Book Read Free


Page 10

by Kerry Heavens

  “Ugh!” She flips her hair and pushes past us, muttering, “Americans.” Leaving us both unable to keep our laughter under control.

  “You are so bad,” I scold, slapping his chest playfully.

  He pulls me in under his arm fondly and starts walking again. “Why I don’t know what you mean, darlin’,” he quips.

  Beside us, on the otherwise quiet street, a car that was parked fires up and squeals away.

  “Everyone’s in such a hurry tonight,” Michael says as we turn the corner.


  Michael: Did you leave yet?

  Me: Yeah, I’m at the bar. They won’t seat me until my whole party is here. *eyeroll*

  Michael: Oh God, now I feel even worse.

  Me: What’s up?

  I sit up on my stool worrying for him.

  Michael: Nothing major. Katie is running a fever and I’m heading home. My in-laws were happy to keep her but she wants me.

  I clutch my chest, staring at the phone. God he’s so sweet. I can’t even get annoyed at being stood up.

  Me: I completely understand. You go home and make your girl feel better. We can have dinner next week.

  Michael: I still feel like an asshole. I bet you’re wishing we’d made plans to have BBQ again, then at least Connor would look after you.

  Me: Honestly, I don’t mind. I’ll just head home and take my bra off.

  Michael: LOL Okay. I’ll make it up to you. I promise.

  Me: Hope Katie feels better.

  Michael: Enjoy your bra free night.

  I stare down at my phone, trying to decide what to do now. I’ll just pay for my drink and head out. I can pick up some food on my way home. Maybe Louise would like me to bring her something. I wince, she’ll probably have Cami with her, and suddenly the idea of a night in seems less appealing. I decide to text her and find out which direction my evening is about to take a turn for.

  Me: You home?

  Louise: No, I’m at Cami’s for the night.

  Me: Oh, okay.

  I try not to do any kind of visible celebrations. A quiet night by myself it is.

  Louise: You know, I can tell even by text when you really mean ‘thank fuck for that’!

  I snort a little. I know she can read me but the way she just says it like that makes me laugh out loud.

  Me: I’m heading home, I just wanted to know if you wanted me to bring you dinner.

  Louise: Thought you were having dinner out?

  Me: I was. Plans changed.

  I haven’t told her that my dinner was with Michael, nor do I feel like explaining that I’m in the restaurant and got stood up. It just makes too much out of the situation.

  Louise: Sorry, want me to come home?

  Me: No! Don’t be silly.

  God, if she comes home she will have Cami with her, and no bra is only appealing without a side of Cami.

  Louise: LMAO! I get the hint. Have a good (and peaceful) evening.

  “Oh I will” I say out loud, already anticipating the relief.

  “Are you talking to yourself, kitten?”

  I feel the goose pimples pop up under my sweater. Something about that deep voice and accent drives me wild. I’m just not sure if it’s with annoyance or desire. Setting my phone down I look up. “Rhys. Nice to see you.”

  “Pleasant surprise to see you too. Are you having a quiet supper alone?”

  “I was stood up,” I admit, then curse my honesty.

  He barks a laugh. “No shit? You should join me.” He indicates an empty table a few feet away against the wall and I wonder how long he has been there. I didn’t notice him when I arrived.

  I raise a brow. “You are dining alone, Rhys?”

  “Sheath those claws, kitten, I dine alone from time to time. Tonight I had a meeting which happened to be resolved over the first drink, so now I find myself lacking a dinner companion. Coincidence, no?” He raises a brow back at me.

  “What would Lisa think of you having dinner with another woman?”

  “That’s what I like about you, kitten, you say what you mean.”

  “You don’t know me that well.” Taking another sip of my martini, I’m torn between setting the drink aside or gulping it down.

  “I know enough to want to get to know you better.” He holds out his hand, urging me to join him.

  I stare at him, extremely torn. I want to be unavailable, leave and protect myself from whatever feeling keeps sparking up whenever I run into him. Then on the other hand, I’m here, I need to eat and he’s alone. No Lisa. What harm would dinner do?

  "Come on, kitten,” he whispers. “You know you want to.”

  I roll my eyes, but stand up against my better judgement. I collect my drink and purse and reluctantly take his still outstretched hand. The moment his fingers touch mine, something ignites inside me I thought was long dead. Oh man I say to myself.

  He keeps hold of my hand until I’m lowered into my chair and then leans down to press a kiss to my knuckles before letting it go. I whip it back and rub at the spot that is prickling from the contact as he rounds the table chuckling to himself.

  “You didn’t answer my question,” I say, trying to cover my reaction, but the breathy rasp of my voice marks my attempt to cover as a fail.

  He looks at me with those intense blue eyes, and I feel like they are searing my soul or at least trying to reach into the depths of my mind.

  “Lisa would not like us having dinner together was the question? No.”

  I put down my drink with finality. “Right. So I should probably go.”

  The corner of his mouth tilts up. “I’d like you to stay,” he says, reaching for my hand across the table before I can stand. “Lisa doesn’t have a say in who I have dinner with. She doesn’t have a say in anything.” His tone has a hint of regret. Perhaps he didn’t want to break up.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Are you really, kitten?”

