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Dope Boys and the Women that Love 'Em

Page 7

by Tiece

  “I’ll have something nicely planned by the time that she returns from over her mama’s house.”

  “Yeah, you have to keep your house in order Russ. No matter what you do in the streets; make sure that wifey is taken care of first.”

  “You know I don’t do it any other way. I just would get caught up with them simple minded bitches calling my phone in the wee hours of the morning and shit; then having her ass checking my phone bill wasn’t helping. That’s why I decided to start paying all the bills myself. Now, all she has to do is keep the house in order.”

  Malcolm smiled. “You know the ropes and honestly it cost to be the boss. If you wanna run your house then you need to be the provider in everything. Yeah, they can talk shit about things they don’t like but nine times out of ten they already know that they won’t get taken care of like that from nobody else.”

  “You’re right,” Russell agreed. “Aye man, before you leave I need another favor. Call it a loan or whatever; I’ll make sure you get it back.”

  “What’s that fam?” Malcolm asked.

  “You know Tammy is hounding me about this trip that we planned two years ago and you know I don’t have it like that right now. She wants the money in her bank by today and I need an extra two thousand because she went shopping on my ass the other day.”

  “Oh she was blowing off some steam, huh?” Malcolm asked already knowing Tammy very well. They all went to school together and since Tammy stayed stuck to Russell for so many years she became like a sister to him.

  “Yep, she got me.” He confessed.

  “Say no more. I’ll stop back by on our way out. I got you.” He said giving Russell dap.

  “Preciate that Bro,” Russell said, already knowing that Malcolm had his back no matter what and vice versa.

  Malcolm walked out to his truck and got inside. He turned his music back up with his system thumping at full volume as he backed out of the driveway. The loud noise from his exhaust pipes sounded off as he took off around the block. Russell grinned to himself because that was always his signature. A nigga could hear him coming a mile away most times.


  Chloe walked inside the house. She was dripping sweat from her forehead and the fitted tank she was wearing was wet. She walked through the nice sized remodeled kitchen and straight down the hallway. Sure enough, Lance was still sleeping like a baby.

  She went inside her dresser drawers and pulled out a nice comfortable strapless cotton dress. It was her Saturday and she was going to relax a little. She looked over at Lance and smiled. She was happy to have him in her life. She just wished that he’d be more upfront about telling her that he couldn’t handle everything right now. His problem was that he hadn’t ever been in a relationship with a woman that made him want to take care of her, because all of his past women took care of him. Now that he was with her and could see himself staying there, he wanted better. He wanted to be a better person for her. After idly sitting back while serving his time, he watched his brother handle himself like a man while taking care of his household; it started making him want to do the same.

  Chloe knew he had good intentions and she wanted so desperately to allow him to be that man, but if he needed help she didn’t mind stepping in to support him. That’s what real women did for the love of their man. She sighed then dug down inside her drawer and grabbed her birth control pills. She took one, quickly swallowing it and headed inside the bathroom to take a nice hot bath.

  Lance was awakened by his cell phone ringing. “Who in the hell is fucking up my Saturday morning sleep?” He asked reaching over and looking at the caller ID. “Oh,” he said answering it. “This better be good Bro. I had a long night.”

  “Maaaan, wake your tired ass up! Damn right I got some good news.” Russell stated.

  Lance sat up, rubbing his eyes. “Talk then, kid.”

  Russell jumped right in. “I have a new connect.”

  “Who?” Lance quickly asked.

  “Malcolm’s connect.” He informed him.

  “Talkn’ ‘bout ol’ girl?”

  “Yeah, it’s her and she actually needed me because she lost one of workers. You know my boy spoke up on my behalf and she found it to be beneficial.”

  Lance smiled. “Damn, that’s alright right there.” He said getting out of bed. This was the best news he’d heard in days.

  “I don’t go see her until two weeks from now, but I’ll come back with the goods. This means that I’ll be able to run the blocks as usual and I can get back on my feet.”

