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Princess Ces'alena (Webster Fields)

Page 17

by Mercedes Keyes

  Walking around the screen at the end of the long room, he smiled, glad that he had used his son to buy time. He knelt on the floor beside him, placing his face close to his, staring up close. “God I love you…my son…my son…I love you.” He whispered gently, stroking his hair back from his forehead. He smelled good, his hair shone and his skin was fresh and clean. He chuckled, Lena bathed the boy nightly, and as he grew…she made him bathe himself nightly. Yet the world he’d come from, it wasn’t unusual for them to go weeks without bathing, at the most weekly.

  His mother was one who believed daily, as well Kayleen who insisted upon it, and he was proud to know that Lena was the same. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to his head; his eyes closed as he froze there next to his son, inhaling the scent of him. Another stroke to the head and he leaned away standing.

  Lena stood with her arms around the post, her grip even tighter as she heard him exiting her cabin. She wanted to wipe away the tracks of her tears; prayed that he wouldn’t see them drip from her chin. She knew that any second now, he would step down off of her porch and cross the yard, returning to his wife. Closing her eyes, she prayed for God’s help not to call out his name…not to beg him to stay. If only for a moment to hold her. Shame washed over her, it seemed she was now, without pride, all dignity stripped from her with the burning desire burning her soul.

  What she was aching for; was morally wrong; not only that…but she should no longer be willing to compromise her dignity and self-respect. Any moment now…any moment…she waited. She knew he’d come out. She’d heard the closing of the door but now, there was just silence. What was he doing? She couldn’t turn around to look at him…she was much too weak.

  “Please…I beg you…I beg you - please.” The words were softly spoken, right over her head, following the words, were his hands, gripping her upper arms, gently, but urgently pulling her away from the post and against his strong warm body.

  “Please…I cannot help what I feel, do not, please do not turn me away…I beg you don’t. If I could deny myself what only you can do to ease this…I would…God knows that I would. Please Lena… Please.” He pleaded against her back, pressing against her; his chin and cheek pressing, rubbing against her head, rubbing his nose into her hair to inhale her.

  Lena felt dizzy, her system was under assault and she began to shake, she thought her knees would buckle from the wrestling of trying to keep from giving in. “No, I cannot…please – I will not! Leave me alone - go back to your wife.” She pleaded, then cried out as he spun her roughly to face him. His eyes were wide, desperate, pleading, through glanced teeth he swore, “I cannot – damn you – I cannot bear this! I am only human!!!” He held her tightly, her shoulders bunched up from his tight grip to her upper arms. “You are mine, you have always been-…”

  “No! Not anymore! You chose her – over me! Now go to her!”

  “I had no choice! You know I had no choice! You are all I have ever wanted! By God and all the angels know it is true! You are … all…I’ve…ever-…” All restraint gone, his mouth crashed down onto hers, Lena resisted, tried to, turning away from him sobbing. He pulled her in closer, backed her against the wall of her cabin, insisting upon kissing her, he would not stop, he would not yield, he would not leave her, not this time. It was too much, the aching, the need. His next pursuit of her mouth, she gave in, both of them sucking in the essence of the other as if lost in a desert and on the verge of death…needing to find water – they sucked in deep.

  His hold on her was crushing and painful…yet it was still not tight enough for either. Equally, one wished to merge into the other, and then still it would not be close enough. The fog seemed to close in around them; the desperation they felt would not let them wait. Manny lifted her upon the rail against the wall of the cabin, kissing her madly as she held onto him. Without hesitating her legs went around him as his hands worked her short nightdress up beneath her robe, he tore at her pantaloons, forcing away the barrier that kept him from the deepest part of her.

