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Charlotte Mastered [Internet Bonds Series Book 3]

Page 14

by Christy Poff

  "Ok, we'll do it your way. What's your ETA?"

  "About two minutes. My helo is in the process of landing on your helipad as we speak."

  * * * *

  Simon cursed to himself as he froze.

  "I've been waiting for you. I hoped you wouldn't wait for my invitation and just come up here and crash my party. Your little wife is amazing. Two hours and counting and she has not moved. Her stamina is outstanding."

  "Let her go, Grimes. She's got nothing to do with this."

  "You're wrong. I want her to see what a real master is."

  "She has and she's seen what you do and believe me, she knows the difference between the two."

  "You don't even know where to begin when it comes to handling women."

  "I am not into sadomasochism and murder. I warned you from the start your behavior wouldn't be tolerated in my establishment and I meant what I said. I threw you out in accordance with your signed membership agreement."

  "You cannot tell me what to do. I can force legislation to close you and your kind down."

  "But you won't, because you won't have anywhere to go to practice your heinous games. You'll have to stay home with Barb and I know you can't take that. By the way, call her. She's worried because she hasn't heard from you in days."

  "Fuck her. She knows better."

  "The woman deserves better than you."

  Grimes’ rage took over. He hit Simon across his face with the gun cutting his cheek and opening a bloody wound. He picked himself up and looked at his attacker.

  "Why don't we settle this out here like men?"

  "You son of a bitch!” Grimes screamed as he jabbed the gun in Simon's chest threatening to pull the trigger.

  "Go ahead and pull it, if you have the guts,” Simon challenged him. Grimes’ insanity and anger intensified. He lunged at Simon and they fought for the gun. Punches flew, Simon knocking the weapon from his attacker's hand. He went for it but Grimes kicked him in the side and away from it. Grimes picked up the gun and held it to Simon's temple.

  "Get up, you bastard, and start walking. I want you to see what will happen to your wife if she disobeys me."

  Grimes shoved him forward and into the house through a sunroom. Another set of double doors met them and Grimes forced Simon to open them. He paused, trying to steel himself for what he would see next.

  * * * *

  Charlotte heard a commotion coming from outside the house but she couldn't tell what direction and refused to move to see if she could spot anything. It sounded like a fight and she thought she heard gunfire. She couldn't be sure, she only knew the jolt when it startled her had made an impression on her neck.

  Tears came from her eyes as she wept. She prayed Simon had come for her, but part of her hoped he'd let Trevor handle things. She needed him in one piece, the thought of losing him overwhelming.

  A set of doors opened behind her and she froze. Two pairs of footsteps approached her, but at a distance. She closed her eyes and prayed.

  "Charlotte, you have a visitor."

  She tensed. What if it was someone else? What if Grimes decided to share her? What if...

  His laughter sent chills through her. She forced her mind to calm down. Once she did, she relaxed as much as her bonds would let her. She smelled Simon's cologne—one they had picked out together the day she had her piercings done.

  "As you can see, Charlotte is a little tied up at the moment."

  Grimes’ sadistic laughter ran through her like the sound of chalk scraping the blackboard at school. She fought her body to keep it from trembling. From the time she spent in this position, her arms gave into their numbed weight and began to pull down on the rope.

  "Charlotte, my dear, you have been extremely good. How much longer can you hold this position?"

  She tried to take cautious breaths but the mere movement of breathing caused her to gasp—more pain.

  She heard the sound of something dropping to the floor. From the corner of her eye, she saw Simon.

  "You bastard,” he screamed in pain. She could only imagine what Grimes had done to her husband—her master. Charlotte whimpered and distracted Grimes, who immediately came to her once she made a sound.

  "What do you want, harlot? Concerned for your master? He's fine—for now. He might not be able to walk for a bit, but he'll be fine."

  Her eyes widened at what he told her. She saw him walk over to where Simon laid, then drag him across the floor. Simon held his leg and his anger.

