by Arana, Marie
Cerro de Pasco, 321, 323–24
Cevallos, José de, 153, 186
Chacabuco, Battle of (1817), 274–75
Charleston, S.C., 72
Charles V, King of Spain, 8, 11
Charles X, King of France, 415–16
Charlotte, Queen of Portugal, 78
Chávez, Hugo, SB’s legend exploited by, 461–62
Chile, 273, 354
post-liberation discord in, 347
San Martín’s liberation of, 273–76
SB on, 176
Chimborazo [brigantine], 310
Chimborazo, Mount, 293
Chinchaycocha, Lake, 325
Chirino, José Leonardo, 30–31, 32
cholos, 277
Choroní, Venezuela, 187
Cisneros Torres, Pedro, 503, 531
Clay, Henry, 260–61, 288, 337, 370
SB criticized by, 383–85
Clemente, Anacleto, 71, 480
Clemente, Pablo, 32–34
Clemente Francia, Pablo, 24
Cobier, Julia, 177
Cochrane, Charles, 239
Cochrane, Thomas, 88, 276–77, 286, 294, 298, 301
Cockburn, George, 158
Cojedes, Venezuela, 212
Coll y Pratt, Narciso, Archbishop of Venezuela, 163, 164, 173, 493
Colombia, 267–68, 454
Santander as president of, 456
SB’s resignation as president of, 338
Colombian army, 298
in Peru, 305, 313, 320
Colonel Simón Bolívar, 130–31
Columbus, Christopher, 10, 11
Common Sense (Paine), 20
Congress of Panama, 346–47, 353–55, 356, 385
Constant, Benjamin, 54, 419
Constitution of Cádiz (1812), 113–14
Ferdinand’s abolition of, 158, 170, 248
restoration of, 248, 253
Cordillera Blanca, 321
Córdova, José María, 334, 395–96, 402, 403, 412–13, 414, 555
rebellion of, 416–17, 418, 425, 426, 556
Corinne: Or, Italy (de Staël), 63
Cormic, M., 72
Cornwallis, Lord, 48
Coroní missions, 195, 197
Coró, Venezuela, 31, 70, 71, 86, 87, 95, 103, 104, 106, 107, 109, 238, 263
Correa, Ramón, 137
Cortés de Madariaga, Canon José, 85–86, 87, 201
Costas, José Antonio, 361
Costas, María Joaquina, 361, 537
Council of the Indies, 19, 27, 106
Creoles, 12, 30, 76, 82, 159
attempted junta of, 80
black rebellion as fear of, 30
hatred of colored races for, 153
llaneros’ hatred of, 152
Miranda excoriated by, 119
in New Granada, 131
peninsulares resented by, 19–20
in post-liberation South America, 410
as second-class citizens, 13, 19
taxation of, 27, 30
Venezuelan coup of, 84–86
Cúcuta, Battle of (1813), 137–38
Cúcuta, Colombia, 136, 137, 238, 250, 252–53, 269, 270, 271
Cuenca, Ecuador, 413
Cumanaco, Venezuela, 213
Cumaná Province, Venezuela, 135, 136, 150, 161, 164, 185, 190, 191, 197, 200, 213
Cunaviche Indians, 207, 503
Curaçao, 127
Cuyo, Argentina, 273
Cuzco, Peru, 29, 321, 323, 327, 343, 360
Declaration of Independence, U.S., 30, 74
“Declaration of the Rights of Man” (1789), 30
SB on, 268–69
SB’s loss of faith in, 5, 458
Denis-Lagarde, Pierre, 54
Dervieu du Villars, Count, 54, 55, 62
Dervieu du Villars, Denis de Trobriand “Fanny,” Countess of, 53–55, 57, 60, 62–63, 67, 84, 435, 477, 478
Díaz, José Domingo, 81, 96, 107–8
Ducoudray, Luis, 173, 179, 184, 189–90, 419
Ecuador, 354, 376, 383, 441, 454, 456, 463
Obando’s rebellion in, 411–13, 414
secession of, 435
Sucre as SB’s choice for leader of, 410–11
El Correo del Orinoco, 214–15
El Demócrata, 440
El Dorado, 8–9
Embargo Act, U.S. (1807), 79, 111
Emigración a Oriente (Salas), 494
Émile (Rousseau), 36
Emparán, Vicente, 82, 83, 87
ouster of, 84–86, 482
encomiendas, 10
English, Mary, 378, 381, 542
Enlightenment, 20, 30, 35, 61, 269, 457, 463
Escobar, Esteban, 38–41
España, José María, 36, 38, 69–70
Espejo, Francisco, 117
Espinosa, José M., 550