  His tongue was in her mouth one second and then she felt the tip of his penis at her moist heat. Yanking her mouth away from his she cried out from his forceful entry…tightly, painfully he gripped her hips and thrust hard and deep. Pulling her against him, closer and tighter as he pumped hard and fast, ramming out of control, he could not stop himself. “Manny, ach - ow, oh! You’re – you’re hurting - me… Manny-…”

  “Forgive me! Forgive me – I cannot – stop – I cannot! I’m sorry…” He gasped, but was unable to slow his pace, he wanted to devour her, his body shook from being back within her again. He felt like a madman unable to control the tight tension coiling in his body. His large hard hands, gripped her tightly, his finger tips pressing painfully into her flesh they held her so tightly, pulling her, working her hips and nether region onto his thrusting cock.

  Again he covered her mouth with his own as he rocked against her, shaking - shaking in his passion overcome with the power of his thrust, he couldn’t slow if he tried…his body, mind, heart and soul was out of control. Her presence, her smell, her voice, the taste of her, the weight and shape of her, the missed familiar feel of being swallowed deep into the softness of her body, her tightness taking him in, sucking him deeper, all drove him beyond reason or restraint. Finally, she felt him stiffening.

  “Aaaah, God…aaaah - aaah….aaahh.” He cried out, gruff and hoarse pounding stiff now, holding her tightly against him, finally his body froze as he shot all within, climaxing, filling her, and once more, another push against her to release the last of it. His heart beat out of control from the power of what his soul demanded until he was fully spent. They were both breathing hard as Lena held onto him crying. He had never been so rough with her. She hurt from his assault. He had swept her up in a great maelstrom; where she was unable to keep up, but could only hold on and bare up against the power of him gone out of control.

  Suddenly his shoulders were shaking. Shock washed over her as he pulled her off the banister to stand as he dropped weakly to his knees, falling against her, sobbing he grabbed her trembling body and buried his face at her midriff. “Manny? Oh my God…what are you doing? Manny?”

  “I beg for your forgiveness, I beg you! Please…forgive me…I cannot bear this life if I must bear it without you! I cannot handle you hating me! I can endure anything, but that – not that! Please, please I’m begging you…do not reject me. Do not deny me, ple-e-ease!” He sobbed hoarsely against her, holding her to him, within his arms as if she were his lifeline.

  Lena stood stunned, in disbelief, staring down at the top of his head. Right then, it went all through her; weak, trapped, enraptured beyond any strength she had ever known, pride aside, dignity vanished.

  All moral restraint disintegrated in the storm. Lena knew right then, the battle was over… and once again, he had won – there was no fight left in her to deny him. Folding over to wrap her arms around him, she begged for God to forgive her.

  In the weeks that passed, Manny settled back into his normal routine of running his plantation. The early morning hours after breakfast were spent with his wife and father, followed by his escape with his son to resume the studies that began earlier.

  Because of the cold weather, they would come together in the attic where Manny set up a room for just the two of them to bond and his son to learn. The rest of the day he met with his overseers and cattle hands using this time of the year to build more fences and secure ones in need of repair. They built cabins, did cabin repairs and toured each and every one for whatever upkeep or maintenance needing to be done.

  Katherine noted that some days he came in for a mid meal, and some days he didn’t. At least that’s what she thought; not yet figuring out that most of the days were spent in Lena’s cabin with her and his son enjoying a mid meal, that Lena prepared in the mansion after seeing to her mourning duties. Then she would bring the food back to her cabin, by his request.

  Many of those times were also spent in her b
ed when Mikey joined Leon and Johnnypoe and the older men, Jordan and Amos on cabin repairs and working in the smithy shop. After his return, Lena noticed that Manny came to her more…made love to her more passionately than before, often displaying a reluctance to leave her, or her cabin. The mansion that had once been a haven of pride for him; he now stared at from her cabin window with contempt. Her silent approach from behind; her gentle touch and soft spoken reminder of the time, spurred him to returning to his duties…reluctantly.

  It wasn’t long before Katherine began feeling alone in the mansion, boredom and neglect was setting in. The fleeting times that her husband was present, now turned into constant arguing because he treated her as if she were not there. Most of the time this took place, he passed her as she complained without rising to the bait…until after following him to every room, he’d bark.