  "Charlotte, are you all right?"

  "Silence,” Grimes yelled, kicking Simon in the lower part of his back.

  She tried to talk to him with her eyes hoping he'd pick up on it, but the pain he suffered caused him to close his holding his emotions inside. He looked at her and she winked at him. She could see relief in his features, relieved he understood her.

  Grimes rapidly lost interest in the game. His guests weren't playing by his rules. She should have been dead by now, or at least close, and he ... Simon Anderson was too calm for the situation.

  "Who are you waiting for? Did you bring your stupid brother-in-law with you?"

  "Out ... of ... his ... jurisdiction...” Simon gasped. The last blow hit him harder than he expected. Simon coughed, tasting the coppery taste of his own blood. He tried to stall for time, to give Trevor what he needed. He didn't know how much longer he could endure all this, but he would to save Charlotte's life, even if it cost him his own.

  "Then I assume you don't care about your slut? If I touch her gorgeous bound knockers, you'll allow it?"

  "Don't ... touch ... her..."

  "Ah, a spark of anger?"

  Simon pulled himself up and watched his enemy cross to where he held Charlotte. As Grimes reached to touch her, Simon found the strength and flew at him, knocking him to the side, and away from his wife. As the two men fought, Grimes’ gun slid across the floor to the far wall. As Grimes went for it, Simon pulled his knife, and immediately cut the rope at Charlotte's neck.

  She relaxed, the tension gone. He slipped the knife under the hemp holding the gag and cut it away. Charlotte gasped for air, sobbing.

  "Charlotte, are you..."

  "Look out!"

  A shot rang out and Simon fell in front of her. Grimes staggered towards them waving the gun as Charlotte tried to cover Simon's head. Her hair covered him like a blanket as she bent over him.


  Another shot rang out, this one hitting Charlotte in the shoulder. She cried out in pain as her body fell on Simon. In her daze, she heard Grimes walk to stand in front of them. He yanked her head back, aroused at the sight of their lives draining away from them.

  "Finally, I've bettered the great Simon Anderson and used a whore to bring him down."

  He released his grip on her hair and as she fell back over Simon, he began to walk towards the door. She heard glass shatter and a thud. She wanted to see what happened but she was too weak and all she wanted to do was sink into a chilled sleep.

  "I love you, Simon,” she said, her last words before she lapsed off.

  Chapter 10

  "They're in here!” a voice yelled.

  "Oh, my God,” another gasped.

  "Captain, I want you and the police surgeon in here and everyone else out,” Trevor ordered.

  "You heard the man. I want everyone out of here. When we need you, we'll call you and I want you to keep your mouths shut."

  The SWAT team quietly withdrew, silence being their specialty. The less people knew, the longer their covers remained in tact. State officers patrolled the perimeter of the estate while a small Coast Guard vessel sat watch on the bay.

  Inside, Trevor raced to where Charlotte slumped over Simon's body. He eased her back and finished cutting the rope harness, freeing her legs. The sight of her bound chest bothered him, as this had not been one of his areas of expertise.

  "Forgive me, Charlotte, if I do something I shouldn't. Simon..."

  "Free ... her...” a weak vo
ice commanded.

  As easily as he could, he unwrapped her breasts, then checked her wound. The bullet had gone clean through her shoulder, but she suffered from blood loss and was in shock. He laid his jacket over her while he held pressure to the wound. The doctor who remained behind with them took care of Simon, a bullet lodged in his side. He found one they hadn't been aware of—a graze wound at his temple.

  Doctor Estrada worked quickly to stabilize Simon, then went to Charlotte, relieving Trevor. Trevor ran to get some blankets or something to wrap around her naked body. No matter what, he would protect her while Simon couldn't.

  Trevor heard a helicopter land outside as one of the Maryland State Police birds hovered in wait to take them to the shock trauma unit at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. As soon as the flight team entered the room, Trevor let the police surgeon take over. He advised them of the sensitivity of the case and stepped back to let them package their patients for flight.

