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Princess Ces'alena (Webster Fields)

Page 18

by Mercedes Keyes

  That was the first time Katherine saw and realized that Lena’s cabin was right in view of his room. She felt on fire with the shame of it; angry to the point of wanting to scream to the heavens. It was right then and there, her hatred for Lena took root. The next morning, she entered the kitchen where Lena prepped breakfast. She wanted to attack her for daring to yawn in her presence when she knew that her husband slept in her cabin last night. The whole time she stood in the kitchen, Lena continued on as if no one had entered. It was obvious that she saw no reason for pretence. They both resented the other for their own reasons. Katherine knew this slave woman held his heart. Lena knew that this woman carried his name and held the position she wanted as his wife. What she wanted, could never be…especially now. The tension, the hostility between them, had no place else to go, other than to simmer and grow.

  Mikey was the last straw in it all. He drove Katherine mad with envy and spite; he was too much like Manny; it wasn’t fair, she as his wife should have been the only one to bear his son, yet Lena had done so. She wouldn’t care if he were treated as he was, the bastard get of the master. But he wasn’t treated as such… the boy was indulged with all the privileges of a white child.

  Her misery was unbearable when she saw them together; every now and then she would come into the kitchen looking for Manny knowing he was back for his lunch, to find the three of them together alone. All three made her presence feel as an intrusion on their family circle, while they laughed at something clever the child had said.

  The moment her presence was known, the laughter would stop, and all would grow quiet making her feel the outsider. Day by day, week by week, Manny drew further and further away from her; nothing she did ever seemed to please him. It finally came to the point where he no longer bothered coming to their bed. After dinner, he would disappear and sometime in the wee hours of the morning he would return to catch a few hours sleep and then he was back out into the fields or on the property seeing to the many needs of his slaves.

  It seemed to her, that he was more of a slave to them, than they were to him. He worked just as hard as they did…those of the gentry class would never be caught doing the menial tasks he undertook daily. Katherine hated to admit it…but she felt she’d married beneath her station. Now here she was, trudging an uphill battle all the way.

  Finally the holidays were upon them, which would be spent pretty much the same for the slaves. They had their choice of turkey or ham, plenty of vegetables that they’d canned for themselves; and fruit as well for their own dinners and deserts. Kayleen, Lena and Cora worked in the kitchen all day, preparing a banquet for the guests visiting Webster Fields. The list included the Hastings, Katherine’s relatives, the O’Brien’s and Charles Wilson.

  “Goodness, I be so glad when this evenin’ dinner over with.” Kayleen gasped adding the finishing touches to the turkey platter, garnishing it with parsley and twisted orange slices.

  “Me as well, Mikey says he has a surprise for me. Reason I’ve been cooking our dinner along with the quests. I’d hoped you and Cora wouldn’t mind serving without me tonight?” Lena stated, pleading in her voice and eyes.

  “Say no more chile, we can manage just fine the two of us. Anyway, Ms Katherine want Leon to serve, she been talking to him, teaching him what to do.” Kayleen informed both women.

  Cora shook her head laughing.

  Lena laughed as well, “He should do fine…she wants him to serve on account of his good looks. In England, most of the servants and servers are male Manny says.”

  “She don’t expect him to serve all by his’self do she?” enquired Cora.

  “She wanted Johnnypoe and Sammy to help him, but they wouldn’t do it." Lena inserted. "They went to Manny, and he told’em they ain’t have to.” Kayleen informed her. “Why Leon doin’ it?” Cora further enquired. “He felt sorry for her. She been sweet talking him, ‘sides - he got a sweet spot for her I think. Ain’t he Lena?” Kayleen teased.

  “I don’t know. He says nothing to me about her; he wants her to like him, he doesn’t like anyone to be displeased with him, you know he has a soft heart, always has…I believe that is why he’s doing it.”

  “Well, I’ll be here to help him, Kayleen. ‘Cause ain’t no way that boy gone serve all this food by his’self.”