  “Find something to do with yourself! Do what you women do, sew needle point, what have you! I don’t have time to entertain you! If that is what you wanted, you should have married someone else!” That would be followed by a slamming door in her face.

  Charles would stop over and visit sometimes and even take Katherine into town to shop and have lunch, which eventually led to more gossip.

  At times she resorted to playing little games with the two trying to ignite some kind of response from Manny, hopefully jealousy. Adding to her building anxiety was his display of disinterest. More often than not, he seemed thankful to Charles for taking her off of his hands. Who also noticed this, and in private moments asked, “What are you doing Manny? I thought you said you’d try?” In return he would get a resentful glare with the comment, “My wife’s waiting…I have things to do. See that she has fun.” And he’d walk away, with Charles standing there feeling caught in the middle. If that wasn’t enough to drive her crazy, Morris was pestering them about her inability to conceive, ending usually with her screaming.

  “How can I possibly conceive when I never see my husband?!!” She felt as if she were suffocating under his constant pressure and obsession with having a grandson. More and more each day she faced obstacles that assured her, this marriage was doomed. The silent murmurs of, “I told you so,” were reverberating through her mind. Everything within her forced her to stay and try to work it out, she loved him. In her eyes, there was no man more beautiful than her husband; she’d felt it the moment she spotted him from across the platform. It was she, who persuaded Mildred to take her over and introduce them and she did what it took to get him, surely she could find a way to make him love her. Just five weeks since their return and she would awaken in the night to find him gone from their bed. His habit was now to retire early claiming exhaustion, as if resting up for the night. Then in the middle of it, he’d disappear and be gone for hours, only to return before dawn.

  Even more irritating, there was Kayleen to deal with. Oh she was polite and tolerant of her, but that was it…just tolerant. She treated her like a guest, and not the new missus there. She didn’t inquire from her what the meals for the day would be. But took it upon herself to plan out the menu. When she tried to give her what she felt were the new arrangements, such as new entrees and recipes, the reply had been. “Can’t do that; simply ‘cause, I don’t know what you talkin’ about.” Continuing on to prep what she planned to cook that day, when Katherine would return, “Well then, you shall have to learn what it is I’m talking about – beginning immediately.”

  “No…I ain’t got the time to be learnin’ nothing new, more than likely these here men ain’t gone like no way. But you more than welcome to find what you need and get to cookin’. I take you around later on and show you where everythin’ is. But when you get to cookin’, it’ll have to be on the days I’m out doing my cabin checks. That be on Lena’s days… she won’t care about you cookin’ on her day.” Having said that, she went on to do what she was doing as if Katherine was dismissed. Who, bristling, yelled, “Excuse me! I’m in charge here! I will say what will and will not be done here!”

  Kayleen stood placing her hands on her hips about to say something to that, when she changed her mind, untied her apron, tossed it on the center work table and left the kitchen, refusing to return.

  Katherine stood moments in disbelief…never had she seen such insolence. Turning she marched to the study where Morris sat playing with a deck of cards and informed him of what took place. “What do you mean; she threw off her apron and left the kitchen?” He asked, the look on his face, not a happy one.

  “I mean just what I said!”

  “Who’s in there cooking?”

  “No one!”

  “No one? Ah hell! Well what’d you go in there messing with her for anyway.” He fussed shooting up from his seat leaving the room, with Katherine standing there with an incredulous look on her face. Snapping out of it, she followed him into the kitchen arguing her side of it. “Well am I the missus of this plantation or not!” She challenged.

  “Why… sure you are, but your job, is to have babies! Leave that kitchen to Kayleen, she been running it all this time, no sense in fixing what ain’t broke!” He marched on preaching, upset now because he was hungry. One thing about the Webster men, food was in the top three on their list of most important requirements.

  Katherine felt like screaming, she was tempted to go to Manny; however instinct told her that would be a dead end if not even Morris would support her. Subsequent to the event, that day turned out not to be a good one; Kayleen could not be talked back into the kitchen, and no one on that plantation, Morris included, could make her go back. She had a point to make.

