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Princess Ces'alena (Webster Fields)

Page 15

by Mercedes Keyes

  “Not until you pay with the one you owe me.” Morris reminded him as he also nodded at someone smiling. It was then two young women approached them, “Excuse me gentlemen.” All three looked down recognizing the first, Mildred Hastings. “Mr. Webster, Manny, I’d like to introduce my cousin, Katherine Janette Sanders…Katherine…this is Mr. Morris Webster, and his son, Maynard Webster…and umm, -(she gulped her eyes going dreamy when it came to Charles)- Mr. Charles Wilson.” The effect his presence had on her was immediate. She’d always had a strong liking for Charles, ever since they were children, where they would chance to see each other at gatherings held around the county. Of course, he didn’t notice her so much as she could always find him in a crowd. She dreamed of growing up and becoming his wife someday…there was no man she could ever love as she loved him. Problem was, he never seemed to notice her, or the way she felt about him. Often his inadvertent rejection left her heart broken and in periods of misery. But she would never give up hope and would not, until he was no longer available.

  “Ms Sanders, how very nice to meet you.” Morris nodded, taking her hand to kiss it, exhibiting the charm he’d always had when needed.

  “Good evening Mr. Webster.” She greeted with a slight bow of the head. Her eyes cut demurely to Manny with her hand up; he took it and touched his lips to her glove with a nod. “Ms Sanders…the pleasure is all mine.” Katherine smiled, much appreciative of what she saw, and with a nod she simpered “Mr. Webster.” ‘How very nice.’ She thought, but it was reflected in her eyes.

  “Echm echm.” Charles wasn’t about to be ignored, after all…he was a lady’s man, and the better looking of the two of them; although this had never been a problem for Manny, because what he lacked in looks, he made up for in animal magnetism. No one had ever accused him of being a fop or dandy…and that category suited him over the two latter.

  “Does this introduction include me?” He asked shining his dazzling smile. Feeling her gut twist, Mildred humbly stepped back. Katherine turned to him next. “Is that an English accent I detect?” He asked as she handed him her hand. Smiling she answered, “Yes, it is.”

  “Well I must say…you are surely a vision of loveliness.” He added, unaware of the pain flowing as Mildred pretended to be unaffected; Manny noticed and stepped in. “I’m glad you think so Charles…now if you will excuse us…I was about to ask Ms Sanders if she would grant me the pleasure of a dance…” Smiling, he turned to her, “… will you, Ms Sanders?” She almost visibly sighed in relief to be taken away by him. “Yes, I would be glad to Mr. Webster, if you will excuse me?”

  Charles sighed, leaned back cutting his losses then looked out into the crowd for a familiar face, completely overlooking Mildred standing there with her heart in her eyes. Just as she suspected, he saw someone else and took off in that direction. Morris looked at her offering his hand. “Well, it appears that it is going to be the two of us. Do an old man a favor…been a long time since I’ve danced with one so lovely.” Mildred blushed deep and took his offer.

  On the dance floor, Manny was taking a mental note of her height, she was tall for a woman, the top of her head almost at his mouth, which placed her at about six foot. Giving her a thorough look over as she swayed and spun to the music across the dance floor, he caught sight of Helene Hastings, Katherine’s aunt; staring at them in rapt horror. He nodded with a huge smile on his face. She turned to her friend, Mrs. Gordon with a look of helplessness on her face, with her friend returning a shake of her head in sympathy.

  With a big grin in place, Manny looked down at Katherine to see her eyes intently sizing him up. He didn’t care much for dancing, but he could hold his own if the circumstances called for it…and tonight, they did indeed. “What you’re beholding, I hope you find pleasing.” Manny flirted cunningly.

  “Quite pleasing, if I may be so bold to admit.” She returned surprising him, but he recovered quickly. “Well, I’d like to claim all the credit…however I must lay it at my father’s door. I shall have to thank him at sometime in the future. While at it, I must add your mother to the list… I find that you are most lovely indeed. Even your height I find compliments you… few women wear it so well.”