  Considering the amount to be served, Lena stood indecisive. “Maybe I should stay, and help with the first two courses at least.” She offered.

  “Oh nonsense, get on out’a here. Go be wit’ yo’ baby, we can handle things just fine. The hardest part done - the cookin’. Servin’ ain’t gone take that long wit’ them men. You know how Manny eat, once I pile his plate two, three times…ain’t gone be none left for the other’s no way.” Cora joked.

  “Chile I know. He been eatin’ like that since he was a baby. That boy hook onto my titties and empty’em both. Then look up at me like I was holdin’ something back. Had me walking’ round with enough milk in my bosom’s to feed four, five baby’s.” She told Cora and Lena, both laughing at the picture of it. “I’m tellin’ you the truth, I would be so swollen I couldn’t close my blouse, then go get his lil’butt, and latch’em on, lord he empty’em again.” She laughed.

  “Well it’s a good thang he work like he do, else he be all fat.” Cora added. Lena was packing up the food stuff’s she’d cooked for her and Mikey when she gloated. “Believe me ladies, no fat on that man!”

  “Oooh-weee!! You ought’a know too!!” Kayleen and Cora stated together, then howled in laughter. “Now gone, get your lil’fass tail on out’a here.” Kayleen ordered grinning.

  “Thank you, I’m going, but after everything is done, join me at my cabin…I invited a few of the others as well, I have a bottle of wine and some really nice whiskey Manny gave me. You all can drink it tonight.” She said at the back door whilst wrapping her wool shawl around her shoulders about to leave. “Ain’t you gone drink with us?” Cora asked.

  Lena gave a gentle secretive smile, softly shaking her head. Cora gasped with her mouth open looking at Kayleen. Looking back at her, Lena nodded to confirm what her expression was asking.

  “Oh my goodness, you sure?”

  “I know my body…I miss two months already…and late again this one.”

  “Chile…Ms Katherine gone hit the roof!” Cora exhaled. “Do Manny know?”

  Leaving with her arms filled Lena said on parting. “He - told me.”


  A knock sounded at the front door; Ferrus responded immediately, Charles Wilson had arrived, entering he handed Ferrus his hat and scarf. Then his coat as he wiped his boots on the mat from the slight traces of snow that was just now falling. “Ferrus old man, how are you this fine holiday?” He asked cheerfully, bending to pick up the gifts he’d sat down before he’d disrobed.

  “I’m mighty fine sir, mighty fine.” Ferrus answered smiling. “The others in the living room waiting for you sir before we start supper.”

  “Why thank you Ferrus…oh and Ferrus, by the way.” He called to him before he walked away. “Merry Christmas! This for you, hope you like it.” He handed Ferrus a small gift, wrapped neatly and marched off to the living room, happily singing a snappy Christmas jingle.

  “Charles! We’re glad you could make it.” Katherine greeted him, leaving her seat as he entered the room.

  Manny stood leaning against the fire place mantel with a drink in hand.

  Charles gaily greeted all present, turning to Manny last. Who lifted his drink with a nod of silent greeting. Mildred’s heart took off when he chose to sit next to her on the sofa. “Ms Mil’, I don’t know what it is, but I must say, you are positively breathtaking tonight.” He confessed honestly, ready now to reel her in, giving her a thorough look over.

  She blushed and nodded. “Thank you.” Came her shy reply, a smile on her plain… yet soft features. Mildred Hastings face was made up of a tiny nose, a small mouth, with delicate pink lips, a tiny pointed chin and straight mousy brown hair, which added to
her overall mouse like appearance. But what was, and would always be, her greatest feature…were the biggest hazel grey eyes he’d ever seen; surrounded by incredibly long eye lashes. The brows above, thin and straight…just right for those eyes; in fact, they dominated her heart shaped face. Charles sat boldly observing her, thinking, ‘Yes, it is time now for me to settle down with you, sorry to have kept you waiting.’ Sitting next to her, oblivious to the conversation going on with the other men present. Right then, he decided that she was an adorable little number if one gave her the attention of looking close but she’d always faded into the background like a quiet frightened little creature.

