They had stopped only a couple of times and they were both starving for dinner. Syd took Abby to a restaurant that Syd said had the best pizza in town.

  After they ate, they drove to Syd’s condo. They pulled into a parking garage and grabbed their bags. They walked through the garage until they came to double glass doors and were greeted by the doorman. Abby’s gait slowed as she took in the opulent setting. White and gray marble floors, crystal chandeliers, floor-to-ceiling windows that allowed her to see the traffic outside. When Syd said she worked at a youth center, this wasn’t what Abby imagined Syd’s home to look like. She imagined Syd lived in a smaller, less fancy condo, maybe on the outskirts of the city, not directly in downtown. Abby looked over to Syd holding the elevator door open, and she hurried over. The doors closed and they began to ascend.

  Abby stood still, surprised to feel how smooth and quick the ride was. She followed Syd down the hall, still remaining quiet, too shocked to come up with words. When they entered Syd’s unit, she set down her suitcase and walked over to the windows that were, like the lobby, floor-to-ceiling. There was a gorgeous view of Chicago’s downtown skyline, and Abby had quickly realized that Syd hadn’t been lying about the view. The sky still had some deep purple, but soon it would be pitch-black.

  “This is stunning, Syd.”

  “The view or my condo?”

  “All of it.” Abby turned and Syd was standing in front of her. Abby placed her hands on Syd’s hips and pulled her closer. “You’re stunning too.”

  “My meeting is at nine tomorrow morning. When I get back, I’ll take you on a tour of my Chicago. But right now, I need a shower to wash the day off me. Want to join me?”

  Syd didn’t wait for Abby’s answer, and she disappeared around the corner. Abby grabbed her suitcase and went to the room with the light on. She heard the shower running, and she quickly stripped out of her clothes. The glass door to the shower was already steamed, but Abby could see the silhouette of Syd’s shapely body. Abby stepped in behind Syd and wrapped her arms around Syd’s waist. Abby kissed her shoulder, and Syd leaned her head back. Abby took advantage of that position, and she kissed Syd’s neck, licked the water that coated her skin, and brought her hands up to fondle Syd’s breasts. Syd’s nipples hardened against Abby’s palms.

  Abby turned Syd so her back was against the wall and kissed her hard. Syd put her foot on the built-in shower bench and Abby had clear access to Syd’s sex. Abby pushed her fingers through the slick opening as Syd thrust her hips forward. Syd had slipped her thigh between Abby’s legs and began rubbing her own clit against Syd’s tight muscles. Abby felt Syd’s walls tighten around her fingers. She pressed her thumb to Syd’s clit, and the extra pressure sped up the impending orgasm. Syd threw her arms around Abby’s neck, begging her to not let her fall. When Syd’s body relaxed, Abby shut the water off and grabbed for a towel while keeping Syd in her arms. She wrapped the white, fluffy bath sheet around Syd’s shoulders and back, then gave her a soft, lingering kiss.

  “You’re so beautiful when you come, Sydney. So fucking beautiful.”

  “You know just how to touch me, Abby. Now let’s go to bed and I can see just how beautiful you are when I make you come.”

  * * *

  Syd drove home after meeting with Anne feeling like she was on Cloud Nine. Everything seemed to be falling into place. She got the funding needed to start her own center, she was having amazing sex with an amazing woman who was waiting for her back at her condo, and the weather was perfect to show Abby Chicago. She thought about calling Vanessa and her parents to join them, but she didn’t want to overwhelm Abby with meeting the family. Besides, it wasn’t like they were in a serious relationship. They would head back to Iowa tomorrow, Syd would continue cleaning out Virginia’s home, put it up for sale, and she would return to Chicago to get started on developing her own center.

  Syd walked through the front door and spied Abby outside on her patio standing at the rail looking out at the city. Syd stood there for a moment and admired Abby from behind. Syd couldn’t think of one thing she didn’t like about Abby. She was sweet, giving, adorably cute, and had a beautiful body. It really was too bad they lived so far from each other. Syd would exclusively date Abby if they lived in the same town. No sense in thinking about that right now, though. She approached the sliding glass door and Abby turned when Syd opened it. Abby had the type of smile that reached her eyes and made Syd feel like the sun was shining just on her.

  “Hi. How’d it go?”

  Syd stepped closer and gave Abby a kiss that made promises for later. “It went great. Anne was very nice and excited for my plan. Even more so when I told her that I wanted to include LGBTQ youth. When I get back, I’ll start looking for a place, as well as hiring staff and volunteers.”

  Abby wrapped her arms around Syd’s waist. “I’m so happy for you. You’re doing a really great thing by opening up a place to include all kids.”