  He’s calling my bluff and I laugh. “No, no I’m not. She’s not a very nice person.”

  “There's the Charlotte I met at the airport,” he laughs. “Lisa is nice sometimes, when she wants something.”

  “Very commendable, Rhys.”

  “What is?”

  “Even though she wasn’t very nice you aren’t bad-mouthing her when I gave you the perfect opportunity to.” It puts him a notch higher in my book.

  “Fair enough. She’s in the past and that’s where I would like her to stay.”

  I raise my glass. “Cheers to that.”

  “I’m famished,” he says, reaching for the menu and giving it a cursory glance. Something tells me this is somewhere he knows.

  “Is the food good?”

  "Very good. The perfect place for a romantic evening.” He wears an amused grin. “I guess your date disagreed.”

  I ignore the dig because I’d rather he thought I was dating, even if I was stood up, than meeting a friend because I have no love life. Instead I tell him a half-truth. “He had an emergency, he called in plenty of time to let me know, but… I’m an early bird. I was already here.” I lift my drink and watch him over the rim as I take a sip. “Then, there you were.”

  “That seems to be happening to us a lot.”


  My phone buzzes on the table, accompanied by the faint ping of a text since I have the volume down way low. I ignore it. It won’t be Michael and Louise is wrapped up in Cami, so I’m not interested in who it could be.

  Rhys looks at it, but follows my lead in ignoring it. Although, I can see it gnawing at him. I’m sure he thinks it’s my ‘date’. Then without warning it starts ringing. This I can’t ignore. Even though the volume is way down low, there’s no mistaking the ringtone. I don’t even bother looking at the screen as I pick it up, the ringtone is just for her. I rarely get to hear it since we mostly text, so I had almost forgotten. It’s Beyoncé’s “Flawless.” I decline the call and set my phone back down.

  “Don’t you need to get that?” He

  “Nope, it’s my best friend. I’m staying with her so I can talk to her later.”

  “Won’t she worry?”

  “I’m a big girl. She’s doing her thing. I told her my plans changed and I was heading home, but she’s out for the evening so she won’t even notice.”

  “Well that wasn’t a smart idea.”


  “Well first of all, if you told her you were going home, you should let her know your plans changed again or she could be worried.”

  I fold my arms across my chest and look at him getting worked up. “And second?”

  “Second, you shouldn’t be out on a date at all without someone knowing exactly where you are. It’s careless.”

  I stifle a laugh.

  “It’s not funny. Anything could happen.”

  “Like getting picked up by a man who seems to be everywhere, like a kind of stalker you mean?”

  A slow, knowing smile creeps onto his face. “Touché, kitten.” He reaches for his drink, something amber on the rocks. “Still you should let her know you aren’t going home yet. I would feel better if you did.”

  “Remove you as a suspect you mean?”

  “Something like that.”

  I lift my phone and read the notifications on screen.

  Louise: I’m heading home after all. Long story! Just wanted to give you a heads-up in case you were wandering around in your birthday suit.

  Missed call from Louise.

  Louise: I tried calling you, are you lost on the tube or lying in a gutter?

  “Jesus,” I hiss under my breath, feeling the pressure. I haven’t had to answer to anyone in years, now I’m getting nagged from all sides.

  Me: Met another friend.

  “What are you telling her?”

  It’s like he knows I have no plans to tell her who I’m with. “I told her I met another friend.”

  My phone buzzes, I groan to myself.

  “She’s a good friend, worrying about you.”

  “Nosy is more like it.”

  My phone goes off again. “Christ."

  “Why don’t you read her message?” He glances down at my phone which is face down on the table and in the process of buzzing again.

  I turn it over and glance at the screen. “She wants to know who I am with.”

  “Why don’t you just tell her?”

  “It’s none of her business. Besides, she wouldn’t believe it if I told her.” God I can just see her freaking out and then Cami will be insufferable.

  “No? Why’s that?” he asks, frowning.

  My phone goes off again, saving me from answering him. He chuckles as he gets up and takes the chair next to me.

  “Do you mind?” he asks, pointing to my phone.

  “By all means.” I push the phone over to him, assuming he wants to read the newest messages. He moves his chair close to mine so we are side by side and my heart starts racing. Looking down at my phone, he turns the camera on and reverses it for a selfie.

  “What are you doing?” I jerk back in surprise.

  “Making her believe you,” he replies innocently. “Smile,” he says as he lifts the phone up framing us in the picture. I muster up the best smile I can, one that reaches my eyes so Louise doesn’t come running to the restaurant to save me. A second before he presses the button though, he turns his head and kisses my cheek.

  “Shit, don’t send that,” I gasp, reaching for my phone.

  He chuckles. “Come on, look how cute we look. It’s a good photo.”

  I’ll admit it’s a good photo and the look on my face. Christ I’m already dreading the Spanish inquisition when I get home. “She’ll freak out, we look like a couple.”

  “I know.” His grin gets bigger and he hits send.

  I groan. “Do you have any idea what you just did?”