  None of which mattered to him, because he knew there was an unmistakable sweetness about her, born of pure innocence that lent to her a value of her weight in gold. He had always known it, yet, was not ready for the commitment attention to her would mean, now he was ready. The more he stared into her eyes; the more her eyes grew wide with shock and fear; making her color up to a nice ripening blush.

  He chuckled and impulsively tweaked her small straight nose… right on its delicate tip with an interested wink at her. A rush of embarrassment washed over her, the tips of her ears lit on fire. She snatched her eyes from him looking at her wringing hands in her lap.

  Deciding to curtail any more amusement at her expense, Charles turned away so that she could relax. It was enough, signaling that his attentions were on, towards her.

  Mildred sat unable to move, could bearly breath, ‘Oh my God, he winked at me…touched me. Actually looked at me.’ Her mind screamed, with her heart hammering so the pulse at her neck throbbed hard enough for the eye to see. She stayed that way in hopes that the pounding of her heart would cease its quickened tempo; praying that she’d return to her natural color.

  “Mr. Webster, how’ve you been of late?” Charles started, taking his favorite drink off the tray Ferrus carried over.

  “I guess I do alright for myself. Just trying to stay standing long enough to see my first grandchild; should that event ever take place.” He answered and deliberately turned to look at Katherine; who could not believe he would say such a thing in mixed company, she reddened in shame. Manny polished off his drink on that… feeling the slow death of having to endure an evening with the group present. He’d rather be out with the slaves, who really knew how to enjoy the holiday; instead of having to hear his father dismiss his sons existence while trying to embarrass him and Katherine.

  “You know ol’man, one would think you’d grow tired of this topic, especially since your complaint concerns something that may, or may not happen.”

  “Long as it’s been, I’m thinking may not.” Morris calmly stated as a matter of fact. Horrified beyond words, Katherine shot to her feet and rushed from the room. Mildred looked up in sympathy, “Katherine! Wait!” She called rising quickly to follow. The look that Helene cut Morris and Manny should have frozen them on the spot; she was the next to follow as Sarah O’Brien, was left with little choice but to join the women.

  There was an expression of disgust on Morris’s face once the last woman departed the room. “I tell you, your mother was ten times the woman she is.”

  “Do you mind - enough already!” Manny shot needing another drink.

  Stan Hastings sat awkwardly not sure what to say when Manny looked at him, having the decency to apologize. “You’ll have to excuse us Stan, my father is a man never satisfied.” Turning back to his father he reminded him. “And since this is a holiday for counting one’s blessings, I would appreciate, as well our guests, that you leave off our personal matters.”

  Taking a note from that, Stan turned to Jordan Lee, asking. “How’s thangs around your plantation…fairly quiet?”

  “I suppose the same as usual…why?”

  “Well, no offence you see…it’s just that, well…we been having Indian trouble around our place. Seems they got a tribe set up right near the black river stream that branches off near my property. Every other night or so, we can hear’em startin’ up. Shakes the missus up somethin’ awful; she thinks they’re due to repeat what happened in Tennessee. You wouldn’t happen to know if it’s the same tribe as…well, maybe you could have a word with’em - seein’ as how your daughter - ‘echmm’…” He cleared his throat nervously, “… lives among’em.” Stan forced out finally.

  Morris and Manny both watched Jordan Lee to see his reaction.

  Charles sat forward suggesting an idea. “Stan have you considered going to the camp and offering the chief a gift of welcome. That way they know-…”

  “Hell! He’ll never get rid of’em then!” Morris blasted. “Next thing you know, they’ll be stealing your food…then your daughter. Tell’em Jordan.”

  “Truth of the matter Morris, my daughter willingly chose to be among them. She wasn’t stolen.”

  “Maybe not…but since she chose’em, whose to say other’s’ll not be wantin’ a white woman of their own.” He further grumbled.