  Syd gave Abby one more kiss. “Let me change into more comfortable clothes and
we can get going.”

  They walked two blocks down from Syd’s condo to Navy Pier and grabbed a quick lunch. Syd bought them tickets to the Centennial Wheel and they climbed into the gondola. When they reached the top, Abby gasped and squeezed Syd’s hand.

  “This view is spectacular.”

  Syd had lived in Chicago her entire life, and she never tired of looking at the skyline or Lake Michigan. It was the main reason she bought her condo, because of the fantastic views she had from her living room and bedroom.

  “Wait until you see the view from the restaurant I’m taking you to tonight.”

  When the ride was complete, Syd took Abby’s hand and walked to the front of the pier.

  “Where are we going now?”

  Syd led her down a ramp to a large boat. “We’re going on a river architecture tour. It’s a great way to see all the stunning buildings in Chicago.”

  They sat near the front and Abby put her arm around Syd’s shoulders. “I’m having such a great time here with you.”

  Syd kissed Abby’s hand that was draped on her shoulder. “I’m glad. I wish we didn’t have to head back tomorrow so I could show you more.”

  “Me too. I’d love to see where you work.”

  “Actually, that can be arranged. We can swing by on our way out of town.”

  They listened to the tour guide talk of the different buildings along the Chicago River, who designed them, and why they were designed in a specific way.

  Syd snuck glances at Abby looking up at the tall structures with wonder. She was pleased that Abby was enjoying herself. For some reason, that was very important to Syd. Maybe it’s because Abby and Bernice had been so nice and helpful to Syd while she’d been in Iowa. She’d hoped that she would be able to maintain a friendship with them.

  They arrived back to the condo and agreed to sit out on the balcony for a little while before they needed to get ready for dinner. Syd poured them each a glass of wine as they watched the sun start to slip behind the tall buildings.

  Abby took a sip of wine then chewed on her bottom lip. Syd saw the action and placed her wine down on the small glass table between the two chairs.

  “Is there something on your mind?”

  “Well, I don’t mean to pry, and you can tell me it’s none of my business, but how can you afford this place and your car by working with children?”

  Syd laughed and picked up her glass to take a sip. “I made a lot of money and gained some stock options when I worked for my firm. I was actually pretty responsible with my money. I had nice business clothes, my car, and my condo. I never took vacations, I didn’t go out a lot, and I saved most of my paycheck and occasional bonuses I received. Just by cashing in my stock options, I was able to pay off my condo and car, and still had some left over to invest. I no longer need to wear fancy suits and silk blouses. Where I’m taking you to dinner tonight is a special treat. It’s not something I would typically do.”

  Abby nodded as if she understood.

  Syd continued. “Growing up, I was always focused on my sports and schoolwork, and after I graduated college, I worked my ass off to get where I was. I worked so hard and so much that I never stopped to enjoy what life had to offer. It was never about money for me. Well, not entirely. I grew up in a middle-class family and my parents taught me to work for what I wanted, not to expect handouts. And they also taught me never to lose sight of what was important. Working with those kids, giving back to my community is what’s important to me. I just happened to make a lot of money when I was working my previous job and I allowed myself the two luxuries of my condo and car. Other than that, I live a pretty simplistic life and I’m much happier now. All that’s important to me is giving these kids a safe place and a chance for a better life.”

  Abby’s face relaxed and her eyes softened as she took Syd’s hand. “I think what you’re doing for these kids is wonderful, and I think you’re very special.”

  Syd smiled and leaned in for a kiss. “Thank you. That means a lot to me. Let’s go get ready so I can treat you to an unforgettable dinner.”

  They arrived at the Signature Room at the 95th floor of the John Hancock Center and were shown to a table at the window. The sun had just set and the dark purple and pink sky helped illuminate the building lights that seemed to go on forever. Once the waiter left to fulfill their drink orders, Syd pointed out the taller buildings to Abby and gave her a few fun facts about them. Syd never got to play tour guide because she didn’t really know anyone outside of Chicago. She hoped Abby was enjoying this as much as Syd was. Although the food was delicious, it was the view of the city that made Syd want to bring Abby.

  Syd sipped her glass of sparkling wine that was paired with the white and dark chocolate mousse cake, and she looked across the table to Abby, who was gazing back at Syd.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?”

  Abby smiled just as the rim of her flute reached her lips. She took a small sip and waited to answer until she set down her glass. The move and the slight upward curve of her lips was indescribably sexy. Syd felt a flutter in her belly and a twitch a little farther south.

  “I’m having a great time. I wish it didn’t have to end so soon.”