  “Thank you. There are few men who see it as you do. Perhaps it is because this close, I am usually looking down at them, instead of up. Very nice change.”

  “May I ask how long your visit to the Americas will be?” Manny enquired wondering if he had perhaps met his challenge.

  “Yes you may, and my answer will depend.” She flirted fetchingly.

  “On what?” He asked.

  “On whether there is reason to change my previous plans.”

  “I see…very interesting. Dare I say, I feel it is very possible, that a suitable reason could be developing now…as we dance and speak…yes…as we speak.”

  The two danced from one musical arrangement to the next. Oblivious of the attention they were getting from the small audience in their attendance due to their own silent thoughts and fears.

  Morris looked on with hopes that his son had finally found his match…a bride, gloriously white.

  Mildred looked on feeling elated for the perfect match she made despite her mother’s rebuke two dances ago.

  Helene Hastings, with her friend by her side, looked on with dread and fear. It took every bit of decorum she’d learned in life to keep herself from marching onto the dance floor and breaking them up.

  Her friend, Mrs. Gordon…smiling on the inside…savoring this new turn. She couldn’t wait to spread the news.

  Kayleen, ‘Lord… what now…what now? If he choose her, what that gonna mean for Webster Fields?’

  Charles, ‘It’ll never work…not in a million years. God help you both if you do.’

  Last of all, on the ground outside of the platform, looking through the railings…large golden eyes, flooding with tears that finally won the battle and spilled over as the center of her soul was being slowly, gripped, twisted and yanked out of her. Unable to stand there a moment more, she turned from the platform and fled into the night.

  Two Weeks Later…

  “Manny you can’t do it. You can’t ruin her life this way. It will never work!” Charles argued to convince Manny.

  “It will work. She’s nice, she’s beautiful – the right age, we – we fit. Ah and, she’s smart and I like her. I doubt if I’ll find anyone better suited to me.”

  “Why didn’t you say; ‘She’s smart and I find that I’m moved by her, fond of her, in love with her!’ Manny…what about that? This is not the old days of England and arranged marriages! We’re beyond that now, you get to marry the one you love.” Both became quiet after that statement.

  Manny’s brow rose as if to say, “Is that so?” The silence grew until Charles realized what he’d said, and the falseness of the statement - he blushed beet red, recovering he went on to voice his doubts, their reasons.

  “It’s too soon Manny. You can’t love her, this soon. I know, you know that I know, so, don’t try to say that you do.” He finished quietly. They were in his office in town, as a non-respondent Manny sat before his desk.

  Finally he looked up saying, “Love will come later. I’m sure of it, as much as we enjoy each other’s company, love will no doubt follow. Besides, I don’t have time to start over looking…this is it.”

  “Manny – don’t … and if you do, Ceś alena…what about her? What will she be now that you’re getting married, your mistress? And if that’s what you’re thinking, it will never work. She’s too close to home. You know…I think you should contact that young man on his offer for he-…”

  “Shut up Charles! Lena is where she will always be! At Webster Fields! Besides, she hasn’t spoken to me in weeks. She wants nothing more to do with me.”

  “Then seal it, give her over to one of the men on your plantation. Let her jump the broom, or whatever it is they do. Otherwise…your marriage is doomed.”

  Manny sat staring at Charles, ‘Should I? Can I? He
r with another man? Give her up entirely and not look back? Have her so near, to never touch again? I can do this. I’ll have Katherine now. She’ll be there at Webster Fields as she’s always been. And as long as she’s happy and treated right – all will be fine. It is only right. That is what’s fair. This is my time to make things right and change. I’ll still have my son, and she’ll be free and safe to go on without me forcing her to my bed.’

  “I hope your silence means you’re thinking about it.”

  “I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make things work.”