  ‘I wish to hell they’d come and get mine.’ Manny thought to himself, then laughed out loud at the thought. The other four men looked at him strangely. “What’s so funny?” Morris asked. “Trust me ol’man, you wouldn’t want to know.”

  “Al kiddin’ aside, that’s a good point, what if they was thinking that way. I got my wife and Mills to consider.”

  “You got no worries with that wife of yours!” Morris ribbed him, laughing at his own joke. Stan blanced, Manny grinned shaking his head.

  “They’re not a hostile tribe.” Jordan Lee defended, choosing to ignore Morris’ comment, there were times when the man grated his nerves.

  “Ah! Excuse me, they Cherokee ain’t they? And if my memory’s correct, those are the ones responsible for the attacks in Tennessee. Further thinking on the matter, it’s why there’s some of them in this territory now, they was split up when the militia tracked some down. From one moment to the next, you got no way of tellin’ what they’re planning.” Morris stated. Manny looked at his father shaking his head thinking, ‘Ol’man, you couldn’t carry tact in a sealed crate.’

  “They on your property?” Morris asked Stan.

  “Not on my property, but right close to the border of it. Close enough for us to hear the chantin’ and beatin’ on them confounded drums long into the night. Singin’ them heathen devil songs, sure to drive a man insane.”

  “Leave them be, they’ll leave you be. Know this, they’re a vengeful lot. So it’s best not to stir their anger against you.” Jordan Lee advised.

  “I agree.” Charles added. “I think this tribe just wants to be left to live as they used to before we came on the scene.”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean? Before we came on the scene?! We brought civilization to this land.” Morris argued.

  “As well filth, bloodshed, slavery and disease.” Manny inserted. “And we call them the savages.”

  Morris paused to stare at him a moment, finally blurting, “Who the hell are you?! What in hell is happening to you!? You best make up your mind and take a side, and while you at it, remember what you are! We’re re-shaping, and forming a new world… with a constitutional right for any who wish to live-…”

  “What a farce!”

  “A farce?!” Morris raged.

  “I do believe those were my words!”

  “I’ll be ignoring you now, I can already see where this argument is going. One would think you’d be proud of it, since the man who did most of the writing on it, dabbles more with his slaves than anybody. Thank goodness he ain’t president still; maybe this time we can get something done about having to share our hard worked land with them untamed heathens.”

  “According to my daughter, they’re not as untamed as we want them to be. She’s lived among them long enough to know. Were they so untamed, she would have come home to stay long ago; but it has not happened. Untamed or not, she’s allowed to come and go at will…were they untamed or savages I can’t see them allowing that. Don’t forget Morris; my grandson has
half the blood of those “savages” - as you call them. And I’ve yet to see a more intelligent child.” Jordan Lee defended.

  “I’d like to know how is it that we’ve conveniently forgotten that they were here first? What about that? This land, all of it was their home before ours.” Manny tried to be a man of facts and truths in all things, and he frankly didn’t see why a plan wasn’t immediately incorporated for the land to be fairly shared.

  “Look here…” growled Morris “…let me tell you something. We found this land, we’ve staked our claim, and we plan to live here and grow as it is right for any man that has what it takes to do it.”

  “Are they not men, Morris?” Jordan Lee asked.

  “What has happened to you? I remember once upon a time, you would have agreed with everything I said. Hell, you were the one leading the talk this way. Now all of a sudden, you’re on their side.”

  “Morris Webster, I’ll not deny my child, nor the child she bore, for any man! Not even you. What is more, I will be the first of your contemporary’s to tell you this and before I do, I will admit, what I say, is felt by few - and far in between, but I say it still the same, the proof that they are men, just as we are men, is in the child that one of them fathered; my grandson. Why would God let such a thing take place between men and beast?! I tell you, it would not be so otherwise! At some point, a man must face the wrong of his past and make amends! I have done so, when will you? Just as my line bears proof – you as well have proof of it in your own backyard, Morris Webster… deny him if you will, but I will not - deny mine.”


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