federalists, 306
Ferdinand I, King of Spain, 27, 471
Ferdinand VII, King of Spain, 46, 77–78, 79, 82, 86, 89, 103, 158, 170, 247, 253, 262, 270
1812 constitution abolished by, 158, 170, 248
restoration of, 153
SB’s disdain of, 80
Ferguson, Colonel, 399, 402
Fierro, Manuel del, 135, 146
Flinter, George, 419
Flores, General, 383, 410–11, 412, 429, 435, 440, 441, 449, 456
Florida, U.S. purchase of, 259, 261
Fontainebleau, Treaty of (1807), 78
Forsyth, Samuel D., 260
Fortoul, Gil, 56
in “quasi-war” with U.S., 39
on world stage, 52
Franklin, Benjamin, 6, 19
Freemasons, 67, 92–93, 273, 277, 479
French Revolution, 30, 39, 42
Gaceta de Caracas, 134, 215, 248, 253, 484
Galán, José Antonio, 30
Galindo, Fernando, 198–99
Gamarra, Agustín, 360, 390, 411, 418
Garaycoa, Joaquina and Manuela, 521
Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 457
Gazeta de Caracas, 97, 484
General Wellington [brigantine], 88
George Canning [frigate], 273
George IV, King of England, 387, 419
Gil de Castro, José, 537
Gill, Charles, 94
Girardot, Atanasio, 139, 144, 145, 150–51
Godoy, Manuel de, 42, 47–48, 77–78
González, Florentino, 251–52, 397, 398, 401–2, 404, 548, 550
Goya, Francisco de, 45
Great American Reunion, 92–93
Great Britain:
American blockade of, 111
arms trade outlawed by, 155
Bolivian constitution and, 351
Colombia recognized by, 337
Latin American commercial interests of, 355
loan to Colombia of, 370–72
in Napoleonic Wars, 71, 79, 88, 101
and South American revolutions, 174
in War of 1812, 111–12, 157
in war with Spain, 41–42, 43
Great Constitutional Convention, 388–93
Greater Colombia, Republic of, 246–47, 252, 254, 259, 265, 268, 354
in armistice with Spain, 254–55, 261
army of, see Colombian army
British loan to, 370–72
British recognition of, 337
command of Colombian army given to Sucre, 329
congress of, 270–71, 308, 329, 435
constitutional monarchy envisioned for, 414–15, 424, 553, 556, 562
constitution of, 306
Córdova’s rebellion in, 416–17, 418, 425, 426
deficit of, 420
dissolution of, 456
1830 constitutional convention in, 428
1830 constitution of, 435–36
emancipation of slaves in, 249
Great Constitutional Convention of (1828), 388–93
international recognition of, 380
military spending by, 372
> Páez’s break with, 366–67
plebiscite on future of, 420, 425–26
post-liberation discord in, 363–64
post-liberation economic and political problems in, 348, 370–75
post-liberation unrest in, 347
SB as dictator of, 366
SB named president-liberator of, 394
SB as persona non grata in, 434–36, 455
SB as president of, 247, 271, 378
SB’s critics in, 364, 389, 427
SB’s 1826 return to, 362–63
SB’s power rescinded by, 329–30
SB’s resignation as president of, 338, 430–33, 435
U.S. and, 258–61, 288–89
Venezuelan secession from, 426
Gual, Manuel, 36, 38, 69–70
Gual, Pedro, 120
Guanajuato, Mexico, 102
Guayana, 103, 106, 190, 193, 202, 213
Guayaquil, Ecuador, 262, 279, 280, 283, 295, 299, 306, 308, 359, 362–63, 417
Colombia-Peru dispute over, 278, 286, 291–92, 295, 298, 520–21
Peruvian attack on, 399, 412, 413
3rd Division invasion of, 373
Guerra, Ramón, 397, 398–99, 400, 403–4
Guipuzcoana Company, 19, 109
Guiria, Venezuela, 188, 190, 191
Guzmán Blanco, Antonio, 461
Haiti, 52, 164, 350, 353
SB in, 178–80, 190
Haitian revolution, 113
Hamilton, James, 238
Hamilton, John Potter, 338
Hannibal, 239