  Once Simon and Charlotte had been placed onboard the chopper, Trevor ran to his and had the pilot fly him to a nearby helipad. A Baltimore City Police unit met him when they landed and sped him to the hospital where he waited for word on his closest friends. It would be a long night.

  * * * *

  Charlotte woke in recovery after surgery to remove the bullet, repair her shoulder and give her blood. Heated towels had been used to wrap her arms and legs in order to regain her circulation. Unsure of how long she had been bound in one position, the doctors watched her closely to make sure there had been no damage.

  Shivering in the cool room, Charlotte looked around. She felt the tube in her mouth helping her to breathe, but it felt like the rope and cloth. Had it all been a dream? Would she open her eyes and see Grimes again? Simon...

  She felt the warmth on her extremities and tried to glance down towards her feet, fearing to move her head. She saw the blanket as she gazed down the length of her body, relieved. As she became more aware of her surroundings, her body warmed. Someone lifted the blanket and changed the towels. The warmth eased its way into her body and she relished the comfort.

  The nurse did the same with her arms. She saw Charlotte watching her and smiled.

  "Welcome back, Mrs. Anderson. As soon as I finish with this, we'll take the tube out and make it easier for you."

  Charlotte nodded to let her know she understood. The lights a little too bright for her eyes, she closed them. She watched Rosalie as she changed the heat wraps and checked her vitals. Charlotte's eyes followed her as she went to the phone and called the surgeon to advise him, then Rosalie came back to her.

  "I called your doctor and he okayed my removing the tube. Are you ready?"

  Charlotte nodded again and braced herself. After what she had gone through earlier, this procedure had to be a breeze. Charlotte felt it and the relief once it was over. Rosalie placed her back on the light oxygen tubing for a little while in order to make sure she had come out of the anesthesia without a problem.

  "How do you feel?"


  Rosalie helped her take some ice chips to ease her back into taking fluids. Once sure she wouldn't get sick from the small amount of liquid, she would help her drink.


  "Is that your hunk of a hubby?"

  Charlotte tried to smile.

  "I'm not sure, I think he's still in with the surgeons. He was a little more injured than you were. They tell me you tried to shield him from any more harm."

  "I ... love ... him..."

  "You are a very lucky woman and he's a lucky guy. Does he have a brother?"


  "Damn, all the good ones are taken."

  Charlotte smiled at Rosalie's musing, relieved to know Simon was in good hands.


  "You were flown into John Hopkins here in Baltimore and rushed to Shock Trauma. From what they tell me, you were in shock between what happened and the bullet wound. You lost a good amount of blood, but they gave you what you needed and you should be good as new. The shoulder will heal without a problem."


  "I don't know. You'll have to ask the surgeon."

  Rosalie fussed over her patient a little more making sure Charlotte kept warm.

  "Thank ... you..."

  * * * *

  Simon remained in surgery for several hours due to the multiple gunshot wounds and his leg. The graze to the temple and welt had been cleaned and dressed in trauma, leaving the damaged leg and the bullet lodged against his ribs for the surgeons. While half the team worked to splint his leg since x-rays showed minimal damage and a great deal of bruising, the other half located the bullet near his ribcage.

  Doctor Frazier worked to remove it, but as he touched it to pull it out, the bullet shifted to the side, causing him to dig even more and a little deeper. A few moments later, he successfully removed the bullet, then closed the wound. Once he knew all of Simon's injuries had been attended to, Frazier sent him to recovery where he would remain until he regained consciousness and they were sure Simon suffered no adverse reactions.

  Rosalie took over his case in recovery. She looked at the man and knew his wife had been one lucky woman to have him. From what she heard about why they had been brought in for treatment and could tell from talking to Charlotte, they had a very special relationship. She noted his chart with a new update on his vital signs when she heard a whisper.

  "Char ... lotte..."

