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Dope Boys and the Women that Love 'Em

Page 6

by Tiece

  “Don’t talk about my father. He has nothing to do with this. Plus, he’s not a cheater or a liar! He knows how to respect my mama and give her the attention that she needs unlike you.”

  “Oh you get attention,” he firmly stated.

  “You think that shopping sprees are giving me the attention I need? Or maybe you think that your dick is so good that when I get it that makes up for the attention I need? You’re so fucking arrogant and full of yourself until you really don’t know what it takes to keep me happy.” Russell didn’t answer as he heard the cracking in her voice.

  She put her hand on her hip. “I tell you what. Don’t think it’ll always be like this. I’ve stuck around because I love you and I want us to raise our daughters under one roof, but don’t get it twisted.” She sternly stated. “If I leave your ass this time, I’m not coming back, money or no money.” Russell dropped his head. The tone in her voice informed him that she wasn’t playing. She scraped the untouched breakfast off of her plate into the trash can indicating that she’d lost her appetite. “I’m getting dressed then I’m going to over to my parent’s house. If you had forgotten, they’re having their 30 year anniversary cook-out today.”

  “I did forget about it.” He admitted, remembering that he was supposed to accompany her.

  “Don’t worry about it. You don’t have to hang around my family today. I’d rather go alone anyway.” She said walking off then stopping. “Just transfer the money from your account into mine like you’ve done in the past. By the way, I’ll need an extra five thousand because I’ll be paying for our trip to the Hawaii Island Resort this evening.” Russell’s discomforted facial expression caused her to shake her head.

  “Don’t look at me like that. This trip has been in the making for over two years now and Diamond has already taken care of her and Malcolm’s reservations.”

  “I didn’t think you still wanted to go after what happened.” He said.

  “Russ, you act like we have no money.”

  “I have no work to make money,” he clarified.

  “Well, I don’t know what you gotta do, but you better do something because we’re going to Hawaii. You owe me this trip damnit and I’d like the money in my account no later than this evening.” She exited the kitchen leaving Russell to his thoughts. He was already trying to figure out how the hell he was going to replace two thousand dollars plus an additional five grand back into Tammy’s account. He shook his head realizing that all the hard work he’d put in through the night left him right back at square one, because their morning-after breakfast together had gone sourly wrong.


  Chloe walked inside her house holding the mail in her hand. She’d just taken her usual early morning jog around the neighborhood. She was sweaty and tired as she sat the mail down on the kitchen table. She opened the refrigerator and poured herself a cold glass of water.

  “You made it back faster than usual this morning.” Lance said entering the kitchen. He kissed her on the lips and opened the refrigerator to find something to eat.

  “I took a different route, but more strenuous. I ran up past your brother’s house.”

  Lance nodded his head. “Oh yeah, just walking that hill will tire your ass out.”

  “Tell me about it.” She agreed. “How’d you sleep?”

  “I slept pretty good,” he answered then poured himself a glass of milk.

  “I just asked because you tossed and turned all night, even mumbling at times.” She stated. She’d only known him to sleep so erratically when he was stressed or things were pressing him. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Yeah I’m good,” he said turning up his milk.

  “How have things been with you lately?” She asked thinking about the text message that she’d gotten a couple days earlier.

  “Things have been good.” He responded.

  “Have your wins been as well?”

  Where is this coming from, he quickly thought then answered. “Wins have been straight.”

  “Oh okay,” she responded then headed down the hallway. Her Barbados accent was too direct for him not to think that something was up. Before he could rinse his glass out and look up, she was back in the kitchen.

  “I got a text message the other day.” She informed him with raised eyebrows.

  “And,” he said trying to figure out what the hell she was talking about.

  “It was from the cable company,” she said, folding her arms. “They told me that my cable was off.”

  Lance stood quiet for a moment. “I don’t know-“

  She cut in. “But when I get home it’s still on, which causes me to think that the message was sent in error.”

  “Probably was,” Lance hurriedly stated then nervously scratching his head.

  “No but it wasn’t, because later that night I get another message saying something like; thanks for making your payment, your services should be working now.”

  Damn, Lance thought. “Okay, well.” He said stumbling over his words. “Fuck it… I forgot to pay the damn cable bill.” He shook his head because it truly bothered him. “Then before I knew it the cable was off. You’d just left the house to go chill with your mom and so I called my brother and asked him to take me to go pay it. I’m sorry babe,” he kissed her. “It won’t happen again.”

  Chloe slightly smiled because the one thing she loved about Lance was that he was honest at best. “Baby, I want you to know that I love you very much.” She said and kissed him while staring in his sexy round eyes. “Since you’ve been home I don’t even know what a bill looks like now. It takes a real man to come straight out of jail and hold down the fort.”

  He looked at her. “Baby, that’s because you held it down while I was locked up and was still here for a nigga when I touchdown. I would be less of a man to step back when I know I’m able.”

  She sincerely smiled. “I know that’s how you feel babe and I respect you to the fullest for being that guy who takes care of home and makes sure that I’m happy to the max, but if you’re having problems with the bills I can step in and help you with that.” She suggested. “Wait, wait… before you say anything just hear me out. I know that every game isn’t a win and that gambling is a risk that you take.” She put her hand on her curvy hips. “Luckily your risks have gotten us through a whole year, but babe at some point your luck wears thin.”