Harrison, William Henry, 415, 419, 427
SB criticized by, 385–86, 387
Harrowby, Earl of, 91
Hart, Jeannette, 360
Havana, Cuba, 41
Haynes, Henry, 120, 122
Henderson, James, 555
Herrán, Pedro, 393, 402
Hidalgo, Miguel, 102
Hipólita (nursemaid), 8, 22, 32, 151, 270, 369
Hippisley, Gustavus, 215, 217, 218, 219–20, 505
Hispaniola, 9, 10, 11
History of the United States During the Administration of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison (Adams), 45–46
Holy Alliance, 174
Horment, Agustín, 397, 398–99, 401, 403, 404
Huamachuco, Venezuela, 320, 321
Huamanga, Peru, 332
Huancayo, Peru, 329
Huánuco, Peru, 323
Huanzo, Peru, 332
Huaraz, Peru, 319, 322
Huascarán, Mount, 323
Huaylas, Peru, 322
Huayllay stone forest, Peru, 325
Hull, Isaac, 360
Humboldt, Alexander von, 40, 41, 54, 63–64, 65, 84, 214, 240, 293, 341, 451
on SB, 64
SB and, 57–58
Humboldt, Wilhelm von, 63–65
Hyslop, Maxwell, 177, 178
Ibañez, Bernardina, 239, 250, 251, 265, 278–79, 322, 397, 511, 548, 550
Ibañez, Nicolasa, 240, 250, 279, 407, 548
Ibarra, Andrés, 399, 401
Ibarra, Diego, 299, 516
Illingworth, John, 394
Indians, 27, 83
in Páez’s army, 205, 211
in Peru, 311, 312, 323, 344
in Peruvian army, 324
in post-liberation South America, 409–10
reduced population of, 28
revoking of tribute demands on, 86
SB and, 344
as slaves, 10–11, 323
subjugation of, 10–11
tribute demanded of, 12, 28
see also Legions of Hell
Inquisition, 158
desire for independence in, 76–77
in Spanish America, 27
Irvine, J. Baptis, 215–16, 259, 260
Isabel I, Queen of Spain, 10, 471
Iturbe, Francisco, 125–26, 127, 145
Iturbide, Agustín de, Emperor of Mexico, 347
Jackson, Andrew, 166, 337, 422
on SB, 386
Jaén, José Manuel, 51, 52
Jamaica, SB in, 173–77
Jauja, Peru, 327, 328, 329
Jay, John, 74
Jefferson, Thomas, 52, 74, 79, 111, 369
Jerez de Aristiguieta, Juan Félix, 8, 21
SB as sole heir of, 21
Jesus, María y San José, 126
Jiménez, Francisco, 233–34
Jonatás (Sáenz’s servant), 322, 359, 442
Junín, Battle of (1824), 326–27, 330, 529–30
Labatut, Pierre, 129, 132, 133, 136
La Condamine, Charles Marie de, 293
Lacroix, Perú de, 450, 456
Lafayette, General, 369, 447
La Fuente, Antonio de, 418, 554
La Guaira, Venezuela, 9, 51, 79, 84, 109, 118, 119–20, 123, 129, 146, 157, 172, 185, 459, 157, 493, 494
Laisney, Therèse, 55–56, 477
Lake Chinchaycocha, 325
Lake Titicaca, 344–45, 346
La Mar, José de, 350, 399, 412, 413, 418, 518, 554
La Paz, Bolivia, 314, 342, 344, 347
SB in, 345
La Puerta, First Battle of (1814), 156, 159
La Puerta, Second Battle of (1818), 212, 219
La Quinta, 377, 381, 382, 394, 406, 432, 544
Lara, General, 320
Las Casas, Bartolomé de, 11
Las Casas, Domingo de, 428
Las Casas, Manuel María de, 120–21, 122
La Serna, General, 272, 277, 298, 311, 312, 320, 321, 332, 335, 528–29, 531
La Torre, Miguel de, 253–54, 256, 257, 261, 262–65
La Victoria, 118
La Victoria, Battle of (1814), 156
Leander [warship], 70
Legions of Hell, 151–52, 155, 156, 158–59, 161, 193
barbarism of, 153, 163, 494
Le Moyne, Auguste, 406–7
Lenoit, Anita, 131
“Letter from Jamaica,” 175–77, 222
Lewis and Clark expedition, 57
Lima, Peru, 86, 270, 290, 310, 348
Creoles in, 318
republican flight from, 317–18
revolt in, 300, 303
San Martín’s conquest of, 276
San Martín’s siege of, 271–72, 277
SB in, 348, 349, 356–57
SB’s reentry into, 331
Spanish reoccupation of, 308, 311, 318