  “You meant I’ll be running the blocks for you.” Lance said, still wanting in on his piece of the pie.

  “You’re right, because all I’m gonna do is make sure that you and Cash are good in the streets and I’ll just make the trips to pick up the product.” Cash was his right hand man who lived in Statesboro, GA. He’d been running the streets with Russell since he started slanging dope.

  “Oh you know I’m ready.” Lance excitedly reported.

  “Bro, this is going to mean some late nights sometimes; especially if you don’t want the traffic coming to and from your house.”

  “Now, kid you know I ain’t having that.” Lance stated to his younger brother by ten seconds. “It can’t be no worse than me staying in the streets hustling up this money by gambling.”

  “It’s gonna be a lil worse than that, because when a bitch finds out that you got that uncut shit, they’ll hound the fuck outta you. That’s why I started trying to get off most of my weight to Cash at one point because Tammy was tripping about the late nights and shit.”

  “Nigga, that’s because your ass was creeping too.” Lance laughed.

  “That too, but watch the streets and them women because it’s easy to get caught up in the fast life.”

  “Kid, I’m not new to the streets.” Lance reminded him. “Plus, if nothing else, I’m used to pussy.”

  “A’ight then,” Russell said already knowing that women would follow a man to the ends of the earth to fuck with him on that tip if he had it going on; especially in the streets.”

  “I got this man,” he confirmed. “I’m clean, I’ve never felt better, and I’m ready to make this money.”

  “Well, that’s all I wanted to hear. So you can go back to sleep now. I got plans to make for my wife today.”

  “I don’t know about going back to sleep after that news, but I’m certainly going to enjoy a nice day kicked back with my girl.” Lance stated then after a few seconds of bullshitting some more they ended their call.

  Chapter 11

  Two weeks had passed quickly as Malcolm and Russell made their way to Atlanta going up I-20 West. The trip seemed strange, for one, because the last trip they’d made together to get some work they were set up and robbed; for two, they never had the same connect. The only thing, at the moment, that could settle their ill feelings were to make it back safely with the product in hand.

  Russell looked over at Malcolm. “Aye man, what is the broad like? What is she about?” He asked wanting to get some kind of feel about Amara before they met. “I mean, damn. I know you’re tight lipped about her, but at least tell me her name.”

  “Her name is Amara.” Malcolm stated. He was so used to keeping Amara a secret until he didn’t know what to say about her, but he figured that he should at least give Russell some information.

  “Amara, huh?” He repeated. “What is she with a name like that?”

  Malcolm grinned. “Her Father is Black and her mother is Armenian. She’s a mixed breed, but a sister all day long.” He explained thinking that Amara acted more of her black decent than anything else.

  “Damn, as soon as you said Armenian I thought about Kim Kardashian with her round fat ass and cute face.” Russell said thinking immediately with his dick head.

  “She is one of the sexiest women I know.” He commented thinking about Amara’s round fat ass and cute face. “I can’t lie about that, but don’t let her looks fool you. She is one of t
he most intimidating of women I know, as well. She don’t play at all and she is always about her business.”

  “Well, I take that as a good thang, because all I wanna do is handle my business and get the fuck on.”

  “I don’t blame you, because that’s exactly what I do.” Malcolm stated thinking back at the time when he used to chill with Amara until their being together became too risky for the business and Amara was asked to cut her feelings short and end their love affair after she’d given birth to their son. This definitely hurt him, but soon after their break-up he met Diamond and was able to accept Amara for the cold-hearted bitch that she was and moved on.

  Malcolm looked down at his wrist. The time on his expensive black dial stainless steel Cartier watch confirmed that he would make it to Amara’s house right before ten o’clock as long as there were no more traffic delays. He knew that being on time was always critical because Amara always had other shit going on. No telling which of her other dope boys had to re-up and when.