  “And that means what?”

  Manny hesitated to voice it out loud. For the moment, he froze once again in thought. Charles leaned back in his chair watching him…waiting.

  “Well?” He asked.

  “Well what?” Manny asked, though quite aware of the question.

  “Will you do the right thing by starting afresh, letting go of Lena; to start whole and clean with Katherine?”

  Again the silence…Manny leaned forward in his chair getting ready to stand. Looking Charles in the eye he conceded, “Everything will be fresh and new, the day of the wedding.”

  * * *

  “Over my dead body will you marry that - that…”

  “Aunt Helene really, there’s no need for you to get so upset. I’ve already made up my mind. I’m marrying Maynard Webster.”

  “You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into! You don’t know him! Nor the things that go on there!” She argued. Katherine shook her head in an ‘I’m not listening’ mode. Helene stormed over to her niece grabbing her by the shoulders, almost shaking her so desperate to make her listen. “He will not, and can not love you! You won’t be happy married to him…please Katherine …I know what I’m saying, you have to listen to me!”

  "How can you say that when even now, I’m happy?! Happier than I’ve ever been! Once I become the Missus at Webster Fields, he will come to love me…even if he doesn’t now. It will happen later, it is just a matter of time.”

  Helene sat next to her, her heart pounding…temples throbbing, she closed her eyes as if praying for help. “Listen to me Katherine, he likes Negro women. On top of that, he has a favorite among them. She has been at Webster Fields for many years now. I beg you, don’t do this to yourself…if you do…you will regret not listening to me. Please Katherine, and there is something else… he has a bastard by her, this slave. He admitted fathering the child before Phyllis and I, and he has actually brought the child to town with him on occasion when picking up supplies. Others have seen him, we saw him the night of the party when you met. That child dancing, was his.”

  “You must come to realize now before it’s too late. What you want with this man was not meant to be.”

  “How do you know what is meant to be!” Katherine snapped. “It doesn’t matter; I don’t care to hear anymore.” She sighed deeply. “I know you mean well, and I love you for your concern. But I am not going to change my mind. No matter what you tell me, I’m going to marry Maynard.”

  Helene’s eyes turned to glaciers as she stood from the sofa before her niece. Turning a cold shoulder she walked to the other side of the room staring out of the window for a moment. Then finally she turned back, loudly declaring, “Well whether you change your mind or not, I absolutely forbid you to marry that man. I promised my sister that I would look after you. That is what I intend to do, and that is the final word on the subject.”

  Katherine’s face took on a very similar look as a brow rose rebelliously.

  * * *

  Four Days later:

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife; you may kiss your bride.”

  Manny leaned forward before their witnesses, Charles, his father, Mildred and her father, Kayleen and Ferrus and kissed his bride.

  Chapter Five

  The following months that passed, found Manny and his new bride touring Europe on their honeymoon. While there, Manny met Katherine’s mother and stepfather. Both of them quite surprised at the news of her daughter’s sudden marriage. Considering that her daughter had spent two seasons in London among the elites of society, being constantly paid attention to by one beau after another; stating, half she felt too short and the other half were her height or taller but she wasn’t satisfied with them. One social ball after another left her with no one she could decide upon. Needing a break from it all, she chose to visit her aunt, uncle and cousin who had long since moved to the new world, the Americas.

  Now here she stood after being in America for no more than four months, and had not only managed to be courted, but wed. As much as Margaret wanted to disapprove of the hasty wedding, she immediately knew that it would be a waste of her time to protest. What was done was done. Her preference had been for her daughter to marry a man of privilege…a man with a title, a duke or an earl. While the man before her now stood a striking figure as any, true, however, he was rough in a very rugged sort of way, certainly not one you could call refined of delicate manners and carriage. In addition to all of that, there was a particular quality about him that was as untamed as the land he came from. However, having thought all of that, her mother noted that he cleaned up well.