  “I sure do. You’ll be talking about me for days. I’ll enjoy knowing my name is rolling off your tongue.” He says the last so softly near my ear that I shiver as the whisper of breath raises the hairs on my arms.

  I shake my head and feel my face heat.

  “Are you ready to order?” a voice breaks the haze Rhys put me into.

  “I am, are you, kitten?” He remains in the chair close to mine and I find myself not minding, if anything, wanting to get even closer.

  He is a complication I do not need in my life.

  “I’ll have the fish and chips,” he tells the waiter.

  My phone buzzes on the table. Rhys smiles even bigger if that’s possible.

  “I’ll have the same please,” I add, knowing I’m too distracted to read a menu properly anyway. The waiter vanishes as fast as he came.

  “Kitten, if I had problems with seizures, your phone would trigger one.” He laughs again.

  “Ughh! Stop laughing, she’s probably freaking out right now.” I say as yet another hum sounds from my phone.

  “Read her texts and see.”

  Curiosity is getting the better of me and I relent. I want to see what she has to say, since she keeps firing messages.

  Louise: OMG

  Louise: Are you joking?

  Louise: Should I be worried?

  Louise: Okay I am worried.

  Louise: ANSWER ME!!!

  “See what you started? What the hell am I going to say to her?”

  “You are a grown woman. How about you tell her you’ll talk to her after dinner?”

  “Good idea, maybe then she will leave me alone.”

  Me: We’ll talk when I get home. x

  I place my phone on do not disturb so I don’t get hammered with twenty more questions. I can deal with them later. For now I am just going to enjoy my meal.

  “So, what do you do for work?” I try and get the conversation moving away from my nosy friend.

  “I own a few businesses and I like to play in the stock market. What about you?” He takes hold of my hand that was on the table and plays with it like it belongs to him, he strokes down my palm making me shiver. I pull it back in order to maintain some control.

  “I am a CFO, figures and expenses are my thing.”

  The waiter comes and drops off the food at our table. The service was fast, not that I’m going to complain, the sooner we’re done eating, the quicker I can make a beeline out of here.

  Our meal passes with some easier than expected conversation. Rhys didn’t move back across from me, but stayed seated close where I swear he’s brushed his leg up against mine on purpose around a hundred times.

  Before I know it, the waiter sets the check down. I guess time flies in good company. Without missing a beat, Rhys takes out his card.

  “I’ll be right back with the machine,” the waiter says, disappearing.

  “I can pay for my own, we should go halfsies.”

  “No way, kitten, I’ve had a lovely time with you. My treat. I’d like to go out with you again in fact.”

  I pause and think about it for a second, but my mouth is working before my brain can analyze it. “I’d like that,” I tell him almost involuntarily.

  “Good. Oh and will you text me that picture?” He smirks as he pays, having distracted me from the bill situation, and smoothly he writes down his number on the receipt for me.

  I shove it in my purse. “Sure,” I reply with a shrug.

  He helps me out of my seat and we walk toward the door of the restaurant. I pause in the street to say goodbye.

  “Which way is home?” he asks.

  “The tube stop is only a block away.” I point toward the underground sign glowing in the darkness.

  “I’ll make sure you get home.” He slides his hand into mine and fireworks ignite where we touch.

  “It’s not that late. I’ll be fine.” I try to extract my hand to stop the feeling but he only holds me tighter.

  “I insist.” Giving my hand a playful tug, he sets off toward the station.

  “I’m a big girl, Rhys, nothing is going to happen to me.”

second we’re walking and the next I’m pushed against a building in an alleyway I hadn’t even seen, Rhys pressing his body into mine.

  I gasp and look up into his determined eyes glinting in the darkness.

  “Anything can happen in a split second.”

  My eyes focus on his lips, perfect and full. I lick mine as I think about how they would feel there. “Point taken,” I murmur.

  His stare never leaves me and his breaths are as heavy as my own. His body feels hard everywhere he touches me, while his hands cage me in against the wall. I close my eyes, soaking in the feeling of him surrounding me completely.

  “Open your eyes, kitten.”

  His low command makes me shiver as I slowly obey. I try to break his fierce gaze, looking down. He moves a hand to my chin and guides my head back up. I swallow hard, my senses in overload as his fingers then trail down my throat, possessively. I feel a deep longing when my eyes settle on his tempting mouth, I run my teeth over my own bottom lip in response. He doesn’t miss it. He watches the action hungrily, then leans in closer. I tense when his nose brushes over my ear.

  “What do you want?” he whispers.

  I swear I can already feel the heat of his lips on me even though he’s still a breath away. I can’t speak, I don’t know what I want. Well, I do but I can’t voice it. I shouldn’t succumb to the need. Because I suspect that giving in to Rhys would be giving myself over to him completely, and that feels like something that could not be undone.

  “Tell me,” he demands, brushing his thumb across my lower lip.

  “I can’t.” My words are barely audible, but he hears them.

  “Yes you can, kitten. Say the word.” He holds himself perfectly still, but he is all I feel, all I want in this moment, despite myself.

  “You,” I gasp, unable to stop myself. The word is carried forth on the surge of need rushing through my body. Feelings I haven’t had in— oh who am I kidding— it’s never felt this way.


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