  Rosalie told her nurse's assistant to call Doctor Frazier and let him know his patient had regained consciousness. She turned back to him and checked his monitor again.

  "Char ... lotte..."

  "She's fine, Mister Anderson. She's been taken to a private room."

  "Ba ... by?"

  "I haven't heard yet. The doctor wants to make sure she survives what happened to her."

  "I need..."

  "I know, and as long as you behave yourself, you'll see her as soon as we can get you to her."

  "You sound like a Dominant..."

  "I have my moments, Mister Anderson."

  "I guess so..."

  "Rosalie, how is he?” Frasier asked while looking at Simon's chart.

  "Already giving me a hard time. He wants to see his wife."

  "Outstanding. How are his vitals?” he asked as he read Simon's stats.

  "Very good. I see no adverse reactions to the anesthesia and he's being pushy. Ok, monitor for another hour, then get him to ICU."

  "Yes, Doctor."



  "My wife..."

  "She's fine and under sedation. She'll be asleep for a few hours, so relax. We plan to check the baby when she wakes. Can you tell me her OB's name?"

  Once Simon did, he relaxed more, then asked for something to drink. Frazier grinned—both patients would recover and with the drive they both exhibited—it would be sooner rather than later.

  * * * *

  Trevor Hammond paced waiting for information on Simon and Charlotte. He had been in contact with the Maryland State Police Captain, who had assisted him, and the man assured him the final report on August “Augie” Grimes would be forwarded to his office ASAP.

  "We have a clear case of kidnapping and attempted murder against the senator and, as he didn't survive the incident, it's been ruled a justified shoot, our case is closed."

  "Do you realize how many cases we can close with Grimes dead?"

  "I can imagine."

  "This guy's done the deed and actually paid people to serve the time for him, while he nicely sat on Capitol Hill making laws and taking his constituents’ money."

  "I did a quick financial run on him and the payments for the Chesapeake house. He paid for it in three hefty payments, all cash."

  "Campaign improprieties?"

  "I'd say so."

  "Won't his constituents be happy?"

  "I hear ya, Detective."

  "I feel sorry for his wife. She had no clue about him. Always faithful and..."

>   "I don't think so. My man went to see her to deliver the news of her husband's passing and the circumstances and you'll be surprised at her reaction."


  "She said and I quote ‘finally, the fucking bastard is dead and I don't have to deal with him anymore.’ She had to know."

  "I agree."

  "It's a shame though, because Simon has always thought the best of her."

  "Maybe she can get on with her life now."

  The two cops talked a few moments longer, then Trevor said good-bye. He went back to pacing while waiting for word on his brother and sister-in-law. Blair ran up to join him in the wait.

  "How are they?"

  "I haven't heard about Simon, but Charlotte's in recovery."

  "Thank God. The baby?"

  "No word yet."

  Trevor shook his head. He'd been sure after all this time, the doctors would know something, but they didn't. His wife steered him to the cafeteria knowing he hadn't eaten for a while.

  "You need your strength,” she reminded him.

  He looked at her—his wife and Simon's sister.

  "How did I ever get so damned lucky?"

  "You just did."

  Trevor took his wife in his arms and kissed her long and passionately.

  "I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you."

  "And hopefully, you won't have to find out. I love you, Trevor."

  * * * *

  Charlotte awoke several hours later, rested, and better able to move around than when they had flown her to the hospital earlier. She looked around, her eyes meeting a familiar and very relieved face.


  "How do you feel?"

  "Better. I ache though."

  "Shibari will do that, especially the way Grimes practiced it on you. He wanted to make sure you went back to Simon damaged."

  "How is Simon?"

  "In recovery. They had trouble removing one of the bullets and they're trying to make sure they've built his blood supply back up. He spilled a lot of blood on the floor from what Trev told me."

  "But is he all right?"

  "Yes, and they said he's been asking for you nonstop."

  Charlotte lay back, smiling and relieved. Simon had survived this man's wrath—they both had.


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