  Lance agreeably shook his head. “I know baby, but-“

  “Listen,” she put her freshly polished manicured index finger up to his lip. “Le’me just help you out for a couple of months and when you’re back on your game then I’ll step back.” She said with a seductive smile, while trying to lighten his load because she knew she could.

  “Nah babe,” he said always wanting to hold his position as being man of the house. “Who says that I’m off my game? Don’t worry, I got this.” He kissed her with an honest smile on his face and strutted down the hallway with confidence. She smiled thinking that there wasn’t a time that he ever let her down except for the cold empty nights when she slept alone while he was incarcerated. Other than that, he was definitely a man; a real man who could hold his own and hers. She loved and respected that about him to the fullest and just the thought of it made her feel good inside.

  “If he says he got this then he’s got this.” She said glimpsing on the table at the mail. “What’s this?” She whispered as she brushed through the mail spotting an orange disconnect notice from Georgia Power. She quickly opened the envelope. “If this isn’t paid by,” she softly read then frowned upon seeing the due date. “What the hell? That was yesterday.” She started down the hallway then quickly stopped herself. Fronting him about the disconnect notice would only put more pressure on him. It was definitely clear that things were getting tight on Lance and it wasn’t fair to him for her to allow it to continue since she was able.

  “Aye babe,” he called out.

  “Yes,” she said stepping inside the room. His dick was danglin
g as he walked over to her butt-naked and kissed her softly on the lips. “I’m ‘bout to shower then I’m heading ‘round the corner to my brother’s house.” The sight of his chiseled sexy body caused her to tingle inside as she stood silently. “Are you okay?” He asked. She quickly balled the mail up in her hand and held it behind her back.

  “Uh yeah, I’m good.” she responded while watching him walk into the bathroom. Not wanting to think anymore about it, Chloe quickly found her purse and secretly called Georgia Power to clear the entire bill.

  Chapter 10

  It was now Saturday morning and Russell sat on the front porch catching the early morning breeze that seemed to ease his thoughts. He knew what he had to do, but still wasn’t too happy about it. He’d rather have his own connect and do his own thing than have to go through Malcolm.

  It was a great feeling for them to both be doing the damn thing, pretty much on the same level, and having their own right hand men and their own connects. It was even nicer to come together on a legitimate business deal with the lawn care service; each being able to put up half of their own money to get the equipment needed, as well as, being able to put a couple of guys on the payroll.

  Each was the boss in their click, and now his best friend of twenty-six years was now going to be his supplier if he didn’t think of something else quick. Things were going to change and he didn’t like it, but he was going to have to get used to it being that he had no other choice. Malcolm was the only one who could front him what he needed without hounding him and he knew that fucking with Malcolm would get him that uncut shit. Other fella’s in the streets were stretching the hell out of theirs to make more profit. He’d rather quality over quantity any day and that’s what he and Malcolm were known for.

  The newspaper delivery boy rode by on his bike and threw the paper in the driveway. It distracted Russell from his thoughts as he got up to walk out in the yard and grab the paper. No sooner than he could stand up straight with the paper in his hand, Chloe hit the corner jogging. Russell felt himself gazing at her like she was running in slow motion. Her ponytail was blowing lightly in the wind and her thick thighs caught his attention as she made her way closer to him.

  “Hey what’s up?” He spoke, not wanting to just walk off like he didn’t see her coming.

  “Hey Russell,” she spoke in between heavy breathing then slowing her pace to stop.

  “I see you’ve been jogging the block for the past couple of days.” He said making small talk.

  “Yeah, I’ve actually been jogging for quite some time. I just started taking this route because of the hill.”

  “Oh yeah,” he said thinking about it. “That hill will wear your ass out.” He joked causing her to laugh.

  She nodded in agreement. “Yes, it will. I’ve not trimmed these thighs like this just by speed walking a leveled road.”

  “Yeah,” he commented, wanting to say yeah I see, but those thoughts stayed inside his head. She smiled at him, because it was funny to see how much he and Lance favored even though Russell had a bald head and Lance still had hair. With Russell’s bald head; his eyebrows, eyelashes, and mustache gave him this darker outline that certainly made him look very handsome. He and Lance was the same smooth, peanut butter color and they seemed to be of the same height to her.

  “So where’s Tammy at? I’m surprised y’all are in town.” She teased, but certainly envying how he had always taken good care of his woman and kids. For one, she can’t ever remember a time in six years of being with Lance that Tammy ever worked. All she had to do was take care of home and he would take care of her; along with other women too she’d heard.

  “She drove over to her mama’s to drop off the girls. Every Saturday she gets her nails and toes done early in the morning because she’s too impatient to get caught up in that afternoon crowd.”

  Chloe smiled. “I feel her.”

  “Where’s my brother at? I bet he’s probably still in bed.” He said, looking down at his expensive Marc Jacobs watch noticing that it was only a little after nine o’ clock.