  Giving up on Kayleen, Morris went to Cora’s cabin asking her to come cook them something to eat. Of course, she did, holding back her laughter knowing of what had taken place, because Kayleen had already told her. Morris wouldn’t ask it of Lena, because she prepared the morning fare usually and supper. By the time something was prepared however, it was late, and Morris as well Manny were in a sour mood. Hunger was not something they took gracefully. The supper table was quiet that night, pretty much as it had been since their return.

  That night in bed, Katherine tried to rouse Manny to discuss it.

  Propped up on her pillows, with her arms crossed she opened the discussion. “I think we need to discuss and come to an agreement on how this household is run, and how the menu is planned.” She waited a few minutes, confident that he was not asleep. “Did you hear me Maynard?”

  “Why?” Was his gruff return.

  “Because, I’m talking to you…that’s why!” She snapped. She could tell his patience was already at its end by the deep sigh he took.

  “Why - does the running of the household and menu plans need to be discussed.” He returned condescendingly; reminding her of her own opening.

  “Oh…well, if I’m to be the missus here, I would like to make some changes.”


  “Because, our home, and the way it’s run, including the meals, should be directed by me; as it is in any home such as ours.”

  “Well, we like things just the way they are.”

  “Well, I wish to make changes.”

  “Such as?”

  “The furniture for one; it is a bit out of date. I’d like to modernize and bring in some styles from home.”

  “My mother decorated this house. We like it the way it is. Kayleen keeps it clean and maintains it. Leave it be.”

  “She is another problem. Either we are going to have to sell her. Or whip her, because she is much too-…”

  Manny catapulted up so fast she sucked in a scream, throwing up her hands as if he meant to hit her. “Who in hell do you think you are?!”

  “I’m you wife!” She squealed back at him.

  “What kind of wife, would tell her husband to sell a woman that is the nearest thing to being his own mother?! What makes you so goddamn superior as to think, that you have more rights to run Webster Fields and to such an extent as to tell me who I should sell or whip?! Well let me tell you this mad
am, I would sooner sell you…whip you! When it comes to Kayleen, you bear that in mind!” Manny shot up from the bed, charged from the room slamming the door behind him, a few moments later she heard other doors slamming as he left the mansion. She sat wondering if she were in a nightmare from which she could not escape; her shock was matched only by her disbelief that Manny was in such a rage, that he would storm off seemingly oblivious to the fact, that he was completely naked.

  It was only the cool damp air of the December night playing on his bare skin that gave him the sudden realization that he was in the nude. He paused only for a second then disregarded it without a care, even with the frosty ground on his feet – he did not turn back.

  Caesar and Ben, the two ancient characters of the plantation, who had been with the Webster’s longer than anyone could remember, were enjoying their corncob’s full of tobacco; while sipping on their homemade wine; as they sat on Caesar’s porch up close to the terracotta firepot for warmth.

  Ben was the first to notice him, surprised - he pulled his pipe from his mouth, jabbing Caesar in the arm with the stem, then gestured with it toward the apparition, “Lord’amercy wud you look at that boy. Bare ass nekkid as the day he born.”

  “Look like Christmas done come early dis ye’ah fo’ Ms Lena.” Ben chuckled, showing gums, pausing just long enough to spit in the general direction of the fire. “Boy in such a rush t’give her his gif’…he done fo’got to wrap it.”

  “Good thang too, by ‘da time he get it from the mansion to the cabin, it be done bus’out that fancy wrappin’!” They both dissolved into laughter. Ben shouted out to Manny, “BOY! You gettin’ that much nookie you ain’t got time t’dress!?” Caesar cracked up louder. Manny heard, but in his mood, he didn’t care to respond. At Lena’s door, he banged on it twice, and then remembered his son was sleeping… thus, knocking once more but softer, as if it would make up somehow for the louder knocks. She opened the door – saw the state he was in, and blurted. “Manny! My God – what…?”


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