  “Is there anything else that I need to know about her?” Russell questioned just wanting to get a feel of his new connect. Malcolm drove quietly for a moment as he thought about it. He seemed to be zoned out as the exit 87 sign appeared ahead. Still without saying a word, he merged onto GA-400 North going toward Buckhead/Cumming.

  “Well, she may be dressed in a robe, which usually stops right under her ass and whatever color that robe is, you can bet she’ll have on the matching wig and expensive heels.”

  Russell laughed. “Are you serious man? That shit sounds fabricated.” Malcolm looked over at him with a serious face.

  “I’m about as serious as I’ll ever be,” he confirmed. “She’s not at all like the average chick you’ll ever meet. She had a sweet side once upon a time in the beginning, but over the years she’s grown harder and colder. It’s like her hustle controls the person she is and at times that ain’t good.” He said thinking of their son and how little time she spends with him because she’s too busy caught up in the life of luxury, fast living, and taking care of her dope boys. “I tell ya,” he mustard up a grin. “No telling how many nigga’s work for Amara.”

  “You ain’t never lied.” Russell uttered. He knew when he had his own connect that he was doing the damn thang but it never felt like he was a part of nothing as big as Amara’s operation.

  “Since you’re working with her now you might know shit before I do, just depending on how she’s gonna set up our visits.”

  Russell lightly scratched his smooth shaved head. “How she’s gonna set up our visits,” he said a bit confused. “What do you mean? I figured we’d probably ride up together every other week or when it’s time for us to re-up.”

  “Oh nah,” Malcolm quickly interjected as he swerved over in the left lane then stopping at the red light. “Amara won’t conduct any business that way. I’m almost sure of it. The thing is that whatever y’all have going on is going to be between y’all. Just like whatever we have going on will be between her and me. You’ll learn the ropes real quick fucking with Amara and trust me you’re gonna learn today.” He stated while turning on the road that led to Amara’s house.

  “Damn, the more I ask the less I wanna know.” Russell commented then turned the dial up on the air condition control. For some reason he’d started getting nervously hot all of a sudden.

  Finally, Malcolm pulled up to the enormous sized gate and let his window down at the voice box. He reached out his truck and pressed the speaker button, simply stating, “It’s me,” then sat for a moment. He stared at the huge house which sat on the opposite side of the gate.

  “Damn man, is this her crib?” Russell asked admiring the mansion that sat on the hill.

  “Yep, this is where you’ll be making your rounds.” Malcolm confirmed as the gate slowly opened. He followed the road that led up to Amara’s house. Russell sat staring out the window admiring the view of the open land.

  “You can tell who’s sitting at the top of the food chain.” he joked as Malcolm parked his truck around the back entrance of the house.

  Malcolm nodded his head in agreement. “You know what to say.” He commented thinking that they lived good, but Amara lived like the rich and famous in one of the more expensive neighborhoods in Buckhead. Her house was easily a million plus.

  An edgy feeling hit the both of them at the same time and they looked over at each other.

  “Aye man, are you sure you wanna be using the same connect? It’s not too late for me to back out now. I’m sure that in due time I’ll find another connect.”

  Malcolm shook his head. “Listen fam, you’re like the brother I never had and trust me when I say that I have no problems with us having the same connect. Plus, no telling how long it would take you to find another one.” He stated already knowing that any chance of Russell getting his grind on in the streets and making money like he was used too would be cut short with Amara in the picture. He felt bad about being in the mist of the situation. If only Amara had just come to him without revealing what she’d done to Russell; he’d be conscience clear and all the way cool with it. Everything Amara did or let him in on had consequences behind it and he couldn’t help but wonder what the costs for this deal going down were going to be.

  “So we’re good?” Russell double-checked.

  “We’re better than good. We’ve already discussed this and it’ll still be like we have our own connect. You’ll do you and I’ll continue to do me. You’ll hold down your fort and I’ll hold down mine.” Malcolm assured him. “This will not come between us. We’re brothers no matter what.”