  Syd reached across the table and held Abby’s hand. “You’re welcome to come visit anytime you’d like.

  * * *

  Abby woke the next morning, feeling sore and satisfied. When they arrived back to Syd’s the night before, they frantically removed their clothing before having sex that lasted into the early morning. Abby would love nothing more than to remain in bed with Syd and continue where they left off. Unfortunately, they had a long drive ahead of them and they still needed to stop by Syd’s work. Technically, they didn’t need to go to the center, but Abby wanted to see the place that was so special to Syd.

  A cup of coffee and an hour later, they were in the car headed toward a different Chicago. One that wasn’t all lights and high-rises. This other Chicago was old apartment buildings and old cars parked along the curb. Instead of tourists and fancy restaurants, there were residents and burger joints. The discrepancy between the two parts of Chicago was vast in Abby’s opinion.

  They pulled into a parking lot next to a rundown-looking building and walked through the front door. A young girl reading in the corner looked up and her face lit up with joy.

  “Ms. Syd! You’re back!”

  Syd knelt and accepted a hug from the girl. “Hi, Alisa. I’m only here for a few minutes. I have to go back out of town, but I promise to be back soon. Have you been helping out around here while I’ve been gone?”

  “Yes. Ms. Leah has been helping me with my homework and I help her straighten up the books. Who’s that?” Alisa pointed at Abby.

  “Alisa, it’s rude to point. Please apologize.”

  “Sorry.” Alisa looked down at her feet, clearly embarrassed at being called out on her manners in front of a stranger.

  “This is my friend, Abby. Abby, this is Alisa. She’s one of the best helpers I’ve ever had.”

  That compliment put the smile back on Alisa’s face and she gave Syd another hug. Abby stuck her hand out and Alisa shook it. “It’s nice to meet you. Ms. Syd has told me so many great things about you and the other kids here.”

  Alisa looked up at Abby. “You’re pretty.”

  Abby knelt so she’d be closer to Alisa’s height. “Thank you. I think you’re very pretty, too.” That earned Abby a hug and she felt like her heart might melt.

  “Abby wanted to see where I worked. Would you like to give her a tour?”

  Alisa nodded and grabbed Abby’s hand.

  “Make sure you introduce her to everyone, too.”

  Abby looked behind her and noticed Syd trailed a few feet behind them, the pride evident on her face. Being able to see Syd interact with the kids and staff was a beautiful sight. The kids obviously loved Syd. All of them were excited to see her and gave her hugs. Syd took the time to talk with each of them, asking them about school, and a
particular project or test. She asked them how their parents or siblings were doing. Syd seemed genuinely interested in every aspect of the kids’ lives. Syd laughed and joked with the adults on staff. Abby had known Syd for only a short week, but it was apparent from her interaction that this was where Syd belonged.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Syd and Abby had arrived back to Virginia’s farm late the previous night and they fell into bed completely exhausted. They woke early so Abby could get back home to start her day. Syd lingered at the door, taking her time kissing Abby good-bye. The sun had barely risen, the birds had just started chirping, and Abby had to get home to do her work. Syd reassured her that she would feed the chickens, that she was getting quite good at it. Her reason, however, was purely selfish. If she did the chore instead of Abby, it would give them a few more minutes to kiss and hold each other. Syd really liked Abby, and the more time they could spend together, the better. Her time in Iowa was quickly coming to an end, and the thought of saying good-bye to Abby was making her heart heavy.

  Abby gave her one more kiss before extricating herself from Syd’s arms. She stood in the doorway watching Abby drive away, then she poured herself another cup of coffee and fixed breakfast. She wanted to keep finding things to do other than clean out Virginia’s bedroom, but she knew she couldn’t put it off any longer. She had to go through her closet, dresser drawers, and nightstands, and she wasn’t looking forward to it at all.

  Syd decided to go through the bathroom first. That should be easy enough. She opened the medicine cabinet and found the basic staples—deodorant, face cream, a few small bottles of perfume. She smelled each one and liked the scents—light, not too flowery. Syd decided to keep them, and she set them off to the side. She spotted a prescription bottle for blood pressure and multivitamins and also set them aside to properly dispose of them. No other medications. Virginia must have been relatively healthy until just before she died. She found some nearly full bottles of lotion and shampoo, bars of soap, a couple of tubes of toothpaste still in the box, and she placed them in a donation box. She would ask Abby if there was a homeless shelter she knew of that she could give them too. She boxed up the linens, tissue, and toilet paper that could also go to a shelter. The rest of the items in the drawers, Syd dumped into a trash bag. With the bathroom cleaned out, she had no choice but to start on the bedroom.


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