  Accordingly, with little choice, she put forth her best hostess etiquette and welcomed him to their family. Unfortunately to Margaret’s dismay, after a few days time, during their stay there…her perception of him changed, his body language and behavior lent to him a sort of indifference…an aloofness.

  While she could see this, her daughter refused to, carrying on as if seemingly happy, and that, she supposed was all that mattered. Maybe she was reading him wrong, and the vibrations he un-consciously exhibited that reeked of vacant emotions - were all in her head. Yet and still, no matter how strong the combating voices of reasoning were, something about him reminded her of her first husband. Time would tell…it always did. Nothing proved something so, or not so, as did time. After two weeks with her mother, they set out to tour the rest of her splendid country. Katherine went on to show him the richness of England.

  This did not aid Katherine, because of Manny’s political prejudices in defense of his own country now growing, still in its early years. Aside from that, he maintained his composure throughout her touring. As the stay extended, Manny said all the right things, smiled when it was appropriate, and laughed at what was to be funny, even if truthfully he found nothing funny at all. He tried his hardest when they visited her friends, and took strained interest when it was required…so much so that he almost seemed mechanical at times. Katherine pretended not to notice, and blamed it on being in a different land and away from home.

  When in truth, the fact was, he was downright melancholy on occasion, she actually felt ashamed in front of her friends. That embarrassing fact, making her work extra hard for appearances sake, insisting before all that everything was perfect between them, when in fact it wasn’t. The light, the fire, the spark, the life – seemed to have gone right out of him. There were times when she noticed he seemed far away in thought, and at night when they made love, he made all the right moves, sure to touch her just so; working at it as if it was a duty to make love to her, instead of his pleasure. One evening, he had consumed too much drink at the dinner party they were invited to and excusing himself, saying he needed a bit of fresh air on their terrace.

  After a while, concerned because he hadn’t returned, she went looking for him…he was no where to be found. Her friends set out to help her search for him, but he was no where in the area. She was afraid that he had wandered off and gotten lost, so they searched into the night for him. After a few hours, she was so upset she couldn’t think clearly, convinced that some harm had come to him; her friends suggested she go back to their hotel suite, where they escorted her to rest until the next day.

  When they arrived at the hotel, to her utter humiliation, he was there sleeping. Never had she felt such shame. He’d taken off and left her at her friends without a word to her or anyone else. With her face flaming,
she stood within her suite as her friends looked at him stretched out on the sofa, resting as if not a care in the world.

  Four months in Europe was all he could endure…despite her plea to remain longer, Manny began dropping hints that he was ready to return home; reminding her when she began to pout and whine, that he had a plantation to see to. It didn’t take long before Manny began feeling more and more out of place, and anxious – as if in a hurry to get back. He really cared about Katherine, not wanting to ruin her vacation and honeymoon, but at times it was as much as he could stand. His stomach often churned and ached where he would have to literally try to force a good mood that never complied. He was trying to get into this new life, with his new wife…but the more time he spent with her, the more it became startlingly clear… he couldn’t stand this - being separated … from Lena. It was because she wasn’t there with him. At night his stomach would ache just thinking about her, so much so…that when his wife finally lay sleeping in his arms, he closed his eyes wishing she was Lena. He couldn’t shake the empty, the heart wrenching loneliness.

  His nights were spent with him awake conjuring dreams of her, reflecting back on memories of them; which in turn rendered him too tired in the mornings to get up. Which caused him to sleep until the early afternoon; angering Katherine who was awake and wanting to start their day, but couldn’t because Manny wouldn’t move from bed until he was ready to. One night when responding to Katherine’s touch; her subtle way of saying she wanted to be made love to, he’d almost called out Lena’s name, biting it back in the nick of time. Their first argument came from Katherine voicing distaste with him for withdrawing upon ejaculation. The first few times he did it, she kept quiet, but was appalled at having to clean his semen from her person.


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