  “That’s all I wanted to hear,” Russell responded with relief. “Well, let’s go in this big ass house and see what Ms. Amara is up talking about.”

  “Yeah let’s do that,” Malcolm said opening up his truck door and cutting off the engine.

  Russell paused for a moment still needing to get over that uneasy feeling. “You sure there is nothing else that I should know about this broad?”

  Malcolm thought about Amara setting him up. He wanted to say something but he knew he couldn’t then he thought about Marco. Russell didn’t know that his connect was also his son’s mother too. Shit was starting to look shadier by the minute on his part, but his back was against the wall and there was nothing he could do about it or say to make it better.

  Malcolm grinned a little. “Quit being so uptight man. I told you all you need to know from me. Amara will fill you in on the rest.” Russell smiled feeling pretty good inside. He knew his boy wouldn’t steer him in the wrong direction. They both got out the truck and as they approached the door Amara opened it with a friendly smile on her face.

  “Hello gentleman,” she softly spoke. “And you must be Russell.” She said immediately acknowledging him.

  “Yes, I’m Russell. How are you?” He politely asked extending his hand for hers. She gripped it firmly with the soft touch of a handshake.

  “I’m glad you could make it.” She said then openly winked at Malcolm with a satisfied smile. He was not the least bit amused by her overly surprised attitude as if Russell wasn’t going to show, but he was surprised that she actually had on clothes. She knew he would from the moment she asked Malcolm to recruit him for her. “Follow me.”

  Russell was the last to enter Amara’s house as he closed the door behind him. Walking inside the immaculate home already felt like a dream as they entered a room modernly decorated with a posh white leather sofa, two white leather chairs, two ottomans, and a grand mirrored bar displaying any kind of liquor he could think of and some. Amara turned to face them.

  “I’ll speak with Malcolm first and then you, Russell.” She said with a smile.

  “That’s cool with me,” Russell said giving her a friendly smile back. He admired Amara’s pretty smile and the way she rocked the hell out of a black Catherine Malandrino strapless jumpsuit and a pair of Tibi Amber heels. Her black hair was pulled up in a sophisticated bun. She had a sassy, but very sexy look that spo
ke business.

  “Do you drink?” She asked him. He nodded his head indicating that he did. “Well, please fix yourself a drink and take a seat until we return.”

  “Thanks,” Russell said walking toward the bar as Amara then directed her attention to Malcolm.

  “Are you ready?” She asked.

  “I’m always ready,” he casually responded then looked back at Russell before leaving the room. “Are you good fam?”

  “Oh yeah, soon as I fix this drink.” He commented reaching for the Stolichnaya Russian vodka.

  Malcolm grinned. “Cool,” he said with Amara leading the way out of the room as they headed toward the front of the home. Passing through the entrance hall, Malcolm gradually looked upward toward the ceiling at the main attraction of the immaculate home. The elegantly centered Casablanca 1chandelier always caught his attention. Even if it was dark inside, the bright 24k chrome plate outlined the dazzling Spectra crystals that always brightened the place. The grand chandelier was absolutely gorgeous, showcasing power and abundance in money.

  Malcolm stopped directly behind Amara waiting patiently for her to punch in the private code to the room. This was the room where all the business was handled and most importantly, where the product exchanged hands.

  Malcolm sat down on the rust colored leather chair, leaning up against the arm rests. He looked over at Amara and smiled. “You look stunningly beautiful today with your black hair and nice attire on,” he spoke.

  “Thanks,” she said knowing that it had probably been years since he’d seen her fully clothed. She attempted to crack a pleasant smile eagerly wanting to rush the visit so they could be on their way. “So, how much does Russell know?”

  “What do you mean?” He quickly asked.

  “Meaning, have you told him anything about our visits?”

  Malcolm shook his head. “He did ask a few questions, but I only told him that anything he needs to know will come directly from you. I also informed him that my business with you is mine and that his business with you is his.”


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