  “Yep, you obviously know him very well. He’s like sort of like Tammy, he has a schedule too, but that of sleeping in late on his Saturdays.” Russell grinned. “I’ll get home and take a shower and eat a little breakfast before he gets up.”

  “Oh trust me, I know him.” Russell commented thinking that every since they were kids, Saturday was always the first day of the weekend for Lance and since he didn’t have to wake up early for school then he was going to always sleep in late on that morning.

  “Weeeell,” she dragged, looking over his nice physic as he stood there in a pair of navy blue, plaid pajama polo pants, a white wife beater and a pair of navy blue suede polo night slippers. He looked like a very attractive, laid back dope boy.

  “Yeah, you better get on about your way. You don’t wanna lose your momentum.” He said feeling uneasy for admiring her beautiful dark complexion and cute face. Even though her English was clear he could still hear a bit of her Barbados accent and it was very sexy.

  “You’re right, but it was good seeing you,” she said feeling like even though she was dating his brother they never hung out like that. Tammy wasn’t exactly her cup of tea. She didn’t know her too well, but what she did know about her seemed to be of a high class, stuck up bitch and she didn’t hang around women like that.

  “You too,” Russell stated, heading back toward his porch, but in his peripheral, he continued to watch her sexy figure as she jogged down the street.

  Russell could hear the booming speakers and loud pipes on Malcolm’s truck, causing him to turn around to see him coming down the street towards his house. He pulled up in the driveway and switched back the ignition, leaving Jay Z to wake up any neighbors who were planning on sleeping in late like Lance.

  “Damn, are you tryna make a bitch call the law?” Russell asked over the music. Malcolm laughed then turned down the music. Russell walked up on the porch and sat down. He knew his boy would follow suit. Even though he wasn’t prepared for what he was about to negotiate he pushed his pride aside because this was his only way of coming back up.

  Malcolm stepped out of the truck and walked up on the porch. They gave each other dap thenMalcolm sat down in one of the lounge chairs across from Russell.

  “You up early playa,” Russell said. Malcolm smiled at him. “What’s going on with you this morning man? You act like you got some juicy shit on your mind.”

  “You can say that.” Malcolm stated already having figured out how he was going to come at Russell to take the bait.

  “It must be good how you over there cheesing like a chessy cat.” He laughed.

  “I got something huge for you that can more than help you get back on top of your game.”

  Russell sat up straight. “Shit I’m all ears,” he stated feeling like he may not have to ask Malcolm to supply him if he had a better plan.

  “You know I went and hollered at my connect on Thursday right?”


  “Well, she lost a key player a few months ago and needs a permanent replacement.”

  “Oh yeah,” Russell spoke with interest.

  “So you know I spoke highly of you in hopes that she’d wanna give you a chance to work with her too. See, what I was thinking is that you would still have your own supplier and still get the same grade of blow that you’re used to getting. Plus, there should never be any conflict between us. You’ll deal with my connect, hopefully soon to be our connect, on the terms she set for you and I’ll continue to deal with her on the terms that’s set for me.” Russell nodded his head like he was agreeing that it didn’t sound like a bad idea.

  “Think about it. You wouldn’t have to make any more trips to Florida crossing state lines. You’ll be no more than three hours away or closer to home.”

  “Sounds good,” Russell said already sold, but wanting to play his part like he was still thinking about it.

  “Plus, you’ve been doing this s
hit for six years and I must say that you’ve kept your nose clean, but with my connect, she’ll make sure that you never get in trouble. How do think I’m always able to alert you of certain things like the folks being in town or who not to fuck with.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’ve always said that she was serious.” Russell commented.

  “So what you wanna do fam? I need an answer soon. If you say yes then she is meeting us in two weeks.”

  “When in two weeks?”

  “Friday, May 1st.” Malcolm confirmed.

  “Oh okay, I wanted to make sure that it wasn’t on my daughters’ birthday. So, that’ll be perfect timing because it’ll be the day before their party.” He smiled feeling relieved. “I can make some things happen now.”

  “So is that your way of telling me that you’re in?” Malcolm asked.

  “Yeah buddy.” Russell said causing Malcolm to share the big smile.

  “I’m telling you fam. We’re still gonna run our own blocks and we’ll still be partners in business. There should be no reason for us ever falling out. We know our boundaries and what lines not to cross.”

  “You’re right about that. I’m excited about this new venture.” Russell informed his best friend.

  “Me, too,” Malcolm stated. “Well, I feel pretty good now. Le’me make my way back to the house. I’m taking Diamond and Amber out for the day. We’re going to Atlanta.”

  “Oh you’re riding out to the A, huh?”

  “Yeah, I’m stopping by and pick up my son while I’m up there. We’re gonna hit up the Aquarium followed by a few games and good eating at Dave and Busters.”

  “Ain’t nothing wrong with that. I think it’s great you’re spending time with your family. I need to do something with Tammy and real quick because she’s still upset with me about what happened in Florida. You know anytime she’s pissed about anything new it always brings out everything old; especially the women I used to fuck.”

  “Shit, I can imagine.” Malcolm said knowing that his best used to be the biggest player in Augusta to be a married man.


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