Lincoln, Abraham, 384
llaneros, 3, 161
in Battle of Junín, 326–27
in defection to republican side, 183, 191, 193
in Legions of Hell, 152, 158
in Páez’s army, 205, 211
SB respected by, 209–10
Locke, John, 36
Lodge, Lautaro, 273
London, England, 88, 272–73
Loperena, María Concepción, 131, 133
López, José Hilario, 552
López Méndez, Luis, 87–89, 91–92, 93, 95, 216–17, 218, 220, 258, 505
Louis XVIII, King of France, 157
Louisiana Purchase, 52, 57
MacDuff, Lord, 272
Macedonia, 295, 296, 300, 301, 302
McGregor, Gregor, 179, 187, 216
Machado, Josefina “Pepita,” 147–48, 149, 151, 160, 183–84, 187, 188, 213, 220–21, 240, 244, 453, 500
Madariaga, José Cortés de, 93, 96–97
Madison, Dolley, 57
Madison, James, 111, 175
Madrid, José Fernández, 431
Madrid, Spain, 52
Madroño, Manuelita, 322
Magdalena River, 131–32, 168–69, 237, 263, 438
Maipú, Battle of (1818), 276
Mallo, Manuel, 42, 43, 45, 47, 80
Mancebo, Inés, 8
Manchester, Duke of, 174
Mantuanos, 17–18, 20–21, 31, 81, 97, 105
Manuelote (Páez’s overseer), 205–6
Maracaibo, Venezuela, 86, 87, 95, 103, 106, 109, 262, 263
Maracay, Venezuela, 186
p; Margarita Island, 162, 163, 165, 183, 184, 190, 191, 211, 247
María Luisa, Queen of Spain, 42, 43, 45, 47, 77–78
SB’s loathing of, 80
Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, 6, 30
Marín de Narváez, Francisco, 14
Marín de Narváez, Josefa, 14–15, 24
Mariño, Santiago, 158, 159, 161–63, 171, 179, 185, 190, 191, 196, 266, 425
in aborted 1816 invasion, 179
attempted coup of, 201, 202
Bermúdez and, 161, 162, 213, 229–30, 244–45
in break with SB, 188, 197, 200–201
as liberator of eastern Venezuela, 136, 144, 150, 154, 155–56
Ribas’s exile of, 163
SB’s Barcelona invasion supported by, 192–93
SB’s rapprochement with, 202–3
Martí, José, 461
Martínez, Pedro, 234
Marx, Karl, 461
Matilda, USS, 122, 129
Matos, Manuel de, 81
Maturín, 197
Maza, Hermógenes, 1–2, 469
Memories of Simón Bolívar (Ducoudray), 189–90
Méndez Monsanto, José, 213
Mendoza, Argentina, 273, 274, 304
Mendoza, Cristóbal, 100, 101, 140, 149
Menéndez, Joaquín, 80–81
Mérida, Venezuela, 139, 140, 206
mestizos, 12, 13, 27, 28, 152
Mexican revolution, 190–91
Mexico, 86, 347, 354
post-liberation discord in, 347
SB on, 176
Mexico City, 40
Mier, Joaquín de, 450, 451, 452
Mier, Servando Teresa de, 61
Miller, William, 324, 326–27, 335, 531
Mina, Francisco Javier, 190–91
Miranda, Francisco de, 20–21, 76, 80, 101, 166, 168, 196, 422, 458, 472, 480, 485
as ardent revolutionary, 91
arrogance of, 99, 104, 105
in attempted flight from La Guaira, 119–20
background of, 68–69
Caracas junta and, 96–97
death of, 123, 189
as dictator of Venezuela, 112–13
in failed Venezuelan invasion, 70–71, 73
fame of, 73
as first republic commander, 104
imprisonment by, 122–23
in London, 273
Mantuanos and, 105
popular support for, 97–98
in return to Venezuela, 95
SB’s arrest of, 121–22, 123
SB’s estrangement from, 99–100, 104
SB’s London meetings with, 91–94
SB’s support of, 95–97
seen as traitor by SB, 119, 124
slack leadership of, 143
surrender of, 117–19, 123
unified South America as goal of, 69, 111
Venezuelan invasion (1806) and, 96
mita, 12
Miyares, Fernando, 8, 107, 134–35
Mompox, Colombia, 132–33, 137, 169, 170
Monagas, José Tadeo, 190, 192
monarchical plan
attributed to SB, 349, 351, 352, 388, 415–16, 423–24, 431
of San Martin, 277, 294, 299–300, 515, 520